435 research outputs found

    Wireless ad hoc Sensor Networks for City Street Light Maintenance

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    Wireless embedded devices, especially those of the open source hardware/software kind have seen rapid growth in recent years. This kind of devices when combined with ad hoc networks and sensor data can be a low-cost and highly scalable solution to many applications. In this paper we describe the experience of taking this concept of network infrastructure, developing application infrastructure and applying it, as a prototype, to a practical situation for a medium-sized city in the Buenos Aires province outer area, Argentina. We implement a novel sensor data delivery platform using open source hardware and software focused on streetlight maintenance at a fraction of the commercial implementation costs. To the extent of our knowledge this is the first system developed, deployed and documented in a Latin American country. Also presented in this paper is the system architecture as well as the design of hardware and software components as well as the results obtained.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    Analítica Web Basado en los Factores SEO para mejorar el posicionamiento del sitio Web de la Empresa Xirect Software Solutions en el periodo 2020

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    En la actualidad las empresas apuestan por las ventas de productos y servicios mediante sitios web y esto ha transformado drásticamente la forma en que se desarrollan muchas actividades económicas del día a día dentro de sus negocios. Siendo importante contar con métricas e indicadores que permitan analizar si es sito web que ofrece es el adecuado y si está llegando a ser atractivo para sus clientes o que tanto es visualizado o encontrado en los principales buscadores, por lo que la analítica web empezó a tener un rol muy importante dentro de las empresas con presencia en Internet, siendo una herramienta que permite reducir incertidumbre sobre los temas mencionados y permitiría tomar decisiones basadas en información relevante. Los departamentos de sistemas juegan un papel importante, así como los diseñadores del sitio web que necesitan información acerca del tráfico de su página y con esta información apoyar al departamento de marketing. La performance de los sitios web institucionales de las empresas, también pueden ser medidos y comparados a través de la Analítica Web, observando los espacios de difusión que tienen en internet y que cada vez son más importantes en el cumplimiento de la misión y visión de las organizaciones proponiendo mejoras en sus servicios conociendo las métricas específicas dentro de los factores SEO, propósito que se traza este trabajo. Actualmente la empresa Xirect Software Solutions no tienen información sobre el comportamiento y posicionamiento de su sitio web y menos a un sobre el uso de métricas que permitan analizar e interpretar la información de factores SEO que posee. El sitio Web de la empresa viene recopilando datos estadísticos sobre las colecciones, actividades y servicios acotados al trabajo in situ. Sin embargo, en la actualidad también se requiere contar con información sobre las métricas respecto a su posicionamiento. En este sentido es Importante el desarrollo de indicadores específicamente orientados a su medición. El trabajo de tesis propone elaborar una Analítica Web para conocer los factores SEO que puedan mejorar el posicionamiento Web de la empresa Xirect Software Solutions bajo el modelo de Avinash Kaushik.Nowadays, companies are betting on the sales of products and services through websites and this has drastically transformed the way in which many day-to-day economic activities are carried out within their businesses. It is important to have metrics and indicators that allow you to analyze if the website you offer is the right one and if it is becoming attractive to your customers or how much it is viewed or found in the main search engines, so web analytics began to have a very important role within companies with a presence on the Internet, being a tool that allows reducing uncertainty about the aforementioned topics and allows making decisions based on relevant information. Systems departments play an important role, as well as website designers who need information about their page traffic and with this information to support the marketing department. The performance of companies' institutional websites can also be measured and compared through Web Analytics, observing the diffusion spaces they have on the internet and that are increasingly important in fulfilling the mission and vision of the companies. organizations proposing improvements in their services knowing the specific metrics within SEO factors, the purpose of this work. Currently the company Xirect Software Solutions does not have information on the behavior and positioning of its website and less on the use of metrics that allow analyzing and interpreting the information on SEO factors that it has. The company's website has been collecting statistical data on the collections, activities and services limited to on-site work. However, currently it is also required to have information on the metrics regarding their positioning. In this sense, it is important to develop indicators specifically oriented to their measurement. The thesis work proposes to elaborate a Web Analytics to know the SEO factors that can improve the Web positioning of the company Xirect Software Solutions under the Avinash Kaushik modelTesi

