2,073 research outputs found

    Bleeding Words: Louise Bourgeois' and José Leonilson's Love Images

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    As one tries to grasp love and its images within José Leonilson's production, a multiplicity of aspects and meanings are seen that also relate to Louise Bourgeois's oeuvre in regard to the interest in human relations. Through a comparative approach to both artists' poetics, an understanding is created that love is not a simplistic action and all the words read in or applied to their visual discourse must be considered within a wide range of love in visual and literary images. Keywords: literature and visual arts / love / creativity / Bourgeois, Louise / Leonilson, José / word and image

    Assessing Bilingual Children with a Language Disorder

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    The population in the United States is rapidly diversifying, and it is estimated that 4.9 million English-Language Learning (ELL) students are currently in the United States (National Center for Education Statistics, 2019). ELL students come from diverse linguistic backgrounds and have varying proficiencies in English and their native language. The linguistic and cultural differences bilingual ELL students present when they attend public schools have created challenges for the current assessment and treatment services available for those bilingual children with communication disorders. Speech-language pathologists (SLPs) are required to assess bilingual children suspected of having a language disorder, one of the most common childhood learning disabilities. Unfortunately, many of the assessments used to diagnose a child with a language disorder follow standard measures that are designed for monolingual speakers, whose native language is only English. As a result, bilingual children may be misdiagnosed with language disorders. To overcome the potential problems of misdiagnosing a language difference for a language disorder, clinicians must be aware of sociocultural and linguistic differences that are unique to each student. Through this paper, current assessment challenges will be discussed to help future clinicians effectively assess bilingual children whose primary language is not English. This review will explain the use of standardized assessments, informal assessments, a dynamic assessment, and the sociocultural approach to create a comprehensive assessment. A resource manual is attached that further describes the components of the assessment process explained in the literature review

    The economic enterprise risk management innovation program for healthcare organizations : E2RMhealthcare

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    A Gestão de Riscos Corporativos (ERM), a partir das publicações da ISO 31000 em 2009 e do guia do COSO em 2007, vem sendo aplicada e adaptada às especificidades de múltiplos mercados. O contexto hospitalar, caracterizado pela necessidade de avanços em sistemas e métodos gerenciais que permitam maior acurácia de informações e sustento na orientação à tomada de decisão, passou a, também, interessar-se pelo valor da ERM. Influenciado pelos programas de qualidade e segurança do paciente e de gestão de riscos assistencial, presentes na cultura hospitalar mundial, gestores estratégicos à frente de organizações de saúde começaram a procurar por metodologias que possam ser adaptadas à complexidade de um hospital e apoiem a implementação da ERM. A literatura prévia ao desenvolvimento desta tese não apresenta um modelo que consolida e orienta a operacionalização da ERM em organizações de saúde, mas destaca em múltiplas publicações a necessidade que os hospitais têm de atentar a metodologias que permitam gerir de forma proativa e estratégica seus negócios, que estão expostos a riscos internos e externos. Motivada pela lacuna descrita, esta tese explorou o mercado brasileiro e norte americano através de entrevistas, estudos de caso e survey, e propôs um modelo global de ERM para organizações de saúde: o E2RMhealthcare. Este sugere requisitos para a operacionalização global da ERM e é fragmentado em 4 níveis: risk baseline, education, quantitative e governance que orientam uma implementação gradual, considerando a maturidade de gestão da organização. Formas de como explorar as características do hospital e capital humano para exercer a ERM também foram estudadas, sendo proposto uma relação entre as equipes de avaliação de tecnologias de saúde hospitalar e de ERM no processo de criação de valor da organização através de um mapa de causa e efeito. Como destaque do negócio saúde, essa tese inova propondo o primeiro inventário de riscos corporativos orientado a organizações de saúde que foi validado por gestores de múltiplos países, identificando o risco de ataques cibernéticos como o principal. Por fim, o uso de métodos de análise multicriterial e de custeio por atividade são aplicados como soluções inovadoras para a priorização e avaliação econômica de riscos ao longo dos níveis Baseline e Quantitative do E2RMhealthcare. O avanço do E2RMhealthcare com estas metodologias incorporadas para um software com capacidade de inteligência artificial é deixado como sugestão de trabalhos futuros além da sua real aplicação em múltiplos casos.Since the ISO 31000 publication in 2009 and the COSO guide in 2007 Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) has been applied and adapted to the specificities of different business markets. The hospital context characterized by the demand for advances in management systems and methods that allow to improve information accuracy and to support the decision-making process, also became interested in the value of ERM. Influenced by quality and patient safety and healthcare risk management programs presents in the global hospital culture, managers at the top of healthcare organizations started to look for methodologies that can be adapted to the hospital management complexity to support the ERM implementation. The literature, prior to the development of this thesis, does not present a model that consolidates a guide to operationalize ERM in healthcare organizations. Although emphasizes, in multiple publications, the urgency for methodologies that enable proactive and strategic management of healthcare businesses, which are exposed to internal and external risks. Motivated by the described gap, this thesis explored the Brazilian and American healthcare market through interviews, case studies and survey, and proposed a global ERM model for healthcare organizations: E2RMhealthcare. It suggests requirements for global operationalization of the ERM and is organized in 4 levels: risk baseline, education, quantitative and governance that guide a gradual implementation, considering the maturity of the organization management. Different manners to explore the features of the hospital and human capital to operate the ERM were also studied, and it was proposed a relation between the hospital healthcare technology assessment teams and the ERM in the value creation process of the organization through a cause and effect map. Focusing on the healthcare business, this thesis innovates by proposing the first enterprise risk inventory aimed at healthcare organizations that was confirmed by risk managers from different countries. Cyber-attack was identified as the main enterprise risk in healhtcare. Finally, the use of multicriterial analysis methods and activity-based costing are applied as innovative solutions for prioritization and economic assessment of risks throughout the Baseline and Quantitative levels of E2RMhealthcare. The progress of E2RMhealthcare with these incorporated methodologies for a software with artificial intelligence capacity is left as a suggestion for future studies, in addition to its actual application in multiple cases

