2,345 research outputs found

    Bound to be Rebound: Fates of Latin Manuscripts in Late Antiquity

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    The reutilisation of books for the production of other books is a phenomenon whose origins certainly go back to those of the book itself, made up of complex and varied dynamics, which, over time, have given rise to different and multiform solutions. This contribution focuses on the reuse of Latin papyrus and parchment manuscripts in codex bindings between Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages from the ‘extended’ Mediterranean basin. Their origin, provenance and morphology is very different from case to case, involving sources not necessarily only in the Latin language and script. The phenomenon concerns a wide, multilingual and plurigraphic area that finds some significant points in common in the techniques of codex manufacture and the phenomena of reuse

    Maximum Sound Output Levels of Pediatric Marketed Headphones: The Development of Healthy Listening Habits in Children

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    Background: In recent years there has been a growing concern regarding the etiology of pediatric hearing loss. Based on cross-sectional studies of data produced by the National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys, the incidence of hearing loss in US adolescents (age 12-19 years) has increased from 14.9 to 19.5% from 1988-2006 (Shargorodsky, Curhan, & Eavey, 2010) (Brooks & Chan, 2017). Many individuals suspect the leading contributor of this to be frequent exposure to unsafe listening conditions (Muchnik, Amir, Shabtai, & Kaplan-Neeman, 2012) (Brookhouser, Wothington, & Kelley, 1992). Presently there are no government issued regulations on the maximum sound output levels for headphones sold in the U.S. Though a handful of studies have been conducted to investigate the output levels of commercially available headphones, none have utilized calibrated, scientific equipment or have focused on pediatric headphones specifically. This study looks to measure and analyze the maximum output levels of pediatric headphones to determine if they are capable of reaching levels that may be harmful to a child’s auditory system. Method: Output measurements were obtained in a calibrated sound booth using a Larson Davis sound level meter connected to a preamplifier with one-inch microphone attached. Each headphone under investigation was then connected to the preamplifier with a 500g force placed on top of the earphone to simulate the force of the band against the skull. Using an iPhone X MP3 player, the same song was presented to each headphone. The exact dBA fluctuations were measured throughout the duration of the song via the calibrated sound level meter to ensure that an accurate maximum output level was recorded. The data collected was then analyzed further to determine maximum output levels of each headphone under investigation. Results: Of the sixteen products tests, 88% of them exceeded the World Health Organization (WHO) and the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA) recommended 85dBA safety limit. Additionally, of the twelve products tested which marketed themselves as being volume limiting, only 16.7% of them were able to adhere to their own restrictions. Products ranged from maximum outputs of 114.5 dBA (Elecder- I37 Kids Headphones) to 81.7dBA (AILIHEN-HD50 Kids Headphones). Devices were then categorized based on predicted duration until damage, assuming a steady output at or near the maximum output level obtained. The results of this ranged from upwards of 17.2 hours. All the way down to 32.4 seconds. Lastly, average dBA output levels for each category (high-end, mid-level and low-end) were derived. Results suggest that lower-end devices on average produced greater dBA outputs than did either the mid-level or high-end devices. Conclusion: Pediatric marketed headphones are capable of reaching levels that could result in auditory damage. The results of this study should be used to highlight the importance of not only mandating but strictly enforcing a government issued regulation on maximum sound outputs for pediatric marketed headphones sold in the United States. In addition, further action must be taken to help inform and educate parents about the potential risks the associated with extended headphone usage

    Surgical Techniques in Benign Extra-Axial Tumors

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    Extra-axial tumors are lesions, neoplastic and not, which are external to the brain parenchyma and can originate in the skull, meninges, cranial nerves, and brain appendages such as the pituitary gland. Surgery provides a diagnosis and can be the first step in the treatment. When chosen as a treatment, we should consider the access and the approach to the lesion, the adequate operative technique, and related skills, minor or major complications. Because of the benign nature of these tumors, the evaluation of the risk/benefit in submitting a patient to a surgical treatment has to be considered. We would like to give an overview about benign extra-axial tumors and surgical operative techniques and tools that can be applied to improve patient’s outcome

    Wright, Baldwin. and Ellison: A comparative study of the negro novel

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    The purpose of this paper is to examine closely a major work of each of the three men who most critics agree are both major contemporary Negro novelists and leading American writers: Richard Wright, James Baldwin, and Ralph Ellison. It is my intent to discover how each has dealt with the unique problems of the Negro writer as well as with the difficulties of novelists in general; to examine their differences and similarities in approach to subject matter; and to discover the themes that unite them and the attitudes that separate them

