36 research outputs found

    "Det var jag som var den där vuxna och han var ett barn" : En kvalitativ studie om hur det är att vara ett vuxet barn till en alkoholist

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    Syftet med vårt lärdomsprov är att undersöka hur uppväxten i en alkoholistfamilj har påverkat det vuxna barnet. Vi undersöker även vilka konsekvenser det vuxna barnet fått av uppväxten, vilket förhållningssätt det vuxna barnet har till alkohol och hur relationen mellan det vuxna barnet och den missbrukande föräldern ser ut. I teoridelen definieras alkoholismen; vad är alkoholism, vem kan bli alkoholist och vad är skillnaden mellan en alkoholist och en storkonsument. Vidare fastställs missbrukets effekt på familjen, samt barnens roller i en alkoholistfamilj. Även typiska karaktärsdrag och konsekvenser i vuxenlivet tas upp. I undersökningen har vi använt oss av kvalitativ undersökning. Vi har intervjuat fyra personer som har en pappa som är alkoholist. I resultatet framkommer både likheter och olikheter mellan vuxna barn till alkoholister, men den gemensamma nämnaren är konsekvenser i vuxenlivet för alla barn som levt med en alkoholiserad förälder.The aim of our thesis is to investigate how growing up with an alcoholic parent has affected the adult child. We also examine the impact on the adult child as a result of growing up in a family where one parent is or was an alcoholic, what kind of attitude the adult child has to alcohol and how the relationship between the adult child and the alcoholic parent has been affected. In our theoretical part, we define alcoholism; what is alcoholism, who can become an alcoholic and what is the difference between an alcoholic and a big consumer. Further down we establish the impact on the family and the children's roles in the family. We also cover the typical characteristics and consequences in adult life. In the survey, we used a qualitative research. We have interviewed four people who have a father who is an alcoholic. The result shows both similarities and differences between adult children of alcoholics, but the common denominator is that all children of alcoholics are affected in adulthood

    “It Never Hurts to Keep Looking for Sunshine”: The Motif of Depression in Works for Children and Youth Inspired by Classical Antiquity

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    The paper analyzes a handful of works for children and youth that are based on mythology and deal with depression, a topic that is becoming more frequent in contemporary children’s and young adults’ culture, mainly because of the need to break the mental he­alth taboo. These are the newest edition of Laura Orvieto’s Storie di bambini molto antichi (2014, first published in 1937), Rachel Smythe’s digital comics Lore Olympus (2018–2020), Patricia Satjawatcha­raphong’s short animation Reflection (2010), and the webcomic series Therapy created by Anastasia Gorshkova (2019–2020). They provide examples from literary and audio-visual culture for very young re­aders and more adult teenagers and youth, raising the issue of deep sadness utilizing storytelling and not in a didactic way. Some of the protagonists struggling with the problem are far from lively chara­cters in conventional interpretations of the myths (including Hades, Hydra, or Medusa), so the texts play upon stereotypes entrenched in the culture. It appears that children’s works inspired by classical antiquity have significant interpretative potential and educational value – as well as the ability to surprise the audience

    “Claro como água!”: contribuição para a tipologia lexical dos verbos de movimento em água (AQUA-motion)

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    No princípio do nosso século, na sequência de uma nova vaga de estudos em Linguística Cognitiva, tem vindo a surgir nova investigação que pretende determinar regularidades estruturais do funcionamento das línguas em que se defende que a estrutura do léxico apresenta regularidades em função dos factores de conceptualização funcional da actividade humana, tais como, por exemplo, o tipo de ambiente em que o movimento é efectuado. Tendo em conta este parâmetro, distingue-se, em termos latos, entre o movimento efectuado no meio aéreo, aquático ou terrestre. Assim, por exemplo, Lander, Maisak & Rakhilina (2005), sendo posteriormente seguidos por Divjak & Lemmens (2007) e Arad (2007), defendem que o movimento efectuado em água (e, por extensão, em qualquer tipo de líquido) – designado em termos genéricos por AQUA-motion – pode ser definido em termos estruturais em função de marcos específicos tais como a Figura em movimento, o Fundo em relação ao qual a Figura se desloca, o carácter activo/passivo do movimento, existência de contacto entre os dois, etc. O presente estudo pretende contribuir para esta área de investigação relativa ao Português Europeu (com três projectos de dissertações de mestrado propostos à Universidade Aberta).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Забезпечення подання струму до одного кінця троса при різних параметрах вантового каната

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    Проблематика Системи структурного моніторингу тросів широко використовуються для діагностування стану вантових мостів. Відомі методи неруйнівного контролю напруженого стану не можуть у ряді випадків досить повно бути використані, або їх використання важке та економічно не доцільно чи неефективно. Мета дослідження. Пропонується модель, що дозволяє забезпечити надійність каната при багатьох ступенях пошкодження. Методика. Найбільш зручний метод для моніторингу механічних параметрів тросів вантового канату – метод електричного опору. Результати. Представлені результати залежності розподілу напружень та струму від параметрів канату. Досліджений метод забезпечить підвищення надійності, безпеки та терміну служби вантових мостів. . Наукова новизна. Наша робота полягає у вивченні впливу обриву тросів, з яких складаються вантові канати. Для цього створена модель, яка дозволяє поєднати декілька параметрів (питомий опір та електропровідність, довжина, кількість тросів). Нами розглянутий випадок для зняття сигналу з одного кінця троса. Практична значимість. Встановлено, що при зміні довжини прикладання опору та кількості тросів відображається зміна графіка для не ушкодженого та ушкодженого троса. Проаналізовано номер та ряд в якому відбувся порив. Таким чином система яка контролює один трос сповіщає про руйнування та дає можливість запобігти цьому