    Word reading and translation in bilinguals: the impact of formal and informal translation expertise

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    Studies on bilingual word reading and translation have examined the effects of lexical variables (e.g., concreteness, cognate status) by comparing groups of non-translators with varying levels of L2 proficiency. However, little attention has been paid to another relevant factor: translation expertise (TI). To explore this issue, we administered word reading and translation tasks to two groups of non-translators possessing different levels of informal TI (Experiment 1), and to three groups of bilinguals possessing different levels of translation training (Experiment 2). Reaction-time recordings showed that in all groups reading was faster than translation and unaffected by concreteness and cognate effects. Conversely, in both experiments, all groups translated concrete and cognate words faster than abstract and non-cognate words, respectively. Notably, an advantage of backward over forward translation was observed only for low-proficiency non-translators (in Experiment 1). Also, in Experiment 2, the modifications induced by translation expertise were more marked in the early than in the late stages of training and practice. The results suggest that TI contributes to modulating inter-equivalent connections in bilingual memory.Fil: García, Adolfo Martín. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba; Argentina. Universidad Diego Portales; Chile. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Neurociencia Cognitiva. Fundación Favaloro. Instituto de Neurociencia Cognitiva; ArgentinaFil: Ibáñez Barassi, Agustín Mariano. Universidad Diego Portales; Chile. Universidad Autónoma del Caribe; Colombia. Australian Research Council; Australia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Neurociencia Cognitiva. Fundación Favaloro. Instituto de Neurociencia Cognitiva; ArgentinaFil: Huepe, David. Universidad Diego Portales; ChileFil: Houck, Alexander L.. University of Tennessee; Estados UnidosFil: Michon, Maeva. Universidad Diego Portales; ChileFil: Gelormini Lezama, Carlos. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Neurociencia Cognitiva. Fundación Favaloro. Instituto de Neurociencia Cognitiva; ArgentinaFil: Chadha, Sumeer. Universidad Diego Portales; ChileFil: Rivera Rei, Álvaro. Universidad Diego Portales; Chil

    Evaluación de costos y propuesta de un sistema de costos por órdenes para la Empresa Industrial "Camila Celeste" del Distrito de Chimbote - 2017

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    La presente tesis es un trabajo de investigación sobre la inadecuada determinación de los costos por la falta de un sistema de costos apropiada para la empresa Camila Celeste, cuyos costos son calculados de manera empírica. Al cual se ha planteado como objetivo general: Determinar una evaluación de los costos y plantear una propuesta de un sistema de costeo para la Empresa Industrial Camila Celeste, Distrito de Chimbote – 2017. No obstante, se plantearon objetivos específicos como una forma de recolectar información y alcanzar al objetivo general, los cuales son: Describir la estructura de los costos y analizar la estructura de los costos de la empresa Industrial Camila Celeste, también elaborar y proponer un Sistema de Costos por órdenes para la Empresa Industrial Camila Celeste del distrito de Chimbote. La población está conformada por todos los costos asignados a la empresa Camila Celeste, desde el inicio de sus actividades. Muestras la muestra, está conformado por los costos de la empresa, asignados en el periodo 2017. Como técnicas e instrumentos para la recolección de datos y confiabilidad que se utilizaron fueron la Entrevista – Guía de Entrevista y la Observación – Guía de observación. Los resultados mostraron que efectivamente el cálculo de sus costos no es el correcto, pues se basa en cálculos empíricos; partiendo de esto, planteamos nuestra propuesta como solución al problema, proponiéndole la aplicación de un sistema se costeo por órdenes de producción, así como el cumplimiento de los procesos administrativos, a fin de que reinicie su negocio en función empresarial

    Viabilidad para la creación y puesta en marcha de un servicio de consultoría orientado a Pymes del sector restaurante, catering y bar

