32 research outputs found

    Avaliação do estado nutricional e intervenção dietética em atletas de Futebol americano de Petrolina-PE

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    The performance and wad of the athletes can be improved when they change their nutrition. The diet, which consist all nutrients, can preserve body composition, supports the functioning of the metabolic pathways associated with the sporting modality. In view of the above, the present study aimed to analyze anthropometric indicators, guide and intervene in the food standard of the players. The sample consisted of 40 male athletes aged 23.79 ± 4.92 years. Measurements of height, weight, body mass index (BMI) and fat percentage (%G) estimated by bioelectrical impedance. The others measures were, the skin folds and perimeter of the arm, chest, waist, abdomen, hip, thigh and calf were measured, the food intake was evaluated using the 24-hour Dietary Recall (R24ec). No statistical difference was observed in the comparison between defense and attack groups, in weight, BMI and muscle mass. However, a statistical difference was observed in the percentage of fat between the attack groups (29.22 ± 8.47, n=10; p=0.0316). After the dieting intervention, there were no significant differences between the parameters for BMI, %G, %MM and SBP, of the athletes in the different positions of the team. Meanwhile there was a significant difference for diastolic pressure. The nutrition it is a factor that adds to performance in the field. The higher the body mass of fat, the lower the yield, as well as the greater the risk of cardiovascular diseases and bone fracture. Conclusion: The results taken together show the moderate risk of the players having future metabolic changes.O desempenho e o bem-estar de atletas podem ser melhorados com a modificação de sua alimentação. Através de alimentação constituída de todos os nutrientes, afim de preservar a sua composição corporal, favorecer o funcionamento das vias metabólicas associadas à modalidade desportiva. Nesse sentido, o estudo objetivou analisar indicadores antropométricos, orientar e intervir no padrão alimentar dos jogadores. A amostra foi composta por 40 atletas do sexo masculino com idade 23,79 ± 4,92 anos. Foram realizadas medidas de estatura, peso, índice de massa corporal (IMC) e percentual de gordura (%G) estimada por bioimpedância, foram aferidos as dobras cutâneas e o perímetro do braço, peitoral, cintura, abdome, quadril, coxa e panturrilha, a ingestão alimentar foi avaliada através do consumo alimentar de 24 horas. Não foi observada diferença estatística na comparação entre grupos defesa e ataque, no peso, no IMC e na massa muscular. Entretanto, foi visto diferença estatística no percentual de gordura entre os grupos ataque (29,22 ± 8,47, n=10; p=0.0316). Após a intervenção alimentar não houve diferenças significativas entre os parâmetros para IMC, %G, %MM e PAS, dos atletas nas diferentes posições da equipe. Mas houve diferença significativa para a pressão diastólica. A nutrição é um fator que contribui para o seu desempenho em campo. Sabe-se que quanto maior a massa corpórea de gordura, menor o rendimento, assim como maior o risco de doenças cardiovasculares e traumas ósseos. Os resultados tomados em conjunto revelam o risco moderado dos jogadores apresentarem alterações metabólicas futuras. ABSTRACT Nutritional status evaluation and dietary intervention in American Football players in Petrolina-PEThe performance and wad of the athletes can be improved when they change their nutrition. The diet, which consist all nutrients, can preserve body composition, supports the functioning of the metabolic pathways associated with the sporting modality. In view of the above, the present study aimed to analyze anthropometric indicators, guide and intervene in the food standard of the players. The sample consisted of 40 male athletes aged 23.79 ± 4.92 years. Measurements of height, weight, body mass index (BMI) and fat percentage (%G) estimated by bioelectrical impedance. The others measures were, the skin folds and perimeter of the arm, chest, waist, abdomen, hip, thigh and calf were measured, the food intake was evaluated using the 24-hour Dietary Recall (R24ec). No statistical difference was observed in the comparison between defense and attack groups, in weight, BMI and muscle mass. However, a statistical difference was observed in the percentage of fat between the attack groups (29.22 ± 8.47, n=10; p=0.0316). After the dieting intervention, there were no significant differences between the parameters for BMI, %G, %MM and SBP, of the athletes in the different positions of the team. Meanwhile there was a significant difference for diastolic pressure. The nutrition it is a factor that adds to performance in the field. The higher the body mass of fat, the lower the yield, as well as the greater the risk of cardiovascular diseases and bone fracture. Conclusion: The results taken together show the moderate risk of the players having future metabolic changes

