105 research outputs found

    Advances in Cancer Treatment: Role of Nanoparticles

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    This chapter is devoted to the advances in the field of nanoparticles-mediated cancer treatment. A special attention is devoted to the use of magnetite and silver nanoparticles. The synthesis and properties of Fe3O4 and Ag nanoparticles as contrast or antitumoral agents as monolith or component of more complex systems such as polymer matrix composite materials based on: polymers (chitosan, collagen, polyethylene glycol, polyacrylates, and polymethacrylates, polylactic acid, etc.) and various antitumoral agents (cytostatics, natural agents and even nanoparticles-magnetite, silver, or gold) are discussed. Special attention is paid for the benefits and risks of using silver and magnetite nanoparticles. In both cases, the discussion focuses on aspects related to diagnosis and treatment of cancer. The influence of size and shape [1-3] is important from the materials characteristics as well as from the biological points of view. The role of magnetite is also analyzed from the point of view of its influence on the delivery of different components of interests (antitumoral components, analgesics/anti-inflammatory agents, etc.). The potentiating effect of the nanoparticles over the cytostatics and natural components is highlighted

    Stockage de l'hydrogène par des mélanges mécanochimiques à base de magnésium (Étude de composés intermétalliques ternaires à base de bore (structure et essais d'hydrogénation))

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    Le but de cette étude était la compréhension des mécanismes de stockage de l'hydrogène etl'amélioration de la capacité de stockage dans (1) le magnésium et (2) les composés intermétalliques àbase de bore.(1) Les poudres de magnésium avec ajout de 10% massique d oxyde de magnésium ont étébroyées à l'aide d'un broyeur planétaire à billes, par broyage mécanique réactif sous atmosphèred'hydrogène (10 bars) pendant 10 heures, en variant deux paramètres: la vitesse de broyage et le nombrede billes utilisées (i.e., le rapport massique poudre : billes). Il semblerait que les poudres broyées à250rpm en utilisant 17 billes (rapport de 1: 13) présentent des performances supérieures en termes de:taille des particules, contenu en MgH2 après broyage, surface spécifique et cinétiquesd'absorption/désorption de l'hydrogène. Nous avons vérifié que l'oxyde de magnésium a un effet deretardement significatif de la croissance des grains. Le calcul des énergies d'activation et l'étude descinétiques ont montré que l'oxyde de magnésium ne joue pas de rôle catalyseur pour la sorptiond'hydrogène.(2) Les composes synthétisés dans les systèmes ternaires La-MT-B, Gd-MT-B et Y-MT-B (MT=Ni,Fe, Co) ont été étudiés en termes de leur structure cristalline, composition chimique et propriétés desorption de l'hydrogène. La majorité des composés obtenus dans ces systèmes cristallisent avec unestructure type CeCo4B, avec des paramètres de maille proches de ceux du composé GdNi4B. Leremplacement total du Ni par des atomes de Fe et/ou Co est possible, indiquant l existence d une solutionsolide totale entre TRNi4B et TRFe4B ou TRCo4B. En outre, le bore est supposé occuper partiellementdeux sites cristallographiques différents, mais l un seul d'entre eux est principalement occupé par le bore.La nouvelle phase GdNi2,5B2,5 a également été observée dans cette étude pour la première fois. Unephase pseudo-binaire GdB3 a été également reportée. Enfin, il est montré que seul le composé LaNi4Babsorbe l'hydrogène, quoique de manière irréversible.The aim of this study was the comprehension of hydrogen storage mechanisms and theimprovement of storage capacity in (1) magnesium and (2) boron based intermetallic compounds.(1) Magnesium powders with 10 wt.% magnesium oxide were milled using a planetary ball mill, byreactive mechanical grinding under hydrogen atmosphere (10 bar) for 10 hours, varying two parameters:the milling speed and the number of balls used (i.e. the powder-to-ball weight ratio). It appears that thepowders milled at 250 rpm using 17 balls (ratio 1: 13) have superior performances in terms of: particlesize, MgH2 content after milling, specific surface area and hydrogen absorption/desorption kinetics. Wehave verified that the magnesium oxide has a significant effect on grain growth, delaying it. Calculation ofthe activation energies and study of the kinetics showed that magnesium oxide does not play a catalyticrole for hydrogen sorption.(2) The compounds synthesized in the ternary systems La-TM-B, Gd-TM-B and Y-TM-B (TM=Ni,Fe, Co) were studied in terms of their crystal structure, chemical composition and hydrogen sorptionproperties. Most of the compounds obtained in these systems crystallize with a CeCo4B-type structure,with lattice parameters close to those of the compound GdNi4B. A total replacement of Ni by Fe and/or Cois sometimes possible, meaning that a total solid solution exists between RENi4B and REFe4B or RECo4B.Also, the boron is assumed to partially occupy two different crystallographic sites, although only one ofthese is mainly occupied by boron. The new phase GdNi2.5B2.5 was also observed in this study for the firsttime. In addition, a pseudo-binary phase GdB3 is observed. Finally, it is reported that only the compoundLaNi4B absorbs hydrogen, albeit irreversibly.BORDEAUX1-Bib.electronique (335229901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Hybrid magnetite nanoparticles/Rosmarinus officinalis essential oil nanobiosystem with antibiofilm activity

