1,104 research outputs found

    Chemical composition of largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) fillet

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    Largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) is a freshwater fish originating from the United States of America (USA). This specie was introduced in Portugal (Azores) in the end of the XIX Century. Like in the USA, largemouth bass is one of the most popular freshwater sports fish in Portugal and it is very important in regional cuisine, especially in the countryside. However, there’s a lack of information about the chemical composition of largemouth bass fillet. All eaten largemouth bass in Portugal are caught in large dams and small irrigation dams because there’s no largemouth bass aquaculture industry. The aim of this work was to evaluate the chemical composition of largemouth bass fillet collected in an irrigation reservoir (39º49’27.89’’ N; 07º26’57.92’’ W) located in the Central region of Portugal. Thirteen largemouth bass were collected (average weight 349.85g ±74.23; average length 27.22cm ±1.43; average K condition factor 1.71 ±0.14) and were frozen during seven days. The cutting carcasses and the filet chemical analyses (moisture, protein, fat and ash) took place in the laboratory. In the carcass, the average amounts of viscera, spine, head, skin and filet were, respectively, 8.52% (±1.41), 17.24% (±1.29), 23.06% (±1.85), 7.58% (±0.60) and 43.59% (±1.91). In the filet, the average amounts of moisture, protein, fat and ash were, respectively, 77.67% (±1.07), 18.46% (±0.83), 0.90% (±0.31) and 1.20% (±0.05). We concluded that largemouth bass has a good filet yield with very low fat and high level of protein contents. In fact, as far as we know, these are the first results of carcass and filet characterization of largemouth bass collected in Portugal

    Extensive beef cattle production in Portugal: the added value of indigenous breeds in the beef market

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    O presente documento foi apresentado na 2nd International Conference of the LSIRD Network que decorreu em Bray, Dublin em Dezembro de 1998, tendo integrado os respectivos Proceedings.Beef production in less-favoured areas in Portugal is usually extensive, and along with forestry and agriculture is one of the main sources of income and employment. It has also an important role both in a social and environmental context. Portugal is not self-sufficient in beef production, though the BSE crisis has severely hit beef sales, and it is difficult to envisage consumption making a full recovery in the short to medium term. However, it is possible to see an emergent market for beef produced by Portuguese indigenous breeds from extensive production systems. Beef from indigenous breeds is considered to be a high quality product by producers and consumers, mainly because of the superior taste and structure of the meat resulting from the production methods: differences within breeds, slow growth rate and type of vegetation consumed. This product differentiation has allowed the enlargement of small niche markets and has led to an increase in the value of meat with a Protected Designation of Origin (PDO). The specificity of a product linked with a PDO has a fundamental role in the establishment of the strategies for agricultural enterprises and in rural development. Since Portuguese agriculture cannot compete on quantity or production cost with other competitors, differentiation and quality seem to be the alternatives that may stimulate rural activities in LFAs and create a regional added value able to contribute to sustainable development. Extensive animal production systems can be an important component of environmental and landscape protection, as well as contribute to the decrease of the human and physical desertification of our rural areas

    Photo and electroluminescence behavior of Tb(ACAC)3phen complex used as emissive layer on organic light emitting diodes

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    This work shows the luminescence properties of a rare-earth organic complex, the Tb(ACAC)3phen. The results show the 5D4 -> 7F3,4,5,6 transitions with no influence of any ligand emission. The photoluminescence excitation spectrum is tentatively interpreted by the ligands absorption. An OLED was made by thermal evaporation (total thickness of 1200 Ã…) using TPD and Alq3 as hole and electron transport layers, respectively. The light emission reproduces the photoluminescence spectrum of the terbium complex at room temperature, with CIE (x,y) color coordinates of (0.28, 0.55). No presence of any bands from the ligands was observed. The potential use of this compound in efficient devices is discussed

    Metal contaminants in Largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) collected in large dams from Tejo River basin and small irrigation dams

