4,311 research outputs found

    The fifth most prevalent disease is being neglected by public health organisations

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    The progress towards reduction of global mortality has produced an epidemiological transition towards non-fatal diseases, which challenge the ability of the world’s population to live in full health. Although traumatic dental injuries are not lethal, their treatment is more expensive (US$2 000 000–5 000 000 per million inhabitants) and time-consuming than that of all the other bodily injuries, making dental rehabilitation less likely among disadvantaged individuals. Since untreated traumatic dental injuries have a negative social, functional, and emotional effect in children and adolescents, differences in treatment of these injuries between children from different countries and social classes produce disparities in their quality of life

    Abnormal negative feedback processing in first episode schizophrenia: evidence from an oculomotor rule switching task

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    Background. Previous studies have shown that patients with schizophrenia are impaired on executive tasks, where positive and negative feedbacks are used to update task rules or switch attention. However, research to date using saccadic tasks has not revealed clear deficits in task switching in these patients. The present study used an oculomotor ‘ rule switching ’ task to investigate the use of negative feedback when switching between task rules in people with schizophrenia. Method. A total of 50 patients with first episode schizophrenia and 25 healthy controls performed a task in which the association between a centrally presented visual cue and the direction of a saccade could change from trial to trial. Rule changes were heralded by an unexpected negative feedback, indicating that the cue-response mapping had reversed. Results. Schizophrenia patients were found to make increased errors following a rule switch, but these were almost entirely the result of executing saccades away from the location at which the negative feedback had been presented on the preceding trial. This impairment in negative feedback processing was independent of IQ. Conclusions. The results not only confirm the existence of a basic deficit in stimulus–response rule switching in schizophrenia, but also suggest that this arises from aberrant processing of response outcomes, resulting in a failure to appropriately update rules. The findings are discussed in the context of neurological and pharmacological abnormalities in the conditions that may disrupt prediction error signalling in schizophrenia

    Productivity and growth in organic value chains in East Africa – potentials and challenges for accessing local high value markets

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    The project ‘Productivity and Growth in Organic Value Chains (ProGrOV)’ is a collaboration between universities in Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania and Denmark addressing the need for sustainable development of smallholder farming systems in East Africa with focus on value chains for local high-value markets as well as export chains. While some research has focused on improving productivity and Natural Resource Management of smallholder farmers in Eastern Africa this has most often not been linked with studies of how to link improved production to market access and quality demands. NGO’s have demonstrated the synergy of supporting ecological intensification through improved marketing and innovation capacity of groups of smallholder farmers but only very few research projects have studied this potential synergy (Pali et al., 2007; Hawkins et al., 2009; Høgh-Jensen et al., 2010). ProGrOV contributes to the development of a platform of scientific capacity and evidence on potentials of organic value chains and agroecological approaches to agricultural development

    Pharmacokinetics of iron isomaltoside 1000 in patients with inflammatory bowel disease

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    Kim Nordfjeld, Hans Andreasen, Lars L ThomsenPharmacosmos A/S, Holbaek, DenmarkBackground: Iron isomaltoside 1000 is a novel injectable iron compound which offers potential advantages in the treatment of subjects with iron-deficiency anemia. We studied the pharmacokinetics (PK) of this novel compound in subjects with mild-to-moderate inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).Methods: This open-label, crossover, single-center trial was conducted in 12 subjects with IBD who were allocated to one of the two single intravenous (IV) bolus sequences of iron isomaltoside 1000: 100 mg followed by 200 mg, or vice-versa. PK variables were analyzed according to a single-compartment model.Results: The concentration-versus-time relationship for isomaltoside-bound iron (IBI) and total iron (TI) showed first-order kinetics with small deviations from dose-linearity. The area under the concentration-time curve (AUC) values in h * µg/mL for IBI following 100 mg and 200 mg doses were 888 and 2141 respectively, and for TI following 100 mg and 200 mg doses, the AUC values were 1010 and 2319 respectively. The corresponding maximum serum concentration (Cmax) values in µg/mL were 35.6 and 68.6 for IBI, and 37.3 and 71.1 for TI. The half-life (T½) values for IBI and TI were between 20.8–23.5 hours. The apparent volume of distribution (VD) ranged from 3.0–3.5 L. Only approximately 1% of the doses administered were excreted in the urine. No serious adverse event (SAE) was reported. One subject was withdrawn after the 100 mg dose due to abdominal pain and flushing.Conclusion: At the administered doses, iron isomaltoside 1000 showed first-order PK, and did not raise safety concerns in patients with IBD. The PK parameters for IBI were close to those of TI.Keywords: inflammatory bowel disease, iron deficiency anemia, iron treatment, iron isomaltoside, pharmacokinetic

