2,279 research outputs found

    The Cleveland Health Tech Corridor: An Analysis of Economic Trends, 2000-2011

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    If I Could Peep Thru The Window To-Night

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    The mechanism producing initial transients on the clarinet

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    In self-sustained instruments, starting transients are important timbral characteristics that help identify the instrument and the playing style. Often, the oscillation starts as a growing exponential. This study investigates the starting amplitude of this exponential for the clarinet. After a rapid tongue release, the reed quickly returns to its equilibrium position. The sudden change in aperture produces an abrupt change in both the airflow into the mouthpiece and the mouthpiece pressure. This perturbation travels along the bore and reflects at the open end. Returning to the mouthpiece with slight attenuation, the perturbation can be amplified by the reed acting as an active element - effectively a negative resistance. When the reed release time exceeds the time for sound to travel twice the bore length, the airflow and pressure wave into the bore via the aperture are superposed over their own returning reflection. Measurements of reed motion and mouthpiece pressures during reed release yield values that are used in a model to calculate waveforms showing similarities to those observed experimentally. The initial amplitude decreases with increasing reed release time, though not always monotonically. It can become very small in special cases due to synchronisation between the initial pulse and its reflection

    Essential irrigation and the economics of strawberries in a temperate climate

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    Strawberries are a high value crop in the UK soft fruit sector, with the majority of production grown at field-scale and under protected (polytunnel) conditions. Despite its importance to the rural economy, there is surprisingly little published scientific evidence on the economics of irrigated strawberry production and the value of water in this horticultural sector. A survey of growers, supplemented by secondary data and industry sources, shows considerable variation in key physical and financial performance indicators, both within and between different strawberry production systems, as well as evidence of good practice. Water application depths ranged widely from 800 to over 2000 m3 ha−1 according to grower and crop variety. Irrigation costs typically range between £1.30 and £2.50 m−3 of water applied, highest where storage reservoirs and public water supplies are used. The average value of irrigation water for strawberry net of costs was about £6 m−3, much higher than for field crops such as potatoes. The importance of a reliable water supply to support irrigated strawberry production is highlighted. Climate change and growing pressures on water resources are likely to force a greater interest in irrigation economics in the soft fruit sector, especially in the face of restrictions on summer abstraction and rising competition and charges for using public water supply

    Stratus Not Altocumulus: A New View of the Yeast Protein Interaction Network

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    Systems biology approaches can reveal intermediary levels of organization between genotype and phenotype that often underlie biological phenomena such as polygenic effects and protein dispensability. An important conceptualization is the module, which is loosely defined as a cohort of proteins that perform a dedicated cellular task. Based on a computational analysis of limited interaction datasets in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, it has been suggested that the global protein interaction network is segregated such that highly connected proteins, called hubs, tend not to link to each other. Moreover, it has been suggested that hubs fall into two distinct classes: “party” hubs are co-expressed and co-localized with their partners, whereas “date” hubs interact with incoherently expressed and diversely localized partners, and thereby cohere disparate parts of the global network. This structure may be compared with altocumulus clouds, i.e., cotton ball–like structures sparsely connected by thin wisps. However, this organization might reflect a small and/or biased sample set of interactions. In a multi-validated high-confidence (HC) interaction network, assembled from all extant S. cerevisiae interaction data, including recently available proteome-wide interaction data and a large set of reliable literature-derived interactions, we find that hub–hub interactions are not suppressed. In fact, the number of interactions a hub has with other hubs is a good predictor of whether a hub protein is essential or not. We find that date hubs are neither required for network tolerance to node deletion, nor do date hubs have distinct biological attributes compared to other hubs. Date and party hubs do not, for example, evolve at different rates. Our analysis suggests that the organization of global protein interaction network is highly interconnected and hence interdependent, more like the continuous dense aggregations of stratus clouds than the segregated configuration of altocumulus clouds. If the network is configured in a stratus format, cross-talk between proteins is potentially a major source of noise. In turn, control of the activity of the most highly connected proteins may be vital. Indeed, we find that a fluctuation in steady-state levels of the most connected proteins is minimized

    Measurements, Medications, and Symptoms Logging Using a Virtual Assistant

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    This disclosure describes virtual assistant based techniques that, with user permission, log medications, symptoms, and measures of health. The techniques offer an easy mechanism for users to document their symptoms, vital signs, health data, etc. For example, a user simply speaks out their symptoms to their virtual assistant to create a log. Vital signs are automatically logged by the virtual assistant (with user permission) using, e.g., sensors and mobile/wearable devices. The techniques enable users to develop a personal health journal that frictionlessly logs activity, sleep, nutrition, heart rate, etc. When enabled, the virtual assistant reminds users of medications to be taken and also prevents accidental doubling of dosages. The automatically generated and curated personal health journal enables users to focus on a healthier lifestyle, provides valuable clues to pathologies, enables querying of health history, helps understand trends, and helps caregivers and doctors better deliver healthcare. The techniques are implemented with specific user permissions and in compliance with regulations related to health information