3 research outputs found

    LQG-control of a Vertical Axis Wind Turbine with Focus on Torsional Vibrations

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    In this thesis it has been investigated if LQG control could be used to mitigate torsional oscillations in a variable speed, fixed pitch wind turbine. The wind turbine is a vertical axis wind turbine with a 40 m tall axis that is connected to a generator. The power extracted by the turbine is delivered to the grid via a passive rectifier and an inverter. By controlling the grid side inverter the current is controlled and hence the rotational speed can be controlled. A state space model was developed for the LQG controller. The model includes both the dynamics of the electrical system as swell as the two mass system, consisting of the turbine and the generator connected with a flexible shaft. The controller was designed to minimize a quadratic criterion that punishes both torsional oscillations, command following and input signal magnitude. Integral action was added to the controller to handle the nonlinear aerodynamic torque. The controller was compared to the existing control system that uses a PI controller to control the speed, and tested usingMATLAB Simulink. Simulations show that the LQG controller is just as good as the PI controller in controlling the speed of the turbine, and has the advantage that it can be tuned such that the occurrence of torsional oscillations is mitigated. The study also concluded that some external method of dampening torsional oscillations should be implemented to mitigate torsional oscillations in case of a grid fault or loss of PWM signal

    LQG-control of a Vertical Axis Wind Turbine with Focus on Torsional Vibrations

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    In this thesis it has been investigated if LQG control could be used to mitigate torsional oscillations in a variable speed, fixed pitch wind turbine. The wind turbine is a vertical axis wind turbine with a 40 m tall axis that is connected to a generator. The power extracted by the turbine is delivered to the grid via a passive rectifier and an inverter. By controlling the grid side inverter the current is controlled and hence the rotational speed can be controlled. A state space model was developed for the LQG controller. The model includes both the dynamics of the electrical system as swell as the two mass system, consisting of the turbine and the generator connected with a flexible shaft. The controller was designed to minimize a quadratic criterion that punishes both torsional oscillations, command following and input signal magnitude. Integral action was added to the controller to handle the nonlinear aerodynamic torque. The controller was compared to the existing control system that uses a PI controller to control the speed, and tested usingMATLAB Simulink. Simulations show that the LQG controller is just as good as the PI controller in controlling the speed of the turbine, and has the advantage that it can be tuned such that the occurrence of torsional oscillations is mitigated. The study also concluded that some external method of dampening torsional oscillations should be implemented to mitigate torsional oscillations in case of a grid fault or loss of PWM signal

