1,041 research outputs found

    Daño oxidativo inducido por tres agentes citotóxicos en astrocitos de rata de diferentes edades

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    Aging is characterized by the accumulation of damages in biomolecules during the organism lifespan. A large number of evidences suggest the existence of a physiological relationship between neurodegenerative diseases and aging. Huntington’s (HD), Alzheimer’s (AD) and Parkinson’s (PD) diseases are among the most important ones. All of them are characterizaed by the gradual lost of neuronal and glial cells. It has been established an important correlation between the development of this diseases and oxidative and nitrosative stress, principally related to oxidative damage to DNA, lipids and proteins. Apparently astrocytes play an important role in this phenomena. In this work astrocyte participation as a response to an oxidative state was studied in order to determine if there is a different reply in function of the organism age. To induce the oxidative insult different citotoxics that have been employed to mimic neuropathies were used. Kinolonic acid (QUIN) for AD, beta-amiloyde (Abeta) for AD and 1-Metil-4- fenilpiridinio (MPP+) for PD. Primary astrocytes derived from cortex of rats from two different ages (3 days and 9 months) were used. Astrocytes were treated with different concentrations of the toxics 250 μM QUIN, 50 μM Abeta and 50 μM MPP+; 100 μM H₂O₂ was used as a positive control. Astrocytes were treated for 5 or 72 h, viability and functionality, as web as oxidativa damage to lipids and proteins were evaluated. Our results indicated the astrocytes derives from adult rats showed a major susceptibility to QUIN toxic effect after long treatments (72 h). Our results related to Abeta did not show significant differences between the two ages groups, while the only difference observe in relation to age was when functionality as assessed in response to MPP+ treatment, where the astrocytes isolated from adult rats were more susceptible, probably due to oxidative stress.El envejecimiento se caracteriza por la acumulación de daños en las biomoléculas durante el transcurso de la vida de un individuo. Una gran cantidad de evidencias sugieren que existe una relación fisiológica entre las enfermedades neurodegenerativas y el envejecimiento. Entre las enfermedades con mayor importancia e incidencia están la enfermedad de Huntington (EH), la de Alzheimer (EA) y la de Parkinson (EP). Todas ellas se caracterizan por la pérdida gradual y funcional de las células neuronales y gliales. Se ha establecido una relación entre la muerte gradual de las células neuronales en estas enfermedades con eventos fisiológicos relacionados con el estrés oxidante o nitrosativo en el que principalmente se ha observado daño oxidativo en lípidos, proteínas y DNA. Un tipo celular del SNC muy relacionado con la respuesta antioxidante son los astrocitos los cuales pueden jugar un papel relevante en el desarrollo de dichas enfermedades. Por lo tanto, en este trabajo se estudió la participación de los astrocitos en la respuesta a un estado oxidante y se determinó si existía una respuesta diferencial debido a las diferencias de edades de las ratas de donde se obtuvieron los cultivos primarios de astrocitos. Para inducir el estado oxidante se utilizaron diferentes compuestos citotóxicos que se han empleado como modelos en el estudio de enfermedades neurodegenerativas, como lo son el ácido quinolinico (QUIN) para la enfermedad de EH, el péptido beta amiloide (Abeta) para el EA y el 1-Metil-4- fenilpiridinio (MPP+) para el EP. Se utilizó un modelo in vitro como lo son los cultivos primarios de astrocitos derivados de la corteza cerebral de ratas de diferentes edades (neonatos de 3 días y adultos de 9 meses). Los cultivos primarios de astrocitos fueron tratados con diferentes concentraciones de los tóxicos, 250 μM para el QUIN, 50 μM para Abeta y 50 μM para MPP+, así como un control positivo a estrés oxidativo con una concentración de 100 μM de H₂O₂. Los astrocitos fueron tratados durante 5 y 72 horas, posteriormente se evaluó el daño oxidativo a proteínas y lípidos, así como, la viabilidad y funcionalidad celular. Nuestros resultados indican que los astrocitos procedentes de ratas adultas mostraron una menor resistencia a la toxicidad de QUIN, que los astrocitos provenientes de las ratas neonatas en tiempos prolongados de 72 h y que está disminución se relaciona con un incremento de biomoléculas oxidadas. Por otra parte los resultados obtenidos con el citotóxico Abeta no muestran diferencias en ambos cultivos de astrocitos en los dos tiempos de exposición y por tanto la concentración es igualmente letal para ambos cultivos y que la toxicidad del Abeta es por inducción de estrés oxidativo. Finalmente se observó que los cultivos de astrocitos primarios provenientes de ratas adultas son más susceptibles al tóxico MPP+ que los de provenientes de ratas neonatas a tiempos cortos de exposición y que su toxicidad es induciendo estrés oxidativo