    Quantum state resolved molecular beam reflectivity measurements: CH4 dissociation on Pt(111)

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    The King and Wells molecular beam reflectivity method has been used for a quantum state resolved study of the dissociative chemisorption of CH4 on Pt(111) at several surface temperatures. Initial sticking coefficients were measured for incident CH4 prepared both with a single quantum of antisymmetric stretch vibration by infrared laser pumping, and without laser excitation. Vibrational excitation of the mode is observed to be less efficient than incident translational energy in promoting the dissociation reaction with a vibrational efficacy = 0.65. The initial state resolved sticking coefficient was found to be independent of the surface temperature over the 50kJ/mol to 120kJ/mol translational energy range studied here. However, the surface temperature dependence of the King and Wells data reveals the migration of adsorbed carbon formed by CH4 dissociation on the Pt(111) surface leading to the growth of carbon particles

    Histopatološke promjene u sirištima jelena lopatara na Brijunima - kratko priopćenje.

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    This study was performed to establish histopathological changes in the abomasa of fallow deer (Dama dama) from the Brijuni islands, in order to investigate the possible presence of Helicobacter species in this species, since literature data on abomasal histopathology are scarce, and data on the presence of Helicobacter species in red deer are absent. The study was performed on 23 abomasal samples taken from young adults (c. 1 year of age) shot in legal hunts. In all the samples inflammatory changes were visible. The histopathological findings from the samples examined were similar, indicating the epizootical nature of the disease, and they were similar to findings described in dogs with a gastric infection from Helicobacter-like organisms. However, in the abomasa of fallow deer Helicobacter organisms were not detected after the appropriate stains were applied, therefore the aetiological factor responsible for such histopathological changes has yet to be identified.Istraživanje je provedeno da bi se ustanovile patohistološke promjene u sirištima jelena lopatara (Dama dama) s brijunskog otočja i eventualna prisutnost Helicobacter vrsta u ove vrste, budući da je malo literaturnih podataka koji se tiču patohistoloških promjena u sirištu. Pregledom literature nismo pronašli niti jednu referencu o prisutnosti Helicobacter vrsta u jelena lopatara. Istraživanje je provedeno na 23 uzorka sirišta mladih odraslih jedinki (starosti oko godinu dana), žrtvovanih u redovitom odstrelu. U svim uzorcima ustanovljene su upalne promjene u sirištu. Patohistološki nalazi svih pregledanih uzoraka bili su slični, što ukazuje na epizootsku prirodu bolesti, te sličnost nalazima u želucima pasa inficiranih helikobakteru sličnim organizmima. Međutim, u sirištima jelena lopatara nakon obrade odgovarajućim tehnikama bojenja nismo ustanovili Helicobacter vrste, te zaključujemo da je etiološki čimbenik odgovoran za promjene nepoznat

    Patogenost trakavice Atractolytocestus huronensis za šarana (Cyprinus carpio L.) iz uzgoja.

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    This study presents data on the pathogenic effect of a non-native cestode, Atractolytocestus huronensis (Caryophyllidea), on common carp cultured at a fish farm in Croatia. Histopathological examination revealed that A. huronensis causes only local damage within the infected part of the intestine. No differences were observed in the pathological effect of the tapeworm on fish of different age classes. In the farm studied, no mortalities or increased losses during wintertime were observed. The cestode was found in all examined age classes (i.e. carp fry, one-year old and two-year old carp), and the intensity of infection ranged from 1 to 183 parasites per fish (mostly 4 to 9). The highest prevalence was observed during August in both one- and two-year old carp, with an absence of parasites in April and during the winter period (end of December).U radu je prikazan patološki učinak trakavice Atractolytocestus huronensis (Caryophyllidea) na šarana, podrijetlom s ribnjačarstva smještenog u Republici Hrvatskoj. Histopatološki nalaz pokazao je da, neovisno o uzrasnoj skupini šarana, Atractolytocestus huronensis uzrokuje samo ograničena oštećenja na mjestu prihvaćanja. Kao posljedica nametničke invazije, nisu utvrđena uginuća niti povećani gubitci tijekom zime. Prisutnost trakavice utvrđena je u svim pregledanim uzrasnim skupinama (mladunci, jednogodišnji i dvogodišnji mlađ) s jačinom invazije od 1 do 183 nametnika po domaćinu (najčešće od 4 do 9). Najviša prevalencija kod jednogodišnjega i dvogodišnjega mlađa utvrđena je u kolovozu, dok u travnju i tijekom zime (kraj prosinca) trakavica nije pronađena

