82 research outputs found

    Can birds enhance the dispersal of freshwater macrocrustaceans?

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    The freshwater crustaceans, Crangonyx pseudogracilis, Atyaephyra desmaresti and Procambarus clarkii (hereby referred to as FCs) are non-native in several areas of their distribution range presumably due to human-mediated introductions. Here we test dispersal by waterbirds as a complementary mechanism of dispersal of these 3 species. For P. clarkii, we studied the transport of recently hatched juveniles while, for the other two species, adults were used. In an initial experiment, we evaluated the effect of environmental conditions and size on FCs desiccation survival time. Next, we performed a set of experiments to evaluate the likelihood of FCs taking a bird transport vector. This was quantified using a freshly dead mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) or mallard’s feet under still or moving conditions. A third set of experiments evaluated FCs survival probability during transport by birds. For that purpose we released, at several distances, pigeons carrying FCs on a small mesh bag. In addition, we also used a freshly dead mallard mounted on the top of a moving vehicle and carrying FCs on its feathers. All 3 species were capable of clinging to mallard’s feathers and to mallard’s feet resulting in successful transport. A value of the probability of taking the transport vector was obtained for each species under each set of experimental conditions. This probability depends on the water depth, on the resting time of the vector and on the stillness or movement of the vector. The time lengths for 50% or 90% mortality (LT50 and LT90) of the FCs when removed from the water and also when transported by birds show that they are capable of surviving overland bird transport. We found that some P. clarkii juveniles survived distances up to 150 km outside a moving vehicle simulating bird flight and up to 62 km when transported by birds. Nevertheless, the majority of the FCs was only capable of surviving much smaller distances. Our results have shown that FCs ectozoochory is possible and that, distance, size and environmental conditions can significantly affect the likelihood of survival of FCs during bird flight

    Liquid mixtures involving hydrogenated and fluorinated alcohols: thermodynamics, spectroscopy, and simulation

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    This article reports a combined thermodynamic, spectroscopic, and Computational study on the interactions and structure of binary mixtures of hydrogenated and fluorinated substances that simultaneously interact through strong hydrogen bonding. Four binary mixtures of hydrogenated and fluorinated alcohols have been studied, namely, (ethanol + 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol (TFE)), (ethanol + 2,2,3,3,4,4,4-heptafluoro-1-butanol), (1-butanol (BuOH) + TFE), and (BuOH + 2,23,4,4,4-heptafluoto-1-butanol). Excess molar volumes and vibrational spectra of all four binary mixtures have been measured as a function of composition at 298 K, and molecular dynamics simulations have been performed. The systems display a complex behavior when compared with mixtures of hydrogenated alcohols and mixtures of alkanes and perfluoroalkanes. The combined analysis of the results from different approaches indicates that this results from a balance between preferential hydrogen bonding between the hydrogenated and fluorinated alcohols and the unfavorable dispersion forces between the hydrogenated and fluorinated chains. As the chain length increases, the contribution of dispersion increases and overcomes the contribution of H-bonds. In terms of the liquid structure, the simulations suggest the possibility of segregation between the hydrogenated and fluorinated segments, a hypothesis corroborated by the spectroscopic results. Furthermore, a quantitative analysis of the infrared spectra reveals that the presence of fluorinated groups induces conformational changes in the hydrogenated chains from the usually preferred all-trans to more globular arrangements involving gauche conformations. Conformational rearrangements at the CCOH dihedral angle upon mixing are also disclosed by the spectra

    Perceptions and risk behaviors regarding biological invasions in inland aquatic ecosystems

