26 research outputs found


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    Perilaku bullying atau  perundungan merupakan bentuk intimidasi dalam hubungan sosial, terutama pada kelompok remaja dan lingkungan sekolah. Lingkungan sekolah, kelompok sebaya dan lingkungan sosial memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap perilaku bullying di sekolah. Berdsarakan hasil survey di SMK PK BIM Jombang sebanyak 35% siswa pernah mengalami bullying baik sebagai pelaku maupun korban. Kondisi ini didukung dengan data kurangnya informasi tentang bullying yang diperoleh siswa. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk mengurangi dan mencegah terjadinya bullying di SMK PK BIM Jombang.  Pembentukan agen stop perundungan di lingkungan sekolah merupakan langkah taktis dan strategis untuk meningkatkan pemahaman siswa tentang bullying dan cara pencegahannya. Kergiatan yang dilakukan oleh tim abdimas adalah membentuk  agen stop perundungan di sekolah dan melakukan workshop untuk meningkatkan pemahaman agen stop perundungan terhadap perilaku bullying dan cara pencegahannya. Tugas agen stop perundungan di sekolah adalah  sebagai role model dan informan tentang perilaku bullying dan cara pencegahannya. Hasil dari kegiatan pengabmas ini adalah terbentuknya agen stop perundungan di lingkungan sekolah, pemahaman siswa terhadap bullying dan pencegahannya meningkat dan ditandatanganinya pakta integritas stop perundungan di lingkungan sekola


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    Many parents thought that gadgets could be safe and easy to supervise playmates. In fact, if viewed from the point of view of mental health science, the natural growth and development process experienced by children can be disrupted due to the use of gadgets, including children's emotional development. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the duration of playing gadgets on children's emotional development. The research design used correlation analytic with cross sectional approach. The population of this study were all children aged 1 -5 years in the Children's Room, Mojowarno Hospital, a total of 34 children with purposive sampling technique obtained a sample of 32 respondents. The research instrument is a questionnaire on the duration of the use of gadgets and a Questionnaire for Mental Emotional Problems, the data were analyzed by Spearman Rho Test. The results showed that most of the children used gadgets in the moderate category (60-120 minutes) a day, namely 19 children (69.4%), almost all children did not experience emotional development disorders, namely 28 children (87.5%). The results of the analysis with the Spearman Rho test showed that p-value = 0.001 or less than (0.05) and r-value = - 0.552 so that there was a relationship between the duration of using gadgets and the emotional development of children at Mojowarno Christian Hospital where the longer they use gadgets, the more they experience children's emotional development disorders. This was because by using gadgets excessively, children would lack empathy and concern for the surrounding environment, sometimes children cry and got angry for no reason if their wishes are not obeyed, especially if they asked to play gadgets. It was hoped that health workers could provide direction or education to parents who had toddlers on how to wisely introduce gadgets to childre


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    Abstract  Thalassemia is a chronic descent disease, where clients with thalassemia will experience a continuous decrease in Hb. This condition causes thalassemia clients to undergo regular hospitalization to obtain blood transfusions. Currently, tansfusion is the best treatment of thalassemia.This research uses qualitative method with case study approach. The researcher chose the research sample with the sampling quota. Researchers perform nursing care on 2 clients thalasemia who are undergoing inpatient at RSUD Jombang.The results show that the priority problem in thalassemia clients is peripheral tissue perfusion ineffectiveness. This problem occurs because the decrease in client Hb levels that cause oxygen supply to the entire body tissue is disrupted. The examination results on both clients showed low Hb levels. Implementations performed for both clients are: observation of vital signs, including capillary refill observation (CRT), blood transfusion administration, nutrition and activity settings. The results of evaluation on clients 1 and 2 found that in addition to transfusion of nutrition and activity management is also very necessary in clients with thalassemia, so it is important that health education given to his family Keywords: nursing care, thalassemia, peripheral tissue perfusion effectivenes


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    Abstract  Thalassemia is a chronic descent disease, where clients with thalassemia will experience a continuous decrease in Hb. This condition causes thalassemia clients to undergo regular hospitalization to obtain blood transfusions. Currently, tansfusion is the best treatment of thalassemia.This research uses qualitative method with case study approach. The researcher chose the research sample with the sampling quota. Researchers perform nursing care on 2 clients thalasemia who are undergoing inpatient at RSUD Jombang.The results show that the priority problem in thalassemia clients is peripheral tissue perfusion ineffectiveness. This problem occurs because the decrease in client Hb levels that cause oxygen supply to the entire body tissue is disrupted. The examination results on both clients showed low Hb levels. Implementations performed for both clients are: observation of vital signs, including capillary refill observation (CRT), blood transfusion administration, nutrition and activity settings. The results of evaluation on clients 1 and 2 found that in addition to transfusion of nutrition and activity management is also very necessary in clients with thalassemia, so it is important that health education given to his family Keywords: nursing care, thalassemia, peripheral tissue perfusion effectivenes