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    Trabajo de gradoDeterminar la viabilidad de una consultora de formulacion y evaluacion de proyectos enfocada para Pymes en el sector restaurante, catering y bar en la ciudad de bogota. Desde 2014 en Colombia, se visualiza el auge de la consultoría tras los niveles actuales de IED-Inversión Extranjera Directa y los emprendimientos en la economía colombiana, siendo las Pymes las de mayor beneficio en la mejora de posición interna y penetración de nuevos mercados. Los resultados permitieron visualizar las variables económicas, técnicas y financieras de mayor impacto para la consolidación y duración de los emprendimientos. La evidencia empírica aportada muestra la importancia de un servicio de consultoría en el sector para brindar acompañamiento y dar las pautas a las Pymes con un servicio primordial de bajo costo.RESUMEN ABSTRACT MARCO TEÓRICO OBJETIVOS 1. MARCO METODOLÓGICO 2. ESTUDIO DE MERCADO 3. ESTUDIO ADMINISTRATIVO 4. ESTUDIO TÈCNICO 5. ESTUDIO FINANCIERO CONCLUSIONES REFERENCIAS BIBLIOGRÁFICASEspecializaciónEspecialista en Formulación y Evaluación Social y Económica de Proyecto

    Factors Related to Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) Populations and Temperature Determine Differences on Life-History Traits With Regional Implications in Disease Transmission

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    Aedes aegypti (L.) (Diptera: Culicidae) is a vector of many medically significant viruses in the Americas, including dengue virus, chikungunya virus, and Zika virus. Traits such as longevity, fecundity, and feeding behavior contribute to the ability of Ae. aegypti to serve as a vector of these pathogens. Both local environmental factors and population genetics could contribute to variability in these traits. We performed a comparative study of Ae. aegypti populations from four geographically and environmentally distinct collection sites in Argentina in which the cohorts from each population were held at temperature values simulating a daily cycle, with an average of 25°C in order to identify the influence of population on life-history traits. In addition, we performed the study of the same populations held at a daily temperature cycle similar to that of the surveyed areas. According to the results, Aguaray is the most outstanding population, showing features that are important to achieve high fitness. Whereas La Plata gathers features consistent with low fitness. Iguazu was outstanding in blood-feeding rate while Posadas's population showed intermediate values. Our results also demonstrate that climate change could differentially affect unique populations, and that these differences have implications for the capacity for Ae. aegypti to act as vectors for medically important arboviruses.Centro de Estudios Parasitológicos y de Vectore

    Factors Related to Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) Populations and Temperature Determine Differences on Life-History Traits With Regional Implications in Disease Transmission

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    Aedes aegypti (L.) (Diptera: Culicidae) is a vector of many medically significant viruses in the Americas, including dengue virus, chikungunya virus, and Zika virus. Traits such as longevity, fecundity, and feeding behavior contribute to the ability of Ae. aegypti to serve as a vector of these pathogens. Both local environmental factors and population genetics could contribute to variability in these traits. We performed a comparative study of Ae. aegypti populations from four geographically and environmentally distinct collection sites in Argentina in which the cohorts from each population were held at temperature values simulating a daily cycle, with an average of 25°C in order to identify the influence of population on life-history traits. In addition, we performed the study of the same populations held at a daily temperature cycle similar to that of the surveyed areas. According to the results, Aguaray is the most outstanding population, showing features that are important to achieve high fitness. Whereas La Plata gathers features consistent with low fitness. Iguazu was outstanding in blood-feeding rate while Posadas's population showed intermediate values. Our results also demonstrate that climate change could differentially affect unique populations, and that these differences have implications for the capacity for Ae. aegypti to act as vectors for medically important arboviruses.Centro de Estudios Parasitológicos y de Vectore

    Low temperature fatigue crack propagation in toughened epoxy resins aimed for filament winding of type V composite pressure vessels

