9 research outputs found

    Potensi Gas Rumah Kaca (Grk) Kolam Anaerobik pada Pengolahan Limbah Cair Pabrik Kelapa Sawit (Lcpks)

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    World vegetable oil needs to be increased every year along with population growth. Vegetable oil which potential to supply is palm oil because it has the highest productivity compared to other vegetable oil sources. Behind the rapid development of palm oil, came negative issue about environmental damage especially the increase of greenhouse gas emissions caused by the palm oil industry. This research aimed to calculate the potential of greenhouse gas caused by palm oil mill effluent (POME) treatment in the anaerobic pond. The method used is by capture methane and carbon dioxide at the float chamber then gas chromatography analyzed. The results showed that the highest methane and carbon dioxide released at night (10.00 – 11.00 pm). The average potential released methane is 9441.28 mg C-CH4 m-2h-1 and Carbon dioxide is 5920.74 mg C-CO2 m-2h-1

    Comparison of NaCl Levels in Seasoning Powder Formulation of Nagara Bean Flour (Vigna unguiculata Ssp. cylindrica) and Oyster Mushroom Using the Mohr Method by Direct Titration and Ash Mineral Titration

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    The use of excessive salt in the food product poses a potential health problem. For this reason, efforts should be made to reduce salt consumption. One of food products containing a significant amount of salt is flavor enhancer. The method of measuring salt content is crucial in seasoning powder to provide a good description of the salt content. Salt content measurement in foodstuffs was analyzed by the Mohr method that can be carried out by direct titration or by kiln to obtain mineral ash. The direct titration method will give faster results than the mineral ash titration. This research aims to obtain a comparison of salt content through direct titration and mineral ash titration, the deviation, and correlation between two methods. The results of the NaCl measurement content with the direct and the ash mineral titration method were significantly different, the correlation regression of the direct titration followed the equation Y = 15.368 + 1.021X. The direct titration showed higher measurement results than the ash mineral titration method. Mohr's method by ash titration is more precise and reliable for measuring NaCl in seasoning powder but requires a longer time

    Life Cycle Assessment pada Pembibitan Kelapa Sawit untuk Menghitung Emisi Gas Rumah Kaca

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    Palm oil plantations in Indonesia is growing every year due to increased consumption of vegetable oil in line with the increase in the population of the world that are used as food , cosmetics , renewable sources , etc. Challenges in the development of palm oil plantations are problems and negative issues; land conflicts, damage to biodiversity, and environmental damage issues. Environmental damage caused by palm oil plantations became the object of attack developed countries and Non Governmental Organization (NGO), with the pretext to cause an increase in Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions that cause global warming. This research aimed to determine the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions in palm oil seedling production. Methods carried out were studying the environmental aspects of a product by Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) in which all environmental aspects were analyzed and evaluated throughout its life cycle. Steps in LCA were goal and scope definition, life cycle inventory, life cycle impact assessment, and life cycle interpretation. The result showed that in the palm oil seedling sources of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions derived from the use of diesel fuel, NPK fertilizer, pesticides, and fungicides. Total emissions of Greenhouse Gases (GHG) is 0.50685 kg CO2 eq / seed. Diesel fuel became the biggest emissions is 0,332 kg CO2 eq / seed or 65.5 % and emissions from the use of NPK fertilizers is 0.1703 kg CO2 eq / seed or 33.6 % of total Greenhouse Gas ( GHG ) emissions in palm oil seedling

    Consumer Preference Level on Cinnamomum burmanii Tea with Analytic Hierarchy Process Method

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    Cinnamon is one of the popular ingredients used as food additives or nonfood. Cinnamon has smells fragrant and sweet taste, it can be used as additional ingredient for tea bag  production. Tea with additional cinnamon is one of product innovation of tea bag for increase functional value of tea. The purpose of this research is to know consumer preferences level of cinnamon tea based on internal attribute (colour, taste, and scent) and external attribute (packaging design, packaging material, information label, size and content of packaging) using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. The result of consumer preferences of cinnamon tea based on Analitic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method as primary alternative for internal attribute based on color, taste, and smell is 2:1 formulation of ratio tea powder and cinnamon powder. The primary alternative of external attribute based on design, material, information label, size of packaging is prototype C (carton packaging)

    Life Cycle Assessment Pada Pembibitan Kelapa Sawit Untuk Menghitung Emisi Gas Rumah Kaca

