1,415 research outputs found

    Lung Cell Toxicity of Metal-Containing Nanoparticles

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    Among the various nanomaterials present in society, many contain metals or metal compounds [...

    Risk Assessment of Nanomaterials Toxicity

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    Internal motivation for training of students of specialty "Physical culture and sports"

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    У статті розглянуто питання внутрішньої мотивації студентів до навчання, проаналізовано поняття мотивації та внутрішньої мотивації, визначено рівень мотивації до навчання у студентів та розглянуто більш детальне відношення до дисциплін студентів спеціальності "Фізична культура і спорт".In Bologna system of education, training consists of loans, which include contact hours and independent work of students. Therefore, intrinsic motivation is relevant, the student must comply with professional competence, be creative professional tasks, taking pleasure in learning. Students who are intrinsically motivated to study in the field of physical culture and sports, mastering professional skills, knowledge and abilities will be able to more competitiveness in the labor market. So study the problem of internal motivation to learn is relevant. To assess the level of intrinsic motivation in students of specialty "Physical Culture and Sports" was tested by the method of diagnosis for orientation learning motivation by Dubovytskiy T.D. 34 students 4 courses of specialty "Physical culture and sport" NTU "KPI" took part in research. Academic subjects for testing were taken from the curriculum of Bachelor specialty "Physical culture and sport" seventh term: "Theory and methods of teaching basic types of sports activities", "Organization of Physical Culture", "Fundamentals of medical knowledge", "Basic Research", "Information support of physical culture." The internal motivation for learning makes it possible to enjoy the received information and the understanding of its purpose in physical culture and sports. Studying intrinsic motivation for learning in students of specialty "Physical culture and sport", it was found that 60% of students consider obtaining knowledge valuable and interesting because most students intrinsic motivation high level. But 20% of students were found difficulties in study subjects (most of these students because of competitive training regime and miss a lot of classes. They acquire theme on their own, that making it difficult to study the material in the future)

    Investigation of LED Light Qualities for Peppermint (Mentha x Piperita L.) Cultivation Focusing on Plant Quality and Consumer Safety Aspects

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    To understand how peppermint responds to different LED light qualities during the early vegetative phase, peppermints were illuminated with three different LED light conditions (RB = Red/Blue, RGB = Red/Green/Blue, SUN = artificial sunlight closely resembling the terrestrial sunlight spectrum between 380 and 780 nm) in an automated vertical cultivation system. RB resulted in compact growth, whereas both green-containing lighting conditions induced excessive stem and side branch elongations and significant leaf expansions. Although peppermint plants achieved marketable appearances regardless of lighting condition, essential oil (EO) compositions with highly elevated amounts of pulegone and menthofuran did not meet consumer safety requirements. Both artificial SUN and RB spectra showed lower concentrations of pulegone in the EO at 41 and 43%, respectively, than detected under RGB at more than 49%. Reasons for this undesirable EO composition are discussed as a result of the lighting conditions applied and the early harvest time, leading to an incomplete reduction of pulegone to menthone during biosynthesis. Based on these findings, aromatic peppermint cultivation under LEDs can be improved to meet regulatory requirements and highlights the need for analytical quality controls regarding consumer safety to evaluate the applicability of LED lighting for fresh herb productions

    Facing energy limitations – approaches to increase basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) growth and quality by different increasing light intensities emitted by a broadband LED light spectrum (400-780 nm)

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    Based on the current trend towards broad-bandwidth LED light spectra for basil productions in multi-tiered controlled-environment horticulture, a recently developed white broad-bandwidth LED light spectrum (400-780 nm) including far-red wavelengths with elevated red and blue light fractions was employed to cultivate basil. Four Ocimum basilicum L. cultivars (cv. Anise, cv. Cinnamon, cv. Dark Opal and cv. Thai Magic) were exposed to two different rising light intensity conditions (ILow and IHigh). In dependence of the individual cultivar-specific plant height increase over time, basil cultivars were exposed to light intensities increasing from ~ 100 to ~ 200 µmol m-2 s-1 under ILow, and from 200 to 400 µmol m-2 s-1 under IHigh (due to the exponential light intensity increases with decreasing proximity to the LED light fixtures). Within the first experiment, basils’ morphological developments, biomass yields and time to marketability under both light conditions were investigated and the energy consumptions were determined to calculate the basils’ light use efficiencies. In detail, cultivar-dependent differences in plant height, leaf and branch pair developments over time are described. In comparison to the ILow light conditions, IHigh resulted in accelerated developments and greater yields of all basil cultivars and expedited their marketability by 3-5 days. However, exposure to light intensities above ~ 300 µmol m-2 s-1 induced light avoidance responses in the green-leafed basil cultivars cv. Anise, cv. Cinnamon and cv. Thai Magic. In contrast, ILow resulted in consumer-preferred visual qualities and greater biomass efficiencies of the green-leafed basil cultivars and are discussed as a result of their ability to adapt well to low light conditions. Contrarily to the green-leafed cultivars, purple-leafed cv. Dark Opal developed insufficiently under ILow, but remained light-tolerant under IHigh, which is related to its high anthocyanin contents. In a second experiment, cultivars’ volatile organic compound (VOC) contents and compositions over time were investigated. While VOC contents per gram of leaf dry matter gradually decreased in purple-leafed cv. Dark Opal between seedling stage to marketability, their contents gradually increased in the green cultivars. Regardless of the light treatment applied, cultivar-specific VOC compositions changed tremendously in a developmental stage-dependent manner

    Ciprofloxacin, enrofloxacin, lincomycin, penicillin G, and penicillin V – Determination of selected antibiotics in urine by LC‐MS/MS. Biomonitoring Method

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    The working group “Analyses in Biological Materials” of the Permanent Senate Com- mission for the Investigation of Health Hazards of Chemical Compounds in the Work Area developed and verified the presented biomonitoring method. This method allows for the sensitive and precise determination of selected antibiotics (ciprofloxacin, enrofloxacin, lincomycin, penicillin G, and penicillin V) in human urine. Sample preparation includes extracting the analytes by solid-phase extraction on Oasis HLB cartridges, followed by concentrating the eluates under a stream of nitrogen. The analytes are separated from matrix compounds by liquid chromatography and sub- sequently detected with tandem mass spectrometry using electrospray ionisation. Quantitative evaluation is carried out via external calibration in urine. The good precision data and accuracy data show that the method provides reliable and accurate measurement values. Any matrix effects are effectively compensated for by the use of isotope-labelled internal standards. This finding holds similarly true for cipro- floxacin, for which isotope-labelled enrofloxacin was used as internal standard (ISTD). With quantitation limits of 0.1 μg/l for ciprofloxacin, enrofloxacin, and lincomycin as well as 0.3 μg/l for penicillin G and penicillin V, this method is very sensitive and enables the reliable quantitation of occupational exposure to the selected antibiotics

    Methylamin. MAK-Begründung, Nachtrag

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