7 research outputs found


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    The present article reports our reflections on how to teach an introductory course on poetry in an Indonesian tertiary educational institution where English is a foreign language. The reflections are made on the basis of our experiences of teaching the course, the main challenge of which centres on students’ wronged perception of what poetry is; students tend to have an entrenched idea that poetry must be perplexing. The reflections have led us to a teaching strategy which we call “prosing poem.” Applying the strategy, we help students by providing made-up prosaic forms of the poems. This strategy has proven to help demystify students’ idea on poetry as a difficult subject. It allows students to unpack the poetic texts in a less daunting way as they can rely on their English mastery without having cognitive block

    Nowhere and everywhere: Navigating gendered urban spaces in Haruki Murakami’s After Dark

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    Nowhere and everywhere: Navigating gendered urban spaces in Haruki Murakami’s After DarkUrban space has been one of the most underexplored elements analyzed in literary works. However, as urban space gradually emerges as a culturally influencing element, a casual perusal of any text that employs urban space might result in an oversimplified analysis. This study examines the urban space of After Dark (2004), authored by Japanese writer Haruki Murakami (b. 1949). Accounting for the ways urban space is interwoven with the socio-cultural context, this study establishes a spatial reading of Murakami’s After Dark through the description of the city. With a poststructuralist approach, this study discusses how urban space is utilized and how it serves as an important part of the text instead of a mere backdrop; it reinforces the possibilities of setting as a thematic approach to major issues such as self-identity and the marginalization of women. As it is concluded, the urban space the novel presents have succeeded to show that they form, to some extent, women’s behaviours both directly and indirectly. Hence, the setting may present the main theme further analysed.Keywords: urban space, spatiality, women, self-identity, marginalizationTak di sana dan di mana pun: Menavigasi ruang kota bergender pada novel After Dark karya Haruki MurakamiSelama ini ruang urban masih menjadi unsur yang paling kurang digali dalam menganalisis karya sastra. Namun demikian, seiring dengan kenyataan bahwa ruang urban lambat-laun hadir sebagai unsur yang secara kultural berpengaruh, kajian kasual mengenai suatu teks yang memanfaatkan ruang urban mungkin justru menghasilkan analisis yang terlalu sederhana. Kajian ini menelisik ruang urban After Dark (2004), hasil karya pengarang Jepang, Haruki Murakami (lahir 1949). Dengan berpusat pada cara-cara ruang urban berjalin berkelindan dengan kontek sosio-budaya, kajian ini menghadirkan pembacaan ruang terhadap karya Murakami yang berjudul After Dark melalui deskripsi tentang kota yang digunakan sebagai latar. Dengan pendekatan pascastruktural, kajian ini membahas bagaimana ruang urban dimanfaatkan serta bagaimana hal tersebut menjadi bagian penting dari teks dan bukan hanya sekadar latar belakang; hal ini mendorong hadirnya kemungkinan latar sebagai subjek tematik untuk membahas isu-isu besar seperti identitas diri dan marjinalisasi perempuan. Sebagaimana yang diperoleh di kesimpulan, ruang urban yang ditampilkan dalam novel ini telah berhasil menunjukkan kemampuannya untuk membentuk perilaku tokoh-tokoh wanitanya baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung. Dengan demikian, latar tempat dapat menunjukkan tema utama sebuah karya yang layak diteliti lebih lanjut.Kata kunci: ruang urban, spatialitas, perempuan, identitas-diri, marjinalisas

    Analysis of the Cultural Identity of Characters on Fanfiction Adaptation "Atuy Galon" by Cyn

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    Atuy Galon is a unique fanfiction that began as a series of short stories on social media, eventually gaining prominence and being published in a comic strip format. What sets this work apart is its distinctive use of slang language, an ever-evolving linguistic phenomenon that resonates particularly with younger audiences. The central figures in the narrative, Atuy, Anton, and Sahrul, not only use slang but each has developed their own distinct slang lexicon, reflecting varied facets of cultural identity. As language remains paramount in shaping one's cultural self-awareness, this research meticulously examines the linguistic choices of these characters. Employing a descriptive qualitative approach alongside a rigorous discourse analysis methodology, the study aims to decode the linguistic intricacies within Atuy Galon and their broader implications for cultural identity formation. The significance of this exploration extends beyond literary analysis; it offers a window into the dynamic interplay between language, culture, and identity among today's youth. Additionally, it underscores the transformative power of technology in reshaping linguistic norms and practices

    Berkisah melalui video sebagai pengenalan sastra anak pada anak usia dini

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    The Covid-19 pandemic has transformed the previously face-to-face learning patterns into online learning. One effective method to achieve the Standard of Children's Development Achievement (STPPA) in the language domain is through the introduction of children's literature using videos. This introduction involves reading storybooks and utilizing videos and social media. The research aims at understanding the children literature for employs the Project-based Learning method, targeting early childhood learning. Throughout this process, learning takes place by utilizing communication media facilitated by the internet, such as WhatsApp groups that facilitate question-and�answer sessions through voice notes regarding the stories in the videos. Books are showcased in the videos, and parents are encouraged to read books to their children, returning them to their place once finished. Children are invited to review the books and record videos of their thoughts. Dialogues with children through voice notes about the videos they watched reveal their vocabulary richness, their ability to use descriptive words, and encourage them to retell the seen video, express ideas through words, understand story concepts, and recognize letter symbols or initial syllable sounds. Therefore, storytelling through videos can be utilized to introduce and familiarize young children with literature, and it can contribute to achieving the STPPA set in the 2013 curriculu

