32 research outputs found

    Heterogeneity of Modern Contraceptive Use among Urban Slum and Nonslum Women in Kinshasa, DR Congo: Cross-Sectional Analysis.

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    Urban populations have been increasing at an alarming rate, with faster growth in urban slums than that in nonslums over the past few decades. We examine the association between slum residence and the prevalence of contraceptive use among women of reproductive age, and assess if the effect was modified by household wealth. We conducted cross-sectional analysis comprising 1932 women in slums and 632 women in nonslums. We analyzed the moderating effect through an interaction between household wealth and neighborhood type, and then conducted stratified multivariable logistic-regression analysis by the type of neighborhood. Fewer women living in nonslum neighborhoods used modern methods compared to those living in slum neighborhoods. Within slum neighborhoods, the odds of using modern contraceptive methods were higher among women visited by community health workers than among those who had not been visited. Parity was one of the strong predictors of modern contraceptive use. Within nonslum neighborhoods, women from the wealthiest households were more likely to use modern contraceptives than those from the poorest households. Household wealth moderated the association between the type of neighborhood and modern contraceptive use. The study findings suggested heterogeneity in modern contraceptive use in Kinshasa, with a surprisingly higher contraceptive prevalence in slums

    Determinants of Survival of HIV Patients Receiving Dolutegravir: A Prospective Cohort Study in Conflict-Affected Bunia, Democratic Republic of Congo.

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    This study aims to determine the factors influencing HIV-related mortality in settings experiencing continuous armed conflict atrocities. In such settings, people living with HIV (PLHIV), and the partners of those affected may encounter specific difficulties regarding adherence to antiretroviral therapy (ART), and retention in HIV prevention, treatment, and care programs. Between July 2019 and July 2021, we conducted an observational prospective cohort study of 468 PLHIV patients treated with Dolutegravir at all the ART facilities in Bunia. The probability of death being the primary outcome, as a function of time of inclusion in the cohort, was determined using Kaplan-Meier plots. We used the log-rank test to compare survival curves and Cox proportional hazard modeling to determine mortality predictors from the baseline to 31 July 2021 (endpoint). The total number of person-months (p-m) was 3435, with a death rate of 6.70 per 1000 p-m. Compared with the 35-year-old reference group, older patients had a higher mortality risk. ART-naïve participants at the time of enrollment had a higher mortality risk than those already using ART. Patients with a high baseline viral load (≥1000 copies/mL) had a higher mortality risk compared with the reference group (adjusted hazard ratio = 6.04; 95% CI: 1.78-20.43). One-fourth of deaths in the cohort were direct victims of armed conflict, with an estimated excess death of 35.6%. Improving baseline viral load monitoring, starting ART early in individuals with high baseline viral loads, the proper tailoring of ART regimens and optimizing long-term ART, and care to manage non-AIDS-related chronic complications are recommended actions to reduce mortality. Not least, fostering women's inclusion, justice, peace, and security in conflict zones is critical in preventing premature deaths in the general population as well as among PLHIV

    Profil de sensibilisation aux allergènes des asthmatiques adultes à Kinshasa, RDC : Etude transversale par prick-tests: Allergen sensitization profile of adult asthmatics in Kinshasa, DRC: Cross-sectional study by prick-tests

