38 research outputs found

    Compagnie aeree low cost, competitivitĂ  dei sistemi aeroportuali e ricadute sui territori locali

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    The aim of this work is to analyze the role of air transport for the economic development of peripheral areas. Liberalization and deregulation processes have involved all aspects of the air transport activity, producing significant change to the supply side of the air transport market. Airlines have tried to expand their market share, efficiency, and above all, they have tried to specialise their activity focusing on specific demand targets. As a consequence, even airports have had to change their management activity, increasingly modifying their strategy to attract new carriers and plan new goals, such as, for example, increasing accessibility. As a consequence even the airport have had to change the management activity, modifying the strategy to attract new carriers. This paper is focusing on a dynamical approach for analyzing airport choice factors for airlines and for airport management. Its main advantage is the ability to linearly depict the several relationships occurring amongst the different subjects involved, with increased advantages as opposite to more traditional approaches, like the “Costs-Benefits” model, or the “Multi-criteria” techniques.trasporto aereo, territorio, system dynamics

    Modelli per la pianificazione logistica nei servizi sanitari di emergenza-urgenza

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    L’individuazione di modelli decisionali per le scelte di natura logistica relative ai servizi sanitari di emergenza-urgenza negli ultimi tempi hanno assunto una maggiore importanza sia per motivazioni di carattere sociale, sia per motivi di carattere economico. La concentrazione delle strutture sanitarie sul territorio e, quindi, l’eliminazione di molti centri di assistenza sanitaria, operata da parte delle Regioni italiane nel quadro della riduzione della spesa del servizio sanitario nazionale, ha fatto crescere l’attenzione degli utenti verso i servizi logistici di emergenza urgenza comunemente definiti come trasporti di pronto soccorso. Di conseguenza, anche i public policy maker devono ora affrontare il problema di conciliare le istanze sociali con quelle di minimizzazione della spesa della logistica per servizi di emergenza urgenza. A quest’ultimo proposito occorre sottolineare che le specificità sociali ed economiche di tale servizio impongono un elevato livello di rigore analitico per quanto concerne, la valutazione, da un lato, dell’andamento tendenziale delle esigenze collettive, dall’altro, della capacità del servizio di rispondere al reale bisogno della domanda nella sua articolazione territoriale. L’emergenza-urgenza costituisce un particolare segmento dell’offerta di servizi sanitari che si caratterizza per l’elevata complessità causata dell’aleatorietà degli eventi e dalla forte interazione spaziale tra il luogo di origine della domanda e il luogo in cui è possibile erogare il relativo servizio. Se poi l’erogazione avviene in un contesto territoriale caratterizzato da una morfologia eterogenea (montana e collinare), appare evidente il grado di complessità a cui si va incontro nella progettazione e gestione del servizio stesso. In tale ambito, il presente lavoro è teso ad illustrare un modello per ottimizzare la localizzazione e il livello di fornitura dei servizi in considerazione delle variabili territoriali (distanze e vie di comunicazione, etc.) e sociali (popolazione, attività economiche, etc.). Il presente lavoro costituisce la base per una futura applicazione empirica relativamente al caso della Regione siciliana (per ora limitata alla sola provincia di Messina). La scelta di questo territorio come base di studio deriva dal fatto che esso presenta peculiarità tali da rendere i modelli di micro-simulazione, che si desidera utilizzare per ottimizzare le scelte decisionali nel campo della logistica di emergenza urgenza, generalizzabili ad altre realtà anche meno complesse di quella da noi presa in considerazione

    Air transport and tourism flows to islands : a panel analysis for southern European countries

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    Air transport is an essential component of the tourism industry, and the number, frequency, and capacity of flight connections may influence the level of tourism demand, especially for island destinations. This paper evaluates the influence of air transport on tourism arrivals to selected islands in seven southern European Union countries to determine the nature of the relationship between tourist arrivals and air transport, specifically, whether air transport services generate tourism demand or merely enable touristic flows. The paper uses panel data and applies an econometric model with justifications for endogeneity and dynamic issues. Results show a moderate impact of transport infrastructures on generating additional tourist arrivals; however, the model shows that air transport is a prerequisite to developing tourism demand and is not the only determinant in increasing tourist arrivals. Tourist arrivals appear more a determinant than a consequence of changes in-flight connections

