437 research outputs found

    Botanicals as a zinc oxide alternative to protect intestinal cells from an Escherichia coli F4 infection in vitro by modulation of enterocyte inflammatory response and bacterial virulence

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    Pharmacological doses of zinc oxide (ZnO) have been widely used in pig industry to control post-weaning diarrhea (PWD) symptoms exacerbated by enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli F4 infections. Because of environmental issues and regulatory restrictions, ZnO is no longer sustainable, and novel nutritional alternatives to manage PWD are urgently required. Botanicals represent a wide class of compounds employed in animal nutrition because of their diverse beneficial functions. The aim of this study was to investigate the in vitro protective action of a panel of essential oils and natural extracts on intestinal Caco-2 cells against an E. coli F4 infection. Moreover, we explored the potential mechanisms of action of all the botanicals compared to ZnO. Amongst the others, thyme essential oil, grape seed extract, and Capsicum oleoresin were the most effective in maintaining epithelial integrity and reducing bacterial translocation. Their mechanism of action was related to the modulation of cellular inflammatory response, the protection of tight junctions' expression and function, and the control of bacterial virulence, thus resembling the positive functions of ZnO. Moreover, despite their mild effects on the host side, ginger and tea tree essential oils provided promising results in the control of pathogen adhesion when employed during the challenge. These outcomes support the advantages of employing selected botanicals to manage E. coli F4 infections in vitro, therefore offering novel environmentally-friendly alternatives to pharmacological doses of ZnO capable to modulate host-pathogen interaction at different levels during PWD in pigs

    Total Cost of Ownership of melting furnaces: application of a prototypal model to aluminum die casting producers

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    After reviewing current literature on the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) methodology and its application to manufacturing contexts, we propose an application of this methodology to secondary aluminum melting furnaces. A prototypal calculation model is created and tested through three case studies of aluminum die casting companies. We illustrate the model structure and input data used to calculate the studied furnaces TCO. At last, results of the model test are presented and possible developments of the prototypal model are briefly discussed

    An efficient tool for the assisted design of SAR ADCs capacitive DACs

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    The optimal design of SAR ADCs requires the accurate estimate of nonlinearity and parasitic capacitance effects in the feedback charge redistribution DAC. Since both contributions depend on the specific array topology, complex calculations, custom modeling and heavy simulations in common circuit design environments are often required. This paper presents a MATLAB-based numerical environment to assist the design of the charge redistribution DACs adopted in SAR ADCs. The tool performs both parametric and statistical simulations taking into account capacitive mismatch and parasitic capacitances computing both differential and integral nonlinearity (DNL, INL). An excellent agreement is obtained with the results of circuit simulators (e.g. Cadence Spectre) featuring up to 10^4 shorter simulation time, allowing statistical simulations that would be otherwise impracticable. The switching energy and SNDR degradation due to static nonlinear effects are also estimated. Simulations and measurements on three designed and two fabricated prototypes confirm that the proposed tool can be used as a valid instrument to assist the design of a charge redistribution SAR ADC and to predict its static and dynamic metrics

    Thymol as an Adjuvant to Restore Antibiotic Efficacy and Reduce Antimicrobial Resistance and Virulence Gene Expression in Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli Strains

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    The continuous spread of antimicrobial resistance is endangering the efficient control of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC), which is mainly responsible for post-weaning diarrhea onset in piglets. Thymol, the key constituent of thyme essential oil, is already used in animal nutrition for its antimicrobial action. The aim of this study was to investigate the potential adjuvant effect of thymol to re-establish antibiotic efficacy against highly resistant ETEC field strains. Secondly, we evaluated the modulation of virulence and antibiotic resistance genes. Thymol showed the capacity to control ETEC growth and, when combined with ineffective antibiotics, it increased their antimicrobial power. In particular, it showed significant effects when blended with colistin and tetracycline, suggesting that the adjuvant effects rely on the presence of complementary mechanisms of action between molecules, or the absence of resistance mechanisms that inactivate antibiotics and target sites. Furthermore, our findings demonstrate that, when added to antibiotics, thymol can help to further downregulate several virulence and antibiotic resistance genes, offering new insights on the potential mechanisms of action. Therefore, in a one-health approach, our study supports the beneficial effects of combining thymol with antibiotics to restore their efficacy, together with the possibility of targeting gene expression as a pioneering approach to manage ETEC pathogenicity