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    Palm oil plantations in Indonesia is growing every year due to increased consumption of vegetable oil in line with the increase in the population of the world that are used as food , cosmetics , renewable sources , etc. Challenges in the development of palm oil plantations are problems and negative issues;  land conflicts, damage to biodiversity, and environmental damage issues. Environmental damage caused by palm oil plantations became the object of attack developed countries and Non Governmental Organization (NGO), with the pretext to cause an increase in Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions that cause global warming. This research aimed to determine the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions in palm oil seedling production. Methods carried out were studying the environmental aspects of a product by Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) in which all environmental aspects were analyzed and evaluated throughout its life cycle. Steps in LCA were goal and scope definition, life cycle inventory, life cycle impact assessment, and life cycle interpretation. The result showed that in the palm oil seedling sources of Greenhouse Gas (GHG)  emissions derived from the use of diesel fuel, NPK fertilizer, pesticides, and fungicides. Total emissions of Greenhouse Gases (GHG) is 0.50685 kg CO2 eq / seed. Diesel fuel became the biggest emissions is 0,332 kg CO2 eq / seed or 65.5 % and emissions from the use of NPK fertilizers is 0.1703 kg CO2 eq / seed or 33.6 % of total Greenhouse Gas ( GHG ) emissions in palm oil seedling

    PENGARUH JENIS DAN KONSENTRASI PENSTABIL PADA PEMBUATAN MINUMAN PROBIOTIK KACANG NAGARA (Vigna unguiculata ssp. Cylindrica): Effect of Type and Stabilizer Concentration on the Manufacture of Probiotik Drinks from Nagara Beans (Vigna unguiculata ssp. Cylindrica)

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    ABSTRACT             The beans used in this study were cowpea varieties with the Latin name (Vigna unguiculata ssp. Cylindrica) that are widely known as a protein source where 100 grams of nagara beans contains 22.9 grams of protein. This study aimed to determine the effect of the type and stabilizer concentrations on the quality of probiotic drinks of nagara beans. The types of stabilizers used in this study were Carboxy Methyl Celulose (CMC) and Xanthan gum. This research was carried out using Randomized Block Design (RBD), which consisted of two factors, namely factor I Stabilizing concentrations: 0.5%, 0.75% and 1% stabilizing factor II: CMC and xanthan gum with 3 replications , so that there were 18 times the experimental unit. Based on the SNI (2981: 2009), the best probotic  drink was obtained in 1% CMC treatment with physical quality including liquid-viscous appearance, normal/distinctive smell, sour/distinctive taste, homogeneous consistency and gray color. As well as protein content of 1.7%, ash 0.1%, total lactic acid 0.7%, acidity level (pH) is 3.6 and total LAB 2.3 x 1011 CFU/ml.  Keywords: Nagara beans, Carboxy methyl celulose, xanthan gum, probiotic drinks   ABSTRAK   Kacang yang digunakan pada penelitian ini merupakan kacang tunggak varietas nagara dengan nama latin (Vigna unguiculata ssp. Cylindrica). Kacang-kacangan banyak dikenal sebagai sumber protein dimana per 100 gram kacang nagara mengandung protein 22,9 gram. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh jenis dan konsentrasi penstabil terhadap mutu minuman probiotik kacang nagara. Jenis penstabil yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu Carboxy Methyl celulose (CMC) dan Xanthan gum. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK), yang terdiri dari dua faktor, yaitu faktor I  Konsentrasi penstabil : 0,5%, 0,75% dan 1% dan faktor II jenis penstabil : CMC dan xanthan gum dengan 3 kali ulangan, sehingga didapat 18 kali satuan percobaan. Penelitian ini menghasilkan hasil terbaik yang mengacu pada SNI (2981:2009) tentang minuman probiotik yaitu pada perlakuan CMC 1% dengan mutu fisik meliputi penampakan cair-kental, bau Normal/khas, rasa asam/khas, konsistensi homogen dan warna abu-abu. Mutu kimia kadar protein 1,7%, kadar abu 0,1%, total asam laktat 0,7%, derajat keasaman (pH) 3,6 dan total BAL 2,3 x 1011 CFU/ml.   Kata Kunci: Kacang Nagara, carboxy methyl celulose, xanthan gum, minuman probiotik

    Performance comparison of liquid smokes from galam wood, rubber wood, and oil palm frond as latex coagulants on the quality aspects of the rubber cup lump

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    The quality of rubber cup lump is ditermined by several factors, one of them is the latex coagulant. The type of latex coagulant also affects the coagulating time. Liquid smoke is one of the most recommended latex coagulants due its save and effective operation. Deorub, the most popular liquid smoke, is made from shell of oil palm kernel. There are still many alternatives of liquid smoke materials that may have lower economic values. This study was aimed to evaluate and compare the performance of three liquid smokes produced from three alternative materials namely galam wood, rubber wood, and oil palm frond as latex coagulants. This study was performed using groups random design with two factors, namely type of coagulants and the concentrations (10% and 5%). Evalution was performed on the speed of coagulating time and also the quality of rubber cup lumps resulted by the tested coagulants, such as water content, rubber dry weight, ash content, and also the value of sensory quality (smell, color, texture, and the bubble). Liquid smoke resulted from oil palm fronds showed the best performance due to it’s lowest pH value (2.5) and the shorthest coagulating time (40 min) at concentration of 10%, which produced rubber lumps with rubber dry weight of 99.86% and ash content of 0.83%. Meanwhile, the highest yield of liquid smoke was resulted from galam wood (10%) with coagulating time of 72 minutes