    Infrastructure and logistics divide: regional comparisons between North Eastern & Southern Italy

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    Only recently has the inequity among territories in terms of infrastructures and logistics services for freight transport become the subject of several studies regarding measurement and assessment of operational functionality and correspondence of supply for real mobility needs. The efficiency and competitiveness of territories are features that may be analysed through various parametric-type and non-parametric-type methodologies and with the construction of composite indicators. In reviewing recent literature, this article tackles the theme of measurement and assessment of the logistics and infrastructure divide with reference to the search for greater logistic efficiency and territorial competitiveness, in function of the specificities of local production systems and pursuable models of development in the global context. The purpose of this paper is twofold: to review the prevailing methods used to estimate regional efficiency and logistics competitiveness and to focus on an Italian case study. Focusing on the application of an original composite index to the Italian case study, the main insight of our analysis is that composite indicators could help policy-makers to evaluate the requirements of infrastructural interventions and logistics services, in close keeping with the characteristics of the local economic system

    Il trasporto merci in Sicilia e le politiche di incentivazione del modo combinato strada mare

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    Abstract. Il trasporto combinato strada/ferro-mare, inteso quale catena di trasporto composta da un anello marittimo e da un anello stradale o ferroviario costituisce un’innovazione organizzativa che sortisce indubbi riflessi positivi in termini ambientali. Il lavoro “Il trasporto merci in Sicilia e le politiche di incentivazione del modo combinato strada mare” si colloca nel filone di ricerca dell’economia applicata al settore dei trasporti, affrontando un argomento che abbraccia tre tematiche basilari in tale ambito, cioè l’economia dell’innovazione, l’economia dell’ambiente e l’economia dei trasporti. In particolare il lavoro analizza come un’innovazione organizzativa a supporto del trasporto merci possa giovare in termini di ambiente. Il contesto del mercato trasportistico in cui si è deciso di collocare lo studio è quello delle rotte nazionali che fanno capo ai porti siciliani. Lo studio si articola in una prima parte tesa a delineare un quadro sintetico delle caratteristiche quali-quantitative del settore della mobilità in Sicilia. Segue un’analisi empirica attraverso un modello Logit al fine di determinare gli elementi che incidono sull’efficienza del trasporto combinato. Le conclusioni esprimono suggerimenti di policy nell’ambito della tematica, di grande rilevanza e attualità, relativa alle strategie di politica ambientale tese all'incentivazione del mercato del trasporto combinato

    Macroeconomic impact of maritime transport: opportunities for western Mediterranean countries

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    The purpose of this paper is to investigate the maritime transport market in terms of macroeconomic opportunities for Western Mediterranean Area, excluding field observation related to the activities of shipping companies. To this end, we highlight the role of measuring instruments for capturing the performance and efficiency of port infrastructures, develop a scenario of growth opportunities and analyze the role of public policy makers in the field of port activities

    Low Cost Carriers and Italian Secondary Airports

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    Abstract. Air transport deregulation involves the sector of travel itself and the sector concerning slot allocations, airport charges and ground handling. The aim of this work is to analyze the Italian air market liberalization and its implications for secondary airports. After the introduction, the second section analyzes the consequences of liberalization on the use of airport capacity. The third part describes the development of the low cost phenomenon and the role of new carriers in the European Union market. The study ends with a look at the topic of planning airport investments in peripheral areas

    Airports and Low Cost carriers in the Era of Airline Deregulation: the Sicilian case

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    Over the last few years, the European liberalization and deregulation processes have involved all aspects of the air transport activity, producing significant change to the supply side of the air transport market. All the European air companies have tried to expand their market share, efficiency, and above all, they have tried to specialise their activity focusing on specific demand targets. As a consequence, even airports have had to change their management activity, increasingly modifying their strategy to attract new carriers and plan new goals, such as, for example, increasing accessibility. The aim of this work is to analyze the Italian air transport market after the deregulation process, and its implications for airports, in particular in peripheral areas such as Sicily. This paper is set out as follows. After the introduction, the second section illustrates the consequences of airline liberalization on the Italian market. The third part describes the regulation of airports. In the fourth section, we examine the influence of the low-cost experience on airport competition. The study ends with a look at Sicilian airports. The conclusions provide indications useful to authorities who need to make decisions regarding the enhancement or construction of new regional airport infrastructures