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    Largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) is a very important fresh water fish in the Portuguese regional cuisine mainly in the countryside (Central region and north Alentejo). Because there’s no aquaculture industry, all eaten largemouth bass in Portugal are collected in large dams (Basins of Tejo and Guadiana rivers) and small irrigation dams. For decades, the Tejo River received environmental pollutants from non-point and point sources that included intensive agriculture, industrial entities, municipalities and nuclear power plant. The aim of this work was to evaluate some metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Pb, Zn) present on largemouth bass muscle tissue collected in the section of Tejo River that makes border between Portugal and Spain (TR) (N=9) and collected in three irrigation reservoirs (IR) located near Castelo Branco – Portugal (N=11). Individual were weighted and measured. Age was determined by examining fish scales, and sex determined by gonads observation. Samples for liver, dorsolateral muscle and tail muscle were collected from the right side of the fish. TR average weight 435.14g (±109.15), average length 278.33mm (±23.28), average K condition factor 1.98 (±0.09) and average age 3.11 years (±0,78) were similar (P>0.05) to IR average weight 410.84g (±137.71), average length 278.36mm (±31.13), average K condition factor 1.86 (±0.17) and average age 3.18 years (±0,60). Total mercury was determined in freeze-dried samples by atomic absorption spectrometry with thermal decomposition and gold amalgamation. For the other metal analysis, freeze-dried powders were mineralized with a mixture of HNO3 and H2O2, followed by ICP-OES quantification. Cd and Pb presented concentrations below LOQ (0.025 and 0.15mg.kg-1wet.weight, respectively) for all muscle samples. These values are below legal limits in EU (0.05 and 0.3mg.kg-1wet.weight, respectively). Average Hg levels are below legal limits (0.5mg.kg-1wet.weight) and muscle presented higher levels than liver. These contaminant levels indicate that are no contamination sources in the sampling sites. Cu, Cr, Fe, Mn and Zn are essential micronutrients. Their concentrations were not significantly different between dorsal and tail muscle and were higher in liver (P>0.05), with mean concentrations on muscle being, respectively: TR 0.16 (±0.07), <LOQ(0.03), 1.45 (±0.42), 0.04 (±0.04) and 3.76 (±0.39) mg.kg-1wet.weight; IR 0.16 (±0.02), <LOQ(0.03), 1.80 (±0.52), 0.05 (±0.05) and 4.17 (±0.56) mg.kg-1wet.weight. We concluded that metallic concentrations of largemouth bass muscle tissues were below the maximum permissible for a safety utilization of theses fishes in human nutrition

    Composição nutricional do filete de três espécies piscícolas de águas interiores com interesse gastronómico

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    Composição nutricional do filete de três espécies piscícolas de águas interiores com interesse gastronómico

    Composição em proteína, gordura e ácidos gordos de filetes de achigãs (Micropterus salmoides Lacépède, 1802) submetidos a três regimes alimentares diferentes

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    Composição em proteína, gordura e ácidos gordos de filetes de achigãs (Micropterus salmoides Lacépède, 1802) submetidos a três regimes alimentares diferentes

    Conservative Treatment Of The Dentigerous Cyst: Report Of Two Cases

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    The purpose of this paper is to present two cases of dentigerous cyst associated to permanent teeth in children treated by conservative techniques. Dentigerous cyst is the most common developmental cysts of the jaws. Conservative treatment is very effective to this entity and aims at eliminating the cystic tissue and preserving the permanent tooth involved in the pathology. Two techniques are described as conservative treatment for these cysts, marsupialization and the decompression. Two children presented with dentigerous cysts. A female child was affected by a large lesion at the right side of the mandible associated to tooth 45. The other lesion arose at the left maxilla associated to tooth 21 of a male child. Each dentigerous cyst promoted severe tooth displacement. The first patient was treated with decompression and the second with marsupialization.1215256Kumar, R., Singh, R.K., Pandey, R.K., Mohammad, S., Ram, H., Inflammatory dentigerous cyst in a ten-year-old child (2012) Natl J Maxillofac Surg, 3, pp. 80-83Pinheiro, R.S., Castro, G.F., Roter, M., Netto, R., Meirelles Jr., V., Janini, M.E., An unusual dentigerous cyst in a young child (2013) Gen Dent, 61, pp. 62-64Picciotti, M., Divece, L., Parrini, S., Pettini, M., Lorenzini, G., Replantation of tooth involved in dentigerous cyst: a case report (2012) Eur J Paediatr Dent, 13, pp. 349-351Marwah, N., Bishen, K.A., Prabha, V., Goenka, P., A conservative approach in the management of inflammatory dentigerous cyst in transitional dentition: a case report (2012) Eur J Paediatr Dent, 13, pp. 349-351Benn, A., Altini, M., Dentigerous cysts of inflammatory origin A clinicopathologic study (1996) Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod, 81, pp. 203-209de Matos, F.R., Nonaka, C.F., Pinto, L.P., de Souza, L.B., de Almeida Freitas, R., Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor: retrospective study of 15 cases with emphasis on histopathologic features (2012) Head Neck Pathol, 6, pp. 430-437Lima, G.S., Fontes, S.T., de Araújo, L.M., Etges, A., Tarquinio, S.B., Gomes, A.P., A survey of oral and maxillofacial biopsies in children: a single-center retrospective study of 20 years in Pelotas-Brazil (2008) J Appl Oral Sci, 16, pp. 397-402Hyomoto, M., Kawakami, M., Inoue, M., Kirita, T., Clinical conditions for eruption of maxillary canines and mandibular premolars associated with dentigerous cysts (2003) Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop, 124, pp. 515-520Horowitz, R.A., Giannasca, P.J., Woodcock, C.L., Ultrastructural preservation of nuclei and chromatin: improvement with low-temperature methods (1990) J Microsc, 157, pp. 205-224Benichou, G., Tonsho, M., Tocco, G., Nadazdin, O., Madsen, J.C., Innate immunity and resistance to tolerogenesis in allotransplantation (2012) Front Immunol, 3, p. 73Gervasio, A.M., Silva, D.A., Taketomi, E.A., Souza, C.J., Sung, S.S., Loyola, A.M., Levels of GM-CSF, IL-3, and IL-6 in fluid and tissue from human radicular cysts (2005) J Dent Res, 81, pp. 64-68Takagi, S., Koyama, S., Guided eruption of an impacted second premolar associated with a dentigerous cyst in the maxillary sinus of a 6-year-old child (1999) J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 56, pp. 237-245Miyawaki, S., Hyomoto, M., Tsubauchi, J., Eruption speed and rate of angulation change of a cyst-associated mandibular second premolar after marsupialization of a dentigerous cyst (1999) Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop, 116, pp. 578-58

