23 research outputs found

    Molecular testing dynamics is reactive to COVID-19 incidence: Observations from the colombian experience

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    There was a positive correlation between molecular tests conducted and COVID-19 incidence and death rate (r = 0.79, p < 0.01 and r = 0.64, p < 0.01, respectively). The cointegration (ADF) test revealed a statistically significant and closely time-dependent stochastic structure between daily COVID-19 cases and number of molecular tests (ADF, -3.50; p < 0.01)

    Carga económica de la Enfermedad Renal Crónica en Colombia

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    Objetivo: Estimar la carga económica asociada a la Enfermedad Renal Crónica (ERC) en Colombia, para el periodo 2015-2016. Materiales y métodos: Se estimó la carga económica de la ERC en Colombia, a partir de datos de terceros pagadores. Se realizó un costeo de los estadios de la ERC mediante la técnica de macro-costeo o top-down, con el fin de conocer el impacto económico de cada estadio en la carga global de la enfermedad. Se construyó un modelo de Markov que simulara la historia natural de la enfermedad. Se utilizó una tasa de descuento del 5% y ciclos anuales. A cada estado de la ERC, se le asignó un costo relacionado con la atención, obteniendo un estimado del costo y de la carga de enfermedad de todos los pacientes con ERC. Resultados: Al final de los ciclos de todos los pacientes desde el estadio 1-5 e incluyendo el trasplante, se estimó una carga económica que asciende a 10.5billonesdepesos(IC95 10.5 billones de pesos (IC 95% 8.7-14.4).Enelescenariocontasadedescuentodel514.4). En el escenario con tasa de descuento del 5%, la carga económica asciende a 7.8 billones de pesos. Conclusión: La ERC representa una alta carga económica al sistema de salud colombiano, que oscila entre 8.78.7 - 14.4 billones de pesos que representarían entre el 1,6% y el 2,7% del Producto Interno Bruto de Colombia, 2015

    Burden of disease in young population of a colombian health insurance company

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    To estimate the burden of disease of population between 10-24 years old enrolled in the SER JOVEN program of a Colombian insurance company using disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs). Incidences were estimated from the administrative claims data of Mutual SER EPS. The ICD-10 codes of the main diagnosis were identified and regrouped according to the categories of diseases reported in the global burden of disease (GBD) study. To estimate the years of life lost (YLL), the difference between the age of death and the life expectancy at that age was obtained in a reference mortality population. The years lived with disability (YLD) were obtained by multiplying the estimated morbidity and the disability weights of the GBD 2017. DALYs were calculated by adding YLD and YLLs. We used the information of 512 patients insured to Mutual SER-EPS between 10-24 years, who died during January 2015 to December 2017 from all causes, and the healthcare registers of young people aged 10-24 years residing in 21 municipalities where Mutual SER EPS has presence. In the studied population, premature deaths and disability produced 5,355 DALYs, for 2017. Of these, 67.1% (3,591) of the burden of disease was due to non-communicable causes; followed by communicable, maternal, neonatal, and nutritional diseases (15.9%). The remaining 17% were due to unintentional and vital injuries and unclassified causes. The specific causes with the highest reported burden were substance use disorders and mental disorders, and this relationship remained constant between 2015-2017. In both sexes the first cause was non-communicable diseases; in men, injuries; and in women, communicable, maternal, neonatal diseases. In the analyzed population there was a considerable burden of disease associated with mental disorders and substance use. It is recommended to implement effective strategies that allow prioritizing the diseases that generate the greatest burden

    Adherence to long-acting reversible contraceptive methods in low- income young women from the caribbean region of Colombia

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    Adolescent pregnancies are more likely to occur in poor communities, commonly driven by lack of education and employment opportunities. We aimed to estimate the subdermal implant discontinuation rate and to establish the factors associated with the discontinuation of long-acting reversible contraceptive (LARC) methods in a cohort of poor women in the Caribbean region of Colombia. A retrospective cohort study of LARC method use through review of administrative record data was conducted. A population of 2,192 adolescents and young women between 10-24 years old enrolled in the “SER JOVEN” program and who received subdermal implants between 2015-2018 was considered for eligibility. This program is for young people affiliated to a health care company in the Caribbean region of Colombia. We realized a follow-up time-person of the retrospective cohort, and we estimated the incidence of discontinuation of the subdermal implant at six months, one year, two years, and three years. Kaplan-Meier estimator for survival curves, and Cox proportional hazard model were used to ascertain factors associated with method discontinuation risk. A p-value <0.050 was considered significant. A total of 2,192 women were selected with a mean (standard deviation -SD) age of 19.4 (2.8) years and a mean duration of use of subdermal implant of 2.6 (0.8) years. We estimated the subdermal implant discontinuation rate at six months in 0.7% [CI95% 0.3-1.1], a year later in 1.5% [CI95% 1-2], two years later in 2.1% [CI95% 1.5-2.7] and finally at three years in 2.2% [CI95% 1.6-2.8]. Women who stated they have children at baseline were about 70% less risk to discontinue subdermal implants (HR: 0.3 [CI95% 0.1 – 0.8]). Adolescent pregnancy is a public health problem, and it is an important cause of poverty and illness. Then, the use of subdermal implants is an effective alternative to prevent unintended pregnancies

