1,228 research outputs found

    Formulasi dan Aktivitas Gel yang Mengandung Nanopartikel Ekstrak Temulawak sebagai Antiacne

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     Javanese turmeric is one of the Indonesiaā€™s authentic plant that has many beneļ¬ts, antimicrobial eļ¬€ect is one of them. Curcuminoid and xanthorrhizol contents are responsible for it's antimicrobial activity. Acne vulgaris is one of skinā€™s disorder that caused by bacteria, the major cause is Propionibacterium acnes. This study aimed to compare antimicrobial activity diļ¬€erence between nanoparticle and extract gel. Javanese turmeric was extracted and then formulated into nanoparticles. Javanese turmeric extract and it's nanoparticles were then  formulated in gel preparation. Gel preparations were evaluated physically (organoleptic, homogeinity, spreadibility, and viscosity and rheology), chemically (pH value), and tested for their antimicrobial activity. Gel evaluations showed that both formula (nanoparticle and extract gel formula) did not show any discoloration and still homogeny. Extract gel formula had viscosity about 1540ā€“1600 Ps, while nano extract gel had viscosity in the range of 487.63ā€“501.01Ps. Extract gel formula had spreadability in the range of 51.75-53.35  mm,  while nano extract gel has viscosity in the range of 65.125-72.75 mm. Extract gel formula had pH value in the range of 5.98ā€“6.02, while nano extract gel had pH value in the range of 5.88ā€“5.93. Extract gel formula has inhibition zone in the range of 10.0 mmā€“10.3 mm, while nanoextract gel has inhibition zone in the range of 13.0 mmā€“13.4 mm. Based on statistical paired sample t-test analysis, nano extract gel formula was signiļ¬ cantly diļ¬€erent from extract  gel formula in antimicrobial activity. Temulawak adalah salah satu tanaman asli Indonesia yang memiliki banyak manfaat, salah satunya adalah efek antimikroba. Kandungan curcuminoid dan xanthorrhizol bertanggung jawab atas aktivitas antimikroba. Acne vulgaris adalah salah satu kelainan kulit yang disebabkan oleh bakteri, penyebab utamanya adalah Propionibacterium acnes. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan perbedaan aktivitas antimikroba antara nanopartikel dan ekstrak gel. Temulawak diekstraksi dan kemudian diformulasikan menjadi partikel nano. Ekstrak temulawak dan nanopartikelnya kemudian diformulasikan dalam sediaan gel. Sediaan gel dievaluasi secara ļ¬ sik (organoleptik, homogenitas, spreadibility, dan viskositas dan reologi), secara kimiawi (nilai pH), dan diuji aktivitas antimikroba nya. Evaluasi gel menunjukkan bahwa kedua formula (nanopartikel dan ekstrak ekstrak gel) tidak menunjukkan perubahan warna dan masih homogen. Formula gel ekstrak memiliki viskositas sekitar 1540ā€“1600 Ps, sedangkan gel ekstrak nano memiliki viskositas pada kisaran 487,63-501,01Ps. Formula gel ekstrak memiliki daya sebar dalam kisaran 51,75-53,35 mm, sedangkan gel ekstrak nano memiliki viskositas pada kisaran 65,125-72,75 mm. Formula gel ekstrak memiliki nilai pH di kisaran 5,98-6,02, sedangkan gel ekstrak nano memiliki nilai pH di kisaran 5,88-5,93. Formula gel ekstrak memiliki zona hambat pada kisaran 10,0 mm - 10,3 mm, sedangkan nanoextract gel memiliki zona hambat pada kisaran 13,0 mm - 13,4 mm. Berdasarkan analisis uji-t sampel berpasangan statistik, formula gel ekstrak nano berbeda secara signiļ¬ kan dari formula ekstrak gel dalam aktivitas antimikroba

    Kontribusi Dimensi-Dimensi Keadilan Organisasi dalam Memprediksi Keinginan Berpindah Pada Karyawan PT. Y

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    The purpose of this study is to find out relationship between organizational justice and turnover intention of employees at PT. Y. The hypothesis proposed in this research stated there is a relationship between organizational justice and turnover intention of employees at PT. Y. The research data analysis used was multiple regression analysis to know the relationship between organizational justice with turnover intention. The research subjects were all employees of PT. Y consisting of 108 employees. The data were derived from a scale to measure organizational justice and turnover intention. The result of the data analysis reveal F = 24.694 with p = 0.000 (p<0,05), means there is a relationship between organizational justice with turnover intention of employees at PT. Y. The result of the study showed that the contribution (R2) was 47% (Adjusted R Square = 0,470)

    MOTIF MASYARAKAT SURABAYA TERHADAP TAYANGAN TALK SHOW DR.OZ INDONESIA DI MEDIA TV ( Studi Analisis Kuantitatif Deskriptif Tentang Motif Masyarakat Surabaya Terhadap Tayangan Talk show DR.OZ Indonesia di TRANS TV )

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    Research is done to see the motives surabaya in a talk show broadcast dr.oz indonesia.The public viewed from motives cognitive and surabaya personal identity and diversi.It is used in this research are the uses and gratification. Approach in this research is quantitative, descriptive of research.The method used in this research are method of surveying in collecting data of a questionnaire. Respondents in these studies 100 people and sampling techniques used the sampling techniques in the probability is purposive sampling.The result of this research suggests that its surabaya on a community tallk show dr.oz indonesia are high percentage 100 %.This implies that public surabaya keep watching the show dr.oz indonesia to obtain informaasi and entertainment. Keywords: motives, a talk show dr.oz indonesi

