18 research outputs found

    The contribution of corporate social responsibility Safety and Health at Work

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    Društvena odgovornost predstavlja predanost poslovnog i civilnog društva promoviranju dobre prakse održivog ekonomskog razvoja koji će pridonositi sigurnom i zdravom životu pojedinaca i radnika, njihovih obitelji, lokalnoj zajednici i društvu u cjelini. Strategija društvene odgovornosti je očigledna korist i pozitivan doprinos kvaliteti života i općem zadovoljstvu društva. U suštini društvena odgovornost socijalnom odgovornošću i dobrovoljnosti u opredijeljenosti za sigurnost i zaštitu zdravlja, koja nadilazi propisane zakonske zahtjeve, nastoji povećati standarde društvenog razvoja i poštovanja ljudskih prava. Dobrovoljni angažman i opredijeljenost svakog pojedinca je investicija u našu budućnost i ne dopušta društvenu isključenost. Uvođenje koncepta društvene odgovornosti u svaku organizaciju podrazumijeva prihvaćanje etičkog kodeksa, odgovornosti za ljude i okoliš, te društveno odgovornog ponašanja. Izražavajući socijalnu odgovornost i opredijeljenost prema sigurnosti i zaštiti zdravlja, lokalne zajednice i organizacije trebale bi nastojati puno više poticati društvene standarde, norme odgovornog poslovanja, zaštitu okoliša i poštivanje prava na zdrav život i rad. To podrazumijeva da se u transparentno upravljanje sigurnošću i zaštitom zdravlja uključujemo svi, i to promoviranjem interesa svih dionika. Upravljanje sigurnošću i zaštitom zdravlja obuhvaća novu i proširenu suradnju unutar svih dionika sa svrhom socijalnog dijaloga, razvijanja vještina društveno odgovornog ponašanja i kulture prevencije, profesionalnog predviđanja neželjenih situacija, te odgovornog upravljanja promjenama. Cilj istraživanja i ovog rada je potvrditi i prikazati doprinos modela društveno odgovornog poslovanja, temeljenih na zahtjevima međunarodnih normi i smjernica (SA 8000, ISO 26000 i IQ Net SR 10) unapređenju zaštiti zdravlja i sigurnosti na radu, a posredno i kvalitete i ekonomičnosti poslovanja. Sigurnost na radu ima svoje humane, društvene i ekonomske aspekte, a ključni je čimbenik društvene odgovornosti poslovanja.Social responsibility is a commitment to the business and civil society, promoting good practices of sustainable economic development that will contribute to a safe and healthy life of individuals and workers, their families, their community and society as a whole. Social responsibility is a strategy benefiting the quality of life and general satisfaction of a society. In essence, social responsibility is willingness to upgrade safety and health to levels that surpass standards laid down in the law and to increase social development standards and the level of human rights. Voluntary engagement and dedication of each individual to this effort is an investment in our future and does not allow for social exclusion. The introduction of the concept of social responsibility in any organization constitutes acceptance of the code of ethics, responsibility for people and the environment, and socially responsible behavior. In expressing social responsibility and orientation to safety and health, local communities and organisations should strive to develop social standards and norms of responsible behaviour, and promote environment protection and respect for the right to a healthy life and work. Everyone should participate in positive and transparent management of safety and health and should stand up for the interests of all stakeholders. Safety and health management require new and extended cooperation among all stakeholders in order to upgrade social dialogue, develop skills in socially responsible behaviour, and promote the culture of prevention and professional anticipation of undesirable situations, including responsible change management. Objective of research and work is to confirm and show options models of society responsible business, based on requirement of internationals norms and guidelines (SA 8000, ISO 26000 and IQ Net SR-10) to improvement safety on work and sustainable development but indirectly quality and economy business and with that contributing overcoming recession. Safety on work has its human, social and economic aspects and it is a key factor of social business responsibility

