332 research outputs found

    The Influence of Leader-Member Exchange and Value Congruence on Job Satisfaction with Perceived Organizational Support as a Mediator

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    This research aimed to examine the impact of leader-member exchange (LMX) and value congruence (VC) on job satisfaction (KK) through perceived organizational support (POS) as mediation. Conducted at PT DM Baru Retailindo Sewon Bantul, Yogyakarta, with 50 employees participating, the study employed saturated sampling and questionnaires for data collection. Data analysis utilized SPSS, encompassing classical assumption tests, multiple linear regression analysis, and the Sobel test. Findings indicate a positive influence of LMX on POS (p<0.05) and of VC on POS (p<0.05). However, LMX didn't significantly influence job satisfaction (p<0.05), while VC did (p<0.05). Interestingly, POS didn't affect KK (p>0.05). Both LMX and VC exerted significant effects on KK with POS as a mediator. Implications suggest a need for organizational enhancements, particularly in areas like LMX, to foster employee satisfaction. Providing organizational support and attention to employees facing challenges could enhance job satisfaction within the company.This research aimed to examine the impact of leader-member exchange (LMX) and value congruence (VC) on job satisfaction (KK) through perceived organizational support (POS) as mediation. Conducted at PT DM Baru Retailindo Sewon Bantul, Yogyakarta, with 50 employees participating, the study employed saturated sampling and questionnaires for data collection. Data analysis utilized SPSS, encompassing classical assumption tests, multiple linear regression analysis, and the Sobel test. Findings indicate a positive influence of LMX on POS (p<0.05) and of VC on POS (p<0.05). However, LMX didn't significantly influence job satisfaction (p<0.05), while VC did (p<0.05). Interestingly, POS didn't affect KK (p>0.05). Both LMX and VC exerted significant effects on KK with POS as a mediator. Implications suggest a need for organizational enhancements, particularly in areas like LMX, to foster employee satisfaction. Providing organizational support and attention to employees facing challenges could enhance job satisfaction within the company

    A common spatial scene? Young people and faith-based organisations at the margins. Kap. 13

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    I: I. Swart, A. Vähäkangas, M. Rabe and A. Leis-Peters (Red.), 2021, Stuck in the Margins? Young people and faith-based organisations in South African and Nordic localities (Kap. 13, s. 247-266). Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Brill. https://www.vr-elibrary.de/doi/abs/10.13109/9783666568558This book is the product of a South African - Nordic research collaboration that wanted to gain deeper insight into the role that faith-based organizations (FBOs) play in the lives of young people eking out a living from the margins of society. The book as such distinguishes itself as a first major international scholarly endeavor to explore the contemporary phenomenon of youth marginalization from a concerted interdisciplinary faith-based organizational interest. While the exploration of concepts such as NEET (an acronym for young people not in education, employment or training), social cohesion and FBOs constitutes an important point of departure, the book's essential contribution lies in the empirical work undertaken. In six case studies, conducted respectively in locations in South Africa, Finland and Norway, the authors make a deliberate attempt to give a voice to the young people with whom interviews were conducted. The result is a scholarly work that in its discussions and conclusions is both critical and appreciative of the involvement of FBOs in the lives of marginalized youths but also the research achievement itself. Perspectives that recognize the meaningful presence of FBOs in the lives and lived religion of many young people at the margins are presented, while authors do not shy away either from highlighting the shortcomings of FBOs to work more purposefully with young people in overcoming the conditions conducive to their marginalization. Ultimately, however, this book does not confine itself to a critical perspective on FBOs alone but through the contribution of some of its authors present illuminating insight into what may still be required from the point of view of academic research to participate in larger liberative practices involving young people but also FBOs at the margins of society.publishedVersion247-26

    Impact of degeneration and material pairings on cartilage friction: Cartilage versus glass

