316 research outputs found

    Spectrophotometric properties of dwarf planet Ceres from the VIR spectrometer on board the Dawn mission

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    We study the spectrophotometric properties of dwarf planet Ceres in the VIS-IR spectral range by means of hyper-spectral images acquired by the VIR imaging spectrometer on board the NASA Dawn mission. Disk-resolved observations with a phase angle within the 7∘<α<132∘7^{\circ}<\alpha<132^{\circ} interval were used to characterize Ceres' phase curve in the 0.465-4.05 μ\mum spectral range. Hapke's model was applied to perform the photometric correction of the dataset, allowing us to produce albedo and color maps of the surface. The VV-band magnitude phase function of Ceres was fitted with both the classical linear model and H-G formalism. The single-scattering albedo and the asymmetry parameter at 0.55μ\mum are w=0.14±0.02w=0.14\pm0.02 and ξ=−0.11±0.08\xi=-0.11\pm0.08, respectively (two-lobe Henyey-Greenstein phase function); the modeled geometric albedo is 0.094±0.0070.094\pm0.007; the roughness parameter is θˉ=29∘±6∘\bar{\theta}=29^{\circ}\pm6^{\circ}. Albedo maps indicate small variability on a global scale with an average reflectance of 0.034±0.0030.034 \pm 0.003. Isolated areas such as the Occator bright spots, Haulani, and Oxo show an albedo much higher than average. We measure a significant spectral phase reddening, and the average spectral slope of Ceres' surface after photometric correction is 1.1%kA˚−11.1\%k\AA^{-1} and 0.85%kA˚−10.85\%k\AA^{-1} at VIS and IR wavelengths, respectively. Broadband color indices are V−R=0.38±0.01V-R=0.38\pm0.01 and R−I=0.33±0.02R-I=0.33\pm0.02. H-G modeling of the VV-band magnitude phase curve for α<30∘\alpha<30^{\circ} gives H=3.14±0.04H=3.14\pm0.04 and G=0.10±0.04G=0.10\pm0.04, while the classical linear model provides V(1,1,0∘)=3.48±0.03V(1,1,0^{\circ})=3.48\pm0.03 and β=0.036±0.002\beta=0.036\pm0.002. The comparison with spectrophotometric properties of other minor bodies indicates that Ceres has a less back-scattering phase function and a slightly higher albedo than comets and C-type objects. However, the latter represents the closest match in the usual asteroid taxonomy.Comment: 14 pages, 20 figures, published online on Astronomy and Astrophysics on 13 February 2017. Revised to reflect minor changes in text and figures made in proofs, updated value of V-R and R-

    Spectral characterization of V-type asteroids outside the Vesta family

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    We present new near-infrared (NIR) reflectance spectra of 10 V-type candidate asteroids obtained at the 3.6 m Telescopio Nazionale Galileo covering the spectral range of 0.7-2.5 μm. The observed objects were selected from diverse data sets of putative V-type asteroids in order to characterize them, and hence better understand their relationship with (4) Vesta. We derive spectral parameters from NIR spectra to infer mineralogical information of the observed asteroids. All the spectra of the asteroids here reported show two prominent absorption features at 1 and 2 μm that are typical of V-class objects. The comparison of spectral parameters such as band centres and band separation, among our observations, Howardites, Eucrites, Diogenites meteorites, and (4) Vesta from Visible and Infrared Spectrometer (VIR) data on Dawn reveals that there is a strong correlation between these objects. From our analysis, four objects are compatible with Howardites, three are more similar to a eucritic-like composition, and two are compatible with Diogenites. Asteroid 26145, which is the only member of the Vesta dynamical family observed in 2012 March, is compatible with Vesta's surface, and shows a composition close to the Eucrites

    Spectroscopy of five V-type asteroids in the middle and outer main belt

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    The origin of basaltic asteroids found in the middle and outer main belt is an open question. These asteroids are not dynamically linked to the Vesta collisional family and can be the remnants of other large differentiated asteroids present in the early phases of the main belt but destroyed long ago. Spectroscopic investigation of some V-type asteroids in the middle-outer belt, classified as such by their SLOAN photometric colours (Ivezić et al.) and WISE albedos (Masiero et al.), has revealed that their spectra are more similar to other taxonomic classes, like -Q, R, S, or A (Jasmim et al. and Oszkiewicz et al.). Here, we report about the observation, in the near-infrared spectral range, of five V-type asteroids located beyond 2.5 au. These observations allowed us to infer their taxonomic classification. Two asteroids, (21238) Panarea (observed in a previous campaign but here included for comparison) and (105041) 2000 KO41, confirm their basaltic nature. For asteroids (10800) 1992 OM8 and (15898) Kharasterteam a taxonomic classification is more uncertain, being either Q- or S-type. Asteroid (14390) 1990 QP10 classification is difficult to ascribe to the known taxonomic classes, maybe due to the low-quality spectrum. Further observations are desirable for this asteroid

    The formation and evolution of bright spots on Ceres

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    The otherwise homogeneous surface of Ceres is dotted with hundreds of anomalously bright, predominantly carbonate-bearing areas, termed "faculae," with Bond albedos ranging from ∼0.02 to >0.5. Here, we classify and map faculae globally to characterize their geological setting, assess potential mechanisms for their formation and destruction, and gain insight into the processes affecting the Ceres surface and near-surface. Faculae were found to occur in four distinct geological settings, associated predominantly with impact craters: (1) crater pits, peaks, or floor fractures (floor faculae), (2) crater rims or walls (rim/wall faculae), (3) bright ejecta blankets, and (4) the mountain Ahuna Mons. Floor faculae were identified in eight large, deep, and geologically young (asteroid-derived model (ADM) ages of <420 ± 60 Ma) craters: Occator, Haulani, Dantu, Ikapati, Urvara, Gaue, Ernutet, and Azacca. The geometry and geomorphic features of the eight craters with floor faculae are consistent with facula formation via impact-induced heating and upwelling of volatile-rich materials, upwelling/excavation of heterogeneously distributed subsurface brines or their precipitation products, or a combination of both processes. Rim/wall faculae and bright ejecta occur in and around hundreds of relatively young craters of all sizes, and the geometry of exposures is consistent with facula formation via the excavation of subsurface bright material, possibly from floor faculae that were previously emplaced and buried. A negative correlation between rim/wall facula albedo and crater age indicates that faculae darken over time. Models using the Ceres crater production function suggest initial production or exposure of faculae by large impacts, subsequent dissemination of facula materials to form additional small faculae, and then burial by impact-induced lateral mixing, which destroys faculae over timescales of less than 1.25 Gyr. Cumulatively, these models and the observation of faculae limited to geologically young craters indicate relatively modern formation or exposure of faculae, indicating that Ceres' surface remains active and that the near surface may support brines in the present day

    Compositional Diversity of the Vestan Regolith Derived from Howardite Compositions and Dawn VIR Spectra

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    Howardite, eucrite and diogenite meteorites likely come from asteroid 4 Vesta [1]. Howardites - physical mixtures of eucrites and diogenites - are of two subtypes: regolithic howardites were gardened in the true regolith; fragmental howardites are simple polymict breccias [2]. The Dawn spacecraft imaged the howarditic surface of Vesta with the visible and infrared mapping spectrometer (VIR) resulting in qualitative maps of the distributions of distinct diogenite-rich and eucrite-rich terranes [3, 4]. We are developing a robust basis for quantitative mapping of the distribution of lithologic types using spectra acquired on splits of well-characterized howardites [5, 6]. Spectra were measured on sample powders sieved to <75 m in the laboratories of the Istituto di Astrofisica e Planetologia Spaziali and Brown University. Data reduction was done using the methods developed to process Dawn VIR spectra [4]. The band parameters for the ~1 and ~2 m pyroxene absorption features (hereafter BI and BII) can be directly compared to Dawn VIR results. Regolithic howardites have shallower BI and BII absorptions compared to fragmental howardites with similar compositions. However, there are statistically significant correlations between Al or Ca contents and BI or BII center wavelengths regardless of howardite subtype. Diogenites are poor in Al and Ca while eucrites are rich in these elements. The laboratory spectra can thus be directly correlated with the percentage of eucrite material contained in the howardites. We are using these correlations to quantitatively map Al and Ca distributions, and thus the percentage of eucritic material, in the current regolith of Vesta

    Mesosiderites on Vesta: A Hyperspectral VIS-NIR Investigation

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    The discussion about the mesosiderite origin is an open issue since several years. Mesosiderites are mixtures of silicate mineral fragments or clasts, embedded in a FeNi metal matrix. Silicates are very similar in mineralogy and texture to howardites [1]. This led some scientists to conclude that mesosiderites could come from the same parent parent asteroid of the howardite, eucrite and diogenite (HED) meteorites [2, 3]. Other studies found a number of differences between HEDs and mesosiderite silicates that could be explained only by separate parent asteroids [4]. Recently, high precision oxygen isotope measurements of m esosiderites silicate fraction were found to be isotopically identical to the HEDs, requiring common parent body, i.e. 4 Vesta [5]. Another important element in favor of a common origin was given by the identification of a centimeter-sized mesosiderite clast in a howardite (Dar al Gani 779): a metal-rich inclusion with fragments of olivine, anorthite, and orthopyroxene plus minor amounts of chromite, tridymite, and troilite [6]. The Dawn mission with its instruments, the Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIR) [7], the Framing Camera [8] and the Gamma-Ray and Neutron Detector (GRaND) [9] confirmed that Vesta has a composition fully compatible with HED meteorites [10]. We investigate here the possibility to discern mesosiderite rich locations on the surface of Vesta by means of hyperspectral IR images

    VIS-IR study of brucite-clay-carbonate mixtures: Implications for Ceres surface composition

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    Carbonates and clay minerals are present in Solar System bodies such as Mars and asteroid (1) Ceres. Brucite has been proposed in the recent past to fit absorption features in spectra of Ceres. In this study Visible-Near Infrared reflectance spectroscopic measurements have been performed on brucite-carbonate-clay minerals mixtures, in the 0.2-5.1 μm spectral range. Different sets of three- and two-components mixtures have been prepared using these three fine powdered endmembers, by varying the relative proportions of carbonate, clay and brucite. Spectra have been acquired on the endmembers components separately and on the mixtures. Absorption features diagnostic of the carbonate, clay and brucite phases have been analyzed and band parameters (position, depth, area, width) determined. Several trends and correlations with mineral phase content in each mixture have been investigated, with the aim to determining how endmember components influence the mixture spectra and their minimum detectability threshold. Our results indicate that brucite is detectable in mineral mixtures with carbonates and clays, based on its main absorption features at 0.95, 2.45-2.47 and 3.05 μm. While the 0.95 and 3.05 μm features are only discernible for very high brucite contents in the mixtures, the ∼2.45 μm band turns out to be highly diagnostic, also for very small amounts of brucite (of the order of 10 wt%). These experiments, together with DAWN observations of Ceres, substantially rule out the presence of great amounts of brucite globally distributed on the surface of Ceres

    VIS-IR Spectral Trends in Brucite - Clay Minerals - Carbonate Mixtures

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    Brucite-carbonate-clay mixtures have been analyzed using VIS-IR reflectance spectroscopy. Diagnostic band parameters have been analyzed
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