    Western-style diet changes murinometric and metabolic parameters of rat offspring in time-specific windows / A dieta do estilo ocidental altera parâmetros murinométricos e metabólicos da própria de rat em janelas específicas

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    The present study evaluated the effects of the western-style diet in the time-specific windows of rodents. Male Wistar rats were divided into three groups fed on a Control diet during all experimental period (CC); a western-style diet after lactation (CW); and a westernized diet throughout entire experimental period (WW). Body weight, food and energy intake, abdominal fat, glucose tolerance, biochemical parameters and serum hormones were evaluated. Higher body weight (CC=408.6±11.3g; CW=474.1±9.2g; WW=475.8±16.3g, p<0.001), increased abdominal fat (CC=12.6±0.8g; CW=34.1± 2.3g; WW=33.2± 2.4g, p<0.001), reduced food intake (CC=26.3±0.8g; CW=17.0±0.6; WW=18.4±0.9g, p<0.001), and similar energetic intake were found among the groups fed on the western-style diet regardless to the exposure time. Also, the area under the curves of glucose tolerance test, glucose, triacylglycerol, VLDL-c and total cholesterol blood levels were higher in the western-style diet groups compared to the control groups (p<0.01). However, levels of hormones were different according to specific windows of dietary exposure. The CW group showed higher corticosterone (CC=263.4± 109.1;CW= 339.9±16.6; WW=305.5±16.2ng/mL, p<0.001) and leptin levels (CC=8.2 0.7;CW=14.5 1.4;WW=9.1 0.7ng/mL p<0.001); and the WW group showed raised insulin levels (CC=6.7±0.3;CW=8.0±0.3;WW=10.5±0.8ng/mL, p<0.001). Then, the western-style diet enhanced signals of metabolic imbalance in both groups, but the outcomes varied according to the windows of dietary exposure

    Perinatal malnutrition stimulates motivation through reward and enhances drd1a receptor expression in the ventral striatum of adult mice

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    AbstractAimThe aim of this study was to analyze the effects of protein perinatal malnutrition on the function of dopamine DRD1 and DRD2 receptors in regards to motivation and food consumption in adult mice. The study also analyzed the effect of protein perinatal malnutrition on the gene expression of these receptors in the ventral striatum.MethodsWistar lineage mice were divided into two groups according to maternal diet: control (17% casein), n=30 and low protein (8% casein), n=30. Between 30 and 120days of life, the following factors were measured: body weight; the effect of dopamine D1 and D2 agonists on the ingestion of palatable food; the motivational aspect under the action of the D1 (SKF 38393) and D2 Quinpirole dopaminergic agonists; and the gene expression of DRD1 and DRD2 receptors in the ventral striatum.ResultsThe body weights of the malnourished animals remained significantly lower than those of the control group from 30 to 120days of life. Malnourished animals ingested a greater quantity of palatable food. There was a decrease in palatable diet consumption in both the control and malnourished groups after the application of D1 and D2 agonists; however, the anorexic effect of the D1 agonist was understated in malnourished animals. Perinatal malnutrition increases the motivational behavior of the animal when food reward is used. There was an increase in gene expression of the DRD1a receptor in the ventral striatum of malnourished animals, and there were no significant changes concerning the DRD2 receptor.ConclusionsPerinatal protein malnutrition stimulates hedonic control of eating behavior by promoting increased intake of palatable foods, possibly due to increased expression of dopamine receptor DRD1a in the ventral striatum

    Cesarean delivery modulate intestinal microbiome and th9 cell asnwer propensity to allergic diseases? / A modulação do microbioma intestinal por influência do parto cesariana possui correlação com a resposta das células th9 em doenças alérgicas?

