236 research outputs found


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    Train is one of mass transportation’s mode in great demand by the people of Indonesia. Purwosari and Solo Balapan stations are place which often visited by the public to travel long distances by using the train from economy class, business and executive. With so many types of trains that pass through the station, so the queuing analysis needs to be done to find out how the train service system at the station. From the results obtained, the queuing model at the Purwosari station is (M/M/2):(GD/∞/∞) for model lanes of 1 and 4 and lanes of 2 and 3. For the queuing model from lanes of 1 and 5 in the Solo Balapan station obtained models (M/M/2):(GD/∞/∞). Later models of queuing lanes of 2,3, and 4 at the station Solo Balapan is (M/M/3):(GD/∞/∞), while lane of 6 is (M/M/1):(GD/∞/∞). Keywords: Train, Purwosari and Solo Balapan Stations, Queuing models


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    Anisah, Siti. 2020. The applying of Guided Discovery Learning Daring Mode to develope the students’ achievement learning on matrix  in the senior high school of NURUL JADID. Article, Teacher Profesional Education Department, Faculty of Mathematic and Science, Muhammadiyah University of Gresik. Advisors: Dr.Irwani Zawawi, M.Kes. This study describes the design and implementation of mathematics learning using Guided Discovery Learning to see the learning achievement of class XI students in the senior high school of  NURUL JADID on the matrix material. The results of this classroom action research indicate that the percentage of the number of students who completed learning in cycle 1 was 30.8% while the percentage of the number of students who completed learning in cycle 2 was 57.7% and the percentage of the number of students who completed learning in cycle 3 was 84.6 %. According to the completeness of learning determined by SMA NURUL JADID, the implementation of learning is said to be supportive or successful if at least 80% of students get a minimum score of 75 so that in this case it can be concluded that learning with Guided Discovery Learning in this study is successful. This can be strengthened by the results of observations of student activities that fall into the "Very Good" category in cycle 1, cycle 2 and cycle 3.Anisah, Siti. 2020. Penerapan Guided Discovery Learning Mode Daring  untuk Mengembangkan Prestasi Belajar Siswa Pada materi matriks Di Kelas XI SMA NURUL JADID. artikel, Jurusan Pendidikan Profesi Guru, FMIPA, Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik. Pembimbing: Dr. Irwani Zawawi, M.Kes. Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan rancangan dan pelaksanaan pembelajaran matematika dengan menggunakan Guided Discovery Learning untuk melihat prestasi belajar siswa kelas XI SMA NURUL JADID pada materi matriks. Hasil penelitian tindakan kelas ini menunjukkan bahwa presentase banyaknya siswa yang tuntas belajar pada siklus 1 adalah 30,8% sedangkan presentase banyaknya siswa yang tuntas belajar pada siklus 2 adalah 57,7% dan presentase banyaknya siswa yang tuntas belajar pada siklus 3 adalah 84,6% . Menurut ketuntasan pembelajaran yang ditetapkan SMA NURUL JADID, pelaksanaan pembelajaran dikatakan mendukung atau berhasil apabila sekurang-kurangnya 80% siswa mendapat nilai minimal 75 sehingga dalam hal ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa pembelajaran dengan  Guided Discovery Learning dalam penelitian ini berhasil. Hal ini dapat diperkuat dengan hasil observasi aktivitas siswa yang masuk dalam kategori “Sangat baik” pada siklus 1, siklus 2 dan siklus3


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    Boycott is one of violations in the competition law that eliminating the freedom of parties to enter the market. The aim of it no other than lessened fair competition. Theoretically, the issue related boycott discuss about the approach utilised by the authority to investigate and enforce boycott and its meaning: whether boycott is vertical or horizontal, or both; and what are the criteria of the violations? Given so few references on boycott, this paper attempts to reveal the regulation and the enforcement of it in the United States. It is aimed as reference to regulate and/or to settle the competition law cases of boycott in Indonesia in the future day. The United States does not specifically state boycott in the Antitrust Law. The United States includes boycott as concerted to deal and refuse to deal as ruled in the Section 1 of Sherman Act

    The Use of Per Se Illegal Approach in Proving the Price-Fixing Agreements in Indonesia