    Precisión diagnóstica de tres pruebas moleculares para detectar la tuberculosis multirresistente

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    Introduction: Multi-drug resistant (MDR-TB) and extensively drug-resistant (XDR-TB) tuberculoses are a global public health problem. Their timely detection might reduce the burden of the disease and the economic impact on health systems worldwide.Objective: To conduct a literature review of the diagnostic accuracy of three molecular tests to detect multi-drug resistant and extensively drug-resistant tuberculoses. Materials and methods: A systematic literature review following Cochrane methodology was carried out to study the diagnostic accuracy of three molecular tests to detect MDR-TB and XDR-TB in previous studies among immunocompetent population. Articles indexed in Medline and Embase were reviewed starting in 2007. Diagnostic accuracy was reported by sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values of each test.Results: In total, 8, 12 and 13 studies were included to assess the diagnostic accuracy of GeneXpert MTB/RIF®, GenoType MTBDRplus® and GenoType MTBDRsl®, respectively. The specificity of GeneXpert MTB/RIF® ranged between 91 and 100%, and its sensitivity between 33.3 and 100%. The sensitivity of GenoType® MTBDRplus® ranged between 88 and 100%. The sensitivity and specificity of GenoType MTBDRsl® to evaluate drug resistance ranged between 56 and 100% and 21 and 100%, respectively.Conclusion: The three diagnostic tests evaluated have shown an adequate diagnostic accuracy to detect MDR and XDR tuberculoses.Introducción. La tuberculosis multirresistente (TB-MDR) y la extremadamente resistente (TB-XDR) constituyen un problema de salud pública a nivel mundial. Su detección oportuna permitiría reducir la carga de la enfermedad y su impacto económico en los sistemas de salud.Objetivo. Revisar sistemáticamente la información relacionada con la precisión diagnóstica de tres pruebas moleculares para detectar la tuberculosis multirresistente y la extremadamente resistente.Materiales y métodos. Se hizo una revisión sistemática de la literatura, según los lineamientos de Cochrane, de los estudios en población inmunocompetente relacionados con la precisión diagnóstica de tres pruebas moleculares para detectar la tuberculosis multirresistente y la extremadamente resistente. La búsqueda de los estudios publicados a partir del 2007 se hizo en Medline y Embase. La precisión diagnóstica de las pruebas se estableció con base en los valores máximos y mínimos de sensibilidad y especificidad, y en los valores predictivos positivos y negativos.Resultados. Se detectaron ocho estudios sobre la precisión diagnóstica de la prueba GeneXpert MTB/RIF®, 12 sobre la de GenoType MTBDRplus® y 13 sobre la de GenoType MTBDRsl®. La especificidad de GeneXpert MTB/RIF® osciló entre 91 y 100 % y su sensibilidad, entre 33,3 y 100 %. La sensibilidad de GenoType MTBDRplus® varió entre 82 y 100 %, en tanto que la sensibilidad y la especificidad de GenoType® MTBDRsl fluctuaron entre 56 y 100 % y 21 y 100 %, respectivamente.Conclusión. Según los estudios consultados, los tres métodos de diagnóstico evaluados presentaban una adecuada eficacia diagnóstica para detectar la tuberculosis multirresistente y la extremadamente resistente

    Mortalidad en un hospital pediátrico de referencia regional de Colombia: Hospital Infantil Napoleón Franco Pareja de Cartagena – Colombia, 2000 – 2010

