517 research outputs found

    الركن المعنوي للجريمة في نصوص قانون العقوبات القطري: نقد واقتراحات

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    This paper discusses mens rea as an element of crime, examining the legislative wording of mens rea and the vital role that this wording plays in the formation of the mens rea element in the Qatari Penal Code. The purpose of this paper is to improve the legislative wording of mens rea in the Qatari Penal Code. This paper also addresses general questions about how criminal mens rea relates to criminal justice, what makes mens rea ambiguous, and how we can solve this ambiguity. More seriously, this paper seeks to determine whether legislative omission contributes to the ambiguity of mens rea, thus adversely affecting criminal justice. In conclusion, this paper offers recommendations for the Qatari Penal Code to improve its approach to mens rea.يهدف هذا البحث إلى الكشف عن العيوب التشريعية في نصوص قانون العقوبات القطري الصادر عام 2004 والمتعلقة بالنصوص التي ناقشت الركن المعنوي. حيث يناقش هذا البحث مسألة عدم وجود صياغة تشريعية سليمة لتحديد أنواع الركن المعنوي والمتمثلة بالقصد الجنائي والخطأ غير العمدي. كما يناقش البحث مسألة عدم وجود معايير وضوابط لتحديد مدى توافر عنصر الركن المعنوي لدى المتهم من عدمه. بالإضافة إلى ما تم ذكره، إن المشرع القطري لم يحدد تعريف لصورة القصد المباشر وصورة القصد الاحتمالي في نص المادة رقم 32 من قانون العقوبات القطري، واللتين تعدان صورتان هامتان من صور القصد الجنائي. ومن مشاكل البحث، عدم وجود تعريف واضح لأنواع الخطأ غير العمدي والمتمثلة بصورة الخطأ الواعي وصورة الخطأ غير الواعي في المادة رقم 32 من قانون العقوبات القطري. كما تعد مشكلة الجمع بالعقوبة بين جميع أنواع الخطأ غير العمدي مخالفة أساسية لفكرة تناسب العقوبة والتي تشترط أن تكون العقوبة متناسبة ومتسقة مع الحالة الذهنية والنفسية للجاني. وفي نهاية البحث، يقدم الباحث الحلول والاقتراحات لتطوير نصوص قانون العقوبات القطري التي تناقش الركن المعنوي وذلك لتنجب الأضرار الناتجة عن هذه المشكلات القانونية

    Mens Rea in Qatar’s Penal Code: Criticisms and Recommendations

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    يهدف هذا البحث إلى الكشف عن العيوب التشريعية في نصوص قانون العقوبات القطري الصادر عام 2004 والمتعلقة بالنصوص التي ناقشت الركن المعنوي. حيث يناقش هذا البحث مسألة عدم وجود صياغة تشريعية سليمة لتحديد أنواع الركن المعنوي والمتمثلة بالقصد الجنائي والخطأ غير العمدي. كما يناقش البحث مسألة عدم وجود معايير وضوابط لتحديد مدى توافر عنصر الركن المعنوي لدى المتهم من عدمه. بالإضافة إلى ما تم ذكره، إن المشرع القطري لم يحدد تعريف لصورة القصد المباشر وصورة القصد الاحتمالي في نص المادة رقم 32 من قانون العقوبات القطري، واللتين تعدان صورتان هامتان من صور القصد الجنائي. ومن مشاكل البحث، عدم وجود تعريف واضح لأنواع الخطأ غير العمدي والمتمثلة بصورة الخطأ الواعي وصورة الخطأ غير الواعي في المادة رقم 32 من قانون العقوبات القطري. كما تعد مشكلة الجمع بالعقوبة بين جميع أنواع الخطأ غير العمدي مخالفة أساسية لفكرة تناسب العقوبة والتي تشترط أن تكون العقوبة متناسبة ومتسقة مع الحالة الذهنية والنفسية للجاني. وفي نهاية البحث، يقدم الباحث الحلول والاقتراحات لتطوير نصوص قانون العقوبات القطري التي تناقش الركن المعنوي وذلك لتنجب الأضرار الناتجة عن هذه المشكلات القانونية.This paper discusses mens rea as an element of crime, examining the legislative wording of mens rea and the vital role that this wording plays in the formation of the mens rea element in the Qatari Penal Code. The purpose of this paper is to improve the legislative wording of mens rea in the Qatari Penal Code. This paper also addresses general questions about how criminal mens rea relates to criminal justice, what makes mens rea ambiguous, and how we can solve this ambiguity. More seriously, this paper seeks to determine whether legislative omission contributes to the ambiguity of mens rea, thus adversely affecting criminal justice. In conclusion, this paper offers recommendations for the Qatari Penal Code to improve its approach to mens rea


