347 research outputs found

    Erratum for "Tropical superelliptic curves"

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    We correct two errors in our paper Tropical superelliptic curves published in Advances in Geometry 20 (2020), 527–551. These corrections do not change the main results of the paper

    Spatiotemporal modeling of schistosomiasis in Ghana: linking remote sensing data to infectious disease

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    More than 90% of the worldwide schistosomiasis burden falls on sub-Saharan Africa. Control efforts are often based on infrequent, small-scale health surveys, which are expensive and logistically difficult to conduct. The use of satellite imagery to predictively model infectious disease transmission has great potential for public health applications. The transmission of schistosomiasis, a disease acquired from contact with contaminated surface water, requires specific environmental conditions to sustain freshwater snails. If a connection between schistosomiasis and remotely sensed environmental variables can be established, then cost effective and current disease risk predictions can be made available. Schistosomiasis transmission has unknown seasonality, and the disease is difficult to study due to a long lag between infection and clinical symptoms. To overcome these challenges, we employed a comprehensive 15-year time-series built from remote sensing feeds, which is the longest environmental dataset to be used in the application of remote sensing to schistosomiasis. The following environmental variables will be used in the model: accumulated precipitation, land surface temperature, vegetative growth indices, and climate zones created from a novel climate regionalization technique. This technique, improves upon the conventional Köppen-Geiger method, which has been the primary climate classification system in use the past 100 years. These predictor variables will be regressed against 8 years of national health data in Ghana, the largest health dataset of its kind to be used in this context, and acquired from freely available satellite imagery data. A benefit of remote sensing processing is that it only requires training and time in terms of resources. The results of a fixed effects model can be used to develop a decision support framework to design treatment schemes and direct scarce resources to areas with the highest risk of infection. This framework can be applied to diseases sensitive to climate or to locations where remote sensing would be better suited than health surveys.Published versio

    Rapid Systematic Review of Occupational Therapy-Adaptable Interventions to Improve Social Engagement in Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder

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    Indiana University Purdue University IndianapolisIn this rapid systematic review, we describe how evidence-based interventions aiming to improve social engagement in children and adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) can be potentially adapted to be included within the scope of occupational therapy. Children and adolescents with ASD often experience difficulty with social engagement, impacting overall social participation and other aspects of daily life. It is important to address this issue within this population to ensure engagement in the occupation of social participation, which is vital to optimal health and well-being. We discovered several themes including communication, joint attention, peer engagement, social skills, and play as outcomes addressed within the interventions included in this review. There is limited research available regarding social engagement interventions for children and adolescents with ASD directly including an occupational therapist within the intervention. This review demonstrates that there is a large variety of social engagement interventions that could be implemented by occupational therapists; however, therapists must be mindful of choosing an intervention that is specific to the client's condition. There is strong evidence to suggest that interventions targeting social engagement in children and adolescents with ASD result in increased social abilities. Further research should be conducted assessing the implementation of these interventions by occupational therapists to ensure generalizability.Occupational Therap

    Sub-diffraction error mapping for localisation microscopy images

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    Assessing the quality of localisation microscopy images is highly challenging due to the difficulty in reliably detecting errors in experimental data. The most common failure modes are the biases and errors produced by the localisation algorithm when there is emitter overlap. Also known as the high density or crowded field condition, significant emitter overlap is normally unavoidable in live cell imaging. Here we use Haar wavelet kernel analysis (HAWK), a localisation microscopy data analysis method which is known to produce results without bias, to generate a reference image. This enables mapping and quantification of reconstruction bias and artefacts common in all but low emitter density data. By avoiding comparisons involving intensity information, we can map structural artefacts in a way that is not adversely influenced by nonlinearity in the localisation algorithm. The HAWK Method for the Assessment of Nanoscopy (HAWKMAN) is a general approach which allows for the reliability of localisation information to be assessed

    The use of remotely sensed environmental parameters for spatial and temporal schistosomiasis prediction across climate zones in Ghana

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    Schistosomiasis control in sub-Saharan Africa is enacted primarily through preventive chemotherapy. Predictive models can play an important role in filling knowledge gaps in the distribution of the disease and help guide the allocation of limited resources. Previous modeling approaches have used localized cross-sectional survey data and environmental data typically collected at a discrete point in time. In this analysis, 8 years (2008-2015) of monthly schistosomiasis cases reported into Ghana's national surveillance system were used to assess temporal and spatial relationships between disease rates and three remotely sensed environmental variables: land surface temperature (LST), normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), and accumulated precipitation (AP). Furthermore, the analysis was stratified by three major and nine minor climate zones, defined using a new climate classification method. Results showed a downward trend in reported disease rates (~ 1% per month) for all climate zones. Seasonality was present in the north with two peaks (March and September), and in the middle of the country with a single peak (July). Lowest disease rates were observed in December/January across climate zones. Seasonal patterns in the environmental variables and their associations with reported schistosomiasis infection rates varied across climate zones. Precipitation consistently demonstrated a positive association with disease outcome, with a 1-cm increase in rainfall contributing a 0.3-1.6% increase in monthly reported schistosomiasis infection rates. Generally, surveillance of neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) in low-income countries continues to suffer from data quality issues. However, with systematic improvements, our approach demonstrates a way for health departments to use routine surveillance data in combination with publicly available remote sensing data to analyze disease patterns with wide geographic coverage and varying levels of spatial and temporal aggregation.Accepted manuscrip

    Discovery of seven volcanic outbursts on Io from an IRTF observation campaign 2016 to 2022

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    This study analyzes near-infrared measurements of Io, Jupiter's moon, observed over 170 nights from 2016 to early 2022 using the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF). During this period, seven new volcanic outbursts, the most energetic volcanic events on Io, were discovered and characterized, increasing the total number of observed outburst events from 18 to 25. We also present simplified criteria for the thermal detection of an outburst, requiring it to be both confined to a specific location of Io and above a threshold intensity in the Lp-band (3.8 micron). Our measurements use 2 to 5 micron photometry in eclipse, Jupiter occultation, and reflected sunlight. In addition to extending the observational dataset of Io's dynamic activity, these data provide insights into the temporal and spatial distribution of outbursts on Io. Notably, all seven outbursts were detected in Io's trailing hemisphere. These include Pillan Patera and a newly discovered repeating outburst location at Acala Fluctus. We add these events to the rare category of recurring outbursts, before which Tvashtar was the only known example. We observed that another outburst at UP 254W decreased in Lp-band intensity by a factor of two in 4.5 hours. In August 2021, Io exhibited high volcanic activity when two powerful outbursts rapidly appeared, propagating East. Our findings underscore IRTF's ongoing contributions to the study of Io
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