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    Posyandu is a form of community-based health effort that is managed and organized from, by for and with the community in the implementation of health development, in order to empower the community and provide convenience to the community in obtaining basic health services. The purpose of this research is to find out the description of the knowledge of the santri cadres about the posyandu santri. The research method was carried out using descriptive quantitative research methods. categorized into good, sufficient, and poor knowledge. Analysis of the data used is univariate analysis. The results showed that the majority of posyandu santri cadres at Darul Ulum Islamic Boarding School were aged 36–45 years and were female. All cadres work as workers and most posyandu cadres have received training on posyandu with sufficient knowledge. Posyandu cadres must be able to divide working time and posyandu activities. Keywords: Knowledge, Cadres, Posyandu, StudentsPosyandu is a form of community-based health effort that is managed and organized from, by for and with the community in the implementation of health development, in order to empower the community and provide convenience to the community in obtaining basic health services. The purpose of this research is to find out the description of the knowledge of the santri cadres about the posyandu santri. The research method was carried out using descriptive quantitative research methods. categorized into good, sufficient, and poor knowledge. Analysis of the data used is univariate analysis. The results showed that the majority of posyandu santri cadres at Darul Ulum Islamic Boarding School were aged 36–45 years and were female. All cadres work as workers and most posyandu cadres have received training on posyandu with sufficient knowledge. Posyandu cadres must be able to divide working time and posyandu activities. Keywords: Knowledge, Cadres, Posyandu, Student

    TERAPI RELAKSASI SPIRITUAL BAGI KELUARGA THALASEMIA KABUPATEN JOMBANG: Spiritual Relaxation Therapy for Family with Thalassemia Sufferer Jombang

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    Thalasemia merupakan penyakit kelainan bawaan (genetik), dimana umur sel darah merah menjadi sangat pendek, sehingga penderita akan selalu memerlukan transfusi darah seumur hidup.Dampak penyakit ini tidak hanya secara fisiologis, namun juga pada aspek sosial dan spiritual  baik bagi penderita maupun keluarga. Relaksasi adalah teknik atau upaya sejenak yang dilakukan oleh seseorang untuk melupakan kecemasan, dan mengistirahatkan pikiran. Relaksasi spiritual diharapkan mampu membantu pasien thalasemia dan keluarganya agar dapat menerima sakitnya dengan baik. Selain itu dengan relaksasi spiritual pasien dapat memiliki kualitas hidup yang lebih baik.Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dilakukan oleh dosen FIK Unipdu yang bekerja sama dengan paguyuban orang tua penderita thalasemia Kabupaten Jombang, dengan total peserta 60 orang anak thalasemia dan orang tuanya. Bentuk kegiatannya adalah pelatihan dan terapi relaksasi spiritul yang difasilitasi oleh tim pengabmas. Hasil dari kegiatan penabdian masyarakat ini, keluarga merasa senang dan puas dengan kegiatan pelatihan dan terapi relaksasi spiritual. Secara individu pasien thalasemia maupun keluarga merasakan dampak positif setelah terapi, antara lain: tubuh segar,  nyeri kepala atau pusing hilang, capek hilang, merasa lebih tenang. Kendala yang ditemukan tim pengabdian masyarakat selama kegiatan, sehingga mengurangi keberhasilan anak thalasemia dan keluarga mengikuti pelatihan dan terapi relaksasi spiritual adalah; (1) Usia anak thalasemia,     (2) Dukungan keluarga, (3) Suasana lingkungan. Berdasarkan kendala tersebut saran yang dapat diberikan adalah pada pasien thalasemia yang masih kecil, yang melakukan relaksasi adalah orang tua yang ditujukan untuk anak yang sakit. Keluarga dapat memberikan dukungan kepada anak thalasemia untuk bisa melkaukan terapi secara mandiri dengan melakukan terapi bersama-sama. Terapi relaksasi spiritual sangat baik dilakukan secara rutin sebelum tidur malam