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    Context. Atopy is a common feature of asthma, involving near 80% of patients. Allergen sensitization shows environmental and geographical variability worldwide. Objective. To determine the common allergen sensitization profile of adult asthmatics in Kinshasa. Methods. From June 2017 to February 2018, 216 asthmatics aged 18 and over, of both sexes, were consecutively recruited at the University Clinics of Kinshasa and in some parishes and churches around the same town. The socio-demographic variables were registered using a validated questionnaire. The prick-test was performed relaying on five standardized commercial extracts of dog and cat dander, house dust mite (Blomia tropicalis, Bt), molds (Alternaria alternata), and egg yolk. Results. The population, average age of 45.23 (SD=17.56) years, 74% female, was sensitized at least to one allergen (53%) and non -sensitized in 47%. Twenty-five percent were monosensitized and 27% plurisensitized. The sensitization profile was respectively to Blomia tropicalis (72%), cat dander (46%), dog dander (34%), Alternaria alternata (13%) and egg yolk (11%). Conclusion. The present study indicates a plurisentisization feature in many asthmatics in our milieu ; mainly to dust mites and cat dander. Futher investigations involving a larger number of subjects and using broader test batteries are needed to improve diagnostic and therapeutic approaches in our context. Contexte. Environ 80% des asthmatiques sont atopiques. La sensibilisation aux allergènes communs présente certaines variabilités environnementales et géographiques. Objectif. Déterminer le profil de sensibilisation aux allergènes communs des asthmatiques adultes de la ville de Kinshasa. Méthodes. De juin 2017 à février 2018, 216 asthmatiques de 18 ans et plus, des 2 sexes, ont été consécutivement recrutés aux Cliniques Universitaires de Kinshasa et dans certaines paroisses et églises de réveil de la ville de Kinshasa. A l’aide d’un questionnaire validé, les variables sociodémographiques ont été précisées. Le prick-test a été réalisé avec cinq extraits commerciaux standardisés de phanères de chien et chat, l’acarien de poussière de maison (Blomia tropicalis, Bt), les moisissures (Alternaria alternata), et le jaune d’oeuf. Résultats. L’âge moyen de la population était de 45,23 (ET=17,56) ans, 74% de sexe féminin, 47 % non sensibilisés et 53% sensibilisés à au moins un allergène. Vingt-cinq pourcent étaient monosensibilisées et 27% plurisensibilisées. Le profil de sensibilisation était Blomia tropicalis (72%), phanères de chat (46%), phanères de chien (34%), Alternaria alternata (13%) et jaune d’oeuf (11%). Conclusion. Une plurisensibilisation aux allergènes communs chez les asthmatiques dans notre milieu est présente dont le profil dominé par les acariens et les phanères de chats. Des enquêtes futures incluant un plus grand nombre de sujets et recourant à des batteries de tests plus élargies s’imposent en vue d’une définition d’options diagnostiques et thérapeutiques dans notre contexte

    CuS/graphene nanocomposite as a transparent conducting oxide and pt-free counter electrode for dye-sensitized solar cells

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    We report a simple, low temperature and solution-processable approach to prepare a composite film of copper sulfide/graphene (CuS-G) as a transparent conducting oxide (TCO) and platinum (Pt)-free CE for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells (DSSCs). We find that CuS with 3.3 vol% of graphene (CuS-3G) yields the highest power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 4.83%, which is about 12% higher than DSSCs based on CEs made of pristine CuS. After optimizing the graphene concentration, the PCE of the DSSC assembled with the optimized CuS-3G is comparable to that based on Pt CE. The similar performance of the CuS-3G CE compared with Pt CE is mainly attributed to the small series resistance and high electrocatalytic activity of the CuS-3G CE; this is confirmed by cyclic voltammetry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. These results indicate a straightforward methodology for the low cost and easy synthesis of an alternative CE in DSSCs

    Association between the cytokine storm, immune cell dynamics, and viral replicative capacity in hyperacute HIV infection

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    Introduction: Immunological damage in acute HIV infection (AHI) may predispose to detrimental clinical sequela. However, studies on the earliest HIV-induced immunological changes are limited, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. We assessed the plasma cytokines kinetics, and their associations with virological and immunological parameters, in a well-characterized AHI cohort where participants were diagnosed before peak viremia. Methods: Blood cytokine levels were measured using Luminex and ELISA assays pre-infection, during the hyperacute infection phase (before or at peak viremia, 1–11 days after the first detection of viremia), after peak viremia (24–32 days), and during the early chronic phase (77–263 days). Gag-protease-driven replicative capacities of the transmitted/founder viruses were determined using a green fluorescent reporter T cell assay. Complete blood counts were determined before and immediately following AHI detection before ART initiation. Results: Untreated AHI was associated with a cytokine storm of 12 out of the 33 cytokines analyzed. Initiation of ART during Fiebig stages I–II abrogated the cytokine storm. In untreated AHI, virus replicative capacity correlated positively with IP-10 (rho = 0.84, P < 0.001) and IFN-alpha (rho = 0.59, P = 0.045) and inversely with nadir CD4+ T cell counts (rho = − 0.58, P = 0.048). Hyperacute HIV infection before the initiation of ART was associated with a transient increase in monocytes (P < 0.001), decreased lymphocytes (P = 0.011) and eosinophils (P = 0.003) at Fiebig stages I–II, and decreased eosinophils (P < 0.001) and basophils (P = 0.007) at Fiebig stages III–V. Levels of CXCL13 during the untreated hyperacute phase correlated inversely with blood eosinophils (rho = − 0.89, P < 0.001), basophils (rho = − 0.87, P = 0.001) and lymphocytes (rho = − 0.81, P = 0.005), suggesting their trafficking into tissues. In early treated individuals, time to viral load suppression correlated positively with plasma CXCL13 at the early chronic phase (rho = 0.83, P = 0.042). Conclusion: While commencement of ART during Fiebig stages I–II of AHI abrogated the HIV-induced cytokine storm, significant depletions of eosinophils, basophils, and lymphocytes, as well as transient expansions of monocytes, were still observed in these individuals in the hyperacute phase before the initiation of ART, suggesting that even ART initiated during the onset of viremia does not abrogate all HIV-induced immune changes

