242 research outputs found

    Design of a Third-Order Word Embedding Model Using Vector Projections

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    openGeometrical representations of words are building blocks in the field of natural language processing, especially for tasks such as word sense disambiguation, sentiment analysis, and language modeling. The efforts for developing static word embeddings go all the way back to the 1980s, and currently there are many models in the literature each approaching the problem with a different methodology. In this study, we propose a novel neural static word embedding model that is learned using orthogonal projections of vectors to represent contextual relationships. Our approach employs a third-order model and leverages the contrastive learning paradigm, in which a positive training sample consists of a target word and two context words, and a negative sample consists of one target word, one context word, and a randomly sampled noise word from the corpus. We developed a unique geometrical loss function that aims to minimize the difference between the orthogonal projections of the selected context words onto the target word and maximize the difference between the orthogonal projections of the context word and the negative samples onto the target word. This approach is distinct from the traditional static embedding models, and results in word embeddings that effectively capture contextual information in a higher-order, projective manner. Preliminary experiments on benchmark datasets demonstrate the promising performance of our model in capturing word semantics and contextual relationships. We provide a strong starting point for further studies to explore in depth the theoretical underpinnings of this approach and evaluate its performance in downstream NLP tasks.Geometrical representations of words are building blocks in the field of natural language processing, especially for tasks such as word sense disambiguation, sentiment analysis, and language modeling. The efforts for developing static word embeddings go all the way back to the 1980s, and currently there are many models in the literature each approaching the problem with a different methodology. In this study, we propose a novel neural static word embedding model that is learned using orthogonal projections of vectors to represent contextual relationships. Our approach employs a third-order model and leverages the contrastive learning paradigm, in which a positive training sample consists of a target word and two context words, and a negative sample consists of one target word, one context word, and a randomly sampled noise word from the corpus. We developed a unique geometrical loss function that aims to minimize the difference between the orthogonal projections of the selected context words onto the target word and maximize the difference between the orthogonal projections of the context word and the negative samples onto the target word. This approach is distinct from the traditional static embedding models, and results in word embeddings that effectively capture contextual information in a higher-order, projective manner. Preliminary experiments on benchmark datasets demonstrate the promising performance of our model in capturing word semantics and contextual relationships. We provide a strong starting point for further studies to explore in depth the theoretical underpinnings of this approach and evaluate its performance in downstream NLP tasks

    Vakıf medeniyetimizde Darüşşifalar

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    Günümüzde yaşanan virüs salgınına İslam ve Türk hukuk tarihi perspektifinden baktığımızda Darüşşifaların önemli fonksiyonlar icra ettiğini görürüz. İslam tarihinde konunun Hz. Peygamber’den itibaren özellikle salgın boyutundaki vak’alara ilişkin bugüne de ışık tutabilecek ölçüde bulaş tehlikesine karşı tedbirler alınmıştır. Bu tedbirlere Hz. Peygamber sonrası dönemde de riayet edildiğini görüyoruz. Hz. Ömer’e Şam’da veba çıktığı haberi verilince vebanın olduğu yere gitmemiş, kendisine, “Allah’ın kaderinden mi kaçıyorsun?” sorusuna Allah’ın kaderinden yine O’nun kaderine sığındığını cevabını vermiştir. (Buhârî, Ṭıb 30; Müslim, Selâm 98-100) Salgın olan yere yaklaşmamak ve salgın olan yeri terketmemek, bu tedbirler arasında bugün de benzer şekilde görülen sosyal mesafe ve karantina altında kalmak tedbirlerine oldukça benzer yönleri bulunmaktadır. 749 (1348) yılında geniş bir coğrafyaya yayılan tâun sırasında Şam şehri ve yakınlarında günde 300’den fazla insanın öldüğünü, sadece Emeviyye Camii’nde bir vakitte on beş kişinin cenaze namazının kılındığını kayıtlarda geçmektedir. Osmanlı döneminde salgın bulunan yeri terk konusunda hukukçuların eserlerinde çeşitli tartışmalara rastlanır. 16. Yüzyıldan sonra bulaşıcı hastalık olan bölgeden havası daha temiz bölgelere intikalin cevazıyla ilgili fetvalar verilmiş olduğunu gibi, salgından kaçarak görevini yerine getirmeyen kamu görevlilerine de ta’zir ve azil cezaları verilmiştir. İslam dünyasında ilk darüşşifa 707 yılında Emevi Halifesi Velid b. Abdülmelik tarafından kurulmuştur. Bundan sonraki dönemlerde bîmaristan ve darüşşifa olarak sağlık hizmetleri belli ölçüde kurumsallaşmıştır. İlk Selçuklu eserinin de Nizamülmülk tarafından Nişabur’da kurulduğunu görüyoruz. Yine Bağdat’da 1066’da Nizamiye Medresesi ve Hastanesi bunu takip etmiştir. Sonrasında Harran ve Mardin’deki hastanelerinin de içinde olduğu birçok şehirde benzer darüşşifaları görüyoruz. Anadolu Selçuklularında da bu atılımın sürmesi ile yine birçok yerleşim yerinde bölgesel hizmet kabiliyeti de olan darüşşifaları görmekteyiz. Bunlar arasında en bilinenlerinden olarak Kayseri Gevher Nesibe, Sivas Keykavus ve Konya Alaeddin darüşşifaları zikredilebilir. Bu darüşşifaların kuruluş ve işleyişlerinde İslam tarihinde önemli bir yer tutan vakıf medeniyetinin izlerini görmek mümkündür. Birçok alanda vakıf yoluyla kamu hizmeti yerine getiren vakıflar, sağlık alanında özellikle devletin önemli ölçüde yükünü almış görünmektedir. Bu müesseselerin vakıf yoluyla sürdürülebilirlikleri sağlanmıştır. Vakıf hukukunda kuruluş ana statüsü olan vakfiyelerde vakfın kurucusunun iradesi çok önemli yer tutar. Vâkıfın ortaya koyduğu şartlar şâriin (kanun koyucunun) nassı gibidir. Bu vakfiyelerde özellikle gelirlerin neler olduğu ortaya konurken, bir hastane kurumu düşünüldüğünde harcama yerleri de detaylı ortaya konmak durumundadır. Darüşşifaların işletmesi için gereken kaynağın tedariki bakımından han, hamam, ürün veren arazi işletmeleri türündeki gelir getirici müsteğallat ve müsakkafat belirtilir. Sonraki dönemlerde de vakıf kurucusu yahut başkalarının bu amaçla tasarrufta bulunmaları hep görülen hususlardandır. Bunlar vakfiyelerin kadı sicillerine tescili ile ve ayrıca bu belgelerde şahitlerin (şühûdu’l-hal) imzaları ile kayıt altına alınırdı. Ayrıca bu gelirlerin câbiler tarafından toplama usulleri, kimlerin vakfın amaçlarına uygun olarak bu gelirlerden harcama yapacakları vakfiyelerde açık olarak belirtilmekteydi. Hazırlanan vakfiyelerde darüşşifanın işleyiş şekli kesin kurallara bağlanırdı. Vakfiye artık o hastanenin tüzüğü mesabesindeydi. Vakıf mütevellileri sistemin idaresinden sorumlu oldukları kadar, görevliler üzerinde iç kontrol mekanizmasını sağlamakla da yükümlüydüler. Ayrıca genellikle mütevelliden farklı bir kişi olarak, nazır adı verilen bir kontrol görevlisi de bu konuda daha özel bir misyon üstlenmişti. Hastanenin düzeni ve işletilmesinden esasen mütevelli sorumlu olup, bu şahıs vakıf kurucusunun güvendiği ve işin ehli bir kimse olmak durumundadır. Vakfiyede sonraki mütevelliler için açık ve bağlayıcı bir tanımlama yapılmamışsa bu konuda yetki mahkemede olmaktadır. Mütevelli ayrıca hastalıkların teşhisi ve tedavisi konusunda gereken tedbirleri almakla yükümlüdür. Bunlar yapılmadığında vakfın amacına uygun davranılmış olmaz. Konunun vakıf darüşşifa ilişkisini ortaya koymak bakımından vakfiyeler en temel hukuki belgelerdir.When we look at the current virus outbreak from the perspective of Islamic and Turkish legal history, we see that Darüşşifa performs important functions. Since the Prophet, precautions have been taken against the risk of transmission, especially to the extent of epidemic cases, to shed light on the present day. We see that the precautions were followed in the post-prophet period. When Ömer was informed that the plague had happened in Damascus, he did not go to the plague, he said to him, “Are you running away from the fate of Allah?” He replied to the question of the fate of Allah that he took refuge in His fate again. Not approaching the place where it was epidemic and not leaving the place where it was epidemic, and these measures are quite similar to the social distance and quarantine measures that are similar today. It is recorded in 749 (1348) that during the taun, which spread over a wide geography, more than 300 people died a day in Damascus and its vicinity, and that the funeral prayers of fifteen people were performed at a time only in the Umayya Mosque. There are various discussions in the works of lawyers about leaving the place that was found to be epidemic in the Ottoman period. After the 16th century, fatwas were given about the answer of the transfer from the region, which has an infectious disease, to the areas with cleaner air, as well as public officials who have not been able to fulfill their duties by escaping from the epidemic have also been punished like ta’zir and dismissed. The first darüşşifa in the Islamic world in 89 (707), was founded by Velid b. Abdülmelik Umayyad Caliph. In the following periods, health services have been institutionalized to a certain extent as bimaristan and darüşşifa. We see that the first Seljuk work was also founded in Nishapur by Nizamülmülk. Again, in 1066, Nizamiye Madrasa and Hospital followed this in Baghdad. Afterwards, we see similar hospitals in many cities, including their hospitals (darüşşifa) in Harran and Mardin. With this breakthrough in the Anatolian Seljuks, we see darüşşifa, which also has regional service capabilities in many settlements. Among the most well-known among these, Kayseri Gevher Nesibe, Sivas Keykavus and Konya Alaeddin hospitals can be mentioned. It is possible to see the traces of the waqf civilization which played an important role in the history of Islam about the establishment and the running of these hospitals. The foundations that perform public service through foundations in many areas seem to have taken a significant workload on the state, especially in the field of health. Sustainability of these institutions was ensured through the foundation. The founder’s will has a very important place in the foundation law, which is the main status of the waqf. The conditions set forth by the foundation is like the rule of the legislator. In these foundation conditions documents (vakfiye), especially when it comes to revealing what the incomes are, considering as an hospital institution, spending places also have to be revealed in detail. In terms of procuring the resources required for the operation of the darüşşifa, the income- generating of the type of inns, baths, and land enterprises that produce products are specified. It is always seen that the founder of the foundation or others donate for this purpose in the following periods. These were registered in the court records of the foundations and also by signing by the witnesses in these documents. In addition, the method of collecting these revenues by the authorities (câbi) was clearly stated in the foundations to whom they would spend from these revenues in accordance with the aims of the foundation. In the prepared foundations, the way the hospital was operated was bound by strict rules. The foundation was now on the basis of that hospital’s charter. Foundation trustees (mütevelli) were responsible for ensuring the internal control mechanism over the officials as well as for the administration of the system. In addition, as a person different from the trustee, a control officer, called nâzır, had undertaken a more specific mission in this regard. The trustee is mainly responsible for the layout and operation of the hospital, and this person has to be trusted by the founder and competent. If there is no clear and binding definition for subsequent trustees in the foundation, the authority must be in court. The trustee is also obliged to take the necessary measures for the diagnosis and treatment of the diseases. When these are not done, the purpose of the foundation will not be treated. The foundation conditions documents (vakfiye) are the most basic legal documents in order to reveal the relationship of the subject matters to the foundation hospital

    E-VFIA : Event-Based Video Frame Interpolation with Attention

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    Video frame interpolation (VFI) is a fundamental vision task that aims to synthesize several frames between two consecutive original video images. Most algorithms aim to accomplish VFI by using only keyframes, which is an ill-posed problem since the keyframes usually do not yield any accurate precision about the trajectories of the objects in the scene. On the other hand, event-based cameras provide more precise information between the keyframes of a video. Some recent state-of-the-art event-based methods approach this problem by utilizing event data for better optical flow estimation to interpolate for video frame by warping. Nonetheless, those methods heavily suffer from the ghosting effect. On the other hand, some of kernel-based VFI methods that only use frames as input, have shown that deformable convolutions, when backed up with transformers, can be a reliable way of dealing with long-range dependencies. We propose event-based video frame interpolation with attention (E-VFIA), as a lightweight kernel-based method. E-VFIA fuses event information with standard video frames by deformable convolutions to generate high quality interpolated frames. The proposed method represents events with high temporal resolution and uses a multi-head self-attention mechanism to better encode event-based information, while being less vulnerable to blurring and ghosting artifacts; thus, generating crispier frames. The simulation results show that the proposed technique outperforms current state-of-the-art methods (both frame and event-based) with a significantly smaller model size.Comment: Submitted to 2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2023

    Electricity generation and color removal at sulfate-reducing conditions in microbial fuel cell

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    The main aim of this study is to investigate the simultaneous azo dye removal and bioelectricity production at sulfate-reducing conditions in a continuously fed dual-chamber microbial fuel cell (MFC). Initially, optimization of sulfate reduction was performed at different sulfate concentrations (100-900 mg/L) and the constant COD of 1000 mg/L, corresponding to COD/sulfate ratio of 1.11-10, and varying HRT of 12-48 h. Optimum COD/sulfate ratio and HRT was found 1.66 and 36 h, respectively, corresponding to 96% COD removal, 44% sulfate removal and yielded about 24 W/m2 power density. Further, MFC was fed with azo dye containing (50-1000 mg/L) simulated wastewater to evaluate dye removal performance of sulfate-reducing bacteria. Addition of azo dye slightly enhanced the power production to 26 W/m2 , the highest value obtained during our study. Sulfate and COD removals were adversely affected at azo dye concentrations over 300 mg/L and 150 mg/L, respectively. Additionally, color removal performance of MFC was excellent however, chemical azo dye reduction out-competed with enzymatic reduction at high azo dye levels (>500 mg/L) leading to a poor sulfate (<15%) and COD (<45%) removal and recovery of azo dye reduction efficiency to 91%

    Cementless modular total hip arthroplasty with subtrochanteric transverse shortening osteotomy for high hip dislocations

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    Background: Performing a total hip arthroplasty for a high hip dislocation is technically demanding and presents several challenges, with appropriate evaluation of the bone morphology of the hip and proper implant selection being critical for successful outcomes. Objective: The purpose of our study was to evaluate the clinical and radiographic outcomes of cementless modular total hip arthroplasty for the treatment of high hip dislocations with sub-trochanteric transverse shortening osteotomy. Methods: Sixty-eight hips with a high hip dislocation, were treated using a sub-trochanteric transverse shortening osteotomy and cementless modular total hip arthroplasty, retrospectively reviewed. Hip function was assessed using the Harris hip score, with hip abduction strength evaluated using the Trendelenburg test. Radiographic assessment included the measurement of leg length discrepancy, identification of implant loosening, localization of the hip center, and union at the osteotomy site. Results: The mean follow-up period was 12.9 (range 5.2–16.8) years. The mean Harris hip score improved from a pre-operative score of 48.6 ± 3.6 to 82.4 ± 4.2 (p < 0.05). The hip was within the true acetabulum in all patients, postoperatively. Osteotomy union was achieved in 67 of the 68 hips (98.5%) in a mean latency of 12.5 ± 0.6 weeks. The mean length of femoral shortening was 66.5 ± 4.5 mm, with a mean pull-down length of the proximal part of 35.5 ± 3.5 mm. Conclusion: For the treatment of high hip dislocations with satisfactory clinical outcomes, the modular stem offers an adjustable anteversion angle to restore sufficient rotational stability and the transverse osteotomy provides sufficient compression pressure across the osteotomy site to facilitate union. Trial registration It was a retrospective study and approved by Istanbul Research and Training Hospital institutional Ethics Review Board (772-05/02/2016)

    Unrevalling phenotypic diversity of root system architecture in ancient wheat species versus modern wheat cultivars

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    Understanding the phenotypic variability in root system architecture and root-shoot relationships across different growth stages of wheat is of utmost importance for the improvement of genotypes with enhanced nutrient uptake and resource-use efficiency. This study focused on identifying variations and relationships in the root and shoot characteristics of seven modern cultivars and twelve ancient wheat accessions of different species, including T. monococcum, T. turanicum, T. polonicum, T. mirabile, T. durum, and T. aestivum, during the early vegetative growth and stem elongation stages. The results demonstrated significant phenotypic variation among the genotypes for shoot traits, root biomass, rooting depth, R/S ratio, and seminal and nodal root numbers. When considering both growth stages, the dry land-adapted cultivar ‘Taner’ and ancient wheat species, such as T. turanicum (2) and T. monococcum (1) accessions, exhibited deeper roots, which can enhance access to water in drought-prone areas. Furthermore, it was observed that modern wheat cultivars and T. turanicum accessions exhibited increased root biomass, suggesting a higher allocation of resources towards root growth, which could potentially enhance nutrient uptake. Conversely, T. monococcum accessions and T. mirabile revealed lower root biomass compared to other ancient species and modern cultivars. Additionally, the unrooted cluster analysis based on root biomass, rooting depth, and root to shoot ratio at both growth stages indicated a distinct separation of T. monococcum accessions and T. mirabile from other genotypes. Overall, these findings underscore the importance of phenotypic diversity in root traits for crop improvement and adaptation to varying environments. Identifying genotypes with desirable root characteristics can enhance nutrient and water uptake efficiencies, leading to increased crop productivity and sustainability

    The effects of radial bowing and complications in intramedullary nail fixation of adult forearm fractures

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    Objectives: This study aims to evaluate the effects of radial bowing changes on fracture healing and functional results in adult forearm intramedullary nail applications and complications of forearm nails that have been discussed rarely in the literature. Patients and methods: Twenty-three patients -11 with isolated radius and 12 with both radius and ulna fractures- (17 males, 6 females; mean age 38.6 years; range 18 to 69 years) who were operated between September 2009 and August 2014 were included in the study. The effects of radial bowing changes on bone healing rates, time to union, and functional levels of the forearm as well as complications of forearm nails were evaluated. Results: We observed fracture healing without any complication in 20 patients (86.9%) and nonunion in three patients (13.1%) although six months had passed after the operation. Statistically significant difference was detected between radial bowing change and nonunion (p=0.01). Two patients (8.6%) with AO/OTA Classification (The Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Osteosynthesefragen [AO]/Orthopaedic Trauma Association [OTA] Classification), type B3 forearm double fractures had synostosis. Extensor pollicis longus tendon rupture or impingement was detected in six patients (26.8%) for which nails were applied on radius fracture. Conclusion: Intramedullary nail application may be an appropriate treatment alternative in forearm fractures with their high healing rates; however, synostosis may arise with its use in wedge fractures (AO/OTA type B3) at the same level. Although radial bowing changes do not have a significant effect on ranges of motion of the forearm, it should be kept in mind that fracture healing may be affected adversely in patients with radial bowing changes of high rates. Complications regarding extensor pollicis longus tendon may develop during intra- or postoperative periods in patients for which a radius nail has been applied

    Macular and Peripapillary Vascular Densities in Non-Glaucomatous Eyes of Patients with Unilateral Glaucoma

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    Objectives:Our purpose was to investigate vascular alterations in the non-glaucomatous eyes of patients with unilateral primary open angle glaucoma using optical coherence tomography angiography and to evaluate the role of vascular damage in glaucoma pathogenesis.Materials and Methods:This cross-sectional study included 60 eyes of 30 patients with unilateral glaucoma (63.4±8.8 years) and 30 eyes of 30 healthy subjects (65.6±9.1 years). Three groups were formed: group A, affected eyes of unilateral glaucoma patients; Group B, non-glaucomatous eyes of unilateral glaucoma patients; and group C, healthy controls.Results:When group A was compared with groups B and C, significant differences were detected in rim area, cup volume, mean cup/disc ratio, and retinal nerve fiber layer thickness parameters (p0.05 for all). In peripapillary and macular vessel density (VD) comparisons, all parameters except intradisc VD were found to be lower in group A (p0.05 for all).Conclusion:The VD values in eyes with glaucoma were found to be lower than in the other two groups. However, no difference was observed between the non-glaucomatous eyes of glaucoma patients and those of healthy individuals. Thus, the results did not support our hypothesis that VD alterations would be observed in the fellow eyes of patients with unilateral glaucoma if the vascular pathway were responsible in the pathogenesis of glaucoma

    Femoral nerve compression secondary to a ganglion cyst arising from a hip joint: a case report and review of the literature

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Femoral nerve compression due to a cystic lesion around the hip joint is rare and only a few cases have been described in the literature. Among these, true ganglion cysts are even more rare.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We report the case of a 57-year-old woman with femoral nerve compression caused by a true ganglion cyst of the hip joint.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>A high index of suspicion is required to predict a non-palpable cystic lesion around the hip joint as it may mimic different disorders and should be kept in mind in the differential diagnosis of unusual groin pain, radicular pain and peripheral vascular disorders.</p