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    Public engagement is vital to effectively manage Invasive Alien Species (IAS) and biosecurity campaigns directed to stakeholders are decisive to raise awareness regarding IAS regulations and problems. To design and implement adequate communication plans, stakeholders’ perceptions and risk behaviors regarding IAS need to be monitored by surveys. IAS do not recognize borders and most countries are not biogeographically isolated. Therefore, in ternational information and consensus are necessary when applying measures at a biogeographic scale. Our bilingual survey was performed at the Iberian Peninsula, targeting the general public, decision-makers and other stakeholders, covering all taxa associated to inland aquatic ecosystems. We found differences in IAS’ awareness between countries, and between different stakeholder groups. Results showed that the awareness of socioeco nomic and human health impacts is substantially lower when compared with impacts on biodiversity. We found that the perception regarding the predation impacts is consistent across groups and countries, while other per ceptions differ. The negative socioeconomic impact on angling due to IAS introductions is widely recognized. However, angling is also the activity most referred as positively impacted by IAS due to fish introductions. Most responders knew what IAS are, providing correct species examples. For all three awareness types (Biodiversity, Socio-economic and Human health) the model regressions showed that the most important predictor was the country of provenance of the respondent, followed by Education level for the socio-economic and biodiversity regressions and the stakeholder group in the Human health regression. We can conclude that in Portugal and Spain the general public and other key target-groups have reduced understanding of some threats posed by IAS. We highlight that raising awareness about IAS impacts on humans, namely on socio-economic aspects and human health, may be more effective and it is certainly needed in education campaigns towards IAS

    A multi-taxa assessment of aquatic non-indigenous species introduced into Iberian freshwater and transitional waters

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    leading to multi-faceted ecological, economic and health impacts worldwide. The Iberian Peninsula comprises an exceptionally biodiverse Mediterranean region with a high number of threatened and endemic aquatic species, most of them strongly impacted by biological invasions. Following a structured approach that combines a systematic review of available information and expert opinion, we provide a comprehensive and updated multi-taxa inventory of aquatic NIS (fungi, macroalgae, vascular plants, invertebrates and vertebrates) in Iberian inland waters. Moreover, we assess overall patterns in the establishment status, introduction pathways, native range and temporal introduction trends of listed NIS. In addition, we discuss the legal coverage provided by both national (Spanish and Portuguese) and European NIS regulations. We inventoried 326 aquatic NIS in Iberian inland waters, including 215 established, 96 with uncertain establishment status and 15 cryptogenic taxa. Invertebrates (54.6%) and vertebrates (24.5%) were the groups with the highest number of NIS, with Arthropoda, Mollusca, and Chordata being the most represented phyla. Recorded NIS originated from diverse geographic regions, with North and South America being the most frequent. Vertebrates and vascular plants were mostly introduced through intentional pathways (i.e. release and escape), whereas invertebrates and macroalgae arrived mostly through unintentional ways (i.e. contaminant or stowaway). Most of the recorded NIS were introduced in Iberian inland waters over the second half of the 20th century, with a high number of NIS introductions being reported in the 2000s. While only 8% of the recorded NIS appear in the European Union list of Invasive Alien Species of Union concern, around 25% are listed in the Spanish and Portuguese NIS regulations. This study provides the most updated checklist of Iberian aquatic NIS, meeting the requirements set by the EU regulation and providing a baseline for the evaluation of its application. We point out the need for coordinated transnational strategies to properly tackle aquatic invasions across borders of the EU members.LIFE INVASAQUA (Especies exóticas invasoras acuáticas de sistemas de agua dulce y estuarios: sensibilización y prevención en la Península Ibérica) de la UE - LIFE17 GIE/ES/00051