    Removal Efficiencies in Full-scale Biotrickling Filters used to clean Pig House Exhaust Air

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    In this study, we tested the performance and perspectives of four full-scale biotrickling filters based on Leca® (Light Expanded Clay Aggregates), a mechanically stable, non-degradable filter media, known to absorb odorous compounds such as H2S and methanethiol. The four filters varied in: filter thickness, carrying media, and the presence of dust filters. Biological Leca® filters were found to be capable of reducing NH3, H2S and odour by up to 96%, 80% and 78%, respectively. Clogging was observed to occur after approximately 100 days, but the installation of a dust filter successfully eliminated this problem

    NA0D – The new traumatic dental injury classification of the world health organization

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    An accurate, clear, and easy-to- use traumatic dental injury (TDI) classification and definition system is a prerequisite for proper diagnosis, study, and treatment. However, more than 50 classifications have been used in the past. The ideal solution would be that TDIs are adequately classified within the International Classification of Diseases (ICD), endorsed by the World Health Organization (WHO). TDI classification provided by the 11th Revision of the ICD (ICD-11), released in 2018, and previous Revisions, failed to classify TDIs satisfactorily. Therefore, in December 2018, a proposal was submitted by Dr's Stefano Petti, Jens Ove Andreasen, Ulf Glendor, and Lars Andersson, to the ICD-11, asking for a change of the existing TDI classification. Proposal #2130 highlighted the TDI paradox, the fifth most frequent disease/condition neglected by most public health agencies in the world, and the limits of ICD-11 classification. Namely, injuries of teeth and periodontal tissues were located in two separate blocks that did not mention dental/periodontal tissues; infraction, concussion, and subluxation were not coded; most TDIs lacked description; and tooth fractures were described through bone fracture descriptions (e.g., comminuted, compression, and fissured fractures). These limitations led to TDI mis-reporting, under-reporting, and non-specific reporting by untrained non-dental healthcare providers. In addition, no scientific articles on TDIs, present in PubMed, Scopus, and Web-of- Science, used the ICD classification. Proposal #2130 suggested to adopt the Andreasen classification, the most widely acknowledged classification used in dental traumatology. The Proposal was reviewed by two WHO teams, two scientific Committees, one WHO Collaborating Center, and the Department of Non-Communicable Disease Prevention at WHO headquarters, and it underwent two voting sessions. In March 2022, the Andreasen classification was accepted integrally. A new entity was generated, called NA0D, “Injury of teeth or supporting structures” (https://icd.who.int/brows e11/l-m/ en#/http://id. who.int/icd /ent ity/141 3338122). Hopefully, this will contribute to increasing the public awareness, and the dental profession's management, of TDIs

    Global and regional cortical thinning in first-episode psychosis patients: relationships with clinical and cognitive features

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    BackgroundThe thickness of the cortical mantle is a sensitive measure for identifying alterations in cortical structure. We aimed to explore whether first episode schizophrenia patients already show a significant cortical thinning and whether cortical thickness anomalies may significantly influence clinical and cognitive features.MethodWe investigated regional changes in cortical thickness in a large and heterogeneous sample of schizophrenia spectrum patients (n=142) at their first break of the illness and healthy controls (n=83). Magnetic resonance imaging brain scans (1.5 T) were obtained and images were analyzed by using BRAINS2. The contribution of sociodemographic, cognitive and clinical characterictics was investigated.ResultsPatients showed a significant total cortical thinning (F=17.55, d=−0.62, p0.53). No significant group × gender interactions were observed (all p’s>0.15). There were no significant associations between the clinical and pre-morbid variables and cortical thickness measurements (all r’s<0.12). A weak significant negative correlation between attention and total (r=−0.24, p=0.021) and parietal cortical thickness (r=−0.27, p=0.009) was found in patients (thicker cortex was associated with lower attention). Our data revealed a similar pattern of cortical thickness changes related to age in patients and controls.ConclusionsCortical thinning is independent of gender, age, age of onset and duration of the illness and does not seem to significantly influence clinical and functional symptomatology. These findings support a primary neuro-development disorder affecting the normal cerebral cortex development in schizophrenia