128,466 research outputs found

    A microprocessor controlled pressure scanning system

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    A microprocessor-based controller and data logger for pressure scanning systems is described. The microcomputer positions and manages data from as many as four 48-port electro-mechanical pressure scanners. The maximum scanning rate is 80 pressure measurements per second (20 ports per second on each of four scanners). The system features on-line calibration, position-directed data storage, and once-per-scan display in engineering units of data from a selected port. The system is designed to be interfaced to a facility computer through a shared memory. System hardware and software are described. Factors affecting measurement error in this type of system are also discussed

    Knots and Classical 3-Geometries

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    It has been conjectured by Rovelli that there is a correspondence between the space of link classes of a Riemannian 3-manifold and the space of 3-geometries (on the same manifold). An exact statement of his conjecture will be established and then verified for the case when the 3-manifold is compact, orientable and closed.Comment: 14p. type-set in AmS-TeX version 2.

    Integrated exhaust gas analysis system for aircraft turbine engine component testing

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    An integrated exhaust gas analysis system was designed and installed in the hot-section facility at the Lewis Research Center. The system is designed to operate either manually or automatically and also to be operated from a remote station. The system measures oxygen, water vapor, total hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and oxides of nitrogen. Two microprocessors control the system and the analyzers, collect data and process them into engineering units, and present the data to the facility computers and the system operator. Within the design of this system there are innovative concepts and procedures that are of general interest and application to other gas analysis tasks

    An integrated exhaust gas analysis system with self-contained data processing and automatic calibration

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    An integrated gas analysis system designed to operate in automatic, semiautomatic, and manual modes from a remote control panel is described. The system measures the carbon monoxide, oxygen, water vapor, total hydrocarbons, carbon dioxide, and oxides of nitrogen. A pull through design provides increased reliability and eliminates the need for manual flow rate adjustment and pressure correction. The system contains two microprocessors to range the analyzers, calibrate the system, process the raw data to units of concentration, and provides information to the facility research computer and to the operator through terminal and the control panels. After initial setup, the system operates for several hours without significant operator attention

    Evaluation of a bulk calorimeter and heat balance for determination of supersonic combustor efficiency

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    Results are presented from the shakedown and evaluation test of a bulk calorimeter. The calorimeter is designed to quench the combustion at the exit of a direct-connect, hydrogen fueled, scramjet combustor model, and to provide the measurements necessary to perform an analysis of combustion efficiency. Results indicate that the calorimeter quenches reaction, that reasonable response times are obtained, and that the calculated combustion efficiency is repeatable within + or -3 percent and varies in a regular way with combustor model parameters such as injected fuel equivalence ratio

    Neutron irradiation of Am-241 effectively produces curium

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    Computer study was made on the production of multicurie amounts of highly alpha-active curium 242 from americium 241 irradiation. The information available includes curium 242 yields, curium composition, irradiation data, and production techniques and safeguards

    Maximum solutions of normalized Ricci flows on 4-manifolds

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    We consider maximum solution g(t)g(t), t[0,+)t\in [0, +\infty), to the normalized Ricci flow. Among other things, we prove that, if (M,ω)(M, \omega) is a smooth compact symplectic 4-manifold such that b2+(M)>1b_2^+(M)>1 and let g(t),t[0,)g(t),t\in[0,\infty), be a solution to (1.3) on MM whose Ricci curvature satisfies that Ric(g(t))3|\text{Ric}(g(t))|\leq 3 and additionally χ(M)=3τ(M)>0\chi(M)=3 \tau (M)>0, then there exists an mNm\in \mathbb{N}, and a sequence of points {xj,kM}\{x_{j,k}\in M\}, j=1,...,mj=1, ..., m, satisfying that, by passing to a subsequence, (M,g(tk+t),x1,k,...,xm,k)dGH(j=1mNj,g,x1,,...,,xm,),(M, g(t_{k}+t), x_{1,k},..., x_{m,k}) \stackrel{d_{GH}}\longrightarrow (\coprod_{j=1}^m N_j, g_{\infty}, x_{1,\infty}, ...,, x_{m,\infty}), t[0,)t\in [0, \infty), in the mm-pointed Gromov-Hausdorff sense for any sequence tkt_{k}\longrightarrow \infty, where (Nj,g)(N_{j}, g_{\infty}), j=1,...,mj=1,..., m, are complete complex hyperbolic orbifolds of complex dimension 2 with at most finitely many isolated orbifold points. Moreover, the convergence is CC^{\infty} in the non-singular part of 1mNj\coprod_1^m N_{j} and Volg0(M)=j=1mVolg(Nj)\text{Vol}_{g_{0}}(M)=\sum_{j=1}^{m}\text{Vol}_{g_{\infty}}(N_{j}), where χ(M)\chi(M) (resp. τ(M)\tau(M)) is the Euler characteristic (resp. signature) of MM.Comment: 23 page

    Ion microprobe mass analysis of lunar samples. Lunar sample program

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    Mass analyses of selected minerals, glasses and soil particles of lunar, meteoritic and terrestrial rocks have been made with the ion microprobe mass analyzer. Major, minor and trace element concentrations have been determined in situ in major and accessory mineral phases in polished rock thin sections. The Pb isotope ratios have been measured in U and Th bearing accessory minerals to yield radiometric age dates and heavy volatile elements have been sought on the surfaces of free particles from Apollo soil samples

    Calculation of flow about posts and powerhead model

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    A three dimensional analysis of the non-uniform flow around the liquid oxygen (LOX) posts in the Space Shuttle Main Engine (SSME) powerhead was performed to determine possible factors contributing to the failure of the posts. Also performed was three dimensional numerical fluid flow analysis of the high pressure fuel turbopump (HPFTP) exhaust system, consisting of the turnaround duct (TAD), two-duct hot gas manifold (HGM), and the Version B transfer ducts. The analysis was conducted in the following manner: (1) modeling the flow around a single and small clusters (2 to 10) of posts; (2) modeling the velocity field in the cross plane; and (3) modeling the entire flow region with a three dimensional network type model. Shear stress functions which will permit viscous analysis without requiring excessive numbers of computational grid points were developed. These wall functions, laminar and turbulent, have been compared to standard Blasius solutions and are directly applicable to the cylinder in cross flow class of problems to which the LOX post problem belongs