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    In this study, application relevant toughened epoxy-amine formulations were investigated regarding their mechanical behavior at low temperatures and compared to a non-toughened reference. The application-oriented resins are based on reactive diluent-modified diglycidylether of bisphenol A (DGEBA) which were tested at 22 °C and −50 °C in regard to their fracture toughness (KIC) and fatigue crack propagation (da/dN) behavior. The E′ and E’’ moduli and the corresponding glass transition temperatures Tg were determined via dynamic mechanical thermal analyses (DMTA) which also described the influence of the block copolymeric toughener on the epoxy resin network. The plastic zone size, calculated during crack propagation, reveals the temperature dependent toughener-matrix interaction. The prevailing energy dissipation mechanisms were correlated with the changes of E’. SEM micrographs confirm the superior performance of the toughened system at −50 °C by the decrease of the fatigue cack propagation slopes and highlight the trends of the materials low temperature behavior

    Establecimiento del mantenimiento en máquinas herramientas con arranques de virutas para la preparación de estudiantes (Original)

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    This paper carries out a study related to the organization of the electromechanical equipment maintenance management system of the Gral. Luis Ángel Milanés Tamayo technical school with the purpose of prolonging the useful life of the equipment with greater safety and guarantee in its operation. With this study, maintenance management is diagnosed and evaluated by applying the audit process, which allows establishing the objectives, guidelines and policies in the maintenance cycles of the machine tools of the Gral. Luis Ángel Milanés Tamayo school. Appropriate calculation models and procedures are proposed for the evaluation of the maintenance management system, using a database in Microsoft Access, this technological advance allows to carry out the control of the maintenance of the equipment, its preventive, corrective and determine its operability. For this maintenance work, what is related to the environmental effect is taken into account for the maintenance management in the machine tools of the Gral. Luis Ángel Milanés Tamayo school, the most significant incidents are also analyzed, in the spillage of chips, lubricating oils, and oily products.El presente trabajo realiza un estudio relacionado con la organización del sistema de gestión del mantenimiento del equipamiento electromecánico de la escuela técnica Gral. Luis Ángel Milanés Tamayo, con el propósito de prolongar la vida útil de los equipos con mayor seguridad y garantía en su funcionamiento. Con este estudio se diagnostica y evalúa la gestión de mantenimiento al aplicar el proceso de auditoría, lo que permite establecer los objetivos, lineamientos y políticas en los ciclos de mantenimientos en las máquinas de herramientas de la escuela Gral. Luis Ángel Milanés Tamayo. Se proponen los modelos y procedimientos de cálculo apropiado para la evaluación del sistema de gestión del mantenimiento, utilizando una base de datos en la escuela, este avance tecnológico permite llevar a cabo el control del mantenimiento de los equipos, su servicio preventivo, correctivo y determinar su operatividad. También se tiene en cuenta lo relacionado con el efecto ambiental para la gestión del mantenimiento en las máquinas herramientas de la escuela referida, en la que se analizan igualmente las incidencias más significativas, respecto al derrame de virutas, aceites lubricantes, y productos oleosos

    Monitoring intermediate species formation by DRIFT during the simultaneous removal of soot and NOx over LaAgMnO3 catalyst

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    The microwave-synthesized-LaAgMnO3-catalyst can eliminate soot and NOx simultaneously below 400 °C. To get some insight about the chemical species formed on catalyst and soot surfaces, in situ diffuse reflectanced infrared Fourier transform (DRIFT) spectroscopy under NO, O2, and NO/O2 atmospheres was performed. The DRIFTS results indicated that over 200 °C, at least four types of nitrate-species, mono- and bi-dentate nitrates (bridging and chelating) on the perovskite, as well as Ag-nitrite/nitrate, with different thermos-stabilities were formed. The decomposition of less stable surface nitrates/nitrites accounts for NO2 formation which assisted soot oxidation. The transformation-decomposition of nitrite/nitrate compounds coincided with the appearance of CO2 and carbonate-species coming from re-adsorption of soot combustion products. Monodentate nitrates, which are more stable nitrate-species, were considered NOx storage-species over 400 °C. Chelating- and bi-dentate nitrates formed on perovskite oxygen vacancies appear to be the primary reaction intermediates for the NO oxidation reaction over the Ag-doped perovskite catalyst.The authors want to thank the University of Antioquia for the financial support received through the CODI project No 2015-7828. L.U. thanks the Colombian Administrative Department of Science, Technology and Innovation (COLCIENCIAS), for the Ph.D. Scholarship granted