    Measures to minimize greenhouse gas emissions from slurry storage

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    Kunskap om effektiva, funktionella och ekonomiska Ă„tgĂ€rder krĂ€vs för att sĂ€kerstĂ€lla smĂ„ utslĂ€pp av vĂ€xthusgaser frĂ„n lager med bĂ„de orötad och rötad gödsel. I detta treĂ„riga projekt har olika tĂ€nkbara Ă„tgĂ€rder i flytgödsellager studerats genom mĂ€tning av vĂ€xthusgaserna metan och lustgas under sommarförhĂ„llanden. ÅtgĂ€rder som förlĂ€ngd utrötningstid och surgörning av gödsel med svavelsyra, har utvĂ€rderats i RISE pilotskaleanlĂ€ggning för lagring av flytgödsel. ÅtgĂ€rder för att minska lustgasemissioner bildat i svĂ€mtĂ€cke pĂ„ gödselyta i ett fullskalelager har studerats pĂ„ gĂ„rdsnivĂ„. Kompletterande teoretiska berĂ€kningar har utförts för att bedöma effekten av att tĂ€cka flytgödsellager samt laboratoriestudier av temperaturens pĂ„verkan pĂ„ metangas-emissionerna. GrundlĂ€ggande Ă€r att temperaturen har stor betydelse, vilket visades i laboratorieskalan. Vid ökad temperatur ökade metanproduktionen exponentiellt för rötad gödsel medan för orötad gödsel var ökningen betydligt mindre. De teoretiska vĂ€rmebalansberĂ€kningarna för lager med gödsel visade att beskuggning av gödselytan eller tĂ€ckning av lager med vitt tak bör kunna reducera denna uppvĂ€rmning kraftigt pĂ„ vĂ„ren eftersom vĂ€rmeinstrĂ„lningen frĂ„n solljus till gödsellager kan förklarade största delen av gödselns uppvĂ€rmning. Studierna under första och sista Ă„ret visade att metanemissionerna var signifikant större frĂ„n gödseln nĂ€r den var rötad Ă€n om den var orötad. Sammanlagda förlusterna av metan var 2,5 respektive fyra gĂ„nger sĂ„ höga frĂ„n den rötade gödseln under sommarlagringarna (ca fyra mĂ„nader). Det betyder att det Ă€r speciellt viktigt att sĂ€tta in Ă„tgĂ€rder vid lagring av rötad gödsel för att begrĂ€nsa utslĂ€ppen av metan och dĂ€rmed minska klimatpĂ„verkan. En Ă„tgĂ€rd för att fĂ„ lĂ€gre metanemissioner frĂ„n den rötade gödseln Ă€r att förlĂ€nga utrötningstiden, dvs. den hydrauliska uppehĂ„llstiden i rötkammaren. Studierna Ă„r 1 visar att vid en fördubblad uppehĂ„llstid, 48 dagar istĂ€llet för 24 dagar, minskade metanemissionerna frĂ„n lagret med 30 procent. PĂ„ gĂ„rdar med rötningsanlĂ€ggningar Ă€r ett gastĂ€tt tak med uppsamling av biogasen ocksĂ„ en bra Ă„tgĂ€rd för att effektivisera anlĂ€ggningen och förhindra utslĂ€pp av klimatgaser frĂ„n lagret. Surgörning av flytgödsel med svavelsyra praktiseras frĂ€mst i Danmark för att minska ammoniakavgĂ„ngen frĂ„n flytgödsel, i stall, lager och vid spridning. Resultaten visar att det Ă€r en mycket effektiv metod för att minimera metangasemissionerna frĂ„n lager med en reduktion med mer Ă€n 90 procent bĂ„de för orötad och för rötad gödsel. Speciellt för gödselslag dĂ€r det inte bildas naturligt svĂ€mtĂ€cke kan surgörning vara intressant för att minska bĂ„de ammoniak- och metanemissioner. ÅtgĂ€rder som surgörning av svĂ€mtĂ€cket för att minska lustgasemissioner visade sig inte behövas eftersom lustgasemissionerna var relativt lĂ„ga, trots att svĂ€mtĂ€cket var bortĂ„t en halv meter tjockt. Den finhackade halmen som anvĂ€ndes som strö, bildade ett slĂ€tt och tĂ€tt svĂ€mtĂ€cke pĂ„ gödselytan vilket troligen hĂ€mmande lustgasbildningen, till följd av att luften inte kunde penetrera skiktet. SĂ„ finhackningen av halmströ kan eventuellt vara i sig en tĂ€nkbar Ă„tgĂ€rd, vilket ocksĂ„ kan minska ströÄtgĂ„ngen. Metanproduktionen frĂ„n en rötkammare Ă€r ofta svĂ„r att mĂ€ta, och berĂ€knas dĂ€rför ofta indirekt utifrĂ„n producerad elproduktion. Ett exempel pĂ„ nyckeltal för att visa klimateffektiviteten hos anlĂ€ggningen visas dĂ€r metanemissionerna frĂ„n lager under sommaren var 10,2 % av producerad mĂ€ngd metan frĂ„n rötkammare vid enstegsrötning under 24 dagar respektive 5,5 % vid tvĂ„stegsrötning under 48 dagar. PĂ„ Ă„rsbasis blir procenttalen betydligt lĂ€gre eftersom emissionerna Ă€r lĂ„ga under vintern.Ensuring low emissions of greenhouse gases from both undigested and digested animal slurry in storage requires a knowledge of effective, functional and economic measures. This three-year project has studied various potential measures for use in slurry storage. The greenhouse gases methane and nitrous oxide have been measured under summer conditions. Measures such as extended digestion time and acidification of slurry with sulfuric acid have been evaluated in a RISE pilot-scale plant for slurry storage. Measures to reduce nitrous oxide emissions formed in floating crust in a full-scale storage have been studied at farm level. Complementary theoretical calculations have been carried out to assess the effect of covering slurry stores. The impact of temperature on methane emissions has been studied in the laboratory. The fundamental point demonstrated on the laboratory scale is that the temperature is highly significant. As the temperature rose, methane production increased exponentially for digested slurry. For undigested slurry, the increase was considerably less. Most of the heat gained by the slurry can be attributed to solar radiation. Theoretical thermal balance calculations for slurry in storage indicated that it should be possible to reduce this heating significantly in spring by shading the slurry surface or provide the storage with a white roof. The studies in years 1 and 3 showed that methane emissions were significantly greater from digested than from undigested slurry. The total loss of methane from digested slurry was 2.5 and four times higher, respectively, during summer storage (approx. four months). It is therefore particularly important to implement measures to limit methane emissions from digested slurry in storage, thereby reducing the impact on the climate. One way to achieve lower methane emissions from digested slurry is to extend the duration of digestion, i.e. the hydraulic retention time in the digester. The studies in year 1 showed that doubling the retention time from 24 to 48 days reduced methane emissions from storage by 30 percent. At farms with digestion plants, a gas-tight roof with biogas collection is also an effective way to make the plant more efficient and prevent emissions of greenhouse gases from storage. Acidification of slurry with sulfuric acid is practiced in Denmark, to reduce ammonia emissions from slurry in housing, in storage and during spreading. The results show that it is also a very effective method for minimizing methane emissions from storage, with a reduction of more than 90 percent for both undigested and digested slurry. Acidification may be of interest as a way of reducing emissions of both ammonia and methane, particularly for types of slurry that do not naturally form a floating crust. Measures such as acidification of the floating crust to reduce nitrous oxide emissions did not prove to have effect because nitrous oxide emissions were relatively low, despite the floating crust being nearly half a metre thick. The chopped straw used for litter formed a smooth and dense floating crust on the surface of the slurry, and probably inhibited nitrous oxide formation because air was unable to penetrate the layer. Chopped straw litter in itself could therefore be a potential measure. This might also reduce straw consumption. Methane production from a digester is often difficult to measure and is therefore often calculated indirectly from the electricity produced. An example of key indicator for the climatic efficiency of the plant is given. For storage in summer, 10.2% of the methane produced was emitted during one-stage digestion over 24 days, and 5.5% during two-stage digestion over 48 days. The annual percentages are considerably lower because of low emissions in winter