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    Biofilms formed by fungal organisms are associated with drastically enhanced resistance against most antimicrobial agents, contributing to the persistence of the fungi despite antifungal therapy. The purpose of this study is to combine the unique properties of nanoparticles with the antimicrobial activity of the Rosmarinus officinalis essential oil in order to obtain a nanobiosystem that could be pelliculised on the surface of catheter pieces, in order to obtain an improved resistance to microbial colonization and biofilm development by Candida albicans and C. tropicalis clinical strains. The R. officinalis essential oils were extracted in a Neo-Clevenger type apparatus, and its chemical composition was settled by GC-MS analysis. Functionalized magnetite nanoparticles of up to 20 nm size had been synthesized by precipitation method adapted for microwave conditions, with oleic acid as surfactant. The catheter pieces were coated with suspended core/shell nanoparticles (Fe3O4/oleic acid:CHCl3), by applying a magnetic field on nanofluid, while the CHCl3 diluted essential oil was applied by adsorption in a secondary covering treatment. The fungal adherence ability was investigated in six multiwell plates, in which there have been placed catheters pieces with and without hybrid nanoparticles/essential oil nanobiosystem pellicle, by using culture-based methods and confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). The R. officinalis essential oil coated nanoparticles strongly inhibited the adherence ability and biofilm development of the C. albicans and C. tropicalis tested strains to the catheter surface, as shown by viable cell counts and CLSM examination. Due to the important implications of Candida spp. in human pathogenesis, especially in prosthetic devices related infections and the emergence of antifungal tolerance/resistance, using the new core/shell/coated shell based on essential oil of R. officinalis to inhibit the fungal adherence could be of a great interest for the biomedical field, opening new directions for the design of film-coated surfaces with antibiofilm properties

    Magnetite nanoparticles for functionalized textile dressing to prevent fungal biofilms development

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    The purpose of this work was to investigate the potential of functionalized magnetite nanoparticles to improve the antibiofilm properties of textile dressing, tested in vitro against monospecific Candida albicans biofilms. Functionalized magnetite (Fe(3)O(4)/C(18)), with an average size not exceeding 20 nm, has been synthesized by precipitation of ferric and ferrous salts in aqueous solution of oleic acid (C(18)) and NaOH. Transmission electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction analysis, and differential thermal analysis coupled with thermo gravimetric analysis were used as characterization methods for the synthesized Fe(3)O(4)/C(18). Scanning electron microscopy was used to study the architecture of the fungal biofilm developed on the functionalized textile dressing samples and culture-based methods for the quantitative assay of the biofilm-embedded yeast cells. The optimized textile dressing samples proved to be more resistant to C. albicans colonization, as compared to the uncoated ones; these functionalized surfaces-based approaches are very useful in the prevention of wound microbial contamination and subsequent biofilm development on viable tissues or implanted devices

    Multifunctional materials for bone cancer treatment

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    The purpose of this review is to present the most recent findings in bone tissue engineering. Special attention is given to multifunctional materials based on collagen and collagen-hydroxyapatite composites used for skin and bone cancer treatments. The multi-functionality of these materials was obtained by adding to the base regenerative grafts proper components, such as ferrites (magnetite being the most important representative), cytostatics (cisplatin, carboplatin, vincristine, methotrexate, paclitaxel, doxorubicin), silver nanoparticles, antibiotics (anthracyclines, geldanamycin), and/or analgesics (ibuprofen, fentanyl). The suitability of complex systems for the intended applications was systematically analyzed. The developmental possibilities of multifunctional materials with regenerative and curative roles (antitumoral as well as pain management) in the field of skin and bone cancer treatment are discussed. It is worth mentioning that better materials are likely to be developed by combining conventional and unconventional experimental strategies

    Lipid Nanoparticles and Liposomes for Bone Diseases Treatment

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    Because of their outstanding biocompatibility, sufficient capacity to control drug release, and passive targeting capability, lipid nanoparticles are one of the world’s most widely utilized drug delivery systems. However, numerous disadvantages limit the use of lipid nanoparticles in clinical settings, especially in bone regeneration, such as challenges in transporting, storing, and maintaining drug concentration in the local area. Scaffolds are frequently employed as implants to provide mechanical support to the damaged area or as diagnostic and imaging tools. On the other hand, unmodified scaffolds have limited powers in fostering tissue regeneration and curing illnesses. Liposomes offer a solid foundation for the long-term development of various commercial solutions for the effective drug delivery-assisted treatment of medical conditions. As drug delivery vehicles in medicine, adjuvants in vaccination, signal enhancers/carriers in medical diagnostics and analytical biochemistry, solubilizers for various ingredients as well as support matrices for various ingredients, and penetration enhancers in cosmetics are just a few of the industrial applications for liposomes. This review introduces and discusses the use of lipid nanoparticles and liposomes and the application of lipid nanoparticles and liposome systems based on different active substances in bone diseases

    Nanostructures for drug delivery

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    Blended Natural Support Materials—Collagen Based Hydrogels Used in Biomedicine

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    Due to their unique properties—the are biocompatible, easily accessible, and inexpensive with programmable properties—biopolymers are used in pharmaceutical and biomedical research, as well as in cosmetics and food. Collagen is one of the most-used biomaterials in biomedicine, being the most abundant protein in animals with a triple helices structure, biocompatible, biomimetic, biodegradable, and hemostatic. Its disadvantages are its poor mechanical and thermal properties and enzymatic degradation. In order to solve this problem and to use its benefits, collagen can be used blended with other biomaterials such as alginate, chitosan, and cellulose. The purpose of this review article is to offer a brief paper with updated information on blended collagen-based formulations and their potential application in biomedicine