    Quality Of Strawberry Grown In Brazilian Tropical Humid Conditions For Breeding Programs

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    Introduction. The preliminary study of the post-harvest quality of the fruit from strawberry cultivars in a new growing region is necessary for both farmers and consumers. The objective of the present study was to evaluate strawberry cultivars at different harvest times with regard to fruit quality aiming at the selection of possible parents for breeding programs for cultivation in the tropical humid conditions of the city Datas, in Minas Gerais State (Brazil), and in other regions with similar soil-climatic conditions. Materials and methods. The strawberry fields were cultivated on the Mape Frutas Farm, located in the city of Datas-MG. Eight cultivars ('Aromas', 'Camarosa', 'Campinas', 'Diamante', 'Dover', 'Festival', 'Oso Grande', and 'Toyonoka') were assessed in a randomized block design with a split-plot in time. Four replicates and three harvest times (June, August, and October 2012) were evaluated. Fruit from the different cultivars were analyzed for their physicochemical and antioxidant properties. Results and discussion. There was a genetic variability and the predominance of genetic factors over environmental effects for the evaluated traits. Fruits harvested at the end of the crop cycle (October) had the highest levels of total reducing sugars, vitamin C, phenols, anthocyanins, carotenoids, soluble solids, and total antioxidant activity. Cultivars Camarosa, Festival, and Toyonoka showed better fruit quality. Conclusion. Based on the genetic dissimilarity and fruit quality, the cross between 'Toyonoka' and 'Camarosa' or 'Festival' is indicated for the genetic improvement of strawberry in the region and other places with similar soil-climatic conditions. © Cirad/EDP Sciences 2016.71315116

    Extensive beef cattle production in Portugal

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    Portugal, located in the Mediterranean region, one of the "Hot Spot" of the planet, has a huge variability in terms of topography, soils, climate, agriculture, traditions, resulting in a high diversity of animal genetic resources, represented by 15 native cattle breeds, most of them threatened. A significant percentage of extensive beef cattle production in Portugal is based on the use of animals, differing from north to south region, with good maternal aptitude, hardiness, a low growth performance and exceptional adaptation to the environment where they live, and especially to the local feed, naturally produced. In the north of the country and the Azores, dairy breeds predominate, while in the south beef breeds are most prevalent. Portugal is not self-sufficient in beef production, however it is possible to appreciate an market for beef produced by indigenous breeds from extensive and organic production systems. Beef from indigenous breeds is considered to be a high quality product, mainly because of the superior taste and structure of the meat resulting from the production system: slow growth rate and type of vegetation consumed. This product differentiation has allowed the enlargement of small niche markets and has led to an increase in the value of meat with a Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) or with organic beef. Since portuguese agriculture cannot compete on quantity or production cost with other competitors, differentiation and quality seem to be the alternatives that may stimulate rural activities in Less Favoured Areas (LFAs) and create a regional added value able to contribute to sustainable development. Extensive animal production systems can be an important component of environmental and landscape protection, as well as contribute to the decrease of the human, physical desertification of our rural areas and animal genetic resources
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