174 research outputs found

    Exciting Students for Systems Programming Through the Use of Mobile Robots

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    In this paper we present our experience teaching Systems Program- ming in C to undergraduate students. Additionally to traditional Unix-like operating system approach, we employed a robotic plat- form - the e-puck mobile robot - to increase the students moti- vation and improve their learning experience. A robotic platform provides high attraction for students, making the class stand-out compared to other courses. Yet it is not only a playground, rather, the platform allows to present very challenging and sophisticated real-life programming problems in a tangible way. The chosen robot provides an open-source operating system with a well struc- tured programming interface and thus o ers a real-world, complex example of systems programming to the students. We describe the overall curriculum and the syllabus of the course itself. Emphasis is put on the design of the in-class and homework assignments, but the robotic platform is brie y described as well. Our success is con rmed by the end-of-semester evaluation by the students, who ranked our course among the top of all bachelor-level courses

    A feedback-enhanced learning approach for routing in WSN

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    Much research in sensor networks focuses on optimizing traffic originating at multiple sources destined for a single, base station sink. Our work reverses this assumption, targeting scenarios where individual sensor data is sent to multiple destinations. In this case, the data path that produces the least network cost is unlikely to overlap completely with any of the optimal routes between the individual pairs of source/destination nodes. If the entire topology is known, an offline approach can likely find this minimum path. However this is an unrealistic assumption. Instead, our approach uses only local information and converges toward optimal. The novelty of our approach is a technique for actively exploring alternate data routes, sharing feedback regarding route fitness, and learning better routes. While non-optimal choices are made during the discovery phase, the resulting, learned path has lower cost than the initial path. Further, our protocol identifies multiple paths with equal cost, providing additional opportunities for saving energy by switching among alternate routes throughout the lifetime of the application. This paper describes our feedbackbased protocol, shows simulation results demonstrating its benefits and explores the future opportunities of the learning technique presented

    Demo: Simulation-as-a-Service to Benchmark Opportunistic Networks

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    Repeatability, reproducibility, and replicability are essential aspects of experimental and simulation-driven research. Use of benchmarks in such evaluations further assists corroborative performance evaluations. In this work, we present a demonstrator of a simulation service, called ”OPS on the bench” which tackles these challenges in performance evaluations of opportunistic networks

    MoleNet: An Underground Sensor Network for Soil Monitoring

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    With the increasing digitalization worldwide, the demand of information also increases in all areas. MoleNet is a low-power sensing platform which is easy to assemble and use. It offers several options to monitor, for example, the soil moisture and temperature and visualize the data. Several researchers from different countriesare currently working and improving MoleNet for different applications. This demoshows the main application of MoleNet: Monitoring soil conditions in a remote area,transmitting the data and visualizing the current status

    ZuS - Zukunftsstrategie Lehrer*innenbildung Köln (Teilprojekt Qualitätssicherung). Skalendokumentation zum Fragebogen des hochschulweiten Bildungsmonitorings, Messzeitpunkt 1, Teil A.

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    Die vorliegende Dokumentation ist Teil eines Bildungsmonitorings, das im Rahmen des an der Universität zu Köln durchgeführten Projekts „Zukunftsstrategie Lehrer*innenbildung Köln – Heterogenität und Inklusion gestalten“ (ZuS) im Teilprojekt Qualitätssicherung (QS) während des Sommersemesters 2016 durchgeführt wurde. Das Bildungsmonitoring soll auf einer Makroebene Einblick geben in Prozesse des Kompetenzerwerbs während des Lehramtsstudiums und dazu beitragen, Merkmale der Ausbildung zu erkennen, die dabei von Bedeutung sind. Drei wesentliche Maßnahmen werden im Bildungsmonitoring ergriffen: Die Erfassung der Kompetenzentwicklung von Lehramtsstudierenden, die angebotenen und genutzten Lerngelegenheiten als Bedingungen der Kompetenzentwicklung und die Prüfung des Einflusses der Lerngelegenheiten auf die Kompetenzentwicklung. Verwendet wird ein Mehr-Kohorten-Längsschnitt-Design. Primäre Zielgruppe sind Bachelor- und Masterstudierende, die sich im Sommersemester 2016 im zweiten Fachsemester befanden. Geplant ist, diese beiden Kohorten über die kommenden zwei Jahren (2017, 2018) wissenschaftlich zu begleiten, um während der Projektlaufzeit ein umfassendes Bild über den Kompetenzerwerb während der gesamten Lehramtsausbildung an der Universität zu Köln zu erhalten. Die hier abgebildete Skalendokumentation umfasst den allgemeinen Teil des Bildungsmonitorings 2016. Sie informiert über die verwendeten Variablen, Items und Skalen, die bei der Befragung der Studierenden eingesetzt wurden. Zusätzlich werden technische Variablen berichtet, die bei der Datenerhebung und -aufbereitung relevant waren

    Regional Analysis of Potentials of Flexibility Options in the ElectricitySystem for the Study Regions Prignitz in Brandenburg and Anhalt-Bitterfeld-Wittenberg in Saxony-Anhalt

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    The electricity system is changing. Due to the climate targets, the share of fluctuating renewable energy will continue to rise in the next few years, and conventional, fossil fuels will increasingly take a back seat. This creates the challenge of balancing supply and demand in the power system and increases the need for flexibility in the electricity system. In this article flexibility in energy systems is introduced, flexibility options are categorised along existing literature and a method is explained to approach the estimation of flexibility potential by means of two example regions. Therefore, 13 flexibility options in the electricity system in four categories are analysed: flexible generators, demand side management, storage, and power-to-X. By means of the two study regions Prignitz in Brandenburg and Anhalt-Bitterfeld-Wittenberg in Saxony-Anhalt, a practicable, transferable method to quantify and compare the technical potentials of the flexibility options at a high regional level is developed