12 research outputs found

    Effectivity of Flipped Learning Combined with Team Based Learning Towards Academic Performance and Student Statisfaction in Medical Surgical Nursing Course

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    Introduction: Flipped classroom is an instructional model which is flipping the traditionally learning method used in class now being the homework for college students, while classes are conducted face to face using collaborative learning and inquiry-based learning method. This study aimed to explain the effectiveness of flipped classroom learning combined with team based learning toward learning achievement and satisfaction of nursing students. Methods: this was a quasi experimental study using non equivalent group post test only design. Population was year two students class A and class B, sample size was 161 students which is 81 students from class A and 80 students from class B. Results: more respondents were satisfied with flipped classroom learning combined with team based learning (92.6%). Mean rank of group undertaking flipped classroom combined with team based learning were higher (96.90) compared to group undertaking traditional method (64.91). Mann-whitney showed that p value = 0.000 which means there was a different of learning achievement between group of student  undertaking flipped classroom learning combined with team based learning and students undertaking traditional method. Conclusions : Flipped classroom combined with team based learning are  more effective than the traditional learning. It is recommended to use mix-method and larger sample for further study

    Gambaran Masalah Kesehatan Wisatawan Asing yang Berkunjung ke Pusat Pelayanan Kesehatan 2015

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    Pendahuluan: Perjalanan ke luar negeri dapat menimbulkan masalah kesehatan, perubahan kelembaban udara, suhu dan kuman penyakit adalah beberapa hal yang mampu mempengaruhi kesehatan wisatawan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran masalah kesehatan wisatawan asing yang berkunjung ke pusat pelayanan kesehatan, layanan rawat jalan di rumah sakit Bali Royal Denpasar. Metode: Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah sampel acak, berjumlah 181 responden yang berkunjung ke rumah sakit Bali Royal Denpasar. Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa masalah terbesar adalah observasi febris 14 (37.8%) dan diare 12 (46. 1%). Pembahasan: Faktor Lingkungan merupakan salah satu faktor penyebab, dimana lingkungan yang tidak sehat karena tercemar kuman serta berakumulasi dengan perilaku manusia yang tidak sehat pula. Kesimpulan: Dari total 181 responden, penyebab utama masalah kesehatan adalah disebabkan oleh infeksi dan penyakit lain. Infeksi dapat disebabkan oleh bakteri, virus serta lingkungan

    Philosophy of Science on The Development of Palliative Nursing Practice in The Implementation of Long-Term Care for The Elderly: A Literature Review

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    As people gets older can increase health problems due to degenerative processes, thus requiring long-term care. Nurses as providers of palliative nursing care are based on nursing philosophy as a guide for acting and behaving in providing nursing care. Provide scientific information to nurses related to the role of philosophy of science in the development of palliative nursing practice that supports the implementation of long-term care in elderly. A literature review study, using various databases from Pubmed, Google Scholar, Science Direct and Research Gate. The inclusion criteria for searching for literature sources is the year of publication of the articles used starting from 2017 to 2022, in English, Indonesian and full articles. The search keywords are, nursing philosophy, nursing theory, palliative nursing, palliative care. Article selection was carried out using PRISMA and critical appraisal with a final total of 20 articles. The provision of palliative care to patients is carried out through a philosophical approach that emphasizes optimal quality of life and function, mitigates symptoms that cause sadness and promotes the values of care that focuses on comfort so as to reduce suffering and improve the quality of life of patients and families. Palliative nursing includes an understanding of the disease, pain management, and general symptoms, and follow-up care planning. Nurses are expected to make the philosophy of nursing as a basic of human as a holistic being in providing palliative nursing care

    Procedure for Using Crystalloid and Colloid Fluids in Blood Pressure in Sectio Caesaria Patients Using Spinal Anesthesia Technique

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    Background: In Indonesia, the study about effectivity and side effect of colloid and crystalloid fluid have been completed, but the study about standard operating procedures (SOP) never have been done. The aim of this research was to describe and evaluate the SOP for the use of crystalloid and colloid fluids on blood pressure in sectio caesarea by using spinal anesthesia techniques. Method: The research employed a descriptive quantitative method by using a questionnaire. The basic features of crystalloid and colloid fluid selection were analyzed by multiple response tests. This research was conducted in type A hospitals in the Denpasar area by involving 30 anesthesiologist as a respondent. Result: The results indicated that 76.7% of respondents stated that there was no SOP for crystalloid and colloid fluids to prevent maternal hypotension in sectio caesarea by using spinal anesthesia techniques. In the multiple response tests, the effectiveness and side effects (21.3%) were the factors that had to be considered in the crystalloid and colloids fluid selection to prevent maternal hypotension in sectio caesarea by using spinal anesthesia techniques. The National Guideline of Medical Services for Anesthesiology and Incentive Therapy have been followed in determining the use of crystalloid and colloid fluids at section Caesarea. However, the guideline did not explain the basis for selecting crystalloid and colloid fluids to prevent maternal hypotension in sectio caesarea by using spinal anesthesia techniques in more detail, therefore the factors of effectiveness and risk of side effects are the main consideration

