290 research outputs found


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    Faktor utama yang menjadi penentu kelayakan kondisi suatu jalan yaitu kerusakan pada aspal sehingga pemeliharaan jalan perlu dilakukan secara berkala. Pemeriksaan kondisi jalan dilakukan oleh petugas survey dengan melakukan pengamatan langsung pada jalan yang akan diberikan penilaian secara manual. Aktifitas pemeriksaan dapat mengganggu kelancaran arus lalu lintas pada jalan yang padat kendaraan terlebih lagi dapat membahayakan keselamatan petugas survey. Diperlukan alternative pemeriksaan jalan untuk menghindari ancaman yang tidak diinginkan dan dapat membiat biaya lebih efektif. Pada penelitian ini dikembangkan suatu system deteksi jalan berlubang menggunakan data video, dengan menerapkan metode Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) dan klasifikasi menggunakan Neural Network. Deteksi terdiri atas 2 tahapan, dimulai dengan mengekstraksi ciri citra jalan kemudian ditraining dengan pemberian label manual. Kemudian dilakukan uji data citra berdasarkan nilai pada data training. Dari pengujian Confusion Matrix menunjukkan hasil Recall sebesar 0,80 hasil Precission sebesar 0,06 hasil Accuracy sebesar 0,79 dan hasil Error Rate sebesar 0,20


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis diskursus teoritik tentang kriminalisasi berbasis kerugian lingkungan hidup dan aktualisasinya dalam Undang-Undang Perlindungan dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup. Sebagai penelitian hukum normatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan perundang-undangan dan konseptual, penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa diskursus teoritik tentang model-model kriminalisasi berbasis kerugian lingkungan hidup mengacu kepada empat model yang selama ini berkembang, yaitu model bahaya abstrak, bahaya nyata, kerugian nyata, dan polusi lingkungan yang serius. Pada ketiga model pertama, hukum pidana masih belum melepaskan diri dari ketergantung administratif), sedangkan pada model terakhir, hukum pidana sudah melepaskan diri dari ketergantungan administratif. Hukum pidana tetap dapat digunakan apabila menimbulkan kerugian sangat serius sekalipun perbuatan tidak melawan hukum. Keempat model kriminalisasi tersebut teraktualisasi dalam UU PPLH. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan perlunya riset tentang aktualisasi model-model kriminalisasi berbasis kerugian lingkungan dalam perundang-undangan sektoral bidang lingkungan hidup

    From Separate Legal Entity to Economic Unity: The Criminal Liability of Parent Company

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    Corporate criminal liability has become an issue following the increase in corporate crimes. This study discusses the possibility of parent company to deny liability for crimes committed by its subsidiary companies. This normative legal research employed qualitative analysis. The results showed that the parent company denied criminal liability by hiding behind the separate legal entities and limited liability doctrine. Through both doctrines, the parent company treats itself as a separate legal entity apart from the subsidiary company so that the former holds no liability for any crime committed by latter. Through piercing the corporate veil doctrine, the parent company intentionally uses the subsidiary company as a tool to maximize profits and applies total control. Therefore, based on the vicarious liability principle, the subsidiary company functioned as the parent company’s agent. It works for or on behalf of the parent company in which every profit made is owned by the parent company

    Proporsionalitas dalam Kebijakan Formulasi Sanksi Pidana

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    This research focused on the idea of proportionality in criminal law and its implementation in the policy of criminal sanctions formulation in legislation. As a normative legal research, this study used a philosophical, conceptual, and statute approach. This study revealed that crime and punishment are an important element of proportionality of criminal law. The higher the crime, the more severe the punishment received by the perpetrators of the crime. In a sanction that integrates both elements, the severity of criminal penalties is based on the proportionality between the seriousness of the crime and the perpetrator's fault with the severity of the potential liability for criminal penalty. The idea of proportionality requires three things: parity, the rank of the seriousness of the crime, and the criminal gap among very serious, heavy, and mild crimes. The policy of criminal sanctions formulation in economic laws has not reflected the idea of proportionality of criminal law. The potential liability for formal crime is more severe than that of material crime. Among similar crimes of bribery, money laundering, and obstruction of justice, the potential liabilities for the penalty are also not proportional. The potential liability for the violations of permits in Banking Law is even more severe than that of corruption. Since the proportionality of criminal law is based on the creation of justice, legislators should rank the seriousness of crimes by using the values in a society as a scale