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    The Indonesia Competition Commission (the ICC) often faces difficulties to find evidence in the form of agreement made by business actors in determining prices. The agreement is the main element to prove the price-fixing which is prohibited under Article 5 of Law No. 5 of 1999. The legal issue discussed in this research is whether the use of per se illegal approach in proving the price-fixing agreement requires direct evidence or it is sufficient with an indirect evidence. This normative study found that the competition authorities still impose sanctions to business actors even though the (legitimate) agreement does not exist. The examination requires an in-depth understanding of economic theories and should prioritize the principle of prudence due to its vulnerability to manipulation. The analysis of Decision No. 08/KPPU-I/2014 and 04/KPPU-I/2016 found that the ICC proved the price-fixing case using indirect evidence and included an analysis of the impact on competition. Both cases indicate that the ICC applied the rule of reason approach because of the difficulties in finding the evidence of the agreement. On the other hand, the ICC applied per se illegal approach in the Decision No. 10/KPPU-L/2009 and 14/KPPU-I/2014 due to the existence of direct evidence

    Studi Perbandingan Pengaturan Tentang Pengecualian Industri Pertanian terhadap Berlakunya Hukum Persaingan Usaha

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    The research is aimed at finding out whether the exemption for agricultural industries in the competition laws in Unites States of America and European Union is fully or partially granted. In addition, the study examines whether the competition law in Indonesia also regulates exemption for agricultural industries. The research method is normative juridical with a legal comparison approach. The result shows that the exemption for agricultural industries in the United States of America mentioned in the antitrust law was regulated by the Congress through Clayton Act 1916 and confirmed in Capper-Volstead Act 1922. In European Union, the exemption is regulated in the Treaty Establishing the European Community. The regulations in the United States and European Union are the same, in which farmers are allowed to establish agricultural cooperatives that aim to meet the needs of its members, such as collective processing, preparation for markets, merchants, and marketing. Although Indonesia does not have a specific law for exemption, several stipulations in Article 50 and 51 of Law No. 5 Year 1999 can be interpreted as exemption for agricultural industries in the competition law

    Studi Komparasi terhadap Perlindungan Kepentingan Kreditor dan Debitor dalam Hukum Kepailitan

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    Initially, the goal of bankruptcy law is the liquidation of debitor’s assets. Later, it becomes the means for reorganization of the company’s debitor, and protects the honest individual debitor by executing discharge. The goal is manifested in Acts Number 37 of 2004 which protects the debtor more as the condition of bankruptcy, however it is not easy to get the bankrupt status in reality. That fact was exploited by using the theory of creditor’s bargain and value-based account. This research used normative juridical method and law comparison. The research found that Indonesian Bankruptcy Acts have not so far protected the creditor, debitor and stakeholders; not based on the philosophy of protecting debitor solve; not differentiating the bankruptcy between individual and company though each goal is different. And the last, it has not introduced the discharge for individual bankruptcy

    Perbandingan antara Hukum Kepailitan Islam dengan Hukum Kepailitan Amerika Serikat

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    Tulisan ini dirasakan penting, karena berdasarkan kajian awal yang pernah dilakukan antara hukum kepailitan Islam dengan Barat, termasuk didalamnya Amerika Serikat terdapat persinggungan yang signifikan. Untuk itu tulisan ini mencoba mencari tahu bagaimana persamaan dan perbedaan antara dua sistem hukum yang berbeda tersebut? Berdasarkan penelusuran literatur dalam kajian ini menunjukkan bahwa lebih banyak persamaan antara hukum kepailitan Islam dan hukum kepailitan Amerika Serikat dibandingkan dengan perbedaannya. Persamaan tersebut sedikitnya terdapat di dalam tujuh hal, yaitu pengertian-pengertian dasar dalam pailit, para pihak yang berhak mengajukan pailit, persyaratan pailit, pernyataan pailit diputuskan oleh Pengadilan, ketidakcakapan debitor setelah adanya putusan pailit, perdamaian, dan pembebasan utang. Sedangkan perbedaannya dapat dilihat dari dua hal, yaitu meninggalnya debitor dapat mempercepat jatuh tempo utang-utang yang dimiliki oleh debitor , dan per ny ataan pailit ter hadap debitor dapat mempengar uhi r enc ana pernikahannya.Keywords: bankruptcy law, similarities, difference

    Perlindungan terhadap Kepentingan Kreditor melalui Actio Pauliana

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    Generally, the procedure to prove the application of actio pauliana is not simple. In addition to this, the application for the settlement of actio pauliana is lack or coordination among the relevant authorities. It is considered therefore that the protection on creditor’s interest through actio pauliana is possible to be enforced. More than this, further regulation on the implementation of the procedure to prove actio pauliana which is implementable is highly demanded

    Benturan Kepentingan Transaksi Tertentu di Pasar Modal

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    To avoid the interest conflict on certain transaction, the major agreement of independent share hoider must be put into in action. The reaiity, many kinds of disobeying on the agreement are found. The law enforcement by Money Market Supervisor as the highest authority in the Money Market has not been maximal and it tends to be unjust to the parties on certain transactional conflict