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    The association of knee joint osteoarthritis and altered frictional properties of the degenerated cartilage remains ambiguous, because previous in vitro studies did not consider the characteristic loads and velocities during gait. Therefore, the aim of this study was to quantify the friction behavior of degenerated human cartilage under characteristic stance and swing phase conditions. A dynamic pin-on-plate tribometer was used to test the tribological systems of cartilage against cartilage and cartilage against glass, both with synthetic synovial fluid as lubricant. Using the International Cartilage Repair Society classification, the cartilage samples were assigned to a mildly or a severely degenerated group before testing. Friction coefficients were calculated under stance and swing phase conditions at the beginning of the test and after 600 s of testing. The most important finding of this study is that cartilage against glass couplings displayed significantly higher friction for the severely degenerated samples compared to the mildly degenerated ones, whereas cartilage against cartilage couplings only indicated slight tendencies under the observed test conditions. Consequently, care should be taken when transferring in vitro findings from cartilage against cartilage couplings to predict the friction behavior in vivo. Therefore, we recommend in vitro tribological testing methods which account for gait-like loading conditions and to replicate physiological material pairings, particularly in preclinical medical device validation studies

    Alternative methods for the treatment of post-menopausal troubles

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    [english] Menopause is described as the transition from the reproductive phase of a women to the non reproductive. Changes in hormone levels might lead to complaints and health consequences especially during peri- and postmenopause. Hormone therapy has a potential damaging health risk profile and is recommended for temporal limited therapy for acute vasomotor symptoms only.The present HTA-report aims to assess the effectiveness and the cost-effectiveness of alternative treatment methods for women with postmenopausal symptoms in Germany regarding patient relevant endpoints (reduction of symptoms and frequency of adverse events and improvement of quality of life).A systematic literature search was carried out in 33 relevant databases in September 2010. Citations were selected according to pre-defined criteria and were extracted and evaluated.In the systematic research 22 studies are identified for the effectiveness evaluation, 22 primary studies and one review.High doses of isolated genistein reduce the frequency/intensity of hot flashes while low doses of genistein show no significant effect. Intake of isoflavone extract such as genistein, daidzein, glycitein in various combinations does not have an effect on improvement of cognitive function or vaginal dryness. The effect of black cohosh and hop extract for menopausal complaints cannot be determined since results are heterogenous. The combination of isoflavone, black cohosh, monk’s pepper, valerian and vitamin E has a positive effect on menopause symptoms. Ginkgo biloba shows no significant effect on menopause symptoms and cognitive improvement beside mental flexibility. Acupuncture has a significant influence on hot flashes especially in severe cases.No final statement can be drawn regarding the effectiveness of alter­ne treatment methods due to qualitative shortcomings of included studies and a general limited availability of studies in this field. Furthermore, the generalization of the present HTA is limited due to the inclusion of only postmenopausal women.<br><br>[german] Als Wechseljahre wird der Übergang von der reproduktiven Phase der Frau zur nicht-reproduktiven beschrieben. Insbesondere in der Peri- und Postmenopause können Beschwerden aufgrund des sich veränderten Hormonspiegels auftreten. Aktuell wird die Hormontherapie wegen der mit dieser verbundenen Risiken nur noch zur kurzfristigen Behandlung akuter vasomotorischer Symptome empfohlen. Von den betroffenen Frauen werden alternative und komplementäre Heilmethoden eingesetzt.Im vorliegenden Health Technology Assessment (HTA) sollen die Effektivität und Kosteneffektivität alternativer Behandlungsmethoden von postmenopausalen Wechseljahresbeschwerden in Deutschland hinsichtlich der patientenrelevanten Endpunkte Verringerung der Symptomatik, Häufigkeit unerwünschter Ereignisse sowie Verbesserung der Lebensqualität bewertet werden. In 33 relevanten Datenbanken wird im September 2010 eine systematische Literatursuche durchgeführt. Gefundene und relevante Literaturstellen werden gemäß vorab definierter Kriterien selektiert. Die Daten der Literaturstellen werden gezielt herausgesucht, bewertet und zusammenfassend beurteilt.Aus der systematischen Recherche werden 22 Studien, davon 15 Primärstudien und ein Review zur Bewertung der Effektivität identifiziert.Hochdosiertes isoliertes Genistein reduziert die Anzahl/Schwere von Hitzewallungen, während niedrig dosiertes Genistein keinen signifikanten Effekt zeigt. Die Gabe von Isoflavonextrakten, die Genistein, Daidzein, Glycitein in unterschiedlicher Zusammensetzung enthalten, hat keinen signifikanten Einfluss auf die Verbesserung kognitiver Fähigkeiten oder vaginale Trockenheit. Traubensilberkerzen- und Hopfenextrakt führen zu unterschiedlichen Ergebnissen bezüglich der Wirksamkeit bei postmenopausalen Beschwerden, sodass keine abschließende Aussage zur Effektivität getroffen werden kann. Die Kombination von Isoflavonen, Traubensilberkerze, Mönchspfeffer, Baldrian und Vitamin E hat eine positive Wirkung auf postmenopausale Symptome. Ginkgo biloba zeigt keinen signifikanten Effekt auf postmenopausale Symptome und eine kognitive Verbesserung mit Ausnahme der mentalen Flexibilität. Akupunktur hat einen signifikanten Einfluss auf Hitzewallungen, insbesondere auf deren Schweregrad.Aufgrund der qualitativen Mängel (Concealment, Randomisierung, Fallzahlplanung) der eingeschlossenen Studien und der begrenzten Anzahl an Studien kann keine abschließende zusammenfassende Bewertung zur Wirksamkeit alternativer Heilmethoden gegeben werden. Die Verallgemeinerbarkeit des vorliegenden HTA wird durch die Beschränkung auf postmenopausale Frauen reduziert