    Presencia Árabe en Neiva

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    El artículo hace seguimiento al proceso migratorio de árabes que llegaron al territorio de lo que hoy configura el Departamento del Huila, su asentamiento en él y la articulación a los procesos económicos, sociales y culturales de este. El proceso comenzó tras migrar de los territorios que hoy configuran el Líbano, Siria y Palestina, durante las dos últimas décadas del siglo XIX, cuando estos hacían parte del Imperio Turco Otomano, y se extendió hasta la segunda mitad del siglo XX, cuando se creó el Estado de Israel como resultado de los acuerdos de las potencias que participaron en la Segunda Guerra Mundial y se produjo la última oleada migratoria del Territorio Palestino. A Colombia la migración árabe se hizo esencialmente por el caribe, en el que Puerto Colombia constituyó el puerto de arribo y Barranquilla la ciudad en la que se instaló la mayor cantidad de ella. Desde ahí se expandió por la costa y luego hacia el interior de esta hacía el sur siguiendo el curso del Río Sinú; y hacia el interior del país siguiendo el curso del Río Magdalena, sobre el cual establecieron la mas importante colonia árabe en Girardot desde donde remontaron las cordilleras oriental y central para llegar a Santafé de Bogotá y al Valle del Cauca. Y desde ahí también siguieron al sur hasta llegar a Neiva, el Huila y la Amazonia; territorios estos aislados y marginados de los centros de poder y solo conectados al mundo por su producción de las materias primas necesarias y apetecidas por el capitalismo para su desarrollo y expansión: la quina y el caucho

    Atrophic maxilla and osseointegrated implants: a systematic review

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    Introduction: In the scenario of the dental implants, what makes implantology unique is the ability to achieve this goal, however, the more teeth a patient loses the more challenging the task becomes. Osteoporosis may be a risk factor for the use of implants. Alternative approaches such as guided surgery and placement of short implants are progressively supplanting more invasive bone regeneration procedures. There are some drugs that help in the treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis, they are calcitonin, bisphosphonates and the selective modulators of estrogen receptors. Objective: Foi realizar uma revisão sistemática sobre as principais considerações e desfechos clínicos da maxila atrófica no cenário dos implantes dentários osseointegrados, osteoporose e o uso dos bifosfonatos. Methods: The systematic review rules of the PRISMA Platform were followed. The search was carried out from October 2022 to January 2023 in the Scopus, PubMed, Science Direct, Scielo, and Google Scholar databases, using articles from 2005 to 2022. The quality of the studies was based on the GRADE instrument and the risk of bias was analyzed according to the Cochrane instrument. Results and Conclusion: A total of 225 articles were found, and 65 articles were evaluated in full and 31 were included and developed in this systematic review study. Considering the Cochrane tool for risk of bias, the overall assessment resulted in 45 studies with a high risk of bias and 90 studies that did not meet GRADE. In the scenario of atrophic maxilla issues, it was concluded that osteoporosis is a metabolic condition that affects alveolar bone density, but does not present problems for the installation of osseointegrated implants, provided there is enough bone mass in the region where the tooth will be implanted. The rehabilitation of atrophic maxilla through dental implants is still challenging, however, alternatives such as guided surgery and the installation of short implants are progressively supplanting the more invasive bone regeneration procedures. Some drugs that help in the treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis, are calcitonin, bisphosphonates, and the selective modulators of estrogen receptors. Bisphosphonates have been the best drug associated with significant improvement in the quality of life of patients with bone diseases such as Paget's disease, bone metastases, osteogenesis imperfecta, hypercalcemia, and even severe osteoporosis

