290 research outputs found

    The use of ultrasound in clinical setting for children affected by NAFLD. is it safe and accurate?

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    Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) has become over the last decade the most common form of chronic liver disease in children and adults. Thus, establishing the diagnosis of NAFLD is of utmost importance and represents a major challenge as the disease is generally silent and the current gold standard for diagnosis is an invasive liver biopsy, a procedure that is not suitable for screening purposes. Many non-invasive diagnostic tools have been evaluated so far. Recently the utility of ultrasonography for non-invasive diagnosis and estimation of hepatic steatosis has been demonstrated in a large prospective pediatric study

    Response of planktonic bacteria of New Calabar River to zinc stress

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    Toxicity of Zn2+ on four planktonic bacteria isolated from New Calabar River water was assessed via dehydrogenase assay. Pure cultures of the bacterial strains were exposed to various Zn2+  concentrations (0.2 - 2.0 mM) in a nutrient broth amended with glucose and TTC. The responses of the bacterial strains to Zn2+ is concentration-dependent. At 0.2 mM, Zn2+ stimulated dehydrogenase activity in Proteus sp. PLK2 and Micrococcus sp. PLK4. In all strains, dehydrogenase activity was progressively inhibited at concentrations greater than 0.2 mM. The IC50 ranges from 0.236 ± 0.044 to 0.864 ± 0.138 mM. Total inhibition occurred at concentrations ranging from 1.283 ± 0.068 to 2.469 ± 0.045 mM. The order of zinc tolerance is: Micrococcus sp. PLK4 > Proteus sp. PLK2 > Pseudomonas sp. PLK5 > Escherichia sp. PLK1. The result of the in vitro study indicated that the bacterial strains are sensitive to Zn2+ stress. Therefore, Zn2+ contamination would pose serious threat to their metabolism in natural environments.Key words: New Calabar River, zinc toxicity, planktonic bacteria, dehydrogenase

    Studies on the Mechanical and Sorption Properties of Anacardium Occidentale L. Exudate and Polypropylene Blends

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    This research work employed the use of purified cashew gum (PCG) as a blender for polypropylene (PP). The blended samples were subjected to tensile, hardness, impact and sorption tests. There was a general decrease in tensile strength and percentage elongation with increasing PCG composition. An improvement in Young's Modulus was recorded at PCG concentration of 10%. Also, the hardness properties of the samples increased to a maximum value of 61 HRF corresponding to PCG concentration of 40%. A general decrease in impact strength with increasing PCG concentration was observed. Sorption test results indicate that blended samples with PCG compositions in the range of 50% and above gave very high values of degree of swelling (DS). Thus blended samples in this composition range are more prone to hydrolytic degradation as a result of swelling behaviour in aqueous media.  The blending of PP with PCG has resulted in lowering the production cost of the blended samples. It also induced biodegradation in these plastics thus serving as a means of controlling environmental pollution. Keywords: Purified Cashew Gum, Polypropylene, Blended sample

    Cocaine abuse as an immunological trigger in a case diagnosed with eales disease

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    Background: Eales disease is a clinical syndrome affecting the mid-peripheral retina with an idiopathic occlusive vasculitis and possible subsequent retinal neovascularization. The disease can develop into visually threatening complications. Case Presentation: We report the case of a 40-year-old Caucasian male with a history of cocaine abuse who presented with blurred vision in the left eye (LE). Fundus examination showed vitreous hemorrhages, peripheral sheathing of venous blood vessels, areas of retinal neovascularization in the LE, and peripheral occlusive phlebitis in the right eye. The full serologic panel was negative except for the heterozygous mutation of factor V Leiden. Clinical and biochemical parameters suggested a diagnosis of Eales disease. Therapy with dexamethasone, 1 mg per kg per day, tapered down slowly over 4 months, and peripheral laser photocoagulation allowed a regression of clinical signs and symptoms. Conclusion: This case shows an uncommon presentation of Eales disease associated with cocaine abuse. Both cocaine abuse and a thrombophilic pattern, as cofactors, might have sensitized the retinal microcirculation on the pathogenetic route to this retinal pathology. Furthermore, in view of this hypothesis, a thorough ocular and general medical history investigating drug abuse and coagulation disorders is recommended for ophthalmologists in such cases

    A bacterial formula with native strains as alternative to chemical fertiliser for tomato crop

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    Global tomato productivity is threatened by biotic and abiotic stressors. To support and guarantee an adequate yield of tomato crops, agricultural practices have been based on the intensive use of fertilisers with negative impacts on the environment. This study presents a simple and effective strategy of functional bioaugmentation, suitable for different varieties, to replace chemical fertilisation. A tailored microbial formula composed by eight indigenous strains (including the genera Delftia, Pseudomonas, Paenarthrobacter, Phyllobacterium, Bacillus, and Acinetobacter) was developed as biofertilizer. Strains were selected from native soil for their plant growth-promoting (PGP) functions, and combined respecting the taxonomic composition of the original PGP heterotrophic community structure. The effect of the bio-fertilisation vs chemical fertilisation was tested in three successive field trials in the company greenhouse, with different tomato varieties (Camone, Oblungo, Cherry). When bio-fertilisation was applied only twice during the Camone's life cycle, tomato yield was significantly reduced (0.8 vs 2.1 kg per plant, p = 0.0003). However, monthly inoculation during plant growth led to a fruit yield comparable to that obtained with chemical fertilisers (about 1.5 kg per plant for Oblungo, and about 2 kg per plant for Cherry variety, p = 0.9999). Bio-fertilization did not significantly affect plant height; only during the last growing period of the Cherry variety, a significantly higher average plant height (p < 0.0001) was observed with chemical fertiliser. The results indicate that a knowledge-based bacterial formula and monthly inoculation during the plant growth can be a successful bio-fertilisation strategy. These findings may pave the way towards more sustainable tomato production, since farming practices are becoming increasingly crucial, in accordance with Agenda 2030 and the UE "Farm to Fork" strategy.[GRAPHICS]

