28 research outputs found

    Translating the Lord’s Prayer into Finnish and the Komi languages : A construction analytic view

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    Lord’s Prayer translations, liturgical texts, Finnish, Komi-Zyrian, Komi-PermyakThis article presents translations of the Lord’s Prayer in three FinnoUgric languages with long literary traditions: Finnish, Komi-Zyrian, and Komi-Permyak, starting with a short overview of the history of the Prayer in the three languages. The theoretical framework combines semantic priming as defined by Anna Wierzbicka and construction analysis as presented by Adele Goldberger. The lexical and constructional choices of the translations are scrutinized phrase by phrase, placing the semantic exegesis alongside the history of translating the Prayer into the three languages. The results show a cross-analysis of the simple core message of the Prayer versus the oral and literal language-specific histories of prayer constructions in these three related but autonomous Finno-Ugric languages.Peer reviewe

    What does wiki reveal about the knowledge processing strategies of school pupils? : Seventh-graders as users of wiki and processors of knowledge in a collaborative writing project

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    On the basis of one teaching project carried out in a school, this article discusses collaborative writing in wiki platforms. It aims to find out what wiki reveals about pupils’ knowledge construction, creation, and division and their collaborative writing skills. In this project, wiki is treated as a useful tool for analyzing these processes because it gives us the possibility of studying those elements and stages of educative writing that are normally hidden from the teacher or researcher’s eye. Also, it shows us the interaction between pupils. The theoretical background of the project lies in collaborative writing and writing research.Peer reviewe

    Usage-based grammar as foundation for linguistic rehabilitation

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    Touch in achieving a pedagogically relevant focus in classrooms

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    Routarinne, Sara; Heinonen, Pilvi; Karvonen, Ulla; Tainio, Liisa & Ahlholm, Maria (2020). Touch in achieving a pedagogically relevant focus in classrooms. Social Interaction. Video based Studies in Human Sociality. Special Issue: Trajectories of human-to-human touch in institutional settings.3(1). https://tidsskrift.dk/socialinteractionPeer reviewe

    Opettajien käsitykset monikielisyydestä : heijastumia koulun kielipolitiikasta

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    This article examines teachers’ views (N = 2,864) on school multilingualism. The results have been analyzed using statistical methods and the conceptual frameworks of Spolsky’s language policy and Ruíz’s language orientations. The respondents were divided into three groups: positive (18%), deliberating (34%) and cautious (48%). The teachers’ language orientations were analyzed using three sum variables: teacher’s use of multiple languages, student’s use of multiple languages, and schools’ language attitudes. Classroom teachers were more positive about multilingualism than subject teachers and there were more teachers with cautious attitudes in schools where the number of foreign-language pupils was less than 5%. Additionally, the attitudes to multilingualism were more permissive in Swedish-speaking than in Finnish-speaking schools. Overall, the analysis of teachers’ views suggested that language policies vary. Finally, the individual respondents’ views did not fully correspond to any of Ruíz’s formulated language orientations.Peer reviewe

    Opettajan kosketus oppilaiden koulumuistoissa: opettajan toimintaa selittämässä

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    Tarkastelemme artikkelissamme sitä, millä tavoin oppilaat kuvailevat, selittävät ja arvioivat opettajan toimintaa kosketustilanteissa muistellessaan kouluaikojaan. Käsitämme koulumuistot muistitietotutkimukselle ominaiseen tapaan muistelutilanteessa tuotetuiksi konstruktioiksi, joissa tapahtumia tarkastellaan sekä tapahtuma- että muisteluhetkestä käsin. Tutkimusaineistomme muodostuu Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seuran sekä Suomen kasvatuksen ja koulutuksen historian seuran vuonna 2013 keräämästä Minun koulumuistoni -kokoelman episodeista, joissa muistelijat kuvailevat opettajan oppilaaseen kohdistamaa fyysistä kosketusta. Analysoimme episodeja diskurssianalyysin avulla. Havaitsimme, että muistelijat selittävät opettajan toimintaa tapahtuma-ajalle ominaisella kasvatusajattelulla ja toimintatavoilla sekä opettajan henkilökohtaisilla luonteenpiirteillä ja elämäntilanteeseen liittyvillä tekijöillä. Selitykset voidaan esittää pysyvinä tai kuvailla sitä, millä tavoin ne ovat muuttuneet tapahtuma- ja muisteluhetken välillä. Muistelijat voivat myös ilmaista, ettei opettajan toiminta ole koskaan näyttäytynyt heille selitettävissä olevana. Tehdessään selkoa koskettamiseen liittyvistä koulumuistoistaan muistelijat uusintavat, kaiuttavat ja haastavat diskursseja eli kulttuurisesti jaettuja, tunnistettavia ja melko kiteytyneitä tapoja merkityksellistää ilmiöitä ja tapahtumia tietystä näkökulmasta tietyllä tapaa.</p

    Touch in achieving a pedagogically relevant focus in classrooms

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    This article focuses on touch, talk and embodied resources as a means of directing participants’ attention to a focal point in a pedagogical task. The data are drawn from a corpus of approximately 150 hours of video-recorded lessons from primary and lower secondary classrooms in monolingual and multilingual settings in Finland. The data were scanned for episodes of touch that occurred between teachers and students in relation to an ongoing pedagogical agenda. Using multimodal conversation analysis, we identified a complex multimodal gestalt (CMG; Mondada 2014a) consisting of touch followed by a deictic pointing gesture that occurred within an ongoing pedagogical activity. We present three excerpts from different pedagogical contexts that involve such a CMG as a means of directing a recipient’s attention to a pedagogical task. The CMG is relevant for managing attention within an ongoing learning task. We show how this CMG provides parallel participation frameworks without competition for the speaker, and argue that it is a technique for bringing together the teacher, student and content in ways that encourage the recipient’s attention to the pedagogical content. This analysis contributes to the growing body of studies on haptic sociality, especially in the institutional context of education.</p