505 research outputs found

    Reactive separation of organic mixtures using functionalized Zeolite Membranes.

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    Systematic investigation of acid functionalized silicalite-l (MFI type zeolite) membrane synthesis has been conducted in this project

    Development of chitosan-based adsorbents for removal of reactive Azo Dyes from Aqueous solution.

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    The adsorption of reactive blue 19 (RB19), reactive orange 16 (R016) and reactive black 5 (RB5) on cross-linked chitosan/oil palm ash composite beads was studied in batch and column modes of operation. Penjerapan pencelup reaktif biru 19 (RB19), reaktif oren 16 (R016) dan reaktif hitam (RB5) menggunakan manik-manik komposit chitosan/abu kelapa sawit terpaut silangan dikaji pada kedua-dua keadaan operasi iaitu kelompok dan turus


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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis jumlah pembelian konsumen terhadap buah salak dan menganalisis pengaruh faktor harga buah salak, harga produk subtitusi, pendapatan konsumen, jumlah anggota keluarga konsumen, dan selera konsumen terhadap jumlah pembelian buah salak di Agrowisata Omah Salak Kabupaten Sleman, Yogyakarta. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada Juni-Agustus 2019. Lokasi penelitian ditentukan secara purposive pada Agrowisata Omah Salak di Kecamatan Turi, Kabupaten Sleman. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah survei dengan sampel sebanyak 100 pengunjung yang diambil secara accidental sampling. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jumlah pembelian salak di Agrowisata Omah Salak rata-rata sebanyak 5,3 kg pada setiap pembelian dan jenis buah salak yang paling banyak dibeli adalah salak pondoh super. Variabel harga buah salak (X1), harga buah jeruk (X2), pendapatan konsumen (X3), jumlah anggota keluarga konsumen (X4), selera konsumen (X5) secara serempak berpengaruh nyata terhadap jumlah pembelian salak di Agrowisata Omah Salak. Secara parsial variabel pendapatan konsumen (X3), jumlah anggota keluarga konsumen (X4), dan selera konsumen (X5) berpengaruh nyata terhadap jumlah pembelian salak di Agrowisata Omah Salak. Variabel harga buah buah salak (X1) dan harga buah jeruk (X2) tidak berpengaruh terhadap jumlah pembelian salak di Arowisata Omah Salak. Kata kunci : buah salak, faktor, jumlah pembelia

    Synthesize of nanoporous ceramic membrane with Bimodal pore size distribution using nanosized template.

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    Walaupun membran seramik mempunyai rintangan yang tinggi terhadap haba dan bahan kimia, kebolehtelapannya adalah lebih rendah berbanding dengan membran organik. Selain daripada mengurangkan ketebalan membran yang akan menyebabkan kecacatan, membran seramik dioptimumkan dalam kajian ini dengan memperkenalkan membran seramik berliang dwimod yang dipencontohkan dengan sfera polistirena bersaiz nano. Although ceramic membranes possess great resistance toward heat and chemicals, the permeability of ceramic membranes is relatively low compared to organic membranes. Instead of reducing membrane thickness which induces defects; the ceramic membrane was optimized in this study by introducing bimodal porous ceramic membrane templated by nanosized polystyrene spheres

    Biomethane Purification Using PVDF/Pebax 1657 Thin Film Composite Membrane

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    Biogas is an alternative energy from biomass. The gas can be produced from anaerobic digestion by microorganism. Biomasses such as animal manure, kitchen waste, garden waste, or even human excreta are among the major sources of biogas. Usually, biogas contains 60% methane along with 40% of carbon dioxide. Besides its important role in natural gas, methane also contributes to greenhouse gases. Their presence in atmosphere will thicken earth blanket and further lead to climate change. One pound of methane traps 25 times more heat in the atmosphere compared to one pound of carbon dioxide. This research introduced a new material, Pebax 1657 to improve the current polymeric based membranes in the form of thin film composite (TFC). Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) was used as a porous support layer for this TFC and this combination surpassed the Robeson 2008 trade off limit with CO2 pressure normalise flux and selectivity of 1075 Barrer and 52.50 respectively. Besides transforming the waste into wealth, the emission of this greenhouse gases can be reduced so that a green environment and clean air can be continually enjoyed by future generations

    Influence Of The Settleability Parameters For Palm Oil Mill Effluent (Pome) Pretreatment By Using Moringa Oleifera Seeds As An Environmental Friendly Coagulant.

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    Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) treatment is an important issue for the minimization of pollution. POME is a highly polluting effluent containing various forms of organics and inorganic suspended solids

    Modulated nanofiltration process for pesticides treatment.

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    In Malaysia, little attention has been given to the presence of pesticides in the water source and its adverse effects on human health. These huge amount of pesticides used, especially in agriculture practice, are the emerging contaminants in drinking water supplies. Di Malaysia, terlalu sedikit perhatian telah diberikan kepada kehadiran racun serangga dalam sumber air dan kesan buruknya terhadap kesihatan manusia. Amaun besar racun serangga yang digunakan, terutamanya dalam bidang pertanian, telah menjadi bahan pencemar yang muncul dalam bekalan air minuman

    Surface radiation dose measurement and radionuclides content in soil at Kampung Gajah, Perak / Ahmad Hanis Abdul Latif

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    A study was carried out to determine the surface radiation dose rates and radionuclides contents in soil at Kampung Gajah, Perak. Kampung Gajah area once is a former tin-mining area. Firstly the specific points were determined by using GPS. The surface radiation dose measurement was done in-situ by using survey meter at surface and 1 meter above surface. Then soil samples were taken at various locations to determine activity concentration of radionuclides which are 36U, 232Th and 40K. The samples were dried and grind before sealed in plastic container by. The 400g of weighed sample was left for at least four weeks before measuring activity concentration of radionuclides. Determination of activity concentration was done by using gamma spectrometer with HPGe detector in laboratory. The surface radiation dose measured at surface and 1 meter above surface in ranged 0.13 to 0.31 and 0.12 to 0.29 |iSv/hr respectively. The mean activity concentration of 236U, 232Th and 40K are 164.69, 204.77 and 558.86 Bq/kg respectively. The air absorbed dose rate, radium equivalent, external hazard index and annual effective dose are in range of 153.94 to 1199.1 InGy/hr, 251.39 to 2414.51 Bq/kg, 0.67 to 6.52, and 0.18 to 1.47mSv/yr respectively. Based on the values measured, the area is considered give hazard since the level of radiation is higher than permissible range