    Chondroitinase and Antidepressants Promote Plasticity by Releasing TRKB from Dephosphorylating Control of PTP sigma in Parvalbumin Neurons

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    Perineuronal nets (PNNs) are an extracellular matrix structure rich in chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans (CSPGs), which preferentially encase parvalbumin-containing (PV+) interneurons. PNNs restrict cortical network plasticity but the molecular mechanisms involved are unclear. We found that reactivation of ocular dominance plasticity in the adult visual cortex induced by chondroitinase ABC (chABC)-mediated PNN removal requires intact signaling by the neurotrophin receptor TRKB in PV+ neurons. Additionally, we demonstrate that chABC increases TRKB phosphorylation (pTRKB), while PNN component aggrecan attenuates brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)-induced pTRKB in cortical neurons in culture. We further found that protein tyrosine phosphatase sigma (PTP sigma, PTPRS), receptor for CSPGs, interacts with TRKB and restricts TRKB phosphorylation. PTP sigma deletion increases phosphorylation of TRKB in vitro and in vivo in male and female mice, and juvenile-like plasticity is retained in the visual cortex of adult PTP sigma-deficient mice (PTP sigma(+/-)). The antidepressant drug fluoxetine, which is known to promote TRKB phosphorylation and reopen critical period-like plasticity in the adult brain, disrupts the interaction between TRKB and PTP sigma by binding to the transmembrane domain of TRKB. We propose that both chABC and fluoxetine reopen critical period-like plasticity in the adult visual cortex by promoting TRKB signaling in PV+ neurons through inhibition of TRKB dephosphorylation by the PTP sigma-CSPG complex.Peer reviewe

    Eavesdropping on Autobiographical Memory: A Naturalistic Observation Study of Older Adults’ Memory Sharing in Daily Conversations

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    The retrieval of autobiographical memories is an integral part of everyday social interactions. Prior laboratory research has revealed that older age is associated with a reduction in the retrieval of autobiographical episodic memories, and the ability to elaborate these memories with episodic details. However, how age-related reductions in episodic specificity unfold in everyday social contexts remains largely unknown. Also, constraints of the laboratory-based approach have limited our understanding of how autobiographical semantic memory is linked to older age. To address these gaps in knowledge, we used a smartphone application known as the Electronically Activated Recorder, or “EAR,” to unobtrusively capture real-world conversations over 4 days. In a sample of 102 cognitively normal older adults, we extracted instances where memories and future thoughts were shared by the participants, and we scored the shared episodic memories and future thoughts for their make-up of episodic and semantic detail. We found that older age was associated with a reduction in real-world sharing of autobiographical episodic and semantic memories. We also found that older age was linked to less episodically and semantically detailed descriptions of autobiographical episodic memories. Frequency and level of detail of shared future thoughts yielded weaker relationships with age, which may be related to the low frequency of future thoughts in general. Similar to laboratory research, there was no correlation between autobiographical episodic detail sharing and a standard episodic memory test. However, in contrast to laboratory studies, episodic detail production while sharing autobiographical episodic memories was weakly related to episodic detail production while describing future events, unrelated to working memory, and not different between men and women. Overall, our findings provide novel evidence of how older age relates to episodic specificity when autobiographical memories are assessed unobtrusively and objectively “in the wild.

    Relatório de estágio em farmácia comunitária

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    Relatório de estágio realizado no âmbito do Mestrado Integrado em Ciências Farmacêuticas, apresentado à Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade de Coimbr

    Indonesia higher education’s online learning during the pandemic state

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has brought significant changes in Indonesian higher education to switch the learning activities to online learning. During the online learning implementations, researchers tried to record the changes and discussed the problems they faced. This systematic review aimed to summarize the growth of online learning for Indonesian higher education during the COVID-19 and to describe the connection between trends of online learning’s growth and stakeholders’ interests. Ultimately, this systematic review wanted to forecast the scenario after seeing the overall progress of online learning in higher education institutions in Indonesia. The authors conducted a systematic literature review using PRISMA protocol and collected articles from Google Scholar, EBSCOHost, SAGE, Taylor & Francis, and Proquest. A total of 1,206 studies were retrieved from all databases. The authors excluded some articles that did not come originally from Indonesia, did not involve participants from universities, and were not empirical research. A final eighty-six articles were collected for analysis. The results revealed that infrastructure, interactivity, and readiness were the three main discussions for all Indonesian higher education stakeholders. The authors provided four scenarios for online learning in Indonesia, and the Cyber Growth scenario was the preferred scenario for higher education in Indonesia