    Self Portrait

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    Analisis Sistem Dan Prosedur Persediaan Bahan Habis Pakai Dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Pengendalian Intern (Studi Kasus Pada PT. Wiranas Laundry and Dry Clean Malang)

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    The research was conducted on the basis of the increasing number of service companies that use consumables inventory, where in conducting the inventory is still less because the systems and procedures used have not improving internal control. The direction of this study isto describe and analyze systems and consumables inventory procedures and to describe and analyze systems and consumables inventory procedure conducted by PT. Wiranas Laundry and Dry Cleaning Services in the effort to improve the internal control element. Systems and procedures used in the supply of consumables is the procedure of recording the cost of supplies purchased, the cost of inventory record keeping procedures that are returned to the supplier, procedures and expenditures warehouse demand, the cost of additional recording procedures for the return of goods warehouse inventory and physical counting system The method used in this study is a descriptive study using a case study approach. The results of this study there is geminating function on consumables inventory system and procedure that can weaken internal control. Based on these results of this study, separation function on consumables inventory system and procedure a method used to improve internal control


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    The Company Establishment both active in industrial and trade areas essentially have a goal to obtain the optimum profit in each of periods thus the survival of company can be warranted. The appropriate and efficient planning in managing optimally all resources had is needed to achieve the success of company goal. Based on the explanation thus it was formulated several problems, namely: (1) how much the cost and profit of company? how much the sale forecasting of the previous year to make production planning in 2011? (3) how much production plan of 2011 based on the sale forecast and the company internal factors condition? From the problems, there were made research hypotheses, namely: (1) It supposed that RISA soybean milk business in each year experienced profit increase. (2) It supposed that the sale trend of RISA Soybean Milk in 2011 shall increase. Location of research was at the home industri of RISA Soybean Milk of Malang located in the Perum Lembah Dieng Block G1 No. 10, Malang Regency. Location determination was done purposively. Data analysis method conducted was the quantitative analysis involved (1) cost and profit analysis, representing the numbers of cost the company spent, revenue, and profit obtained. (2) sale forecasting analysis by Least Square Method (MKT) to know the sale forecasting in 2011 in the framework to make the appropriate production planning based on the sale forecast and the company internal factor condition. The home industry of RISA Soybean Milk was a small enterprise of the household scale owned by Mrs. Susan Chairizal Susilo, it was officially established since 2003. This enterprise was located at her-own house in Perum Lembah Dieng block G1 No. 10, Malang Regency. The employees who employed in this small enterprise were amounted to 5 persons, consisted of 2 workers as the cooks and 3 persons as the product salesmen. Production of RISA soybean milk in a day reached 250 packs, with content of 275 ml per pack of soybean milk, and sold at price of Rp. 1600.- at the producer level. RISA soybean milk had some superiorities, namely, the exact milk viscosity level, had no rancid smell, and its taste was not too sweet thus many consumers like it. For the marketing area, the RISA soybean milk just marketed at shops and department stores around Malang City. In order to more to introduce her product Mrs. Susan established a special stand for soybean milk and fresh fruit juice located on Bromo Street, Malang City. From the results of cost and profit analysis, there were obtained data regarding the variable costs involving the major raw material cost, the supplement raw material cost and the marketing cost. (B) Fixed cost involving direct labor, indirect labor, depreciation and utilities (electricity and water) cost. (C) Total cost, namely, the total numbers of variable cost plus fixed cost, total cost in the RISA Soybean Milk enterprise was Rp (D) Revenue and (E) profit. Each year this business continually experienced profit, although occasionally the profit percentage level decreased. In 2009 the profit obtained was as much as Rp. 85,278,980.- or increased around 54% from the prior year. This case showed that the first research hypothesis proven, that the home industry business of RISA Soybean Milk of Malang experienced profit in each year. The time series forecasting analysis was used to know the RISA soybean milk selling in 2011. From the calculation results, obtained the sale forecasting result for 2011 as much as 25,172 liters/year. The amount increased from the sale results in 2009 which as much as 17,727 liters/day. The forecasting result could prove that the second research hypothesis was true, namely the trend of RISA soybean milk sale in 2011 increased. Based on the determined sale forecasting results, then the business owner decided to increase her production numbers consistent with the forecasting result, namely as much as 25,172 liters/year, or around 80 liters of soybean milk a day. In addition, from her business internal factor aspect, the owner also planned add the number of her production equipment namely in the form of basins, stainless pans, and stoves, so that it could meet the production numbers she wanted to reach. For the labor, the owner did not plan to add them more, due to the existing labor number were still capable to assist the production process and selling of RISA soybean milk


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    This research aims to examine the influence of destination image and tourist facilities on visiting decisions. The population in this study were all visitors to the Kampung Susu Dinasty village tour. By using a purposive sampling technique, a sample of 110 visitors was obtained. This method uses multiple linear regression with SPSS Version 27. The results of this study conclude that the image of tourist destinations and facilities partially has a significant effect on visiting decisions. In addition, based on the dominant test results, tourist facilities have a more dominant influence on visiting decisions than destination image
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