    The contribution of corporate social responsibility Safety and Health at Work

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    Društvena odgovornost predstavlja predanost poslovnog i civilnog društva promoviranju dobre prakse održivog ekonomskog razvoja koji će pridonositi sigurnom i zdravom životu pojedinaca i radnika, njihovih obitelji, lokalnoj zajednici i društvu u cjelini. Strategija društvene odgovornosti je očigledna korist i pozitivan doprinos kvaliteti života i općem zadovoljstvu društva. U suštini društvena odgovornost socijalnom odgovornošću i dobrovoljnosti u opredijeljenosti za sigurnost i zaštitu zdravlja, koja nadilazi propisane zakonske zahtjeve, nastoji povećati standarde društvenog razvoja i poštovanja ljudskih prava. Dobrovoljni angažman i opredijeljenost svakog pojedinca je investicija u našu budućnost i ne dopušta društvenu isključenost. Uvođenje koncepta društvene odgovornosti u svaku organizaciju podrazumijeva prihvaćanje etičkog kodeksa, odgovornosti za ljude i okoliš, te društveno odgovornog ponašanja. Izražavajući socijalnu odgovornost i opredijeljenost prema sigurnosti i zaštiti zdravlja, lokalne zajednice i organizacije trebale bi nastojati puno više poticati društvene standarde, norme odgovornog poslovanja, zaštitu okoliša i poštivanje prava na zdrav život i rad. To podrazumijeva da se u transparentno upravljanje sigurnošću i zaštitom zdravlja uključujemo svi, i to promoviranjem interesa svih dionika. Upravljanje sigurnošću i zaštitom zdravlja obuhvaća novu i proširenu suradnju unutar svih dionika sa svrhom socijalnog dijaloga, razvijanja vještina društveno odgovornog ponašanja i kulture prevencije, profesionalnog predviđanja neželjenih situacija, te odgovornog upravljanja promjenama. Cilj istraživanja i ovog rada je potvrditi i prikazati doprinos modela društveno odgovornog poslovanja, temeljenih na zahtjevima međunarodnih normi i smjernica (SA 8000, ISO 26000 i IQ Net SR 10) unapređenju zaštiti zdravlja i sigurnosti na radu, a posredno i kvalitete i ekonomičnosti poslovanja. Sigurnost na radu ima svoje humane, društvene i ekonomske aspekte, a ključni je čimbenik društvene odgovornosti poslovanja.Social responsibility is a commitment to the business and civil society, promoting good practices of sustainable economic development that will contribute to a safe and healthy life of individuals and workers, their families, their community and society as a whole. Social responsibility is a strategy benefiting the quality of life and general satisfaction of a society. In essence, social responsibility is willingness to upgrade safety and health to levels that surpass standards laid down in the law and to increase social development standards and the level of human rights. Voluntary engagement and dedication of each individual to this effort is an investment in our future and does not allow for social exclusion. The introduction of the concept of social responsibility in any organization constitutes acceptance of the code of ethics, responsibility for people and the environment, and socially responsible behavior. In expressing social responsibility and orientation to safety and health, local communities and organisations should strive to develop social standards and norms of responsible behaviour, and promote environment protection and respect for the right to a healthy life and work. Everyone should participate in positive and transparent management of safety and health and should stand up for the interests of all stakeholders. Safety and health management require new and extended cooperation among all stakeholders in order to upgrade social dialogue, develop skills in socially responsible behaviour, and promote the culture of prevention and professional anticipation of undesirable situations, including responsible change management. Objective of research and work is to confirm and show options models of society responsible business, based on requirement of internationals norms and guidelines (SA 8000, ISO 26000 and IQ Net SR-10) to improvement safety on work and sustainable development but indirectly quality and economy business and with that contributing overcoming recession. Safety on work has its human, social and economic aspects and it is a key factor of social business responsibility

    Recycling Architecture: the Redefinition of Recycling Principles in the Context of Sustainable Architectural Design

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    The sustainable management of city resources (land, infrastructure, suprastructure) is one of the crucial urban processes to which the ‘smart cities’ concept should be addressed. In other words, resource conservation is highly important question nowadays. Namely, only a small percentage of the total building stock is made up of new works. This inevitably means that the general refurbishment and adaptive reuse will significantly benefit the sustainability agenda in the next twenty years, which will, further, make our cities smarter. Since most buildings are physically suitable to various uses, flexibility and ‘long life – loose fit’ should be a guiding principle behind most design briefs. The recycling of existing buildings has several benefits, such as: decreasing the pressure on new land, preserving the embodied energy of building materials, saving new materials form being used, cutting the associated environmental impacts of producing and transporting new materials, and, finally, involvment the lesser generation of residues in relation to a totally new construction. Thus, the subject of this research relates to the definition of recycling principles for sustainable architectural design. According to this, contemporary literature on recycling in architecture has been evaluated, compared and analysed. It is hypothesised that in order to produce least environmental damage the recycling intervention should use as much of the original building’s material as possible. Thus, physical characteristics of the original building define which design principle is most adequate for its recycling. Such an literature overview enabled the creation of so-called recycling model, which establishes a link between the physical characteristics of underused buildings, on the one hand, and the design principle most environmentally sustainable for its recycling, on the other. This model provides a fresh understanding of how an extensive range of physical characteristics of building can be considered in a systematic way in order to choose the most suitable design principle in the recycling process. Its elaboration is the focus of the research

    Zero accident vision - ambition and journey

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    Ideja o mogućnosti sprečavanja svih vrsta nesreća, pa tako i onih povezanih s radom naziva se Vizija nula nesreća (Zero accident vision/ZAV). ZAV promovira prihvaćanje visokih standarda kulture sigurnosti i predstavlja dugoročno putovanje prema prevenciji nesreća u svim područjima rada, ali i šire. Cilj ZAV-a je potaknuti sve članove neke organizacije na razmišljanje i ponašanje koji podupire koncept prevencije. Ovo istraživanje prikazuje teoretsku pozadinu na kojoj se Vizija nula nesreća temelji i čimbenike koji pridonose uspješnoj implementaciji koncepta u tvrtkama, posebice predanost tvrtke ZAV konceptu, komuniciranje koncepta unutar tvrtke, kulture sigurnosti, učenja iz neželjenih događaja i spremnosti na neočekivane događaje. U radu su prikazani rezultati istraživanja zastupljenosti ZAV-a u Hrvatskoj u 4 proizvodne tvrtke te usporedba s rezultatima istraživanja provedenog u 7 zemalja EU-a, a u sklopu projekta Zero accident research project PEROSH grupe.The Zero Accident Vision concept (ZAV) is based on the idea that all accidents, including those work-related, can be prevented. ZAV promotes acceptance of high safety-at-work standards and represents a long-term journey towards "zero accidents" in all areas of work and beyond. The goal is to encourage all members of an organisation to think and behave in a way that supports accident prevention. This study deals with the theoretical groundwork of the Zero Accident Vision concept and identifies factors that contribute to successful implementation of the concept in companies, such as the company\u27s commitment to the ZAV concept, the concept’s communication within the company, the company’s safety-at-work culture, the company’s ability to learn from adverse events and its level of preparedness in case of unexpected events. The paper presents the findings regarding ZAV’s representation in Croatia based on research conducted in four manufacturing companies. These results are then compared with the results of a study conducted in 7 EU countries within the framework of the Zero Accident Research Project initiated by the PEROSH group