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    Introduction:Knowledge about nutrition in the elderly can affect nutritional status in older adults. To determine a person suffering from a deficiency or excess weight, using a valuation Body Mass Index (BMI). I calculate by dividing weight in kilograms (kg) by height in meters squared and (m2).Method:Research designs used are analytical descriptions. Sampling technique used was cluster sampling with a sample of 74 respondents. Independent variables of this study is the knowledge about nutrition in the elderly and dependent variables of this study is that the nutritional status in older adults is measured using the Body Mass Index (BMI). Using data collection tools and the comparison value quisioner Body Mass Index (BMI) elderly and the data analyzed using spearmen Rho correlation test with α = 0.05. Results:The results of analysis of data from 74 respondents were knowledgeable both were 26 respondents (35.1%) with normal nutritional setatus (18.5 to 25.0), and 2 respondents (2.7%) knowledgeable about the nutritional setatus normal (18, 5 to 25.0). For the less knowledgeable respondents as many as 12 respondents (16.2%) with more nutritional status (> 25) and 1 respondent (1.4%) both of which have a knowledgeable nutritional status of older (> 25). After the test values obtained spearmen Rho α = 0.014 (α <0.05) means that there is a relationship between nutritional knowledge of elderly on nutritional status in older adults with the elderly in the village of tambar, Sub District Jogoroto, Jombang District. Conclusion:However, increasing the value of Body Mass Index (BMI) is not only influenced by knowledge of the elderly, but other factors also influence such as: economic and social factors, age factors, psychological factors, and the cause of acute or chronic illness. Keywords: Knowledge of the Elderly, Nutrition and Body Mass Index

    PROGRAM KEMITRAAN MASYARAKAT (PKM) PENINGKATAN KUALITAS HIDUP PASIEN THALASEMIA DI KABUPATEN JOMBANG: Community Partnership Program (Pkm) Improving Life Quality Of Thalasemic Patients In Jombang District

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    Pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan meningkatkan kualitas hidup pasien thalasemia di kabupaten Jombang. Seperti kita ketahui, thalasemia merupakan penyakit kronis yang memiliki dampak sangat komplek. Tidak hanya aspek biologis, tetapi juga pada aspek psikologis dan sosial. Jumlah thalasemia di Kabupaten Jombang yang menjalani tranfusi rutin di RSUD Jombang adalah 27 anak, dan sekitar 10 anak menjalani transfusi rutin di RSUD dr. Soetomo Surabaya. Selama ini dukungan yang didapatkan anak thalasemia masih sebatas pada permasalahan fisik. Masalah psikologi dan sosial seperti harga diri rendah, ketidakmampuan mengikuti pendidikan seperti anak-anak yang sehat, dan adanya putus sekolah belum mendapat perhatian baik dari pemerintah maupun dari masyarakat. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah kegiatan pendampingan, seminar / parenting, terapi aktifitas kelompok untuk mengatasi masalah bio-psiko-sosio dan spiritual. Pelaksanaaan kegiatan dilakukan dimasyarakat di desa Kwaron Diwek, FIK Unipdu Jombang dan RSUD Jombang. &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp


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    Abstract               Nosocomial infections can occur considering that hospitals as health care centers are warehouses of infectious pathogens "microbes". On the other hand, health workers can also be a source, in addition to the patient's family passing by, medical equipment and the hospital environment itself. Health education is a series of efforts aimed at influencing other people, ranging from individuals, groups, families and communities to carry out handwashing behavior. This study aims to determine the effect of health education demonstration method on the implementation of handwashing of patient caretakers at Asoka  of Jombang Hospital. The research design in this study is a quasi experiment. The population in this study were all the caretakers of High Care Unit patients at the Asoka, Jombang Hospital, an average of 70 people per month. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling. A sample of 40 people. The research variable consisted of the independent variable, namely health education, demonstration method using a questionnaire and the dependent variable, namely the implementation of handwashing for the patient waiting by using a questionnaire. Furthermore, the analysis was tested using the wilcoxon statistical test with = 0.05. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of handwashing of patient attendants in the treatment group was almost entirely good, 31 respondents (77.5%), the implementation of handwashing of patient attendants in the half control group was sufficient, as many as 20 respondents (50%). The results of the wilcoxon test obtained 0.000 &lt; 0.005. The conclusion in this study is the effect of health education demonstration method on the implementation of handwashing of patient caregivers at the Asoka Pavilion, Jombang Hospital. Keyword : health education, demonstration method, hand washing