    Cytokine expression patterns in hospitalized children with Bordetella pertussis, Rhinovirus or co-infection

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    Mechanisms of interaction between Bordetella pertussis and other viral agents are yet to be fully explored. We studied the inflammatory cytokine expression patterns among children with both viral-bacterial infections. Nasopharyngeal aspirate (NPA) samples were taken from children, aged < 1 year, positive for Rhinovirus, Bordetella pertussis and for Rhinovirus and Bordetella pertussis. Forty cytokines were evaluated in NPA by using human cytokine protein arrays and a quantitative analysis was performed on significantly altered cytokines. Forty cytokines were evaluated in NPA by using human cytokine protein arrays and a quantitative analysis was performed on significantly altered cytokines. Our results show that co-infections display a different inflammatory pattern compared to single infections, suggesting that a chronic inflammation caused by one of the two pathogens could be the trigger for exacerbation in co-infections

    HDL cholesterol protects from liver injury in mice with intestinal specific LXRα activation

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    Background and aims: Liver X receptors (LXRs) exert anti-inflammatory effects even though their hepatic activation is associated with hypertriglyceridemia and hepatic steatosis. Selective induction of LXRs in the gut might provide protective signal(s) in the aberrant wound healing response that induces fibrosis during chronic liver injury, without hypertriglyceridemic and steatogenic effects. Methods: Mice with intestinal constitutive LXRα activation (iVP16-LXRα) were exposed to intraperitoneal injection of carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) for 8 weeks, and in vitro cell models were used to evaluate the beneficial effect of high-density lipoproteins (HDL). Results: After CCl4 treatment, the iVP16-LXRα phenotype showed reduced M1 macrophage infiltration, increased expression M2 macrophage markers, and lower expression of hepatic pro-inflammatory genes. This anti-inflammatory effect in the liver was also associated with decreased expression of hepatic oxidative stress genes and reduced expression of fibrosis markers. iVP16-LXRα exhibited increased reverse cholesterol transport in the gut by ABCA1 expression and consequent enhancement of the levels of circulating HDL and their receptor SRB1 in the liver. No hepatic steatosis development was observed in iVP16-LXRα. In vitro, HDL induced a shift from M1 to M2 phenotype of LPS-stimulated Kupffer cells, decreased TNFα-induced oxidative stress in hepatocytes and reduced NF-kB activity in both cells. SRB1 silencing reduced TNFα gene expression in LPS-stimulated KCs, and NOX-1 and IL-6 in HepG2. Conclusions: Intestinal activation of LXRα modulates hepatic response to injury by increasing circulating HDL levels and SRB1 expression in the liver, thus suggesting this circuit as potential actionable pathway for therapy

    Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in adults 2021: A clinical practice guideline of the Italian Association for the Study of the Liver (AISF), the Italian Society of Diabetology (SID) and the Italian Society of Obesity (SIO)

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    Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a common and emerging liver disease in adults, paralleling the epidemic of obesity and diabetes and leading to worrisome events (hepatocellular carcinoma and end-stage liver disease). In the past years, mounting evidence added insights about epidemiology, natural history, diagnosis and lifestyle-based or drug treatment of NAFLD. In this rapidly evolving scenario, members of the Associazione Italiana per lo Studio del Fegato, the Società Italiana di Diabetologia and the Società Italiana dell’Obesità reviewed current knowledge on NAFLD. The quality of the published evidence is graded, and practical recommendations are made following the rules and the methodology suggested in Italy by the Centro Nazionale per l’Eccellenza delle cure and Istituto Superiore di Sanità. Whenever possible, recommendations are placed within the context the Italian Healthcare system, with reference to specific experience and local diagnostic and management resources. Level of evidence Level of evidence of recommendations for each PICO question were reported according to available evidence

    Variants in MARC1 and HSD17B13 reduce severity of NAFLD in children, perturb phospholipid metabolism, and suppress fibrotic pathways

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    Background & aims: Genome-wide association studies in adults have identified variants in HSD17B13 and MARC1 as protective against NAFLD. It is not known if they are similarly protective in children and, more generally, whether the peri-portal inflammation of pediatric NAFLD and lobular inflammation seen in adults share common genetic influences. Therefore, we aimed to: establish if these variants are associated with NAFLD in children, and to investigate the function of these variants in hepatic metabolism using metabolomics. Methods: 960 children (590 with NAFLD, 394 with liver histology) were genotyped for rs72613567T>TA in HSD17B13, rs2642438G>A in MARC1. Genotype-histology associations were tested using ordinal regression. Untargeted hepatic proteomics and plasma lipidomics were performed in a subset of samples. In silico tools were used to model the effect of rs2642438G>A (p.Ala165Thr) on MARC1. Results: rs72613567T>TA in HSD17B13 was associated with lower odds of NAFLD diagnosis (OR 0.7 (95%CI 0.6-0.9) and lower grade of portal inflammation (PA in MARC1 was associated with lower grade of hepatic steatosis (P=0.02). Proteomics found reduced expression of HSD17B13 in carriers of the protective allele, whereas MARC1 levels were not affected by genotype. Both variants showed downregulation of hepatic fibrotic pathways, upregulation of retinol metabolism and perturbation of phospholipid species. Modelling suggests that p.Ala165Thr would disrupt the stability and metal-binding of MARC1. Conclusions: There are shared genetic mechanisms between pediatric and adult NAFLD, despite their differences in histology. MARC1 and HSD17B13 are involved in phospholipid metabolism and suppress fibrosis in NAFLD