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    Objetivo: Estimar la mortalidad intrahospitalaria como insumo para la planificación de la atención sanitaria en pediatría. Método: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de la mortalidad intrahospitalaria del Hospital Infantil Napoleón Franco Pareja a partir del análisis de los registros de mortalidad de 969 niños fallecidos entre 2000 y 2010. Los casos fueron resumidos a partir de sus variables sociodemográficas y epidemiológicas. Resultados: La tasa de mortalidad hospitalaria media del periodo fue 8.5 muertes por mil egresos (Min= 2,6 y Max = 17,3). De los 969 fallecimientos, 54,5 % fueron hombres. Dos de cada tres muertes fue en menores de un año y menos del 1 % en mayores de 15 años. Entre 2000 y 2004 la principal causa de muerte en ambos géneros fue la enfermedad diarreica (25 %), seguida por la neumonía (17,2 %) y la sepsis (12,3 %), y el 71.3 % de las causas estuvo asociado a infecciones. Entre 2005 y 2010 ocurrió el 26,2 % de las muertes totales, y sus principales causas se asocian a enfermedades crónicas. La tasa de mortalidad intrahospitalaria se redujo 6,7 veces, y en términos absolutos en 2010 se produjeron 10 veces menos muertes que en el 2000. Conclusiones: El Hospital Infantil Napoleón Franco Pareja ha impactado esencialmente la mortalidad infantil de Cartagena (pasó de aportar el 23 % en el 2000 al 7 % en 2010)

    Prevalencia y factores socioeconómicos asociados al consumo de alcohol en jóvenes de hogares pobres en la subregión Montes de María, en el Caribe colombiano

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    Objetivo: Estimar la prevalencia de consumo semanal de alcohol en población joven y sus determinantes socioeconómicos en la subregión Montes de María, del Caribe colombiano. Metodologías: Estudio analítico transversal de 10 667 jóvenes encuestados de 10 a 24 años. Se utilizaron tablas de frecuencias y medidas de tendencia central, dispersión y posición, con estratificación de la muestra por sexo y grupos edad. Se usó un modelo logístico de respuesta dicotómica para la prevalecía, explorando factores de riesgo. Resultados: La prevalencia de consumo de alcohol de alguna vez por semana es 9,4 %. La prevalencia en hombres es 14,5 % y en mujeres es 5,6 %. En menores de edad es 3,9 % y en mayores de edad es 19,0 %. El municipio de San Onofre presenta la mayor prevalecía (14,9 %). Además, ser hombre, ser empleado, tener una mala relación con los padres, tener familiares víctimas del conflicto o asesorías psicológicas previas incrementó el riesgo de consumo de alcohol. En las mujeres, pero no en los hombres, tener pensamientos suicidas se relacionó con un mayor riesgo de consumo de alcohol. Para ambos sexos, tener de 18 a 24 años, perder años escolares, consumir sustancias psicoactivas y comportarse como agresor en casos de matoneo escolar incrementan el riesgo de consumo de alcohol. Discusión: La prevalencia de consumo de alcohol de alguna vez a la semana de los jóvenes de Montes de María está a 1,5 puntos porcentuales de la prevalencia de consumo perjudicial a nivel nacional (11,07 %). Los jóvenes de 18 a 24 años tienen una prevalencia igual al consumo de alcohol riesgoso y perjudicial nacional para el mismo rango de edad (18,76 %). Los factores de riesgo encontrados denotan problemas familiares, desinterés escolar y problemas psicológicos. Conclusiones: Hay alta prevalencia de consumo de alcohol en jóvenes de Montes de María, donde es necesario afianzar programas preventivos de consumo de alcohol en edades temprana

    Socioeconomic determinants of nutritional status in children under five attended at the Hospital Infantil Napoleón Franco Pareja