    A blend of selected botanicals maintains intestinal epithelial integrity and reduces susceptibility to Escherichia coli F4 infection by modulating acute and chronic inflammation in vitro

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    In the pig production cycle, the most delicate phase is weaning, a sudden and early change that requires a quick adaptation, at the cost of developing inflammation and oxidation, especially at the intestinal level. In this period, pathogens like enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) contribute to the establishment of diarrhea, with long-lasting detrimental effects. Botanicals and their single bioactive components represent sustainable well-recognized tools in animal nutrition thanks to their wide-ranging beneficial functions. The aim of this study was to investigate the in vitro mechanism of action of a blend of botanicals (BOT), composed of thymol, grapeseed extract, and capsicum oleoresin, in supporting intestinal cell health during inflammatory challenges and ETEC infections. To reach this, we performed inflammatory and ETEC challenges on Caco-2 cells treated with BOT, measuring epithelial integrity, cellular oxidative stress, bacterial translocation and adhesion, gene expression levels, and examining tight junction distribution. BOT protected enterocytes against acute inflammation: while the challenge reduced epithelial tightness by 40%, BOT significantly limited its drop to 30%, also allowing faster recovery rates. In the case of chronic inflammation, BOT systematically improved by an average of 25% the integrity of challenged cells (p < 0.05). Moreover, when cells were infected with ETEC, BOT maintained epithelial integrity at the same level as an effective antibiotic and significantly reduced bacterial translocation by 1 log average. The mode of action of BOT was strictly related to the modulation of the inflammatory response, protecting tight junctions’ expression and structure. In addition, BOT influenced ETEC adhesion to intestinal cells (−4%, p < 0.05), also thanks to the reduction of enterocytes’ susceptibility to pathogens. Finally, BOT effectively scavenged reactive oxygen species generated by inflammatory and H2O2 challenges, thus alleviating oxidative stress by 40% compared to challenge (p < 0.05). These results support the employment of BOT in piglets at weaning to help manage bacterial infections and relieve transient or prolonged stressful states thanks to the modulation of host-pathogen interaction and the fine-tuning activity on the inflammatory tone

    Processi digitali per la gestione del patrimonio edilizio esistente: il complesso demaniale in piazza VIII agosto a Bologna, sede del Provveditorato Interregionale per le Opere Pubbliche Lombardia – Emilia-Romagna.

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    Il crescente interesse per la digitalizzazione ha di recente portato il quadro normativo italiano a dotarsi di disposizioni legislative che contemplano l’applicazione di metodi e tecniche BIM per il progetto del costruito. Il D.Lgs. 50/2016 (Codice degli appalti) e il suo primo decreto attuativo (D.M. 560/2017 Decreto Baratono) hanno sancito l’obbligo graduale, da parte degli attori coinvolti, di affrontare la pianificazione degli interventi d’opera pubblica attraverso processi informativi digitalizzati. Questo lavoro di tesi si colloca nella complessa discussione che vede la digitalizzazione applicata all’intervento sul costruito, analizzandone un possibile approccio in armonia con le recenti cogenze. Dopo un’analisi dettagliata dello stato dell’arte, esplicitata con lo studio dei testi di riferimento per le discipline coinvolte, sono state sperimentate diverse possibilità di raccolta, gestione e utilizzo dei dati che è possibile amministrare per intervenire a più livelli su un edificio esistente. Al fine di gestire la documentazione informativa è stato progettato un metodo per la soddisfazione delle necessità dei progettisti chiamati ad intervenire sul dominio costruito, con l’obiettivo di fornire loro una struttura di dati aggiornati e accessibili nei modelli digitalizzati. Attraverso lo sviluppo di tale approccio, nel modello BIM dell’edificio assunto come caso pilota, si è dimostrato come seguendo un criterio semantico per i componenti architettonici, strutturali e impiantistici, sia possibile progettare una struttura di informazioni coerente, accessibile e versatile, utile per tutto il ciclo di vita dell’organismo edilizio. La fase successiva consiste nell’elaborazione delle conoscenze sugli edifici, raccolte in modelli progettati per ospitare e rappresentare contenuti eterogenei, non solamente di carattere geometrico ma anche interpretativo. Il caso studiato costituisce un esempio pratico di applicazione e validazione dell’approccio al progetto edilizio