    In vivo performance of novel soybean/gelatin-based bioactive and injectable hydroxyapatite foams

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    Major limitations of calcium phosphate cements (CPCs) are their relatively slow degradation rate and the lack of macropores allowing the ingrowth of bone tissue. The development of self-setting cement foams has been proposed as a suitable strategy to overcome these limitations. In previous work we developed a gelatine-based hydroxyapatite foam (G-foam), which exhibited good injectability and cohesion, interconnected porosity and good biocompatibility in vitro. In the present study we evaluated the in vivo performance of the G-foam. Furthermore, we investigated whether enrichment of the foam with soybean extract (SG-foam) increased its bioactivity. G-foam, SG-foam and non-foamed CPC were implanted in a critical-size bone defect in the distal femoral condyle of New Zealand white rabbits. Bone formation and degradation of the materials were investigated after 4, 12 and 20 weeks using histological and biomechanical methods. The foams maintained their macroporosity after injection and setting in vivo. Compared to non-foamed CPC, cellular degradation of the foams was considerably increased and accompanied by new bone formation. The additional functionalization with soybean extract in the SG-foam slightly reduced the degradation rate and positively influenced bone formation in the defect. Furthermore, both foams exhibited excellent biocompatibility, implying that these novel materials may be promising for clinical application in non-loaded bone defects. (C) 2014 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    A New Experimental Polytrauma Model in Rats: Molecular Characterization of the Early Inflammatory Response

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    Background. The molecular mechanisms of the immune response after polytrauma are highly complex and far from fully understood. In this paper, we characterize a new standardized polytrauma model in rats based on the early molecular inflammatory and apoptotic response. Methods. Male Wistar rats (250 g, 6–10/group) were anesthetized and exposed to chest trauma (ChT), closed head injury (CHI), or Tib/Fib fracture including a soft tissue trauma (Fx + STT) or to the following combination of injuries: (1) ChT; (2) ChT + Fx + STT; (3) ChT + CHI; (4) CHI; (5) polytrauma (PT = ChT + CHI + Fx + STT). Sham-operated rats served as negative controls. The inflammatory response was quantified at 2 hours and 4 hours after trauma by analysis of “key” inflammatory mediators, including selected cytokines and complement components, in serum and bronchoalveolar (BAL) fluid samples. Results. Polytraumatized (PT) rats showed a significant systemic and intrapulmonary release of cytokines, chemokines, and complement anaphylatoxins, compared to rats with isolated injuries or selected combinations of injuries. Conclusion. This new rat model appears to closely mimic the early immunological response of polytrauma observed in humans and may provide a valid basis for evaluation of the complex pathophysiology and future therapeutic immune modulatory approaches in experimental polytrauma

    Osteogenic capacity of nanocrystalline bone cement in a weight-bearing defect at the ovine tibial metaphysis

