73 research outputs found


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    Artificial intelligence (AI) mengalami perkembangan yang pesat pada dunia komputer atau robot. AI  pada komputer digunakan untuk menentukan suatu keputusan seperti manusia dan dapat berjalan otomatis guna membantu kehidupan manusia. Salah satu algoritma yang digunakan adalah A-Star untuk pencarian jalur terdekat dari titik permulaan yang diberikan sampai ke titik tujuan terdiri dari satu  atau beberapa tujuan. Pada paper ini, algoritma A-Star digunakan untuk menentukan urutan pencarian jalan terdekat  dengan fungsi jarak dan diterapkan di dalam obyek 3D manusia yang berjalan dalam sebuah environment game dengan 1600 path kotak persegi. Agar obyek 3D bergerak otomatis dan bisa menghidari penghalang digunakan metode repulsive field. Hasil dari pengujian diperoleh nilai cost terpendek sebesar 250 dengan path length sejumlah 23,  waktu komputasi tersingkat 8,00 ms dengan path sejumlah 61, obyek 3D manusia dapat mencari jalan terdekat menuju tujuan dan mampu menghindari penghalang yang ada


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    Communication can be done from verbal and non verbal information like writing which is derived from word, sentence, paragraph etc. to find texts information using texts classification.In that classification process will use set data which has been known its emotional class such as: anger, joy and sadness by using Naïve Bayes method. It will be seen how far that method can classify emotional data in English. The result from text classification is used to control face expression by VRML program to visualize face expression. Key word: texts classification, emotion, naïve bayes, vrml


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    The use of radio frequencies in the current technology is growing very rapidly. Because more effectively used to moving device. For example in data transmission of human footsteps on the frequency of 2.4 GHz. In this final project, a measurement system of human footsteps which data is sent wirelessly using the 2.4 GHz frequency for which the footsteps of data obtained from three-axis accelerometer sensors are then processed in the microcontroller AVR Low Cost Micro System (ATmega8535) and then transmitted through Xbee -PRO. Performance of this system are described below, when an accelerometer sensor to receive the movement of the foot, then from there the pace, and distance is calculated. Then the data from the accelerometer were sent to be processed in the microcontroller. After the data is processed by the microcontroller so that data sent by the transmitter and Xbee-PRO received by receivers on the side of the base station with a frequency of 2.4 GHz which can then be monitored on computer devices


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    The development of period and technology in the world. It makes electronic product growing which spread in the market because of the new electronic manucfactures establish in the world. However, it is not accompanied by increased income of farmers in Indonesia. It are caused by low commodity price that they planted so they can�t buy their farming equipment because the purchasing of power. In this final project, it will be made a tool. It is built with a relatively small cost and can be used by farmers to measure water content in the grain. This system is a tool that can measure moisture content in grain with certain conditions. This system uses censor, microcontroller and LCD screen in part of hardware. Censor is generally served to detect water content ( in the form of humidity and temperature) at that time. The results of censor are sent to the microcontroller and then microcontroller convert them into a certain percent of the value, that will be displayed in the LCD. Keywords : microcontroller, LCD screen , sensor

    Rancang Bangun Web Manajemen Laboratorium 3D dengan VRML

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    The development of multimedia technology website is currently only limited to the two dimensions only. While the need for an interactive Web site was limited to the kind of video website YouTube. With the ability of a three-dimensional visualization programming that can be integrated with web programming, it will create a website to be interesting and interactive. By using VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language), can be made a 3D website. By using a combination of VRML and PHP, is expected to create a concept of interactive 3D websites. VRML uses the basic concepts of computer science as the creation of graphic objects 3Dimension. In its design will be made a 3D space that consists of several tools for manajamen laboratory, namely Registration, Dates Practical 3D, and 3D experimental module in the form of 3D and indoor antenna vsualisasi chamber that contains two types of antennas. Having a website hosted on the internet and conducted a questionnaire of 50 random samples and divided into two age categories, namely the age of 20 years and under and 20 years and older. Then the resulting percentage is more than 35% gave good attention to 3D website Keywords :Virtual Reality Modeling Language,visualization, 3dimensio

    Model Penghindaran Tabrakan Multi Obyek Menggunakan Repulsive Field

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    Mendeteksi tabrakan antar obyek dan menampilkan gerakan penghindaran tabrakan yang alami menjadi topik yang diinginkan dalam berbagai aplikasi navigasi agen otonom. Pada umumnya, gerakan penghindaran tabrakan multi obyek statis dan dinamis secara alami banyak menggunakan teknik dengan pengambilan keputusan untuk bergerak menghindar kearah lain. Teknik penghindaran ini mengalami kesulitan ketika jumlah obyek diperbanyak. Pada penelitian ini menyajikan teknik yang mampu menampilkan gerakan penghindaran tabrakan multi obyek statis dan dinamis secara alami. Metode yang digunakan Sphere-Plane Detection (SPD) dan Sphere-Sphere Detection (SSD) untuk mendeteksi tabrakan dengan referensi jarak dan metode potential field jenis repulsive untuk penghindaran tabrakan. Pengujian dilakukan dengan jumlah obyek 100 yang terdiri dari 34 agen A, 33 agen B dan 33 agen C, multi penghalang dengan dan tanpa repulsive, penghalang statis dan dinamis, serta diuji dalam animasi boid. Dari pengujian yang telah dilakukan diperoleh nilai vektor |V| dari posisi awal sampai ke tujuan untuk agen A2 sebesar 51.4522, agen B1 bernilai 45.0853 dan agen C4 sebesar 27.7237, setiap agen memiliki lebih dari satu jalur untuk menuju tujuan, didapatkan tiga model gerakan penghindaran dan tiga parameter yang mempengaruhi gerakan agen yaitu perubahan nilai repulsive, jarak antar penghalang dan penghalang dinamis