    Atrophic maxilla and osseointegrated implants: a systematic review

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    Introduction: In the scenario of the dental implants, what makes implantology unique is the ability to achieve this goal, however, the more teeth a patient loses the more challenging the task becomes. Osteoporosis may be a risk factor for the use of implants. Alternative approaches such as guided surgery and placement of short implants are progressively supplanting more invasive bone regeneration procedures. There are some drugs that help in the treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis, they are calcitonin, bisphosphonates and the selective modulators of estrogen receptors. Objective: Foi realizar uma revisão sistemática sobre as principais considerações e desfechos clínicos da maxila atrófica no cenário dos implantes dentários osseointegrados, osteoporose e o uso dos bifosfonatos. Methods: The systematic review rules of the PRISMA Platform were followed. The search was carried out from October 2022 to January 2023 in the Scopus, PubMed, Science Direct, Scielo, and Google Scholar databases, using articles from 2005 to 2022. The quality of the studies was based on the GRADE instrument and the risk of bias was analyzed according to the Cochrane instrument. Results and Conclusion: A total of 225 articles were found, and 65 articles were evaluated in full and 31 were included and developed in this systematic review study. Considering the Cochrane tool for risk of bias, the overall assessment resulted in 45 studies with a high risk of bias and 90 studies that did not meet GRADE. In the scenario of atrophic maxilla issues, it was concluded that osteoporosis is a metabolic condition that affects alveolar bone density, but does not present problems for the installation of osseointegrated implants, provided there is enough bone mass in the region where the tooth will be implanted. The rehabilitation of atrophic maxilla through dental implants is still challenging, however, alternatives such as guided surgery and the installation of short implants are progressively supplanting the more invasive bone regeneration procedures. Some drugs that help in the treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis, are calcitonin, bisphosphonates, and the selective modulators of estrogen receptors. Bisphosphonates have been the best drug associated with significant improvement in the quality of life of patients with bone diseases such as Paget's disease, bone metastases, osteogenesis imperfecta, hypercalcemia, and even severe osteoporosis

    Aplicación de la ergonomía para mejorar la productividad del personal operativo de jardinería del Vivero Municipal, Lima 2022

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    La presente tesis titulada Aplicación de la ergonomía para mejorar la productividad del personal operativo de jardinería del Vivero Municipal, Lima 2022, se realizó porque se evidenció baja productividad. Por ello, el objetivo general es determinar como la aplicación de la ergonomía mejora la productividad del personal operativo de jardinería del Vivero Municipal, Lima 2022. Asimismo, la metodología de la investigación es de tipo aplicada, el enfoque fue cuantitativo, tuvo un diseño de investigación pre-experimental. La población y muestra empleada fue el personal operativo del área de jardinería conformado por 20 operarios en un periodo de 2 meses (22 días el pre test y 22 días el post test), empleando la técnica de recolección de datos y la observación; ya que se necesita saber el contexto de la problemática, asimismo, se utiliza como instrumentos las fichas de recolección de datos para analizar las dimensiones de eficiencia y eficacia. Para el análisis de los datos obtenidos se utilizó Microsoft Excel y SPSS, concluyendo que la productividad mejoró un 47%, la eficiencia mejoró un 28% y la eficacia un 35%. Por lo cual, se demostró con los resultados obtenidos el aumento de la productividad en el personal operativo de jardinerí

    Redención de la pena por trabajo y la aplicación del principio de normalidad en el Establecimiento Penitenciario Lurigancho 2022

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    El presente trabajo tuvo por objetivo el analizar cómo se relaciona la redención de la pena por trabajo con la aplicación del principio de normalidad en casos de delitos de R.A. en el E.P.L. 2022; asimismo, el identificar cómo influye el principio de normalidad en el fin de redención de la pena en el delito de R.A.; y el determinar de qué manera el D.L. N°1343 garantiza la aplicación del principio de normalidad en el beneficio de redención de la pena. La investigación se realizó con un enfoque cualitativo, tipo básico, con un diseño basado en la teoría fundamentada; se empleó la entrevista dirigida a diez participantes, expertos; conjuntamente se analizó diversas fuentes. Obteniéndose como resultados que la redención de la pena por trabajo se relaciona de forma positiva con el principio de normalidad en el E.P.L.; mediante el D.L. N°1343, se garantiza una aplicación adecuada del principio de normalidad. Concluyendo que, la redención por trabajo es un beneficio penitenciario que se viene cumpliendo con satisfacción sin embargo la aplicación del principio de normalidad al mismo no, esto debido a factores como, la poca capacidad de los espacios designados para talleres, y carencia de intereses por parte de las empresas


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    Objective: To develop and validate an easy, rapid, sensitive and selective high-performance liquid chromatography with photodiode diode-array (HPLC-PDA) detection method for quantification of paracetamol and to demonstrate its application in a pharmacokinetic–pharmacodynamic study with arthritic rats.Methods: Paracetamol was separated from plasma samples (50-100 µl) by a single protein precipitation step, prior to HPLC-PDA detection. The separation was performed on a Knauer Eurospher II, C18 column 5 µm, 150 × 4.6 mm. The mobile phase comprised a mixture of water: methanol (75:25) and the flow rate was 1.1 ml/min. The detection wavelength was set at 245 nm. All analyses were carried out at room temperature (25 °C). Pharmacodynamics data were obtained with a gout-type pain model in rats.Results: The method was linear within a range of 0.2-200 µg/ml (R2≥0.99). The intra-day and inter-day precision and accuracy expressed as coefficient of variation and relative error, respectively were below 10%. The lower limit of quantification was 0.2 µg/ml. Plasma samples were stable at least for 5 w at ‒20° C.Conclusion: The validated method is sensitive, precise, accurate and specific as other more complex high-performance liquid chromatographic methods coupled to mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS), using small plasma samples (50-100 µl) and with a short time analysis (<5 min). The method was successfully applied to a pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic study of paracetamol in arthritic rats.Â

    Exposure to environmental stressors result in increased viral load and further reduction of production parameters in pigs experimentally infected with PCV2b

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    Porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) has been identified as the essential, but not sole, underlying infectious component for PCV-associated diseases (PCVAD). Several co-factors have been suggested to convert an infection with PCV2 into the clinical signs of PCVAD, including co-infection with a secondary pathogen and the genetic background of the pig. In the present study, we investigated the role of environmental stressors in the form of changes in environmental temperature and increased stocking-density on viral load in serum and tissue, average daily weight gain (ADG) and food conversion rate (FCR) of pigs experimentally infected with a defined PCV2b strain over an eight week period. These stressors were identified recently as risk factors leading to the occurrence of severe PCVAD on a farm level. In the current study, PCV2-free pigs were housed in separate, environmentally controlled rooms, and the experiment was performed in a 2 × 2 factorial design. In general, PCV2b infection reduced ADG and increased FCR, and these were further impacted on by the environmental stressors. Furthermore, all stressors led to an increased viral load in serum and tissue as assessed by qPCR, although levels did not reach statistical significance. Our data suggest that there is no need for an additional pathogen to develop PCVAD in conventional status pigs, and growth retardation and clinical signs can be induced in PCV2 infected pigs that are exposed to environmental stressors alone


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    Objective: To validate and apply a new and easy zero-crossing derivative method for the simultaneous determination of naproxen sodium and acetaminophen in fixed-dose combinations formulations.Methods: Measurement was achieved using the first-derivative (1D) signals at 243.42 nm for naproxen sodium and at 297.10 nm for acetaminophen. The method was validated according to International Conference on Harmonization (ICH) guidelines and was used to obtain the dissolution profiles (USP Apparatus 2, 75 rpm and 900 ml of 0.1 M phosphate buffer pH 7.4) of five generic products and the reference product Febrax® (275/300 mg of naproxen sodium and acetaminophen, respectively). Dissolution data: percent of drug dissolved at 60 min, mean dissolution time (MDT) and dissolution efficiency (DE) were compared by a univariate one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Dunnett's multiple comparisons test. Differences were considered significant if *P<0.05. Additionally, data were adjusted to different kinetic models.Results: The method was linear (R2>0.99, *P<0.05) in the range of 10–50 µg/ml and 100–300 µg/ml for naproxen sodium and acetaminophen, respectively. The within-day and between-day precision and accuracy were within the acceptable criteria (relative standard deviation (RSD)<3% and 100±3%). Significant differences in MDT and DE values from all studies products were found (*P<0.05). All dissolution profiles were adjusted to Weibull's kinetics and significant differences in Td values were found (*P<0.05).Conclusion: The proposed derivative spectrophotometry method can be used for the simultaneous determination of naproxen sodium and acetaminophen in dissolution studies. The method is rapid, simple, accurate, and precise without the need of high cost investment.Â