    The silent extinction of freshwater mussels in Portugal

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    Freshwater mussels are one of the most threatened animal groups in the world. In the European Union, threatened and protected mussel species are not adequately monitored, while species considered to be common and widespread receive even less attention. This is particularly worrying in the Mediterranean region, where species endemism is high and freshwater habitats are severely affected by water scarcity. In the absence of hard data on population trends, we report here a long-term comparison of freshwater mussel assemblages at 132 sites covering 15 different hydrological basins in Portugal. This study reveals a widespread decline of 60 % in the number of sites and 67 % in the overall abundance of freshwater mussels across Portugal over the last 20 years, indicating that all species are rapidly declining and threatened with extinction. These results show that current legislation and conservation measures are largely ineffective and highlight the importance of updating the Habitats Directive to enforce standard monitoring protocols for threatened species in the European Union and to extend monitoring to other freshwater species thought to be common and widespread. Efficient water management, restrictions on irrigation expansion in important biodiversity areas, mitigation of hydrological changes and loss of aquatic habitat connectivity caused by physical alterations are urgently needed to reverse these declining population trends. For the severely endangered species Margaritifera margaritifera, Potomida littoralis, and Unio tumidiformis, where populations are now critically low, more urgent action is needed, such as ex-situ conservation, protection of remaining populations and large-scale habitat restoration.We would like to thank Jake Dimon, José Tourais, Filipe Rolo, and Elza Fonseca for their help in the surveys. This research was developed under the project EdgeOmics - Freshwater Bivalves at the edge: Adaptation genomics under climate-change scenarios (PTDC/CTA-AMB/3065/2020) funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) through national funds. FCT also funded MLL under contract 2020.03608.CEECIND, EF under contract CEECINST/00027/2021/CP2789/CT0003, AGS under the grants SFRH/BD/137935/2018 and COVID/DB/152933/2022, and JGN under the grant 2020.04637. BD. The baseline survey was funded by the project “Documentos Estruturantes” (POA 1.100021) of the Instituto da Conservaçã da Natureza

    A horizon scan exercise for aquatic invasive alien species in Iberian inland waters

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    As the number of introduced species keeps increasing unabatedly, identifying and prioritising current and potential Invasive Alien Species (IAS) has become essential to manage them. Horizon Scanning (HS), defined as an exploration of potential threats, is considered a fundamental component of IAS management. By combining scientific knowledge on taxa with expert opinion, we identified the most relevant aquatic IAS in the Iberian Peninsula, i.e., those with the greatest geographic extent (or probability of introduction), severe ecological, economic and human health impacts, greatest difficulty and acceptability of management. We highlighted the 126 most relevant IAS already present in Iberian inland waters (i.e., Concern list) and 89 with a high probability of being introduced in the near future (i.e., Alert list), of which 24 and 10 IAS, respectively, were considered as a management priority after receiving the highest scores in the expert assessment (i.e., top-ranked IAS). In both lists, aquatic IAS belonging to the four thematic groups (plants, freshwater invertebrates, estuarine invertebrates, and vertebrates) were identified as having been introduced through various pathways from different regions of the world and classified according to their main functional feeding groups. Also, the latest update of the list of IAS of Union concern pursuant to Regulation (EU) No 1143/2014 includes only 12 top-ranked IAS identified for the Iberian Peninsula, while the national lists incorporate the vast majority of them. This fact underlines the great importance of taxa prioritisation exercises at biogeographical scales as a step prior to risk analyses and their inclusion in national lists. This HS provides a robust assessment and a cost-effective strategy for decision-makers and stakeholders to prioritise the use of limited resources for IAS prevention and management. Although applied at a transnational level in a European biodiversity hotspot, this approach is designed for potential application at any geographical or administrative scale, including the continental one

    Biometric conversion factors as a unifying platform for comparative assessment of invasive freshwater bivalves