    Akomodasi Nilai-Nilai Budaya Masyarakat Madura Mengenai Penyelesaian Carok Dalam Hukum Pidana

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    This research focuses on the accomodation of cultural values of Maduranes society in solving carok problem in criminal law. Using the socio-legal research, interview, observation as the primery data, and data analysis are based on the inductive and qualitative manner, this research reveals that changing the criminal law conception as the public law into public law with the private dimension particularly in murder cases caused by self esteem defence is a must to give a chance for cultural values of Maduranes society in solving carok problem. So that, penal mediation based on the cultural values of Maduranes society as a methode to solve carok can be accomodated in criminal law by adopting some principles of traditional village or tribal moots model, victim-offender mediation model, and community panels or courts model

    Penegakan Hukum Pidana yang Optimal (Perspektif Analisis Ekonomi Atas Hukum)

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    Basically, economic analysis towards criminal law relates to two points namely, rationality and efficiency. Rationality denotes that a person, in committing a crime always takes the cost and benefit into account. While efficiency means that a crime offender tends to use certain way which is less costly in committing the crime. An optimum criminal law enforcement, therefore,  may be achieved through a certain method which takes the following three aspects into account; the benefit which is gained by the criminal offender, the lost which is caused by such crime, and also, the expenditure caused by legal enforcement activitie

    Pengawasan Peredaran Barang Cetakan, Due Process of Law Dan Hak Atas Kebebasan Mengeluarkan Pendapat

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    Basically, the authority of attorney general to control the circulations of printed goods is accordance with the principle of due process of law, equality before the law, and the right of freedom of expression as stipulated in the constitution 1945. Interpreting these principles has close relationship with the basic principle of human right in Indonesia, rechtsidee, values, and world view containing in the five basic pillars of Pancasila that stresses more to the balance of right and obligation. In the context of judicial review of an article 30 (3) c act number 16 2004, the problem is not on the existence of its legal norm but on the procedure to implement it in which attorney general did not provide proper and accountable mechanism so that these three principles are not purely conducted

    Pencemaran Nama Baik Melalui Sarana Informasi Dan Transaksi Elektronik (Kajian Putusan MK No. 2/PUU-VII/2009)

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    Libel crime is an offence attacking the honor and image of person. There are at least two elements in the libel crime in which a judge has an obligation to prove them, subjective and objective element as well as Malice. An offender cannot be blamed for his/her conduct unless he/she commits these elements. In the term of article 27 (3) of electronic transaction and information act no 11 of 2008, its content is still in accordance with the rule of law conception and several articles of Indonesia Constitution of 1945 dealing with some fundamental rights of citizen and the right of freedom to express and to obtain information. State has untitled to make any limitation by prohibiting certain activities attacking the honor and image of person which is based on the same rights of the same freedom


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    Writing is an activity of communicating thought within the composed shape. The use of Flipped Classroom demonstrate may make a condition that help the understudies type in with tall inspiration. Flipped Classroom Demonstrate is an imaginative instructing methodology that reverses conventional educating instead of lecturing, teachers allot video as homework to present the subject. The display study was expecting to test whether or not Flipped Classroom Strategy was effective to progress students’ score in composing descriptive content. The research used quasi experimental plan with quantitative approach. The Populace was 8th grade of MTsN 8 Banyuwangi. The samples were 8 A class consisted of 38 students as the control group  and 8 B class consisted of 38 students as the experimental. There was outside classroom and inside classroom treatment. The data sources was gathered from the pre-test and post test and being analyzed  using independent t-test in SPSS 23. The result of the post-test was 80.32 with the standard deviation is 3.786. The mean score of conventional class was 78.45 with the standard deviation is 3.600. The independent sample t-test result is 2.205(p=0.031). Since the significance value is lower than 0.05. It implies that there was significant difference score.Keywords: Flipped Classroom,Writing, Descriptiv