95 research outputs found

    Analysis of Portmanteau Tests

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    Optimal portfolios with end-of-period target

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    We study the estimation of optimal portfolios for a Reserve Fund with an end-of-period target and when the returns of the assets that constitute the Reserve Fund portfolio follow two specifications. In the first one, assets are split into short memory (bonds) and long memory (equity), and the optimality of the portfolio is based on maximizing the Sharpe ratio. In the second, returns follow a conditional heteroskedasticity autoregressive nonlinear model, and we study when the distribution of the innovation vector is heavy-tailed stable. For this specification, we consider appropriate estimation methods, which include bootstrap and empirical likelihood

    Japan College of Rheumatology 2009 guidelines for the use of tocilizumab, a humanized anti-interleukin-6 receptor monoclonal antibody, in rheumatoid arthritis

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    The introduction of biological agents targeting tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) has brought about a paradigm shift in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Although these anti-TNF agents have excellent efficacy against RA, a substantial number of patients still show inadequate responses. In Western countries, such patients are already being treated with new classes of antirheumatic drugs such as abatacept and rituximab. Tocilizumab (TCZ) is a humanized monoclonal antibody developed in Japan against the human interleukin-6 (IL-6) receptor. TCZ does not only alleviate the signs and symptoms of RA but also seems to prevent progressive bone and joint destruction. However, there is a concern that TCZ might increase the risk of adverse events such as infections since IL-6 plays a pivotal role in the immune system. Calculating the relative risks of specific adverse outcomes with TCZ use remains difficult, due to insufficient patient numbers enrolled in clinical trials to date. This review presents tentative guidelines for the use of TCZ for RA patients prepared by the Japan College of Rheumatology and based on results of clinical trials in Japan and Western countries. The guidelines are intended as a guide for postmarketing surveillance and clinical practice, and will be revised periodically based on the surveillance

    A Report on Overseas Teaching Practicum by Graduate Students in Elementary/Secondary Schools in the United States (Ⅶ)

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    The present reports is on the 7th overseas teaching practicum in the United States by 15 graduate students of Hiroshima University, Japan, partly organized by Hiroshima University Global Partnership School Center since 2007. The group was comprised of 13 elementary school and 2 secondary school education major graduate students. They planned and conducted lessons in English in three local public schools in North Carolina. The expected outcomes of this project were: 1) to self-develop practical instructional competence by teaching pupils with diverse backgrounds in the U.S.; 2) to enhance the abilities in developing teaching materials through hands-on teaching experiences in English; and 3) to acquire the abilities to design, implement and evaluate programs for promoting global partnership. In addition, the teaching experience was followed by cross-cultural study visits to Raleigh, NC and Washington, D.C. It helped to boost our group motivation that the local media, newspaper and TV, and the city Board of Education covered our visit. It is hoped that this project will enhance the students’ teaching competence in designing quality materials/lessons and classroom communication skills in English

    The Creation of School Education Bringing up a Student Carrying Tomorrow (3) : The Valuation of "Compulsory Subjects", "Optional Subjects", and "Integrated Subjects"

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    The purpose of this study is to show the valuation of "Compulsory Subjects", "Optional Subjects", and "Integrated Subjects", to show the relationship between each subjects and "three abilities", "the ability of recognizing othere senses of value", "the ability of self-expression and communication" and "the ability of decision-making" which defined by the project members. The main result of this study is that we should make up the standards which teachers, students and parents recognize as important abilities

    Asymptotic efficiency of conditional least squares estimators for ARCH models

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    The conditional least squares (CL) estimators proposed by Tjostheim [1986. Estimation in nonlinear time series models. Stochastic Process. Appl. 21, 251-273] are important and fundamental. The CL estimator applied to the square-transformed ARCH model has an explicit form, which does not depend on the distribution of the innovation. Since the CLs are not asymptotically efficient in general, we give a necessary and sufficient condition that CL is asymptotically efficient based on the LAN approach. Next, a measure of efficiency for CL is introduced. Numerical evaluations of the measure of efficiency for various nonlinear time series models are given. They elucidate some interesting features of CL.ARCH model Conditional least squares estimator Asymptotic efficiency Local asymptotic normality