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    The type of birth can alter the composition of the human intestinal microbiota and crucially interfere in the formation of the innate and adaptive immune system. Among the various cell groups that can be modulated by the type of delivery are helper T cells (Th). Currently, in addition to the classic Th1 and Th2 profile, other subsets have been identified including Th17, Th22, Th25 and Th9.  Studies on the modulation of T helper lymphocytes associated with the type of birth are still emerging. However, it is known that the action of Th9 cells is modulated according to the intestinal microbiota. Thus, this study aimed to describe how the type of birth, vaginal or cesarean, can change the intestinal microbiota and we hypothesized that the form of delivery changes the pattern of response to Th9 in allergic diseases.

    Is caffeine recommended before exercise? A systematic review to investigate its impact on cardiac autonomic control via heart rate and its variability

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    Evaluating different doses of caffeine (CAF) on heart rate (HR) variability (HRV) during and following exercise in order to assess its impact on autonomic control. We intended to evaluate the influence of CAF as a supplement before exercise on HRV through a systematic review. Manuscripts were selected based on electronic searches of MEDLINE, EMBASE and CINAHL databases from 2010 to 2019 and followed the protocol Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyzes (PRISMA). Blind randomized designs and controlled trials that reported the influence of CAF on HRV during exercise and during recovery from exercise, with strength of evidence assessed using the GRADE system; the search for the studies was organized using the PICOS strategy. A total of 1797 articles were recognized, following the screening and eligibility stages, 9 studies continued to the final sample. Six studies reported that the combination of CAF supplementation with physical exercise exhibited higher HR when compared to the placebo group during post-exercise recovery; additionally, prolonged activation of sympathetic cardiac control and delayed parasympathetic reactivation following exercise was observed. However, three studies demonstrated no CAF influence when using similar doses. This review observed equivocal results in HR and HRV recovery following exercise with the presence of CAF consumption. These findings cannot confirm the cardiac autonomic changes observed where entirely due to the influence of CAF, and further studies should be performed to better understand this relationship

    Avaliação do estado de hidratação de um time de atletas de futebol americano do sertão brasileiro

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    O Futebol americano é caracterizado como um esporte que proporciona uma demanda física específica aos atletas e suas necessidades de água durante o treinamento e os jogos aumentam. O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o estado nutricional e o estado de hidratação de atletas de uma equipe de futebol americano do Sertão Brasileiro. A amostra foi composta por 28 atletas amadores saudáveis. Os parâmetros de hidratação foram avaliados com a intervenção de água mineral e água de coco, coleta pré e pós-treinamento de urina para averiguar parâmetros bioquímicos como pH, densidade, Coloração e pré e pós-treino e verificação de peso, para cálculo de % perda de peso e temperatura e umidade relativa do ar.  A avaliação nutricional foi realizada por meio de medidas de peso, IMC, circunferências, Razão-Cintura-Quadril, percentual de gordura e músculo. Também foram avaliados pressão arterial, frequência cardíaca, saturação de oxigênio e glicemia. O estudo mostrou hidratação dos atletas de acordo com a perda de peso menor que 1%, contudo, os aspectos de densidade e pH urinário após intervenção com água mineral e água de coco, possibilitaram identificar o estado de desidratação dos atletas no, pós treino. Além disso, as condições climáticas da região podem ter impactado diretamente os resultados obtidos. Ambos os grupos de atletas, apresentaram-se com peso e IMC elevado de acordo com sexo e idade, assim como o percentual de gordura e o de massa muscular. Sendo necessário o acompanhamento individual destes atletas, a fim de evitar o desenvolvimento de agravos à saúde

    Does bariatric surgery improve cardiac autonomic modulation assessed by heart rate variability? A systematic review

