23 research outputs found

    Comprehensive linker-scanning mutagenesis of the hepatitis C virus E1 and E2 envelope glycoproteins reveals new structure–function relationships

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    Despite extensive research, many details about the structure and functions of hepatitis C virus (HCV) glycoproteins E1 and E2 are not fully understood, and their crystal structure remains to be determined. We applied linker-scanning mutagenesis to generate a panel of 34 mutants, each containing an insertion of 5 aa at a random position within the E1E2 sequence. The mutated glycoproteins were analysed by using a range of assays to identify regions critical for maintaining protein conformation, E1E2 complex assembly, CD81 receptor binding, membrane fusion and infectivity. The results, while supporting previously published data, provide several interesting new findings. Firstly, insertion at amino acid 587 or 596 reduced E1E2 heterodimerization without affecting reactivity with some conformation-sensitive mAbs or with CD81, thus implicating these residues in glycoprotein assembly. Secondly, insertions within a conserved region of E2, between amino acid residues 611 and 631, severely disrupted protein conformation and abrogated binding of all conformation-sensitive antibodies, suggesting that the structural integrity of this region is critical for the correct folding of E2. Thirdly, an insertion at Leu-682 specifically affected membrane fusion, providing direct evidence that the membrane-proximal ‘stem’ of E2 is involved in the fusion mechanism. Overall, our results show that the HCV glycoproteins generally do not tolerate insertions and that there are a very limited number of sites that can be changed without dramatic loss of function. Nevertheless, we identified two E2 insertion mutants, at amino acid residues 408 and 577, that were infectious in the murine leukemia virus-based HCV pseudoparticle system

    Broadly neutralizing human monoclonal antibodies to the hepatitis C virus E2 glycoprotein

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    The humoral response to hepatitis C virus (HCV) may contribute to controlling infection. We previously isolated human monoclonal antibodies to conformational epitopes on the HCV E2 glycoprotein. Here, we report on their ability to inhibit infection by retroviral pseudoparticles incorporating a panel of full-length E1E2 clones representing the full spectrum of genotypes 1–6. We identified one antibody, CBH-5, that was capable of neutralizing every genotype tested. It also potently inhibited chimeric cell culture-infectious HCV, which had genotype 2b envelope proteins in a genotype 2a (JFH-1) background. Analysis using a panel of alanine-substitution mutants of HCV E2 revealed that the epitope of CBH-5 includes amino acid residues that are required for binding of E2 to CD81, a cellular receptor essential for virus entry. This suggests that CBH-5 inhibits HCV infection by competing directly with CD81 for a binding site on E2

    Determination of the human antibody response to the epitope defined by the hepatitis C virus-neutralizing monoclonal antibody AP33

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    Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a major cause of liver disease worldwide and there is a pressing need for the development of a preventative vaccine as well as new treatments. It was recently demonstrated that the mouse monoclonal antibody (mAb) AP33 potently neutralizes infectivity of HCV pseudoparticles (HCVpp) carrying E1E2 envelopes representative of all of the major genotypes of HCV. This study determined the prevalence of human serum antibodies reactive to the region of HCV E2 recognized by AP33. Antibodies recognizing this region were present in less than 2.5 % of sera obtained from individuals with chronic HCV infection. A similar prevalence was found in a smaller cohort of individuals who had experienced an acute infection, suggesting that AP33-like antibodies do not play a major role in natural clearance of HCV infection. Sera exhibited different patterns of reactivity to a panel of peptides representing circulating variants, highlighting the presence of distinct epitopes in this region. Only two sera contained antibodies that could recognize a specific AP33-reactive peptide mimotope. AP33-like antibodies made a measurable contribution to the ability of these sera to inhibit E2-CD81 interaction, but not to the overall neutralization of cell entry. Together, these data show that antibodies to the AP33 epitope are not commonly generated during natural infection and that generation of such antibodies via vaccination may require modified immunogens to focus the generation of specific antibodies. Importantly, individuals harbouring AP33-like antibodies are an important potential source of human mAbs for future therapeutic development. © 2007 SGM

    Entwicklung neuartiger Aluminiumoxid-Pulver fuer Hochleistungskeramik Schlussbericht

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    Keramische Aluminiumoxide werden bisher kostenguenstig aus metallurgischem, grobkoernigem (max. 200 #mu#m) Aluminiumhydroxid kalziniert und gemahlen. Ziel des Projektes war die Entwicklung verbesserter Aluminiumoxidpulver durch Veraenderungen der Herstellparameter bereits in der Stufe der Kristallisation des Aluminiumhydroxids. Untersuchungen zur Faellung von Aluminiumhydroxid aus Loesungen von Aluminiumnitrat wurden durchgefuehrt. Pulvermischungen von Aluminiumoxid mit Zirkonoxid, Titanoxid und Magnesiumoxid wurden durch Ko-Faellung erzeugt. Ausgehend von Natriumaluminatlauge konnte mit Hilfe organischer Additive Aluminiumhydroxid in einer Partikelgroesse von max. 2 #mu# gefaellt und zu Aluminiumoxid-Pulver praepariert werden, das bei niedriger Sintertemperatur (1450 C) ein dichtes, feinkoerniges und gleichmaessiges Sintergefuege ergab. (orig./RHM)Ceramic aluminas are actually calcined and ground from low-cost metallurgical coarse grained (max. 200 #mu#m) aluminium hydroxide. The objective of the project was the development of improved alumina powders by changes of the production parameters already in the crystallisation step of the aluminium hydroxide. Studies of the precipitation of aluminium hydroxide from solutions of aluminium nitrate were carried out. Powder mixes of alumina with zirconia, titania and magnesia were produced by coprecipitation. In the presence of organic additives, aluminium hydroxide particles of max. 2 #mu#m could be precipitated from sodium aluminate liquor and prepared to alumina powder giving a dense, fine grained and homogeneous microstructure at low sintering temperature (1450 C). (orig./RHM)Available from TIB Hannover: F94B2129+a / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEBundesministerium fuer Forschung und Technologie (BMFT), Bonn (Germany)DEGerman

    Identification of Conserved Residues in the E2 Envelope Glycoprotein of the Hepatitis C Virus That Are Critical for CD81 Binding

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    Hepatitis C virus (HCV) cell entry involves interaction between the viral envelope glycoprotein E2 and the cell surface receptor CD81. Knowledge of conserved E2 determinants important for successful binding will facilitate development of entry inhibitors designed to block this interaction. Previous studies have assigned the CD81 binding function to a number of discontinuous regions of E2. To better define specific residues involved in receptor binding, a panel of mutants of HCV envelope proteins was generated, where conserved residues within putative CD81 binding regions were sequentially mutated to alanine. Mutant proteins were tested for binding to a panel of monoclonal antibodies and CD81 and for their ability to form noncovalent heterodimers and confer infectivity in the retroviral pseudoparticle (HCVpp) assay. Detection by conformation-sensitive monoclonal antibodies indicated that the mutant proteins were correctly folded. Mutant proteins fell into three groups: those that bound CD81 and conferred HCVpp infectivity, those that abrogated both CD81 binding and HCVpp infectivity, and a final group containing mutants that were able to bind CD81 but were noninfectious in the HCVpp assay. Specific amino acids conserved across all genotypes that were critical for CD81 binding were W420, Y527, W529, G530, and D535. These data significantly increase our understanding of the CD81 receptor-E2 binding process

    Determination of the human antibody response to the epitope defined by the hepatitis C virus-neutralizing monoclonal antibody AP33

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    Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a major cause of liver disease worldwide and there is a pressing need for the development of a preventative vaccine as well as new treatments. It was recently demonstrated that the mouse monoclonal antibody (mAb) AP33 potently neutralizes infectivity of HCV pseudoparticles (HCVpp) carrying E1E2 envelopes representative of all of the major genotypes of HCV. This study determined the prevalence of human serum antibodies reactive to the region of HCV E2 recognized by AP33. Antibodies recognizing this region were present in less than 2.5 % of sera obtained from individuals with chronic HCV infection. A similar prevalence was found in a smaller cohort of individuals who had experienced an acute infection, suggesting that AP33-like antibodies do not play a major role in natural clearance of HCV infection. Sera exhibited different patterns of reactivity to a panel of peptides representing circulating variants, highlighting the presence of distinct epitopes in this region. Only two sera contained antibodies that could recognize a specific AP33-reactive peptide mimotope. AP33-like antibodies made a measurable contribution to the ability of these sera to inhibit E2–CD81 interaction, but not to the overall neutralization of cell entry. Together, these data show that antibodies to the AP33 epitope are not commonly generated during natural infection and that generation of such antibodies via vaccination may require modified immunogens to focus the generation of specific antibodies. Importantly, individuals harbouring AP33-like antibodies are an important potential source of human mAbs for future therapeutic development