    The Celebration: Analyzing realism in Dogme 95 Manifesto film

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    The Celebration: Analyzing realism in Dogme 95 Manifesto filmBelieving that the film industry is getting worse by utilizing simple plots and only emphasizing on the editing and the cosmetics, European filmmakers and theorists make their own style of realistic film movements as a reaction to Hollywood’s mainstream filmmaking style. One of which is the famed Dogme 95 Manifesto film movement in Denmark propagated by Lars von Trier. Dogme 95 Manifesto is a set of rules that needs to be followed by filmmakers in order to make a Dogme film. It is believed that by following this rule will restrain the filmmakers’ creativity, focusing more on the realism inside the film, and “purifying” the film industry. In this paper, we analyze realism in Dogme 95 through one of its successful milestones: The Celebration by Thomas Vinterburg through its cinematography and Dogme 95 rules within the film. We argue that as opposed to bringing realistic images on the screen, The Celebration brings atmospheric realism by providing a consistent feel of ‘relatability’ and presence inside the story to the spectators.The Celebration: Analisis realisme pada film Dogme 95 ManifestoSetelah mengetahui semakin parahnya industri film sekarang yang hanya menggunakan plot mudah dan lebih fokus kepada proses pengeditan dan kosmetik belaka, pembuat dan ahli film di Eropa telah membuat gaya film realis ciptaan mereka sendiri sebagai sebuah bentuk protes terhadap film-film mainstream ala Hollywood. Salah satunya adalah gerakan film Dogme 95 Manifesto asal Denmark yang digagas oleh Lars von Trier. Dogme 95 Manifesto berisi sebuah peraturan yang harus ditaati oleh pembuat film untuk membuat sebuah film Dogme. Mengikuti aturan-aturan ini akan lebih mengekang kreativitas para pembuat film, membuat film lebih realistis, dan mensucikan industri film. Dalam penelitian ini, kami menganalisis realisme dalam proyek Dogme 95 dari salah satu film mereka yang paling terkenal yaitu The Celebration yang disutradarai oleh Thomas Vinterburg dengan menggunakan analisis intrinsik berdasarkan aturan sinematografi dan aturan Dogme 95 yang ada di dalamnya. Para peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa tanpa perlu mempresentasikan kualitas gambar terbaik, The Celebration telah membawakan suasana  realisme dengan memberikan nuansa ‘berada dalam cerita’ kepada para penonton

    Students’ Critical Thinking and IRF Sequence in English Literature Class

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    Abstract: This study is intended to investigate the communication using IRF sequence, issues occurred during teaching-process, and critical thinking in Basic Analysis of Poetry class. The result indicates that the faculty member used questions to build ELT students’ critical thinking and ELT students believe that by reading a lot of poems will help them to develop their critical thinking. In conclusion IRF sequence with certain modification will help the faculty member to communicate with the students.Keywords: basic analysis of poetry, ELT students, classroom discourse, IRF sequence, critical thinkingAbstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti komunikasi menggunakan runtutan IRT, masalah yang terjadi selama proses pengajaran, dan pemikiran kritis dalam kelas Analisa Dasar Puisi. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa dosen menggunakan pertanyaan untuk membangun pemikiran kritis para siswa Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris dan para siswa pendidikan Bahasa Inggris percaya bahwa membaca banyak puisi akan membantu mereka untuk mengembangkan pemikiran kritis mereka. Kesimpulannya, runtutan IRT dengan penyesuaian tertentu akan membantu dosen untuk berkomunikasi dengan para siswa.Kata Kunci: analisis dasar puisi, mahasiswa pendidikan bahasa Inggris, wacana kelas, IRF sequence, berpikir kriti


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    Abstract: This is a case study designed to investigate the Advanced Reading teacher’s beliefs in teaching reading and their practice, especially by involving critical thinking. It is obtained that the teacher believes in several strategies in teaching reading, which are case study, group discussion, and presentation of the text’s summary. While for the teaching practice the teacher implements several strategies which are group and classroom discussion, presentation and questioning, summarizing, and also storytelling. Some of the strategies are congruent with the teacher’s beliefs and some others are not in line with the teacher’s beliefs.Keywords: teacher’s belief, strategies, critical thinking Abstrak: Penelitian ini dilaksanakan melalui metode case study untuk mengetahui konsep guru dalam strategi pengajaran Reading serta tindakan praktikal yang dilakukan di kelas, terutama dalam mengintegrasikan pola berfikir kritis dalam kegiatan Reading. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa guru memiliki pandangan terhadap beberapa strategi mengaajr Reading yaitu studi kasus, diskusi dalam grup, dan presentasi dari hasil menyimpulkan bacaan. Sedangkan dalam kegiatan mengajar, guru menerapkan diskusi grup dan kelas, presentasi dan tanya jawab, membuat kesimpulan, dan juga menceritakan kembali. Beberapa strategi yang diterapkan di kelas sesuai dengan konsep yang dimiliki guru, dan beberapa strategi tidak sesuai dengan konsep yang dimiliki.Kata Kunci: keyakinan guru, strategi, berpikir kriti