    Analysis of factors affecting fear and mental health awareness of coronavirus disease infection

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    Introduction: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a global health challenge that persists in causing both health emergencies and mental health crises around the world. This study aimed to analyze the factors contributing to COVID-19 infection and their impact on mental health crises on Java Island. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted between June and July 2020 on Java Island, Indonesia, involving 1,218 respondents selected through convenience sampling. The independent variables included demographic, individual internal, and psychological factors, while the dependent variable was mental health crisis occurrence. Data were collected through demographic information, knowledge and attitude questionnaires, depression anxiety stress scores, the brief-COPE inventory, as well as surveys addressing encountered problems and mental health emergencies. The collected data underwent analysis using chi-square and multivariate logistic regression. Results: Significance was observed in the relationship between demographic, individual internal, and psychological factors, and their impact on mental health crises (p < 0.05). Following adjustment with logistic regression, psychological factors exhibited a more pronounced relationship, with the highest association observed in stress levels (p = 0.000, 95% CI: 1.064-2.131). Conclusions: Individual stress levels emerged as the foremost contributing factor to mental health crises. Psychological elements, encompassing anxiety levels, stress, coping mechanisms, and encountered challenges, played substantial roles in disrupting psychological well-being and mental health

    Multifactorial Culture-Based Intervention on Improving Self-Management of T2DM Patient: A Systematic Review

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    Diabetes education is an important aspect of diabetes management. In many countries with minority population, culture-based diabetes education is considered the best strategy to correct gaps in information delivery due to socio-cultural differences in each country. The purpose of this systematic review is to evaluate the effectiveness of culture-based education in improving selfmanagement in type 2 diabetes patient. We searched Scopus, ScienceDirect, PubMed, CINAHL, and ProQuest for English-language, randomized controlled trials (RCTs), mixed-methods or quasi-experimental (QE) published between 2015-2020 that tested culture-based education to improve self-management in diabetes patients. The Joanna Briggs Institute Guideline was used to assess quality and Prisma checklist guided this review. Seventeen studies met criteria for inclusion in the review that comprised DM patients with cultural beliefs, have culture-based intervention, and using English language, and which used mixed-methods, randomized controlled trial and a quasi-experiment. We have found that culturebased intervention such as educational video and telehealth based-culture can improve selfmanagement of T2DM patients. There is multifactorial culture-based intervention that can be applied to improve selfmanagement of type 2 diabetes mellitus patient. The success of providing education can be influenced by several factors, such as patient factors, educator factors, and duration of education

    Pengaruh Pendidikan Kesehatan Terhadap Perubahan Perilaku Rehabilitasi Dini Pada Pasien Pasca Serangan Ima (Infark Miokard Akut) Dl Iccu Gbpt Rumah Sakit Umum Dr. Soetomo Surabaya

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    The patients who afraid about their activities would made their illness recurrent. This condition could be wrost the complained that feels. Its caused with minimal health education so will closed the patient Range of Motion after Acute Myocard Infarction. The purpose of this study was to know the effect of health education on the change of behavior to exercise post Acute Myocard Infarction. This was a Quazy-experimental study, the population was patient who accounted 16 patient who having all inclusion criteria by using Consecutive Sampling Method. Data were collocted using questionnaire and analyzed statistical by means of Wilcoxon Signed Ranks and Mann Whitney U Test With significance level of p =0,05. This statistical analyzed relevaled p = 0,000, indicating that health education had effect on the change of behavior to exercise on the patient post acute myocard infarction. It can be concluded that health education influence the change of exercise post acute myocard infaction. Further studies should involve larger respondents and better measurement tools to obtain more accurate results

    Perbedaan Pengetahuan dan Sikap Mahasiswa Keperawatan Tentang Perawatan Paliatif Pada Anak Dengan Kanker Dan Non Kanker Di Denpasar

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    Latar Belakang: Perawatan paliatif merupakan perawatan yang diberikan secara menyeluruh kepada pasien maupun keluarga pasien yang menderita penyakit mengancam jiwa. Permasalahan yang dijumpai adalah pengetahuan dan sikap mahasiswa keperawatan tentang perawatan paliatif ditemukan masih kurang. Pengetahuan dan sikap mahasiswa keperawatan yang kurang dikhawatirkan akan berdampak pada ketidakmampuan melakukan perawatan paliatif. Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui pengetahuan dan sikap mahasiswa keperawatan tentang perawatan paliatif pada anak dengan kanker dan non kanker di Denpasar. Metedologi: Desain comparative study dengan metode cross-sectional. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa program studi keperawatan tingkat IV dengan jumlah sampel 238 responden yang diambil dengan teknik total sampling. Alat pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah kuesioner yang disebarkan secara online dalam bentuk google formulir. Analisa data yang digunakan yaitu analisa univariat dan analisa uji Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test. Hasil: Dari 238 responden, sebanyak 50,4% dari total responden memiliki pengetahuan kurang terkait perawatan paliatif pada anak kanker dan sebanyak 63,4% memiliki pengetahuan kurang terkait perawatan paliatif pada anak non kanker. Sikap mahasiswa keperawatan sebanyak 86,6% dari total responden memiliki sikap cukup terkait perawatan paliatif pada anak kanker dan sebanyak 87,4% memiliki sikap cukup terkait perawatan paliatif pada anak non kanker. Hasil uji Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test, didapatkan terdapat perbedaan antara pengetahuan kanker dengan non kanker serta sikap kanker dengan non kanker (p-value &lt; 0,05). Kesimpulan: Responden mayoritas memiliki pengetahuan kurang dan sikap yang cukup tentang perawatan paliatif pada anak dengan kanker dan non kanker. Terdapat perbedaaan pengetahuan dan sikap terkait perawatan paliatif pada anak dengan kanker dan non kanker