    Low-Power Design of Digital VLSI Circuits around the Point of First Failure

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    As an increase of intelligent and self-powered devices is forecasted for our future everyday life, the implementation of energy-autonomous devices that can wirelessly communicate data from sensors is crucial. Even though techniques such as voltage scaling proved to effectively reduce the energy consumption of digital circuits, additional energy savings are still required for a longer battery life. One of the main limitations of essentially any low-energy technique is the potential degradation of the quality of service (QoS). Thus, a thorough understanding of how circuits behave when operated around the point of first failure (PoFF) is key for the effective application of conventional energy-efficient methods as well as for the development of future low-energy techniques. In this thesis, a variety of circuits, techniques, and tools is described to reduce the energy consumption in digital systems when operated either in the safe and conservative exact region, close to the PoFF, or even inside the inexact region. A straightforward approach to reduce the power consumed by clock distribution while safely operating in the exact region is dual-edge-triggered (DET) clocking. However, the DET approach is rarely taken, primarily due to the perceived complexity of its integration. In this thesis, a fully automated design flow is introduced for applying DET clocking to a conventional single-edge-triggered (SET) design. In addition, the first static true-single-phase-clock DET flip-flop (DET-FF) that completely avoids clock-overlap hazards of DET registers is proposed. Even though the correct timing of synchronous circuits is ensured in worst-case conditions, the critical path might not always be excited. Thus, dynamic clock adjustment (DCA) has been proposed to trim any available dynamic timing margin by changing the operating clock frequency at runtime. This thesis describes a dynamically-adjustable clock generator (DCG) capable of modifying the period of the produced clock signal on a cycle-by-cycle basis that enables the DCA technique. In addition, a timing-monitoring sequential (TMS) that detects input transitions on either one of the clock phases to enable the selection of the best timing-monitoring strategy at runtime is proposed. Energy-quality scaling techniques aimat trading lower energy consumption for a small degradation on the QoS whenever approximations can be tolerated. In this thesis, a low-power methodology for the perturbation of baseline coefficients in reconfigurable finite impulse response (FIR) filters is proposed. The baseline coefficients are optimized to reduce the switching activity of the multipliers in the FIR filter, enabling the possibility of scaling the power consumption of the filter at runtime. The area as well as the leakage power of many system-on-chips is often dominated by embedded memories. Gain-cell embedded DRAM (GC-eDRAM) is a compact, low-power and CMOS-compatible alternative to the conventional static random-access memory (SRAM) when a higher memory density is desired. However, due to GC-eDRAMs relying on many interdependent variables, the adaptation of existing memories and the design of future GCeDRAMs prove to be highly complex tasks. Thus, the first modeling tool that estimates timing, memory availability, bandwidth, and area of GC-eDRAMs for a fast exploration of their design space is proposed in this thesis

    The effect of COVID-19 pandemic on daily oncology clinical practice

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    COvid 19 pandemic created several problems in the organisation of oncological clinics, but some of these changes might actually be beneficia

    Evaluation of age-specific causes of death in the context of the Italian longevity transition

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    : In many low-mortality countries, life expectancy at birth increased steadily over the last century. In particular, both Italian females and males benefited from faster improvements in mortality compared to other high-income countries, especially from the 1960s, leading to an exceptional increase in life expectancy. However, Italy has not become the leader in longevity. Here, we investigate life expectancy trends in Italy during the period 1960-2015 for both sexes. Additionally, we contribute to the existing literature by complementing life expectancy with an indicator of dispersion in ages at death, also known as lifespan inequality. Lifespan inequality underlies heterogeneity over age in populating health improvements and is a marker of uncertainty in the timing of death. We further quantify the contributions of different age groups and causes of death to recent trends in life expectancy and lifespan inequality. Our findings highlight the contributions of cardiovascular diseases and neoplasms to the recent increase in life expectancy but not necessarily to the decrease in lifespan inequality. Our results also uncover a more recent challenge across Italy: worsening mortality from infectious diseases and mortality at older age
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