169 research outputs found

    La arqueología antropológica en España: situación actual y perspectivas

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    Elogio del profesor Juan Comas.

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    Distribución geográfica del vaso trípode en el mundo.

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    Libros sagrados y culto entre los Zapotecos.

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    Financial ratios and indicators that determine return on equity

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    This study aims to investigate factors that affect return on equity (ROE). Firms with higher ROE typically have competitive advantages over their competitors which translates into superior returns for investors. Therefore, it seems imperative to study the drivers of ROE, particularly financial ratios/indicators that may have considerable impact on it. The analysis is done on a sample of 90 non-financial companies, components of NASDAQ-100 index. The ordinary least squares method is used to find the most impactful drivers of ROE. The extended DuPont model’s components are considered as the primary factors affecting ROE. In addition, other ratios/indicators such as price to earnings, price to book and current are also incorporated. Consequently, the study uses eight ratios/indicators that are believed to have impact on ROE. According to our findings, the most relevant ratios that determine ROE are tax burden, interest burden, operating margin, asset turnover and Financial leverage.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Determinants of return on equity: evidence from NASDAQ 100

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    This study aims to investigate factors that may affect return on equity (ROE). Firms with higher ROE typically have competitive advantages over their competitors which translates into superior returns for investors. Therefore, it is imperative to study the drivers of ROE, particularly ratios and indicators that may have considerable impact. The analysis is done on a sample of 90 largest nonfinancial companies which are components of NASDAQ-100 index and also on industry sector samples. The ordinary least squares method is used to find the most impactful drivers of ROE. The extended DuPont model’s components are considered as the primary factors affecting ROE. In addition, other ratios and indicators such as price to earnings, price to book and current are also incorporated. According to our findings, the most relevant ratios that determine ROE are tax burden, interest burden, operating margin, asset turnover and financial leverage (extended DuPont components) regardless of industry sectors.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Indicadores e rácios que determinam a rentabilidade dos capitais próprios

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    No âmbito da gestão das empresas, a obtenção de rentabilidade considera-se um dos objetivos empresariais mais relevantes a ter em conta, no sentido de permitir a subsistência das empresas e potenciar o seu crescimento. Assim, é fundamental analisar aquela que é, preferencialmente, considerada a medida de excelência da rentabilidade auferida pelos sócios/acionistas – a rentabilidade dos capitais próprios. Neste estudo procedeu-se à recolha de informação disponível numa base de dados relativa a empresas pertencentes ao índice Euronext 100. A informação recolhida foi tratada e, posteriormente, foi usada a metodologia econométrica de regressão Ordinary Least Squares, com o objetivo de identificar os indicadores e rácios com maior poder explicativo da rentabilidade dos capitais próprios dessa amostra de empresas. Concluiu-se que a rentabilidade do ativo, a rentabilidade das vendas e o lucro líquido das ações ordinárias são as variáveis explicativas que parecem deter um poder explicativo mais estatisticamente significativo na determinação da rentabilidade dos capitais próprios.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The relevance of the tax effect compared with other dupont model factors in order toxplain the “return on equity” (Listed Companies – France, Germany, Portugal and Spain)

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    Financial statements provide information that could explain the return on equity. The DuPont extended model identifies five key ratios/indicators that might explain the performance of a company – tax effect, interest burden, earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) margin, assets turnover and financial leverage. This study aims to analyze the relevance of the tax effect on the “return on equity” (ROE) when compared with the other DuPont model factors. For the purpose of the study, we selected a sample based on listed companies from the stock markets of France, Germany, Portugal and Spain. The number of companies in the sample is 516. The Ordinary Least Square (OLS) method was used to determine the individual impact of each factor on the “return on equity”. According to our findings, the tax effect and the interest burden play the most important role in order to explain the return on equity.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio