596 research outputs found

    Realtime Database Sensor Menggunakan Arduino Uno Untuk Keperluan Sistem Informasi

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    Penelitian ini fokus kepada bagaimana membangun sebuah sistem sensor yang selanjutnya akan secara otomatis tersimpan pada database menggunakan mikrokontroller arduino uno dan ethernet shield, penyimpanan selanjutnya akan bersifat realtime. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yakni adalah tersedianya sebuah sistem sensor yang dapat secara realtime menyimpan data pada database. Setelah tersimpan ke dalam database, maka akan memudahkan programmer dalam merancang sistem informasi yang bersifat multiplatform. Hasil dari penelitian adalah tersimpannya data masukan dari sensor-sensor (LDR) ke dalam database dengan menggunakan mikrokontroller arduino uno secara realtime. Kesimpulan yang dapat ditarik dari penelitian ini adalah setiap sensor(LDR) yang digunakan mampu menyimpan data-data berupa data digital pada database secara realtime. Adapun saran untuk penelitian selanjutnya yakni memperhatikan posisi sensor apabila menggunakan sensor cahaya, agar kiranya ditempatkan pada posisi terbaik untuk menerima sumber cahay

    Jaringan Sosial Masyarakat Pemulung di Kelurahan Barata Jaya Kota Surabaya

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    Penelitian ini membahas tentang Jaringan Sosial Masyarakat Pemulung di Kelurahan Barata Jaya Kota Surabaya. Tujuannya adalah untuk memahami keterkaitan jaringan sosial yang dimiliki oleh masyarakat pemulung dengan pemenuhan kebutuhan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik observasi dan teknik wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jaringan sosial yang dimiliki masyarakat pemulung memiliki dampak secara garis besar pada pemenuhan kebutuhan mereka. Tidak hanya dilihat dari segi ekonomi saja melainkan dari jaringan, kepercayaan serta hubungan timbal Balik yang mereka miliki. Hidup perkampungan yang kumuh identik dengan masyarakat golongan bawah, namun masyarakat pemulung tetap bekerja keras untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup mereka. Jaringan sosial melalui kepercayaan dan hubungan timbal Balik menjadi faktor utama yang membantu masyarakat pemulung untuk bertahan hidup dalam memenuhi kebutuhan hidup. Kata Kunci: Jaringan Sosial, Pemulung, Pemenuhan Kebutuha

    Evaluasi Kebijakan Program Pemberian Dana Bantuan Operasional Sekolah (Studi Kasus pada Sekolah Dasar di Kabupaten Mamuju Utara)

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    Various problems in the school operational funds program in North Mamuju regency .This study aims toevaluate of the implementation of a program of school operational funds (known as BOS) at the elementarySchools in North Mamuju. The variables of this study are effectiveness, adequacy, alignment, responsivenessand accuracy. This study use qualitative method or approach to the design of case study research,as for that being the cases in this study is the case that the formulation of the research problem. Data wascollected by observation in the field, in-depth interviews, and documentation. The determination of conductedpurposive informant, the informant saw the fit between a candidate with the required information.Data were analyzed with data reduction, data display, and draw conclusions. This study was shows thatthe evaluation of the results of operational assistance grant program at the school in elementary schoolMamuju shows that this program is executed quite well and can continue, but there is still a record to beflaws and weaknesses in the program so it is necessary to review it maximize of success and goals of theprogram itself BOS


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    The formation of a caring character for the environment based on local wisdom by the Bajo tribal community in the South Halmahera Regency provides positive results in realizing environmental conservation. This study aims to describe the formation of environmental care characteristics based on the local wisdom of the Bajo tribal community that can be carried out well. With a population of around 2,503 people, most of the Bajo tribal people inhabit the coastline and live through marine-oriented activities. This research uses ethnographic research with a qualitative approach. Data were collected by using observation, interview, and documentation techniques. The object of this research is the community and the younger generation of the Bajo tribe. Informants were selected using purposive sampling by using triangulation of sources that can describe the formation of environmental care characters based on the local wisdom of the Bajo tribe. Data analysis techniques include the stages of data collection, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results showed that the formation of environmental care characters based on the local wisdom of the Bajo tribe in the Bajo community had a positive impact on the environment, economy, and education. Meanwhile, the challenges and obstacles are the low levels of public awareness and no sense of responsibility towards the spirit of caring for the environment and preserving the environment.  Article visualizations

    An Exploration of Wind Stress Calculation Techniques in Hurricane Storm Surge Modeling

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    As hurricanes continue to threaten coastal communities, accurate storm surge forecasting remains a global priority. Achieving a reliable storm surge prediction necessitates accurate hurricane intensity and wind field information. The wind field must be converted to wind stress, which represents the air-sea momentum flux component required in storm surge and other oceanic models. This conversion requires a multiplicative drag coefficient for the air density and wind speed to represent the air-sea momentum exchange at a given location. Air density is a known parameter and wind speed is a forecasted variable, whereas the drag coefficient is calculated using an empirical correlation. The correlation’s accuracy has brewed a controversy of its own for more than half a century. This review paper examines the lineage of drag coefficient correlations and their acceptance among scientists

    Penerapan Algoritma Fuzzy Tahani Untuk Rekomendasi Penerima Beasiswa Peningkatan Prestasi Akademik

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    Relational database systems that exist until now are only able to handle data that is definite (crisp), deterministic and precise. In fact, in real conditions, vague data is often needed for the decision-making process. For decision making involving fuzzy variables based on crisp data in the database, you can use a query on the database system with the concept of fuzzification on the data. In every educational institution, especially universities, there are several types of scholarships given to students. To get a scholarship, students must meet all the requirements that have been set. This study discusses the application of the Fuzzy Tahani algorithm for the recommendation of Academic Achievement Improvement (PPA) scholarship recipients at Bumigora University, Mataram. Data for PPA scholarship recipients was used in 2014 with details of the number of registrants 64 people and recipients (quota) of 15 people. Every year the number of applicants for this scholarship is increasing, while the processing and selection process is still done semi-manually so that the expected results are less than optimal, especially in terms of transparency and distribution. There are several variables that must be calculated by PPA scholarship recipients, namely the value of the Grade Point Average (GPA), Parents' Income, Number of Dependent Parents and Number of Diplomas. From the results of trials conducted in this study, it can be seen that the system's accuracy level reaches a value of 73.3%. This value is obtained by comparing the results of the semi-manual selection of PPA scholarship recipients with the results of the PPA scholarship selection using a system that uses the Fuzzy Tahani Algorithm


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    Mahkamah Konstitusi merupakan lembaga yudikatif yang diposisikan sebagai pengawal konstitusi, dengan salah satu kewenangannya adalah mengadili Perselisihan Hasil Pemilihan Umum (PHPU). Penulisan ini menggunakan teknik kualitatif (library research). Perselisihan Hasil Pemilihan Umum merupakan salah satu kewenangan Mahkamah Konstitusi yang secara atributif diatur dalam Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945, yang secara teknis pelaksanaannya mengacu pada Hukum Acara Mahkamah Konstitusi dengan putusan yang bersifat final dan mengikat. Penanganan PHPU Pilpres 2019 cukup menyita perhatian publik bahkan dikhawatirkan akan menimbulkan gesekan antar pendukung pasangan calon, meskipun pada akhirnya pasangan Prabowo- Sandiaga dapat menerima putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi dan kekhawatiran akan dampak sengketa tersebut tidak sampai terjadi. Dalam Islam, metode penyelesaian sengketa dalam pemerintahan selalu diupayakan penyelesaiannya melalui mekanisme musyarawah.Kata Kunci: Pemilu; Pilpres 2019; PHP
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