1,528 research outputs found

    Water markets in Pakistan

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    Presented during the Third international conference on irrigation and drainage held March 30 - April 2, 2005 in San Diego, California. The theme of the conference was "Water district management and governance."Includes bibliographical references.The government of Pakistan has recently introduced reforms to reduce the financial deficit of the country's irrigation sector. Reforms are expected to grant autonomy to irrigation agencies and transfer part of the management responsibilities to water users. Water markets are already functioning in the country, but are limited to tube-well or sub-surface water in two provinces only. Although the development of water markets is described as being efficient, little is known regarding the potential feasibility for and impact of such markets on small landholders. The government's public investment in large irrigation projects has already widened the gap between large and small landholders in terms of revenues and financial assets. It is feared that reforms will further allow for arrival of powerful landholders and businessmen from other regions that will steadily displace the small local agricultural producers. Several studies have been conducted from a quantitative perspective, but no qualitative study has been conducted that may provide insight into the equity issues in regard to water markets. Therefore, a qualitative study is proposed to investigate the affects of water markets on small landholders in Pakistan and the markets' role in the distribution of the benefits of water resources among landholders across all categories.Sponsored by USCID; co-sponsored by Association of California Water Agencies and International Network for Participatory Irrigation Management

    Effect of NPK, organic manure and their combination on growth, yield and nutrient uptake of chilli (Capsicum Annum L.)

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    A field experiment was conducted at the research area of department of horticulture, Institute of tropical agriculture and forestry, Hainan University, Haikou, Hainan, China, during the winter season 2016-2017. The research was arranged in randomized complete block design with nine treatments of organic manures in combination with NPK fertilizers having three replications. The highest yield was recorded with T9 treatment (N: P: K 100:50:50+FYM@8 ton per hectare). Plant height at harvesting, number of branches plant-1, number of fruits plant-1, fruit width, fruit length and fruit weight increased significantly with T9 treatment (N: P: K 100:50:50+FYM@8 ton per hectare). Similarly application of NPK100%+FYM@8 ton per hectare increased oleoresin yield and ascorbic acid content. Application of FYM@8 ton per hectare in combination with NPK100% increased the uptake of nutrients (N, P, K, Ca, S, and Fe) as compared to control. Similar results were also found in other organic manures along with inorganic fertilizer. The highest net return (Rs. 30183 per hectare) was achieved with the application of NPK100%+FYM@8 ton per hectare followed by NPK100%+ PM@6 ton per hectare, NPK100%+VC@10 ton per hectare and NPK100%+C@7 ton per hectar

    Benin field report : defining, targeting and reaching the very poor

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    ASC – Publicaties niet-programma gebonde

    Jeldu (Ethiopia) field report : defining, targeting and reaching the very poor

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    The many hidden faces of extreme poverty: inclusion and exclusion of extreme poor people in development interventions in Bangladesh, Benin and Ethiopia

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    While the inclusion of extreme poor people is a noble and necessary objective, it is challenging. Attempts to include extreme poor people in development interventìons have often been disappointing. This book addresses the challenge of including the poorest people. lt provides deeper understanding of the mechanisms of in- and exclusion of extreme poor people, the structural causes of extreme poverty and the desirability of a univocal definition of extreme poverty. The book contributes to such an understanding through an analysis of extreme poor and marginalised people and their multiple dimensions of wellbeing. Furthermore, this book sheds light on the discourses and practices applied by development agencies in order to draw lessons about how the extreme poor can be sustainably included in development interventions. This is based on original field research - using a partipatory approach - carried out in Bangladesh, Benin, and (rural and urban) Ethiopia.ASC – Publicaties niet-programma gebonde

    Experimental Study of Multi Effect stages PV Panels Solar Still to Enhance the Productivity by Utilizing Water Heater and Cooling Fan.

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    دائما ما تعاني المناطق الصحراوية من نقص المياه النقية في أجزء كبير منها. وفي هذه المناطق، تكون المياه العذبة نادرة جدا حيث أن المياه التي يتم الحصول عليها من المستنقعات أو آبار المياه الجوفية هي مياه مالحة، ومن الضروري تنقيتها أو تقطيرها. وفي الدراسة التجريبية الحالية، تم إنشاء تصميم جديد لتحسين إنتاجية المياه العذبة لهرم التقطير الشمسي باستخدام السخان مغمور من نوع DC. إنه يبحث في تأثير المروحة الخارجية لتبريد سطح الزجاج. تم إجراء التجربة في فصل الصيف في ظروف العراق عند خط العرض (33.2 درجة شمالاً). يتم اختيار هرم التقطير الشمسي الزجاجي ذا زاوية ميل 32.5 درجة في هذا البيحث. نظرًا لأن التقطير الشمسي لا يزال يستخدم بصورة أكبر بالنسبة لأعماق المياه المنخفضة، لذلك فإن مستوى المياه في الحوض السفلي يبقى عند ارتفاع 3 سم. لوحظ من النتائج التجريبية أن انتاج المياه العذبة زادت بنسبة كبيرة قدرها 370 ٪ عندما تم استخدام سخان المياه DC لكل قدرة 350 واط. أثناء استخدام مروحة التبريد الخارجية، كانت إنتاجية المياه العذبة تتناقص بنسبة (7٪) و (15٪) لسرعات الرياح البالغة (7 م / ث) و (9 م / ث) على التوالي.A deserted reign always suffers from lack of pure water in a large part of its area. In this area, valuable fresh water from swamps or ground water wells is salt water, and it is necessary purified or distillated.  In the current experimental study, a new design is made to improve the yield of fresh water of a pyramid solar still by using an immersion type DC- water heater. It investigates the effect of an external fan to cool the glass surface. The Experiment was take placed in the summer season in Iraq conditions at latitude (33.2 ° N). A solar still with 32.5°glass slope angle is chosen in our work. As the productivity of a solar still is more for low water depths, the water level in the bottom basin maintained at 3 cm. The experimental outcomes observed that the yield of fresh water increased by a significant 370% when DC water heater each having 350 W capacities was used. During used the external cooling fan the productivity of fresh water was existed to decrease by (7%) and (15%) for wind speeds of (7 m/s) and (9 m/s) respectively. A good comparison takes placed with other experimental study was taken