    José Leonilson e a poesia na fissura

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    A obra de José Leonilson é uma das produções mais emblemáticas da arte contemporânea brasileira e das mais significativas para a reflexão acerca da relação entre as linguagens verbal e visual. Sua produção é um caso notável de inserção de palavras na produção plástica. Trata-se, porém, de uma inserção na qual além de possuírem estatuto poético as palavras adquirem sentido pela sua apresentação formal e pela característica espacial dos desenhos, pinturas e bordados. Entendemos que tal produção seja significativa para que se reflita sobre as metodologias de análise propostas pela área interartes, uma vez que se apresenta capaz de aferir a eficácia de tais metodologias. Nesse sentido, propomos uma análise da metodologia e nomenclatura de análise propostas inicialmente por Leo Hoeck para os estudos interartes frente à análise de alguns trabalhos de Leonilson. A iniciativa se justifica frente ao desafio de pensarem-se as implicações do uso de tais metodologias para a tradução da obra de Leonilson para o idioma inglês, por exemplo. Basearemos a análise inicialmente em breve reflexão sobre algumas bibliografias relativas à relação entre artes e literatura, bem como procederemos à análise de trabalhos de Leonilson frente também a seu interesse pela poesia

    Tvor (Mustela putorius furo) kao nova vrsta u patomorfološkoj dijagnostici - sedam godina iskustva u Hrvatskoj

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    Since ferrets (Mustela putorius furo) were first introduced into Croatia as pets around 15 years ago, their popularity and number has risen continuously. This increase has been met by a concomitant need for additional veterinary diagnostic attention. We conducted a retrospective study of 14 cytological, 49 histopathological diagnoses and 5 morphological diagnoses made from samples obtained from 68 individuals of the Croatian ferret population over a 7 year period. Submitted samples originated from 60.7% male and 39.3% female animals, with an median age of 5.1 years, and an age range from 1 year to 9 years. All cases diagnosed at the Department of Veterinary Pathology Zagreb were classified as either neoplasms (n = 37), inflammatory lesions (n = 15), degenerative disorders (n = 5) or miscellaneous lesions (n = 11). The most sensitive ferret organ systems to injurious stimuli were the haemolymphatic system, the skin and the endocrine system. Neoplasia presented as the major type of injury to organs, with multicentric lymphoma being the leading diagnosis (diagnosed in 12 cases). Ferrets are still a relatively rare companion animal in Croatia, but the lesions described in our survey correspond to lesions in ferret populations in other countriesOtkada je prije petnaestak godina tvor (Mustela putorius furo) prvi puta uveden kao kućni ljubimac na područje Republike Hrvatske, njegova popularnost i brojnost u neprestanom su porastu. Povećanje interesa za ovoga egzotičnog kućnog ljubimca popraćena je porastom interesa za njemu prilagođenom veterinarskom medicinskom skrbi. Kako bi se veterinarima praktičarima pružio uvid u najčešća patološka stanja do sada zabilježena u malobrojnoj populaciji u Republici Hrvatskoj, provedeno je retrospektivno istraživanje na 14 citoloških, 49 histopatoloških i 5 obdukcijskih arhivskih uzoraka podrijetlom od 68 jedinki tvorova pregledanih tijekom sedmogodišnjeg razdoblja u Zavodu za veterinarsku patologiju Veterinarskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Uzorci su u 60,7% slučajeva potjecali od mužjaka te u 39,3% od ženki. Srednja dob pregledane populacije iznosila je 5,1 godinu, s rasponom od 1 do 9 godina. Sve utvrđene dijagnoze svrstane su u kategorije: neoplazije (n = 37), upale (n = 15), degenerativni poremećaji (n = 5) te ostali poremećaji (n = 11). Organski sustavi u kojima su najčešće utvrđene lezije jesu hemolimfatični sustav, koža i endokrini sustav. U skupini neoplazmi, limfom se pokazao kao vodeća dijagnoza (12 slučajeva). Iako su tvorovi još uvijek rijetkost među ljubimcima u Hrvatskoj, učestalost lezija sumiranih u ovom istraživanju odgovara po učestalosti najčešće opisanim patološkim stanjima u populacijama tvorova drugdje u svijet