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    The synthetic material Nanobone® (hydroxyapatite nanocrystallines embedded in a porous silica gel matrix) was examined in vivo using a standardized bone defect model in the ovine tibial metaphysis. A standardized 6 × 12 × 24-mm bone defect was created below the articular surface of the medial tibia condyles on both hind legs of 18 adult sheep. The defect on the right side was filled with Nanobone®, while the defect on the contralateral side was left empty. The tibial heads of six sheep were analyzed after 6, 12, and 26 weeks each. The histological and radiological analysis of the defect on the control side did not reveal any bone formation after the total of 26 weeks. In contrast, the microcomputed tomography analysis of the defect filled with Nanobone® showed a 55%, 72%, and 74% volume fraction of structures with bone density after 6, 12, and 26 weeks, respectively. Quantitative histomorphological analysis after 6, and 12 weeks revealed an osteoneogenesis of 22%, and 36%, respectively. Hematoxylin and eosin sections demonstrated multinucleated giant cells on the surface of the biomaterial and resorption lacunae, indicating osteoclastic resorptive activity. Nanobone® appears to be a highly potent bone substitute material with osteoconductive properties in a loaded large animal defect model, supporting the potential use of Nanobone® also in humans

    The molecular fingerprint of lung inflammation after blunt chest trauma

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    Abstract Background After severe blunt chest trauma, the development of an acute lung injury (ALI) is often associated with severe or even lethal complications. Especially in multiple injured patients after blunt chest trauma ALI/ARDS [acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)] is frequent. However, in the initial posttraumatic phase, inflammatory clinical signs are often not apparent and underlying changes in gene-expression profile are unknown. Methods Therefore, inflammation in lung tissue following blunt chest trauma was characterized in a well-defined bilateral lung injury model. Using DNA microarrays representing 9240 genes, the temporal sequence of blunt chest trauma-induced gene-expression patterns in lung tissue was examined. Results The results suggest an activation of a highly complex transcriptional program in response to chest trauma. Chest trauma led to elevated expression levels of inflammatory and coagulatory proteins (such as TNFα receptor, IL-1α, IL-1β, C3, NF-κB and plasminogen activator). However, upregulation of proteins was found, usually incoherent of exerting effects in blunt thoracic trauma (pendrin, resistin, metallothionein and glucocorticoid-induced leucine zipper). Furthermore, significant downregulation was observed as early as 10 min after trauma for cytokines and complement factors (LCR-1, C4) as well as for intracellular signaling molecules (inhibitory protein phosphatase) and ion-channels (voltage-dependent Ca2+ channel). Conclusions Taken together, the provided global perspective of the inflammatory response following blunt chest trauma could provide a molecular framework for future research in trauma pathophysiology.http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/113091/1/40001_2015_Article_164.pd

    Investigation of different hydrogels for nucleus replacement : a biomechanical study

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    Hydrogels are considered promising for disc regeneration strategies. However, it is currently unknown whether the destruction of the natural interface between nucleus and surrounding structures caused by nucleotomy and an inadequate annulus closure diminishes the mechanical competence of the disc. To clarify these mechanisms and to evaluate whether hydrogels are able to restore the biomechanical behaviour of the disc a combined in vivo and in vitro and approach was used

    Osteocytes Serve as a Reservoir for Intracellular Persisting Staphylococcus aureus Due to the Lack of Defense Mechanisms

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    Chronic staphylococcal osteomyelitis can persist for long time periods causing bone destruction. The ability of Staphylococcus aureus to develop chronic infections is linked to its capacity to invade and replicate within osteoblasts and osteocytes and to switch to a dormant phenotype called small colony variants. Recently, osteocytes were described as a main reservoir for this pathogen in bone tissue. However, the mechanisms involved in the persistence of S. aureus within these cells are still unknown. Here, we investigated the interaction between S. aureus and osteoblasts or osteocytes during infection. While osteoblasts are able to induce a strong antimicrobial response and eliminate intracellular S. aureus , osteocytes trigger signals to recruit immune cells and enhance inflammation but fail an efficient antimicrobial activity to clear the bacterial infection. Moreover, we found that extracellular signals from osteocytes enhance intracellular bacterial clearance by osteoblasts. Even though both cell types express Toll-like receptor (TLR) 2, the main TLR responsible for S. aureus detection, only osteoblasts were able to increase TLR2 expression after infection. Additionally, proteomic analysis indicates that reduced intracellular bacterial killing activity in osteocytes is related to low antimicrobial peptide expression. Nevertheless, high levels of lipid mediators and cytokines were secreted by osteocytes, suggesting that they can contribute to inflammation. Taken together, our results demonstrate that osteocytes contribute to severe inflammation observed in osteomyelitis and represent the main niche for S. aureus persistence due to their poor capacity for intracellular antimicrobial response