    Kompetensi yang Dibutuhkan Perawat Saat Bekerja di Ambulans Pra-Rumah Sakit: Scoping Review

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    Prehospital care has historically provided medical care with the aim of saving lives and preventing disability. Prehospital services that are accommodated by ambulances have complex and unpredictable care arrangements, so ambulance personnel, namely nurses, must prepare themselves to deal with all situations and conditions. This study aims to describe the competencies possessed by nurses while on duty in prehospital ambulances. This research is a literature study from several databases, and we obtained 20 articles for analysis. The results of the article analysis show that nurses who work in prehospital ambulances must have the competence to be able to save patients' lives, which is formed from knowledge, attitudes, and skills. Knowledge that must be possessed by ambulance nurses includes assessment, triage, and situation analysis. The positive attitudes of ambulance nurses include decision-making, communication, collaboration, caring, ethics, and culture. The skills possessed by ambulance nurses are BHD, intubation, examination of vital signs, interpretation of supporting examinations, and drug management. Ambulance nurses can improve their emergency care competencies through continuous education and training.Pelayanan pra-rumah sakit secara historis memberikan perawatan medis dengan tujuan menyelamatkan nyawa dan mencegah kecacatan. Layanan pra-rumah sakit yang diwadahi ambulans memiliki pengaturan perawatan yang kompleks dan tidak dapat diprediksi. Perawat yang telah teregistrasi memiliki seluruh tanggung jawab untuk melakukan perawatan dan pengobatan, yang meliputi pengkajian pasien, pengambilan keputusan dan melakukan evauasi terhadap kondisi pasien. Sehingga personel ambulans yaitu perawat harus mempersiapkan diri untuk menghadapi segala situasi dan kondisi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan kompetensi-kompetensi yang dimiliki perawat saat bertugas di ambulans pra-rumah sakit. Penelitian ini merupakan studi literatur dari beberapa database yang meliputi&nbsp; Science Direct, ProQuest, SpringerLink and EbscoHost. artikel ini menggunakan boolean yang dikombinasikan beberapa kata kunci dan&nbsp; memperoleh 410 artikel. Penelitian ini menggunakan alur analisis Prisma dalam memilih artikel dan dipilih 20 artikel untuk dianalisis. Hasil dari analisis artikel menunjukkan Perawat yang bertugas di ambulans pra-rumah sakit harus memiliki kompetensi untuk dapat menyelamatkan nyawa pasien yang dibentuk dari pengetahuan, sikap dan keterampilan. Pengetahuan yang harus dimiliki perawat ambulans meliputi pengkajian, triase, dan analisis situasi. Sikap positif yang dimiliki perawat ambulans diantaranya pengambilan keputusan, komunikasi, kolaborasi, kepedulian, etik dan budaya. Keterampilan yang dimiliki perawat ambulans yaitu BHD, intubasi, pemeriksaan tanda vital, interpretasi pemeriksaan penunjang dan manajemen obat. Perawat ambulans dapat meningkatkan kompetensi perawatan gawat darurat melalui Pendidikan dan pelatihan secara berkesinambungan


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    Introduction: Palliative care competence is one of the competencies that must be possessed by generalist nurses. For this reason, strategies for developing palliative care learning models need to be carried out to ensure nursing students have palliative care competencies. Therefore, this study was structured to develop a transformation theory- based palliative care learning model that prioritizes the active participation of students to deal with palliative care in future practice. Methods: This study was a cross-sectional study involving 189 nursing students as participants. The proposed model involves six variables, namely student characteristics, educator characteristics, learning media, palliative care competencies, transformative learning theory (TLT)-based palliative learning, and competency achievement. Data were collected using a questionnaire that was tested using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) technique. Results: SEM analysis showed that the R2 value of TLT-based palliative care learning was 0.707 or 70.7%. These results indicate that the diversity of TLT-based palliative care learning variables can be explained by the variables of students, educators, palliative competencies, and learning media by 70.7%. Each construct has a value of Q2 > 0, which means the model is satisfactory. The path coefficient value of 0.627 indicates that the characteristics of educators have the most significant contribution to the TLT-based palliative care learning model. Conclusion: It can be concluded that the teaching-learning process based on TLT is a promising strategy to support nursing students to achieve palliative care competenc