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    Invasive bivalves continue to spread and negatively impact freshwater ecosystems worldwide. As different metrics for body size and biomass are frequently used within the literature to standardise bivalve-related ecological impacts (e.g. respiration and filtration rates), the lack of broadly applicable conversion equations currently hinders reliable comparison across bivalve populations. To facilitate improved comparative assessment among studies originating from disparate geographical locations, we report body size and biomass conversion equations for six invasive freshwater bivalves (or species complex members) worldwide: Corbicula fluminea, C. largillierti, Dreissena bugensis, D. polymorpha, Limnoperna fortunei and Sinanodonta woodiana, and tested the reliability (i.e. precision and accuracy) of these equations. Body size (length, width and height) and biomass metrics of living-weight (LW), wet-weight (WW), dry-weight (DW), dry shell-weight (SW), shell free dry-weight (SFDW) and ash-free dry-weight (AFDW) were collected from a total of 44 bivalve populations located in Asia, the Americas and Europe. Relationships between body size and individual biomass metrics, as well as proportional weight-to-weight conversion factors, were determined. For most species, although inherent variation existed between sampled populations, body size directional measurements were found to be good predictors of all biomass metrics (e.g. length to LW, WW, SW or DW: R2 = 0.82–0.96), with moderate to high accuracy for mean absolute error (MAE): ±9.14%–24.19%. Similarly, narrow 95% confidence limits and low MAE were observed for most proportional biomass relationships, indicating high reliability for the calculated conversion factors (e.g. LW to AFDW; CI range: 0.7–2.0, MAE: ±0.7%–2.0%). Synthesis and applications. Our derived biomass prediction equations can be used to rapidly estimate the biologically active biomass of the assessed species, based on simpler biomass or body size measurements for a wide range of situations globally. This allows for the calculation of approximate average indicators that, when combined with density data, can be used to estimate biomass per geographical unit-area and contribute to quantification of population-level effects. These general equations will support meta-analyses, and allow for comparative assessment of historic and contemporary data. Overall, these equations will enable conservation managers to better understand and predict ecological impacts of these bivalves.Fil: Coughlan, Neil E.. The Queens University of Belfast; Irlanda. University College Cork; IrlandaFil: Cunningham, Eoghan M.. The Queens University of Belfast; IrlandaFil: Cuthbert, Ross N.. The Queens University of Belfast; Irlanda. Geomar-Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel; AlemaniaFil: Joyce, Patrick W. S.. The Queens University of Belfast; IrlandaFil: Anastácio, Pedro. Universidade de Évora; PortugalFil: Banha, Filipe. Universidade de Évora; PortugalFil: Bonel, Nicolás. Université Montpellier II; Francia. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique; Francia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Centro de Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Zona Semiárida. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Centro de Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Zona Semiárida; ArgentinaFil: Bradbeer, Stephanie J.. University of Leeds; Reino UnidoFil: Briski, Elizabeta. Geomar-Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel; AlemaniaFil: Butitta, Vince L.. University of Wisconsin; Estados UnidosFil: Cadková, Zuzana. Czech University of Life Sciences; República ChecaFil: Dick, Jaimie T. A.. The Queens University of Belfast; IrlandaFil: Douda, Karel. Czech University of Life Sciences; República ChecaFil: Eagling, Lawrence E.. The Queens University of Belfast; IrlandaFil: Ferreira Rodríguez, Noé. Universidad de Vigo; EspañaFil: Hünicken, Leandro Andrés. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia"; ArgentinaFil: Johansson, Mattias L.. University of North Georgia; Estados UnidosFil: Kregting, Louise. The Queens University of Belfast; IrlandaFil: Labecka, Anna Maria. Jagiellonian University; PoloniaFil: Li, Deliang. Hunan Agricultural University; ChinaFil: Liquin, Florencia Fernanda. Universidad Nacional de Salta. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales. Instituto para el Estudio de la Biodiversidad de Invertebrados; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Salta; ArgentinaFil: Marescaux, Jonathan. University of Namur; Bélgica. e-biom; BélgicaFil: Morris, Todd J.. Fisheries and Ocean Canada; CanadáFil: Nowakowska, Patrycja. University of Gdansk; PoloniaFil: Ozgo, Malgorzata. Kazimierz Wielki University; PoloniaFil: Paolucci, Esteban Marcelo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia"; ArgentinaFil: Peribáñez, Miguel A.. Universidad de Zaragoza; EspañaFil: Riccardi, Nicoletta. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche; ItaliaFil: Smith, Emily R. C.. University College London; Estados UnidosFil: Sylvester, Francisco. Universidad Nacional de Salta. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales. Instituto para el Estudio de la Biodiversidad de Invertebrados; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Salta; Argentin