    Recent records of telamonioid species of Cortinarius (Agaricales: Cortinariaceae) in New Brunswick, Canada

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    Eight species of Cortinarius (webcaps) subgenus Telamonia and two other telamonioid Cortinarius species are reported from New Brunswick, Canada. Internal transcribed spacer sequences of these were used to build a phylogenetic tree confirming species identifications and relationships to relevant material, especially types and other Canadian collections. Descriptions and photographs of fresh material and microscopic features are provided. Habitat details, particularly potential mycorrhizal partners and dominant bryophytes, were recorded for each collection and compared with published records. Seven species, Cortinarius caninoides, Cortinarius cicindela, Cortinarius fulvescens, Cortinarius harvardensis, Cortinarius plumulosus, Cortinarius pseudobiformis, and Cortinarius valgus are new distribution records for New Brunswick, and C. plumulosus is apparently a first record for North America. Because these species have rarely been reported, they have yet to be given common names

    Future Perspectives in Acute Myocarditis Complicated by Cardiogenic Shock

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    Acute myocarditis is an inflammatory disease of the myocardium with a highly variable clinical course. Fulminant myocarditis (FM) represents the most threatening scenario with hemodynamic compromise and cardiogenic shock at presentation. Despite medical advances and the availability of promising mechanical circulatory support (MCS), FM is burdened by a dismal prognosis. Early referral to tertiary hospitals with MCS facilities and prompt diagnosis with endomyocardial biopsy are critical steps toward optimal management. Moreover, beyond supportive care, the prevention of irreversible myocardial damage with immunomodulating therapies must be proven in clinical trials. In this editorial, we briefly describe current evidence and future perspectives regarding the management of myocarditis complicated by cardiogenic shock

    La battaglia contro lo stigma. Martha Nussbaum e la costruzione dell'identitá sociale dei disabili.

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    La presente tesi si inserisce all’interno del dibattito sui disability studies, ossia si occupa di trovare una definizione della disabilità, di individuare i confini tra normalità e anormalità e di ottenere risultati pratici per migliorare la qualità della vita delle persone disabili. L’obiettivo che si persegue è quello di dimostrare che la formazione dell’identità sociale dei disabili è un fenomeno complesso, che va studiato attraverso un’analisi interazionista e multi-prospettica, cioè tenendo conto delle relazioni che un individuo sostiene con gli altri, con l’ambiente e con la società in generale, e l’interpretazione che viene data a queste relazioni. Inoltre, si mostrerà che proprio da questo processo deriva la stigmatizzazione di alcuni gruppi, a causa dell’individuazione di caratteristiche indesiderate, e si tenterà di dare una spiegazione a questo meccanismo. Per procedere nel lavoro, verrà utilizzata come guida la filosofa Martha Nussbaum, e il suo approccio della capacità, evidenziandone contributi e limiti. Quest’ultimo, infatti, fornisce ottimi strumenti per interpretare la persona e per individuare dei criteri da utilizzare per costruire una società giusta, che tenga conto anche delle esigenze delle persone discriminate; allo stesso tempo, però, presenta delle carenze nella giustificazione di alcuni assunti principali. This thesis is placed within the debate on the disability studies. It deals with seeking a definition of disability, identifying the boundaries between normality and abnormality and obtaining practical results to improve the quality of life of people with disabilities. The aim that will pursued is to demonstrate that the creation of social identity of people with disabilities is a complex phenomenon, that must be studied through an interactionist and multi-perspective analysis, considering the relationships that occur between an individual and the others, the environment and the society in general, and the interpretation given to these relations. Furthermore, it will be shown that this process lead to the stigmatization of certain groups, due to the establishment of unwanted features, and it will be attempt to give a justification to that procedure. To carry out this work, the philosopher Martha Nussbaum and her capability approach will be used as a guide, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of her method. The capability approach provides excellent tools for define the person and to identify which criteria should be used to create a right society, that takes into account the needs of discriminated persons; however, it also presents some shortcomings in the justification of some of the most relevant assumptions

    Palaeographia Papyrologica XV (2017-2018)

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    Palaeographia Papyrologica XVI (2018-2019)

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