49 research outputs found

    A Compliant PKM Mesomanipulator: Kinematic and Dynamic Analyses.

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    The kinematic and dynamic analyses of a PKM mesomanipulator are addressed in this paper: the proposed robot architecture allows only pure translations for the mobile platform, while the presence of flexure hinges introduces compliance into the structure. The analytical solutions to direct and inverse kinematic problems are evaluated after a brief introduction of the basic adopted nomenclature, the manipulator workspace and the robot singularity configurations are then described, and the analytical solution to the inverse dynamic problem is presented. Thereafter, an overview on some of the simulations results obtained through a software implementation of the described algorithms is addressed, and the most salient aspects of this topic are summarized in the final conclusions

    PKM mechatronic clamping adaptive device

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    This study proposes a novel adaptive fixturing device based on active clamping systems for smart micropositioning of thin-walled precision parts. The modular architecture and the structure flexibility make the system suitable for various industrial applications. The proposed device is realized as a Parallel Kinematic Machine (PKM), opportunely sensorized and controlled, able to perform automatic error-free workpiece clamping procedures, drastically reducing the overall fixturing set-up time. The paper describes the kinematics and dynamics of this mechatronic system. A first campaign of experimental trails has been carried out on the prototype, obtaining promising results

    Movement Analysis Could Help in the Assessment of Chronic Low Back Pain Patients: Results from a Preliminary Explorative Study

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    Introduction: This study aimed to assess the reliability of a qualitative scoring system based on the movement analysis of the spine in different populations and after usual care rehabilitative intervention. If proven true, the results could further future research development in quantitative indexes, leading to a possible subclassification of chronic low back pain (cLBP). Methods: This was a preliminary exploratory observational study. Data of an optoelectronic spine movement analysis from a pathological population (cLBP population, 5 male, 5 female, age 58 ± 16 years) were compared to young healthy participants (5M, 5F, age 22 ± 1) and were analysed via a new qualitative score of the pattern of movement. Internal consistency was calculated. Two independent assessors (experienced and inexperienced) assessed the blinded data, and we calculated inter- and intrarater reliability. We performed an analysis for cLBP pre and post a ten session group rehabilitation program between and within groups. Results: Internal consistency was good for all movements (α = 0.84-0.88). Intra-rater reliability (Intraclass correlation coefficient-ICC) was excellent for overall scores of all movements (ICC(1,k) = 0.95-0.99), while inter-rater reliability was poor to moderate (ICC(1,k) = 0.39-0.78). We found a significant difference in the total movement scores between cLBP and healthy participants (p = 0.001). Within-group comparison (cLBP) showed no significant difference in the total movement score in pre and post-treatment. Conclusion: The perception of differences between normal and pathological movements has been confirmed through the proposed scoring system, which proved to be able to distinguish different populations. This study has many limitations, but these results show that movement analysis could be a useful tool and open the door to quantifying the identified parameters through future studies

    The impact of early life permethrin exposure on development of neurodegeneration in adulthood.

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    Early life environmental exposure to pesticides could play a critical role in the onset of age-related diseases. The present study aims to evaluate in brain, plasma and leukocytes of 300 day-old rats, the effect of a low dose of the insecticide permethrin administered during early life (1/50 LD50, from 6th to 21st day of life). The outcomes show that Nurr1, mRNA and protein expression, as well as calcium and NO levels are decreased in striatum. Moreover, the pesticide induces an imbalance in glutamate, calcium and NO in hippocampus. Low calcium concentrations in leukocytes and in plasma were observed, while increased NO and decreased SOD plasma levels were measured. The results suggest that permethrin intake at a dose close to the NOAEL (25 mg/kg) during the perinatal period can interact with Nurr1 by reducing its expression on striatum nucleus. Consequently, the maintenance of dopaminergic neurons as well as Nurr1 inhibitory effect on the production of proinflammatory mediators fails. The changes in biological markers found in our animal model could represent the basis to study neurodegenerative diseases whose development depends on individual gene signature and life style

    Tailoring lipoplex composition to the lipid composition of plasma membrane: a Trojan horse for cell entry?

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    The first interaction between lipoplexes and cells is charge-mediated and not specific. Endocytosis is considered to be the main pathway for lipoplex entry. Upon interaction between lipoplexes and the plasma membrane, intermixing between lipoplex and membrane lipids is necessary for efficient endocytosis. Here we study the mechanism of the different endocytic pathways in lipid-mediated gene delivery. We show that DC-Chol-DOPE/DNA lipoplexes preferentially use a raftmediated endocytosis, while DOTAP-DOPC/DNA systems are mainly internalized by not specific fluid phase macropinocitosys. On the other hand, most efficient multicomponent lipoplexes, incorporating different lipid species in their lipid bilayer, can use multiple endocytic pathways to enter cells.Our data demonstrate that efficiency of endocytosis is regulated by shape coupling between lipoplex and membrane lipids. We suggest that such a shape-dependent coupling regulates efficient formation of endocytic vesicles thus determining the success of internalization. Our results suggest that tailoring the lipoplex lipid composition to the patchwork-like plasma membrane profile could be a successful machinery of coordinating the endocytic pathway activities and the subsequent intracellular processing

    Experimental and model-based study of the vibrations in the load cells response of automatic weight fillers

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    The paper presents a study of the vibrations in the load cell response of automatic weight fillers for fluids, due to the dynamics of the system. The aim is to characterize vibratory phenomena through both experimental and model-based analysis, in order to identify the main causes and identify compensation strategies. Two test campaigns were conducted, on a test bench and on a sixteen stations machine, with the simultaneous acquisition of acceleration signals and load cell signals. A detailed sensitivity analysis based on experimental data, as many system parameters vary, has been developed. For the system modelling, a one Degree of Freedom (1 DoF) model, with lumped parameters and time-variant mass, including fluidic forces, was considered and numerically implemented. Genetic algorithms were used for the identification problems in the model-based analysis. The model allowed a deeper understanding of the phenomena that occur, showing promising results for the vibration prediction in a compensation process

    Inverse Kinematics of a Serial Robot

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    This work describes a technique to treat the inverse kinematics of a serial manipulator. The inverse kinematics is obtained through the numerical inversion of the Jacobian matrix, that represents the equation of motion of the manipulator. The inversion is affected by numerical errors and, in different conditions, due to the numerical nature of the solver, it does not converge to a reasonable solution. Thus a soft computing approach is adopted to mix different traditional methods to obtain an increment of algorithmic convergence

    An Innovative Shape Memory Actuator

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    The work describes a NiTi linear actuator. This material is able to realize a contraction with heating produced through Joule effect. Then a cooling of the active device is realized with forced air. Finally the lengthening is realized with another active element. The particular structure of the geometry allows for an increment of reliability, because the electrical connections are mechanically stabilized and the active elements are compelled to avoid undesired electrical contacts through an insulated cylindrical core

    Cam Mechanisms Reverse Engineering Based on Evolutionary Algorithms

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    Cam follower mechanisms are widely used in automated manufacturing machinery to transform a rotary stationary motion into a more general required movement. Reverse engineering of cams has been studied, and some solutions based on different approaches have been identified in the literature. This article proposes an innovative method based on the use of an evolutionary algorithm for the identification of a law of motion that allows for approximating in the best way the motion or the sampled profile on the physical device. Starting from the acquired data, through a genetic algorithm, a representation of the movement (and therefore of the cam profile) is identified based on a type of motion law traditionally used for this purpose, i.e., the modified trapezoidal (better known as modified seven segments). With this method it is possible to estimate the coefficients of the parametric motion law, thus allowing the designer to further manipulate them according to the usual motion planning techniques. In a first phase, a study of the method based on simulations is carried out, considering sets of simulated experimental measures, obtained starting from different laws of motion, and verifying whether the developed genetic algorithm allows for identifying the original law or approximating one. For the computation of the objective function, the Euclidean norm and the Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) algorithm are compared. The performed analysis establishes in which situations each of them is more appropriate. Implementation of the method on experimental data validates its effectiveness

    Dual control for jerk-driven robotics in rehabilitative planar applications

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    This study compares a set of strategies to plan and control the trajectory of a robotic device in a planar workspace. These strategies are based on an affective application of jerk-laws able to indicate undesirable conditions (e.g., vibrations) facilitating the device control. The jerk is the time derivative of acceleration, and this solution provides an indirect means to control the variation rate of the actuator torques, while avoiding the complex robot dynamic models and their algorithms for computing the dynamics. In order to obtain a smooth trajectory, a regulator to control a robotic device has been developed and validated. It consists of the implementation of two control modules able to (i) generate the predefined trajectory and (ii) guarantee the path tracking, reducing unwanted effects. In this case a simple S-shaped path has been originated by the "trajectory generator module" as a reference movement to rehabilitate upper limb functionality. The numerical simulation and the results of preliminary tests show the efficacy of the proposed approach through the vibration smoothness appraisal associated with the motion profile