    Pembuatan Alat Tracking antena berbasis kanal TV

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    ABSTRACT This final project will be made automatic antenna tracking application that is controlled by a microcontroller ATMEGA 16. Initial idea for this final project comes from the TV antenna moved manually to get a picture display of good TV channels. So for that, the television antenna will be integrated with Motor Stepper which will be driven by a microcontroller ATMEGA 16. Microcontroller ATMEGA 16 will move Motor Stepper when the Remote button Tx of microcontroller ATMEGA 16 is pressed, if Motor Stepper is moving then the antenna will also move rotate to get television signals. TV channel frequency data is retrieved manually first, and binary data taken from the Spectrum analyzer and stored in the microcontroller ATMEGA 16. So, when user presses the button on the actual TV remote and get the image display is not good, then the user will press the button on the remote microcontroller ATMEGA 16, where the button on the remote microcontroller ATMEGA 16 will operate Motor Stepper looking for a good position of TV signal revenue that it is appropriate with TV channel of desireable by user, so user will get good view of TV channel and user can decide a good view by pressing a button of Remote control Microcontroller ATMEGA 16. Keyword : Microcontroller ATMEGA 16, Motor Stepper, Binary, User, Remote, Spectrum analyzer


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    Natural language are model computation process which created by language, so it can make interaction between human and computer becomes easier. This model computation model is very useful for scientific needs such as research natural language for human life. All knowledge subject which have relation with natural language processing includes are : Fonetic and fonology, morfology, syntax, semantic, pragmatic, discourse knowledge, and world knowledge. The definition of semantic are mapping syntax structur with using each word into more basic structural and it is not depend on sentence structure. Semantic are learn about the meaning of any words and how this words can translate any complete sentence. Semantic analysis process is used to recognize the words that pass away and have relation with the word in domain. This process works to connect the syntax structure from word, phrase, sentence, due to paragraph At Previous research which have any relation with semantic mapping and fuzzy logic, semantic mapping works depend on physically display and then displaying any model / character role in story. Based on fuzzy logic measurement and agent conditional graph, agent who had energy between 75 ' 100 % had speed value more constant than agent with energy left 50% or less than 50%. Key word : Semantic, mySQL, fuzzy logic, agent


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    ABSTRACT At the moment to control a robot, most still use cable and less efficient in its use. So that people ( the user) have to use long cable so that can bother motion of robot This application use control of joystick as controller of robot with technology of wireless 802.15.4 ( Zigbee) as its data transmission and robot of soccer which have been integrated with mikrokontroller as system minimum. Hardware used for the system of communications of wireless 802.15.4 is Xbee Pro, system minimum of mikrokontroler ATMEGA 8535, robot network of soccer which compose module of driver H motor and bridge of DC and activator wheel. Joystick / remote control in this case have integrated with Zigbee (Xbee Pro) as transmitter (Tx), while robot is in the form of robot soccer which is connecting with Zigbee (Xbee Pro) laboring as receiver wireless (Rx), so that joystick can control robot movement by wireless Result of from making of this final project that is in the form of a[n controller appliance move robot by wireless by using communications system 802.15.4 with precition and accurate Keyword : Robot soccer,wireless 802.15.4, ATmega 853

    Analisa QoS pada Jaringan MPLS IPv6 Berbasis Routing OSPF

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    Multi Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) architecture (network) is defined by IETF to incorporate label swapping mechanism in layer two and layer three routing that have beneficial to delivery of explicit routing package and provides all the advantages of MPLS, including the ability to perform traffic engineering and routing policy . Transfer rate is a common problem in computer networks, so it required rapidly processorto solve transfer and received data with emphasis on efficiency time, so the user does not have to waste time. Thus, they invented a computer network-based technology utilizing Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS). MPLS network is the network that will add a label on each package to be delivered, with labeling the data to transmitte, with this label data would be faster to the destination. It cause of router will only analyze the label given on each package. This final project focuses on the development of network applications in a test-bed that is able to represent IPv6 and MPLS in network analysis on the QoS parameters. From the measurement results showed that the MPLS (Multi Protocol Label Switching) will work optimally if there is a lot of switching in a network, in addition to MPLS networks will feel the impact if the data transmission was done in-gigabyte capacity. Key World: MPLS, IPV6, Qo
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