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    Objetivo: Determinar los factores sociales y económicos que afectan el estado nutricional de los niños menores de cinco años. Metodología: Se llevó a cabo un estudio de corte transversal con una muestra de 600 menores que asistieron al Hospital Infantil Napoleón Franco Pareja (HINFP) a cuyas madres se les aplicó un instrumento estandarizado para capturar la información socioeconómica y el estado nutricional del niño y de la madre. Se estimaron dos modelos econométricos de Umbral Generalizado, tomando como variable dependientes talla para la edad y peso para la talla y como variables independientes: peso al nacer del menor, número de controles prenatales, nivel de ingresos del hogar, uso de servicios de alcantarillado y acueducto, índice de masa corporal (IMC) de la madre, entre otras.&nbsp; Resultados: De acuerdo al indicador de talla para la edad, el 48.05% de los niños sufren de desnutrición crónica. El indicador de peso para la talla reflejó que el 22.09% de los niños tuvieron un déficit en su masa corporal (desnutrición aguda) y un 13.53% se encontraba en sobrepeso u obesidad. El 76.02% de las madres con hijos con talla para la edad normal tienen educación media o superior. El 56% de los niños pertenecientes a hogares con ingresos inferiores al salario mínimo mensual legal vigente tuvieron problemas de desnutrición aguda. Respecto a los determinantes, mayores ingresos reducen la probabilidad de que un niño sufra desnutrición. El tiempo de lactancia materna, la ocupación y el estado nutricional de la madre resultaron ser factores protectores. El incremento de la edad gestacional al nacimiento, aumenta la probabilidad de tener una talla normal. Conclusiones: La presente investigación genera evidencia para revisar la política sanitaria de nutrición infantil. Elevar el nivel de ingresos y promover la lactancia materna mejorarían el estado nutricional de los niños.Objective: To determine the social and economic factors that affect he nutritional status of children under five years of age. Methods: A cross-sectional study carried out with a sample of 600 children were attended the Children’s Hospital Napoleón Franco Pareja (HINFP) whose mothers were administered a standardized instrument to capture the socioeconomic information and nutritional status of the child. Two econometric models were estimated using Generalized Threshold, taking as dependent variable-height for age and weight for height and as independent variables: birth weight of the child, number of prenatal controls, level of household income, use of sewerage and aqueduct services, mother’s body mass index (BMI), among others. Results: According to the height for age indicator, 48.05% of children suffer from chronic malnutrition. The indicator weight for height showed that 22.09% of children have a deficit in their body mass (acute malnutrition) and 13.53% were overweight or obese. 76.02% of mothers of children with normal height for age have completed secondary or higher education. 56% of children in households with incomes below current legal monthly minimum wage have acute malnutrition problems. Regarding the determinants, higher incomes reduce the likelihood that a child would suffer malnutrition. Breastfeeding time, occupation and maternal nutritional status are protective factors. Increasing gestational age at birth increases the likelihood of a normal size. Conclusions: This research generated evidence for health policy review of child nutrition. The raising of incomes and the promotion breastfeeding would improve the nutritional status of children.&nbsp

    Inequalities on mortality due to acute respiratory infection in children: A Colombian analysis

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    Introduction: Acute respiratory infections (ARI) are a leading public health issue worldwide. Objective: To explore the inequalities in ARI mortality rates in under-5, according to socioeconomic characteristics. Materials and methods: We conducted an ecological analysis to study inequalities at municipal level due to ARI mortality in children under 5 years. The data were obtained from official death records of the Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística. The analysis of inequalities in the under-5 mortality rate (U5MR) included: 1) Classification of the population in different socio-economic strata, and 2) measurement of the degree of inequality. We used the ARI-U5MR as an outcome measurement. The mortality rates were estimated at national and municipal levels for the years 2000, 2005, 2010, and 2013. Rate ratios, rates differences, and concentration curves were calculated to observe the inequalities. Results: A total of 18,012 children under 5 years died by ARI in Colombia from 2000 to 2013. ARIU5MR was greater in boys than in girls. During this period, an increase in the infant mortality relative gap in both boys and girls was observed. In 2013, the U5MR evidenced that for boys from municipalities with the highest poverty had a 1.6-fold risk to die than those in municipalities with the lowest poverty (low tercile). In girls, the ARI-U5MR for 2005 and 2013 in the poorest tercile was 1.5 and 2 times greater than in the first tercile, respectively. Conclusion: Colombian inequalities in the ARI mortality rate among the poorest municipalities compared to the richest ones continue to be a major challenge in public health

    Infant immunization coverage in a colombian poor municipality in the post-conflict era

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    Colombia has an expanded program of immunization of >22 biologics mainly for younger than 6 years old. We aimed to estimate vaccination coverage in children under 6 years old in San Jacinto (Bolivar), in a post-conflict and COVID-19 pandemic scenario. We conducted a cross-sectional survey from October to November of 2021, in a Caribbean municipality of Colombia (24,910 population) mostly affected by the armed conflict. A two-stage cluster sampling was used with a precision of 5.5% and a design effect of 2, considering a non-response rate of 20%. We collected data on immunization record cards and other basic sociodemographic information from surveys of caregivers of children. Absolute and timely-vaccine coverages adjusted by age were. Out of 187 surveyed children, 159 (85.3%) had vaccination card. BCG (tuberculosis) vaccine had the greater coverage (99,3%), followed by Hb, pentavalent, and polio (>98%). All biologics showed absolute coverages greater than 90%, except for yellow fever (82.6%) and 5-year boosters (70% for MMR [measles, mumps, rubella] booster and 73% for polio and DPT booster). Age-appropriate timely vaccination coverages were lower than absolutes for all biologics. BCG and hepatitis B had coverages of 97% and Although most vaccination coverages were greater than 90%, probably the mobility restrictions due to the pandemic severely impacted the timing of vaccination. Other plausible reasons are the timely flow of vaccines (opportunity in administration and vaccine shortages)