    Mutations within a Conserved Region of the Hepatitis C Virus E2 Glycoprotein That Influence Virus-Receptor Interactions and Sensitivity to Neutralizing Antibodies▿ †

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    Cell culture-adaptive mutations within the hepatitis C virus (HCV) E2 glycoprotein have been widely reported. We identify here a single mutation (N415D) in E2 that arose during long-term passaging of HCV strain JFH1-infected cells. This mutation was located within E2 residues 412 to 423, a highly conserved region that is recognized by several broadly neutralizing antibodies, including the mouse monoclonal antibody (MAb) AP33. Introduction of N415D into the wild-type (WT) JFH1 genome increased the affinity of E2 to the CD81 receptor and made the virus less sensitive to neutralization by an antiserum to another essential entry factor, SR-BI. Unlike JFH1WT, the JFH1N415D was not neutralized by AP33. In contrast, it was highly sensitive to neutralization by patient-derived antibodies, suggesting an increased availability of other neutralizing epitopes on the virus particle. We included in this analysis viruses carrying four other single mutations located within this conserved E2 region: T416A, N417S, and I422L were cell culture-adaptive mutations reported previously, while G418D was generated here by growing JFH1WT under MAb AP33 selective pressure. MAb AP33 neutralized JFH1T416A and JFH1I422L more efficiently than the WT virus, while neutralization of JFH1N417S and JFH1G418D was abrogated. The properties of all of these viruses in terms of receptor reactivity and neutralization by human antibodies were similar to JFH1N415D, highlighting the importance of the E2 412-423 region in virus entry

    Development of a structural epitope mimic:an idiotypic approach to HCV vaccine design

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    HCV vaccine development is stymied by the high genetic diversity of the virus and the variability of the envelope glycoproteins. One strategy to overcome this is to identify conserved, functionally important regions—such as the epitopes of broadly neutralizing antibodies (bNAbs)—and use these as a basis for structure-based vaccine design. Here, we report an anti-idiotype approach that has generated an antibody that mimics a highly conserved neutralizing epitope on HCV E2. Crucially, a mutagenesis screen was used to identify the antibody, designated B2.1 A, whose binding characteristics to the bNAb AP33 closely resemble those of the original antigen. Protein crystallography confirmed that B2.1 A is a structural mimic of the AP33 epitope. When used as an immunogen B2.1 A induced antibodies that recognized the same epitope and E2 residues as AP33 and most importantly protected against HCV challenge in a mouse model

    Development of a structural epitope mimic : an idiotypic approach to HCV vaccine design

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    Funding: This work was supported by Medical Research Council grant MC_UU12014/2 and DPFS Grant MC_EX_G0801770 awarded to AHP, and by a studentship to VF from the Programma Master and Back, Regione Autonoma della Sardegna. This study was supported by funding from a Wellcome Trust New Investigator award to MD (104771/Z/14/Z) and a starting grant from the European Research Council to MD (ERC-StG-2015-637304).HCV vaccine development is stymied by the high genetic diversity of the virus and the variability of the envelope glycoproteins. One strategy to overcome this is to identify conserved, functionally important regions—such as the epitopes of broadly neutralizing antibodies (bNAbs)—and use these as a basis for structure-based vaccine design. Here, we report an anti-idiotype approach that has generated an antibody that mimics a highly conserved neutralizing epitope on HCV E2. Crucially, a mutagenesis screen was used to identify the antibody, designated B2.1 A, whose binding characteristics to the bNAb AP33 closely resemble those of the original antigen. Protein crystallography confirmed that B2.1 A is a structural mimic of the AP33 epitope. When used as an immunogen B2.1 A induced antibodies that recognized the same epitope and E2 residues as AP33 and most importantly protected against HCV challenge in a mouse model.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe