25 research outputs found

    Uptake of actinides by calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H) phases

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    The sorption of actinides (Th, U – Am) was studied in dependence of the solid-to-liquid (S/L) ratio (0.5–20.0 g/L) and the calcium-to-silicon (C:S) ratio. The C:S ratio was varied between 1.80 and 0.70 to simulate the changing composition of the C-S-H phases during cement degradation from high to low C:S ratios. The decrease of the calcium content in the C-S-H phases by time is accompanied by a decrease in pH in the corresponding suspensions from 12.6 to 10.2. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) of the C-S-H phases showed an increasing depletion of Ca on the surface with increasing C:S ratio in comparison to the composition of the solid phase as a whole. The sorption experiments were performed with the redox stable species Am(III), Th(IV) and U(VI), as well as the redox sensitive Np(V) and Pu(III). The average distribution coefficients Rd for all investigated actinides are around 105 L/kg. The oxidation state of Pu retained by the C-S-H phases was investigated with high-energy resolution X-ray absorption near-edge structure (HR-XANES) spectroscopy. Samples with C:S ratios of 0.75 and 1.65 showed that the initially added Pu(III) was oxidized to Pu(IV) in the course of the experiment

    Speciation of neptunium during sorption and diffusion in natural clay

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    In argillaceous rocks, which are considered as a potential host rock for nuclear waste repositories, sorption and diffusion processes govern the migration behaviour of actinides like neptunium. For the safety analysis of such a repository, a molecular-level understanding of the transport and retardation phenomena of radioactive contaminants in the host rock is mandatory. The speciation of Np during sorption and diffusion in Opalinus Clay was studied at near neutral pH using a combination of spatially resolved synchrotron radiation techniques. During the sorption and diffusion experiments, the interaction of 8 μM Np(V) solutions with the clay lead to the formation of spots at the clay-water interface with increased Np concentrations as determined by μ-XRF. Several of these spots are correlated with areas of increased Fe concentration. Np L3-edge μ-XANES spectra revealed that up to 85% of the initial Np(V) was reduced to Np(IV). Pyrite could be identified by μ-XRD as a redox-active mineral phase responsible for the formation of Np(IV). The analysis of the diffusion profile within the clay matrix after an in-diffusion experiment for two months showed that Np(V) is progressively reduced with diffusion distance, i.e. Np(IV) amounted to ≈12% and ≈26% at 30 μm and 525 μm, respectively

    Uptake of Pu(IV) by hardened cement paste in the presence of gluconate at high and low ionic strengths

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    The uptake of Pu(IV) by hardened cement paste (HCP) at degradation state I was investigated in the absence and presence of gluconate (GLU). Furthermore, the influence of the ionic strength was examined in different background electrolytes. Artificial cement pore water (ACW, pH = 13) was used for low ionic strength (I = 0.3 M), and cement pore water based on the diluted caprock solution (ACW-VGL, pH = 12.5) was used for high ionic strength (I = 2.5 M). Sorption experiments were performed under an Ar atmosphere using HCP in the HCP/GLU binary system ([GLU]0 = 1 × 10−1–1 × 10−8 M) and the HCP/Pu(IV)/GLU ternary system ([239Pu(IV)]0 = 1 × 10−8 M, [GLU]0 = 1 × 10−2 M) with solid-to-liquid (S/L) ratios of 0.5–50 g L–1 within a contact time of 72 h. GLU sorbs strongly on HCP; a saturation of the sorption sites of HCP with GLU was observed at [GLU] ≥ 1 × 10−4 M at S/L = 5 g L–1. The effects of the order of addition of the components Pu(IV) and GLU on the sorption of Pu(IV) on HCP were investigated. In the absence of GLU, a quantitative uptake (S% ≥ 99%) of Pu(IV) by HCP was observed, independent of the ionic strength of the background electrolytes. In the presence of 1 × 10−2 M GLU, the sorption of Pu(IV) on HCP was significantly lower. For X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) measurements, powder samples with Pu ([239Pu(III)]0 = 5 × 10−6 M) sorbed on HCP (S/L = 2.5 g L–1) were prepared at pH ≈ 13 in ACW and ACW-VGL, respectively. One additional sample was prepared in the presence of GLU ([GLU]0 = 1 × 10−2 M) with ACW-VGL as the electrolyte for comparison. Pu LIII-edge X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectra show that Pu is in the tetravalent oxidation state after being taken up by the HCP. The structural parameters obtained from extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) analysis and comparison with literature indicate incorporation of Pu(IV) into the calcium-silicate-hydrate (C-S-H) phases of HCP. The different ionic strengths and the presence of GLU had no influence on the near-neighbor environment of Pu in HCP

    Biosorption and Biomineralization of U(VI) by the Marine Bacterium Idiomarina loihiensis MAH1: Effect of Background Electrolyte and pH

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    The main goal of this study is to compare the effects of pH, uranium concentration, and background electrolyte (seawater and NaClO4 solution) on the speciation of uranium(VI) associated with the marine bacterium Idiomarina loihiensis MAH1. This was done at the molecular level using a multidisciplinary approach combining X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS), Time-Resolved Laser-Induced Fluorescence Spectroscopy (TRLFS), and High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy (HRTEM). We showed that the U(VI)/bacterium interaction mechanism is highly dependent upon pH but also the nature of the used background electrolyte played a role. At neutral conditions and a U concentration ranging from 5·10−4 to 10−5 M (environmentally relevant concentrations), XAS analysis revealed that uranyl phosphate mineral phases, structurally resembling meta-autunite [Ca(UO2)2(PO4)2 2–6H2O] are precipitated at the cell surfaces of the strain MAH1. The formation of this mineral phase is independent of the background solution but U(VI) luminescence lifetime analyses demonstrated that the U(VI) speciation in seawater samples is more intricate, i.e., different complexes were formed under natural conditions. At acidic conditions, pH 2, 3 and 4.3 ([U] = 5·10−4 M, background electrolyte = 0.1 M NaClO4), the removal of U from solution was due to biosorption to Extracellular Polysaccharides (EPS) and cell wall components as evident from TEM analysis. The LIII-edge XAS and TRLFS studies showed that the biosorption process observed is dependent of pH. The bacterial cell forms a complex with U through organic phosphate groups at pH 2 and via phosphate and carboxyl groups at pH 3 and 4.3, respectively. The differences in the complexes formed between uranium and bacteria on seawater compared to NaClO4 solution demonstrates that the actinide/microbe interactions are influenced by the three studied factors, i.e., the pH, the uranium concentration and the chemical composition of the solution.This work was funded by the grants CGL2009-09760 and CGL2012-36505 (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación), and RNM 3943 (Junta de Andalucía), Spain

    Plutonium mobility and reactivity in a heterogeneous clay rock barrier accented by synchrotron-based microscopic chemical imaging

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    Abstract The long-term safe disposal of radioactive waste corresponds to a challenging responsibility of present societies. Within deep geological waste disposal concepts, host rocks correspond to the ultimate safety barrier towards the environment. To assess the performance of such barriers over extended time scales, mechanistic information on the interaction between the radiotoxic, long-lived radionuclides like plutonium and the host rock is essential. Chemical imaging based on synchrotron microspectroscopic techniques was used to visualize undisturbed reactive transport patterns of Pu within pristine Opalinus Clay rock material. Pu+V is shown to be progressively reduced along its diffusion path to Pu+IV and Pu+III due to interaction with redox-active clay rock constituents. Experimental results and modeling emphasize the dominant role of electron-transfer reactions determining the mobility of Pu in reactive barrier systems. The effective migration velocity of Pu is controlled by the kinetic rates of the reduction to Pu+IV and Pu+III and the redox capacity of the involved electron donor pools. To advance our predictive capabilities further, an improved understanding of the nature and capacity of redox-active components of the reactive barrier material is fundamental. The findings represent an essential contribution to the evaluation of the long-term safety of potential nuclear waste repositories and have implications regarding the development of effective geological disposal strategies

    Synthese, Charakterisierung und Loeslichkeit von Erdalkaliuranylcarbonaten M_2[UO_2(CO_3)_3].xH_2O; M: Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba

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    Vor dem Hintergrund der Sanierung der vom Uranbergbau kontaminierten Gebiete, gerade im Osten Deutschlands (Sachsen und Thueringen), sind umfassende Kenntnisse zum Ausbreitungsverhalten des Urans notwendig. Dieses Wissen ist unerlaesslich fuer die Abschaetzung der radiologischen Konsequenzen fuer Mensch und Umwelt bei der Auswahl und Durchfuehrung der Sanierungsarbeiten. Die Bildung von Uransekundaermineralen kann zur Immobilisierung des Urans beitragen, aber gleichzeitig koennen die Sekundaerminerale eine Quelle der Freisetzung von Uran sein. Magnesium- und Calciumuranylcarbonate treten als Sekundaerminerale (Bayleyit und Liebigit) in urankontaminierten Gebieten auf und beeinflussen dann als loeslichkeitskontrollierende Festphasen ueber laengere Zeitraeume die Loeslichkeit des Urans(VI). Ziel der Arbeit war es, die Bildungsbedingungen von Erdalkaliuranylcarbonaten vor dem Hintergrund ihres natuerlichen Auftretens aufzuklaeren und die Frage zu beantworten, ob ausser den genannten, weitere Erdalkaliuranylcarbonate in der Natur auftreten koennen und deshalb selbst als Quellterm beruecksichtigt werden muessen. Um dies aufzuklaeren, war die Synthese der Erdalkaliuranylcarbonate mit hoher Phasenreinheit, die Charakterisierung ihrer physikalisch-chemischen Eigenschaften und die Bestimmung der Loeslichkeit erforderlich. Die Sorption des Urans an Phyllit und Granit wurde im ternaeren System M"2"+-UO_2"2"+-CO_3"2"- (H_2O) vergleichend mit der Sorption aus waessrigen Loesungen, die den Komplex Ca_2UO_2(CO_3)_3_(_a_q_) enthalten, untersucht. (orig.)The release and dispersion of uranium from closed uranium mining sites and the resulting uranium contamination of the natural environment of such sites is a major problem examined in this dissertation. Knowledge of the pollution pathways and processes is indispensable for an assessment of the radiological implications for the human population, to be taken into account in the planning of site rehabilitation work. The formation of secondary uranium minerals may contribute to an immobilization of the uranium, but it is possible as well that such secondary uranium minerals will release uranium. A major task of this dissertation therefore was to examine the conditions of formation of alkaline earth uranyl carbonates in the context of their natural occurrence as observed at some sites, and to answer the question of whether hitherto unknown alkaline earth uranyl carbonates may form in the natural environment, and ought to be taken into account as new source terms. (orig./CB)Available from TIB Hannover: RR 1847(359) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman