1,019 research outputs found

    Incombustible resin composition

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    Incombustible resin compositions composed of aromatic compounds were obtained through (1) combustion polymer material and (2) bisphenol A or halogenated bisphenol A and bisphenol A diglycidl ether or halogenated bisphenol A diglycidyl ether. The aromatic compound is an adduct of bifunctional phenols and bifunctional epoxy resins


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    Toyotama-hime who married Hoori no Mikoto was one of the oldest figures of Shintō mythology. She was the guarantor of fish fertility and the cycle of death and rebirth. In Ise Sarume was a similar goddess, but she was also the wife of the sun god Saruta-hiko who visited her nightly. Amaterasu Ōmikami emerged out of the image of this sea goddess, and significantly a mirror symbolyzing Amaterasu was placed in a coffin-like container named mifune-shiro or \u27the boat-substitute\u27, and reminiscent of the boat for Fudaraku Watari. On the other hand Amaterasu was originally the wife of Ōmono-nushi, the god of Mount Miwa on top of which lay Himuka (Facing the Sun) Shrine, who as god of both sun and serpent was represented by three sedge rings (miwa) used in the Nagoshi purificatory festival of Tsunakoshi Shrine of Miwa. When Yamato-hime went to Ise, she took the sun-half of Ōmono-nushi with her straight to the east from the Hashihaka tomb of Ōmono-nushi\u27s wife via Hibara Shrine to establish the saigū palace. This led to the merger of the Yamato and Ise deities of the sun and their wives to create Amaterasu. Ninigi no Mikoto was originally a miracle child of the sea goddess, but was turned into a god who comes from Heaven. The ancient world-view that regarded the sky as primordial sea assisted this sea-heaven conversion

    キンリョク オ キテイスル イチヨウイン トシテノ キン ノ ケイタイテキ トクセイ

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    ヒトの発揮した筋力に関する研究は,運動生理学の分野では古くからの重要なテーマの一つであった.これまでの研究では,筋力は筋の形態的特性に強く影響されることが示されてきている.例えば,筋断面積は筋力と比例関係にあり ...筑波大学博士 (体育科学) 学位論文・平成8年3月25日授与 (甲第1581号

    Hybrid Micro-Gravity Simulator Consisting of a High-speed Parallel Robot

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    科研費報告書収録論文(課題番号:08555062・基盤研究(A)(2)・H8~H10/研究代表者:内山, 勝/6自由度超高速パラレルロボットの試作研究

    How Degrees of Freedom Affects Sense of Agency

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    Can the rubber-hand illusion be extended to a moving robotic arm in different degrees of freedom (DOF), inducing sense of ownership & agency over the arm? We hypothesize that DOF closer to what humans possess will result in a stronger sense of ownership and agency

    Quantum Monte Carlo calculation of the zero-temperature phase diagram of the two-component fermionic hard-core gas in two dimensions

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    Motivated by potential realizations in cold-atom or cold-molecule systems, we have performed quantum Monte Carlo simulations of two-component gases of fermions in two dimensions with hard-core interactions. We have determined the gross features of the zero-temperature phase diagram by investigating the relative stabilities of paramagnetic and ferromagnetic fluids and crystals. We have also examined the effect of including a pairwise, long-range r^3 potential between the particles. Our most important conclusion is that there is no region of stability for a ferromagnetic fluid phase, even if the long-range interaction is present. We also present results for the pair-correlation function, static structure factor, and momentum density of two-dimensional hard-core fluids

    Ausgestaltung der Arbeitszeit im Wandel: ein deutsch-französischer Vergleich

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    "Der Beitrag analysiert, wie beide Systeme der Arbeitsbeziehungen auf die Deregulierung bzw. die Flexibilisierung der Arbeitszeit reagieren. Dabei wird von der These ausgegangen, daß die Regulierung der Arbeitszeit in beiden Ländern eine funktionale Konvergenz aufweist, auch wenn diese entlang historisch nationalspezifischer Pfade (institutionelle Gegebenheiten und sozio-politische Vorstellungen) verläuft. Es werden zunächst die unterschiedlichen institutionellen Rahmenbedingungen, die der Arbeitszeitpolitik zugrunde liegen, geschildert. Des weiteren werden die Veränderungen, mit denen beide Länder im Bereich der Arbeitszeitpolitik konfrontiert wurden, erläutert. Dann wird versucht, die daraus entstehenden Herausforderungen für beide Systeme industrieller Beziehungen herauszuarbeiten. Anschließend soll die Arbeitszeitregulierung im Spannungsverhältnis zwischen Konvergenz und Divergenz diskutiert werden." (Autorenreferat