    Biennial surveillance of Plasmodium falciparum anti-malarial drug resistance markers in Democratic Republic of Congo, 2017 and 2019

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    peer reviewedBackground: Because of the loss of chloroquine (CQ) effectiveness, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)’s malaria treatment policy replaced CQ by sulfadoxine–pyrimethamine (SP) as first-line treatment of uncomplicated malaria in 2003, which in turn was replaced by artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACT) in 2005. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends monitoring of anti-malarial drug resistance every 2 years. The study aimed to provide baseline data for biennial molecular surveillance of anti-malarial drug resistance by comparing data from a study conducted in 2019 to previously published data from a similar study conducted in 2017 in the DRC. Methods: From July to November 2019, a cross-sectional study was conducted in ten sites which were previously selected for a similar study conducted in 2017 across the DRC. P. falciparum malaria was diagnosed by a rapid diagnostic test (RDT) or by microscopy and dried blood samples (DBS) were taken from patients who had a positive test. Segments of interest in pfcrt and pfk13 genes were amplified by conventional PCR before sequencing. Results: Out of 1087 enrolled patients, 906 (83.3%) were PCR-confirmed for P. falciparum. Like in the 2017-study, none of the mutations known to be associated with Artemisinine (ART) resistance in Southeast Asia was detected. However, non-synonymous (NS) mutations with unknown functions were observed among which, A578S was detected in both 2017 and 2019-studies. The overall prevalence of pfcrt-K76T mutation that confers CQ-resistance was 22.7% in 2019-study compared to 28.5% in 2017-study (p-value = 0.069), but there was high variability between sites in the two studies. Like in 2017-study, the pfcrt 72–76 SVMNT haplotype associated with resistance to amodiaquine was not detected. Conclusion: The study reported, within 2 years, the non-presence of molecular markers currently known to be associated with resistance to ART and to AQ in P. falciparum isolated in the DRC. However, the presence of polymorphisms with as-yet unknown functions was observed, requiring further characterization. Moreover, an overall decrease in the prevalence of CQ-resistance marker was observed in the DRC, but this prevalence remained highly variable from region to region. © 2022, The Author(s)

    Nurses' perceptions of aids and obstacles to the provision of optimal end of life care in ICU

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    Predictors of Viral Non-Suppression among Patients Living with HIV under Dolutegravir in Bunia, Democratic Republic of Congo: A Prospective Cohort Study

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    The Democratic Republic of the Congo adopted the integrase inhibitor dolutegravir (DTG) as part of its preferred first-line HIV treatment regimen in 2019. This study aimed to identify predictors of viral non-suppression among HIV-infected patients under a DTG-based regimen in the context of ongoing armed conflict since 2017 in the city of Bunia in the DRC. We conducted a cohort study of 468 patients living with HIV under DTG in all health facilities in Bunia. We calculated the proportion of participants with an HIV RNA of below 50 copies per milliliter. About three in four patients (72.8%) in this cohort had a viral load (VL) of &lt;50 copies/mL after 6&ndash;12 months. After controlling for the effect of other covariates, the likelihood of having non-suppression remained significantly lower among the 25&ndash;34 age group and self-reported na&iuml;ve patients with a baseline VL of &ge;50 copies/mL. The likelihood of having non-suppression remained significantly higher among those who were at advanced stages of the disease, those with abnormal serum creatinine, those with high baseline HIV viremia over 1000 copies/mL, and the Sudanese ethnic group compared to the reference groups. This study suggests that we should better evaluate adherence, especially among adolescents and economically vulnerable populations, such as the Sudanese ethnic group in the city of Bunia. This suggests that an awareness of the potential effects of DTG and tenofovir is important for providers who take care of HIV-positive patients using antiretroviral therapy (ART), especially those with abnormal serum creatinine levels before starting treatment