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    ABSTRACT   Objective: The objective of this study is to assess the effect of maltodextrinas fat replacer at various levels on some structural and sensory properties of Ma'amul, Barazeq and Ghuribeh.Methods: This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of fat replacing with maltodextrin at various levels (i.e., 10, 20, 30, and 40%) on Ma'amul, Barazeq and Ghuribeh chemical and quality characteristicsResults:Fat and energy were significantly (P<0.05) reduced with the increase of maltodextrin level in these bakery products. Overall acceptance, flavor, color and softness of Ma'amul, Barazeq and Ghuribeh were not significantly affected by the replacement in ratio ranging from 10-20% when compared to controls. Greater replacements (i.e., 30 and 40% maltodextrin) showed significant reduction on sensory acceptability of the three products.Conclusion:Ma'amul, Barazeq and Ghuribeh are rich fat traditional sweet bakery products that are usually consumed in the Middle East. The maximum fat level that could be replaced in Ma'amul, Barazeq and Ghuribeh were 40%, 30% and 20%, respectively.  Keyword: Fat Replacer, Brazzaq, Ma'amul, Ghuribeh, Maltodextrin, Sensory properties

    Compliance to patching in the treatment of amblyopia

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    AbstractPurposeTo evaluate compliance of amblyopic patients to patching, and to identify reasons of poor compliance and suggest methods to overcome the problem.MethodsWe conducted a cross-sectional, retrospective study that included 37 families with a child diagnosed with unilateral amblyopia (age range 3–16years) and attending the Pediatrics Ophthalmology clinic at the King Abdulaziz University Hospital (a tertiary eye hospital). Data were collected through interviews and from hospital charts. In the interviews we asked questions that sought information with regard to four aspects (domains); knowledge, attitude, insight and community’s effect. A score representing each domain was given to every family then we correlated these scores with family’s compliance percentage.ResultsWhen correlated with compliance, the insight and attitude domains showed a statistically significant correlation; p-value 0.002 and 0.004, respectively. However, the knowledge and community’s effect domains were not; p-value 0.084 and 0.114, respectively. Other qualitative factors affecting compliance were identified with open questions. Quotes from families of what they think can improve compliance are shown.ConclusionTo improve compliance, merely educating patients is not sufficient and more efforts should be undertaken toward ensuring true sense of the problem and its impact. Factors affecting compliance due to the physical properties in the patch itself should be addressed too (heat, irritation, poor adhesive material and design)

    Causitivity in English and Arabic: A Linguistic Syntactic Study

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        The principal goal of this paper is to investigate and contrast the linguistic syntactic phenomenon of causitivity in English and Arabic. It also shows the differences and similarities regarding causitivity in the two languages. This paper comprises nineteen sections. They are as following:  an introduction ,objectives of the study, questions of the study, significance of the study, limitation of the study , data collection , methodology, causitivity ,English causitivity , the lexical process, the prefixation process , the suffixation process, the causative verbs in Arabic, the Arabic basic causitives, the Arabic derived causitives, the form ?famala , the form ? ist famala , analysis, conclusion, references and an appendi

    The Legitimacy of Cloning under the Jordanian Law

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    Two decades ago, a female sheep called (Dolly) was cloned. Cloning the latter sheep attracted a global attention. It indicated that humans can be successfully cloned. People’s attitudes towards cloning differ. For instance, there are people who believe that cloning is legitimate and others who believe that it’s not. Others have neutral attitudes towards cloning. Due to such a scientific discovery, many countries – especially European countries – enacted legislations that govern cloning. Some of those legislations legitimize cloning, whereas others don’t. However, the Arab and Islamic countries are still in need to enact legislations that govern cloning. There are political factors that affect countries’ views about the legitimacy of cloning. Therefore, there are countries that have cooperated with one another in terms of setting legislations that govern cloning. There are also countries that have cooperated in identifying the definition, types and legitimacy of cloning.  Due to the difference between countries in terms of religion, and political views, countries differ in their views about the legitimacy of cloning. The researchers of the present study recommend enacting national legislations that govern cloning and its legitimacy by the Jordanian legislator. Key words:      Cloning , Stem Cell , Genetic Engineering , Genom