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    Objectives. Our study aimed to explore the influence of Bariatric Surgery (BS) on heart rate (HR) variability (HRV) through a systematic review. Data Sources. Manuscripts were selected based on electronic searches of MEDLINE, EMBASE and CINAHL databases from the inception of each database up to year 2020 and followed the PRISMA protocol. Searching of these studies was systematized using the PICOS strategy. Eligibility Criteria for Selecting Studies. We selected randomized and non-randomized controlled trials and cohorts’ prospective studies that reported the influence of BS on HRV. We assessed the quality rating using the Black and Downs questionnaire. Results. Following the screening and eligibility stages, 14 studies were included in the review. All studies agreed that BS promotes an increase in parasympathetic HR control and HRV and, a decrease in HR. Yet, the literature does not provide evidence that this outcome was directly caused by the surgical procedure. There is limited evidence to support that patients with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (TDM2) have greater improvement in HRV as an interim measure, to individuals without. The decrease in insulin resistance was correlated with the increase in HRV in some studies, but, other studies are unsupportive of this outcome. Improvements in two metabolic parameters (e.g., Leptin, NT-proBNP) were connected with a superior increase in HRV

    Propriedades da Alcachofra com Ênfase na Composição Nutricional/Properties of Artichoke with Emphasis on Nutritional Composition

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    O uso de plantas medicinais consiste em uma das mais antigas formas de prática medicinal utilizada tanto, para o tratamento quanto, para a cura e prevenção de doenças. Dentre as plantas medicinais de maior relevância, a alcachofra (Cynara scolymus L.) tem recebido destaque, devido aos seus efeitos benéficos sob a saúde humana. Diante disso, o objetivo do estudo foi identificar as propriedades da alcachofra com ênfase na composição nutricional. Para isso, foi realizada uma revisão narrativa através da busca em bancos de dados eletrônicos acerca das propriedades da alcachofra. As bases de dados consultadas foram: Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS) e outras Revistas Eletrônicas de Saúde, com dimensão temporal entre 2001 e 2018, nos idiomas português e inglês. Pode-se verificar com os dados obtidos, que a alcachofra atua com benefícios frente a doenças hepáticas, saúde intestinal, diabetes, apetite e hipercolesterolemia e suas propriedades bioativas estão associadas diretamente a sua composição química

    Alergia e intolerância alimentar: uma revisão de literatura

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    A alergia e a intolerância alimentar são consideradas condições fisiopatológicas diferentes. Por isso, o objetivo do estudo foi realizar uma revisão narrativa de literatura para caracterizar a alergia e a intolerância alimentar. Foram utilizadas para o estudo, as bases de dados Periódicos Capes e livros do período entre 2000 e 2022. Quanto aos resultados obtidos, verificou-se que, a alergia a alimentos consiste em uma resposta exacerbada do organismo a proteínas alimentares mediada por mecanismos imunológicos enquanto que, a intolerância alimentar é resultante de reações não imunológicas. Sobre as alergias alimentares, a mais comum na infância é a Alergia a Proteína do Leite de Vaca (APLV) e das intolerâncias alimentares, a considerada mais comumente conhecida é a intolerância à lactose, a qual é causada pela disfunção total ou parcial da lactase, enzima responsável pela digestão do carboidrato presente nos produtos lácteos

    A importância do consumo de probióticos e prebióticos para a saúde: uma revisão / The importance of consuming probiotics and prebiotics for health: a review

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    A sociedade cada vez mais tem buscado adquirir hábitos alimentares mais adequados. Nesta perspectiva, os alimentos funcionais tem um papel relevante por promoverem benefícios adicionais à saúde além de suas atribuições nutricionais básicas, dentre estes alimentos estão os probióticos e os prebióticos. Sendo assim, o objetivo do estudo foi identificar evidências disponíveis na literatura acerca da importância do consumo de probióticos e prebióticos para a saúde. Para tanto, foi realizada uma revisão integrativa de literatura, utilizando artigos científicos completos, no idioma português, com dimensão temporal entre 2015 e 2019. Após o refinamento das publicações científicas conforme os critérios de inclusão obtiveram-se dois artigos, os quais evidenciaram que os probióticos apresentam benefícios na formação e função da microbiota intestinal humana e os prebióticos são capazes de inibir a proliferação de microrganismos patogênicos, além disso, o consumo de probióticos e prebióticos modula o perfil inflamatório e atua frente a várias situações clínicas como: doenças gastrointestinais, diabetes mellitus tipo1, doenças cardiovasculares e obesidade. No entanto, faz-se necessário o desenvolvimento de um maior número de estudos a nível nacional que possam versar sobre as vantagens da utilização destes componentes alimentares