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    The development of palm oil plantation in Indonesia has been increased rapidly. Indonesia becomes the world�s largest Crude Palm Oil (CPO) producer. However, the fast growing sector brings about problems and counter-producing issues with regard to environment and the increase of greenhouse gas (GHG) emission. Moreover, developed countries have set the GHG reduction for renewable source. In 2017 EU set GHG reduction of 35% and the USA currently at 20% for the commodity to be imported. In the effort to increase its competitiveness, Indonesian government enforce the ministerial regulation over Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO). Mitigation of GHG is mandatory for companies by ISPO. The research aimed to analyze the use of energy, the level of GHG in the CPO production, measured its energy efficiency, and Global Warming Potential (GWP). Methods carried out were studying the environmental aspects of a product by Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) in which all environmental aspects were analyzed and evaluated throughout its life cycle. Steps in LCA were goal and scope definition, life cycle inventory, life cycle impact assessment, and life cycle interpretation. The research framework was the CPO production stages, i.e. nurseries, plantation, transportation of Fresh Fruit Bunches (FFB) and processing of CPO. Life cycle inventory employed energy coefficient, emission factor, and Intergovernmental Panel Climate Change (IPCC) guidelines. Life cycle impact assessment was Global Warming Potential (GWP 100). Result showed that the total energy usage was 8652.72 MJ/ton CPO. The largest energy consumptions were during processing (5476.91 MJ) and plantation (3121.50 MJ). Transportation used 40.03 MJ while nurseries 13.28 MJ. The energy efficiency level was high, the Net Energy Ration (NER) was 5.18 and the Net Energy Potential (NEP) was 36.179 GJ. The Global Warming Potential (GWP 100) was 1472.24 kg CO2 eq/ton CPO. The largest GHG were observed during processing (1296.10 kg CO2 eq), followed by plantation (72.41 kg CO2 eq), transportation (3.04 kg CO2 eq), and nurseries (0.69 kg CO2 eq). The GHG reduction in the research was 21.71%. The efforts for increasing energy efficiency in the process are by means of production of Palm Kernel Oil (PKO) from kernels, the utilization of residual shells and biogas of Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME). The reduction of GHG can be obtained by biogas entrapment for boiler fuel in power plants. The GHG reduction reached 921.07 kg CO2 eq or the reduction level was increased to 43.5%

    Characteristics of Seasoning Powders from Nagara Bean Tempeh and Oyster Mushroom for Umami Enhancer to Reduce Salt-use

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    Aims: Nagara bean tempeh and oyster mushroom have high protein, and free glutamate can increase the umami effect. The formulation is needed to obtain the desired umami level.The research aimed to formulate seasoning powders of Nagara bean tempeh flour, white oyster mushroom flour, salt, and sugarto enhance the umami taste. Study Design: This research formulated seasoning powder using a randomized block design involving two treatment factors: 1) the concentration of salt, Nagarabean tempeh flour, and white oyster mushroom flour,and  2)  the percentage of sugar. Place and Duration of Study: Laboratory of analytical chemistry and industrial environment, Department of Agroindustrial Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, LambungMangkurat University, between June and November 2021. Methodology: The seasoning flavor formulation includes the proportion of salt 50% to 20 %, and the remaining composition is the ratio of Nagara bean tempeh flour and oyster mushroom flour 50: 50. The addition of sugar 0%, 25%, and 30% is also studied in this formulation to determine the effect of strengthening the umami taste. The seasoning powder was analyzed by chemical and sensory analysis. Results: Data analysis showed that the NaCl content in the seasoning powder decreased according to the reduced salt concentration in the seasoning formula. The proportions of salt: Nagara bean tempeh flour and oyster mushroom flour 20: 40: 40 produced the highest soluble protein content, total acid, and insoluble solids. Adding 25-30% sugar strengthened umami sensory test results more than the others. The results of salty taste scoring correlated with the proportion of salt in the formulation, where the salt ratio of 40%-50% was significantly not different. Conclusion: Seasoning powder formulation using salt, Nagara bean tempeh flour, and oyster mushroom flour did not yet provide a strong umami effect. The umami effect should be enhanced by added sugar. Seasoning powder with slightly strong umami was obtained in the formulation of salt: Nagara bean tempeh flour: oyster mushroom flour by 20: 40: 40 with the sugar addition of 25%. This formula, reduced salt use in seasoning