790 research outputs found

    Distribució dels rosegadors fòssils de la Mediterrània occidental durant el Neogen

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    In this paper a summary is done of the succession of Rodent microfaunas in the Mediterranean during the Neogene. The base of the Neogene (Agenian) is characterized both in the Iberian Peninsula and South of France by the abundance of Cricetidae, Eomydae and Gliridae. After, the Cricetidae of Oligocene origin disappear (Eucricetodon, Pseudocricetodon) and new genera from this family came from Asia (Democricetodon, Eumyarion, Megacricetodon, Cricetodon). They were accompanied by several forms: Proboscidea (Gomphotherium, Deinotherium), Artiodactyla (Tragulidae, Suidae, Cervidae), Primates (Pliopithecus) and Perissodactyla (Chalicotherium). In this phase (Orleanian, Lower Miocene), cases of insularity are found at Sardinia, together with African elements (Ctenodactilidae). Presence of African elements (Ctenodactilidae, Phiomyidae), followed by insularity, took place in the Upper Oligocene of Majorca (Balearics). The Middle Miocene (Astaracian) is characterized in Western Europe by the appearence of many inmigrators as well as the extinction of the genera from the Lower Miocene. These Middle Miocene faunas appear to be humid and forested. The later is in contrast with that which is observed in the interior of the Iberian Peninsula, where a dry and low diversified microfaune had progressed. The forested microfauna is also present at Crete. On the other hand, North African microfaunas show a clear endemism in relation to Europe but, in Turkey European elements coexisted together with some african ones. At the begining of the Upper Miocene (Vallesian), many inmigratory waves came to Europe. They form the so called Hipparion-faunas. Together with Hipparion, there appear Machairodus, Progonomys, Tragocerus, Microstonyx, Alilepus, etc. All these genera did not arrive at the same moment, so that a coexistence between the Astaracian elements and the new inmagrators is a characteristic of the Vallesian. The forested conditions persisted in the Lower Vallesian in the whole Europe, as well as the endemism of the North African margin. Nevertheless, a tendency to the hypsodonty is observed in most Cricetidae from the two sides, and many extinctions took place. After the Vallesian (Turolian), an open, «savanne»-like biotope was present in the whole Mediterranean margins, with a high diversity of Muridae (Parapodemus, Occitanomys, Valerimys) and few Cricetidae. Endemism between the two extremes of the Mediterranean begins. The forested biotope inherited from the Middle Miocene persisted in Center Europe. In this phase, isolation and correlative cases of insularity are present in Italy (Gargano, Baccinello). At the end of the Miocene, in the so-called «Messinian crisis., the regression in the Mediterranean allows the pass of species across the Gibraltar Straits. This is the case of some African rodents which appear in Spain (Gerbillus, Paraethomys) and also of Hippopotamus. On the other hand, some European genera pass to Africa. In the East, the base of the Pliocene in characterized by the mixture of European, Asiatic and African elements. With the Pliocene transgression, the circummediterraean endemic fauna of Muridae comes to an end and new palearctic Rodents come to the South West of Europe (Arvicolidae), performing the base of the future Quaternary faunas. Finally, some considerations on the origin of the insular endemisms from the Quaternary are made

    Hypnomys eliomyoides nov. sp. Nuevo Glirido (Rodentia, Mammalia) del pleistoceno de Menorca, Islas Baleares

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    [spa] Se señala la presencia en la localidad de Binigaus (Menorca) de una nueva especie de Hypnomys; H. eliomyoides n. sp., caracterizada por la reducción del M3 y M3 y por su talla, intermedia entre H. waldreni REUMER y H. morpheus BATE. Al final se dan algunas indicaciones sobre la posición filogenética de esta especie y sobre el origen del genero Hypnomys y su relación con otros géneros afines.[cat] S’assenyala la presència d'una nova espècie de Hypnomys, H. eliomyoides n. sp., al jaciment del Barranc de Binigaus, caracteritzada per la reducció dels M3 i M3 i per la seva talla, intermitja entre la de H. waldreni REUMER i H. morpheus BATE. Com a cloenda, s'en donen algunes indicacions sobre la seva posició filogenètica i sobre I'origen i relacions del gènere Hypnomys.[eng] A new species of the endemic genus Hypnomys, H. eliomyoides n. sp. (Rodentia, Mammalia), discovered at Binigaus, in Menorca, is described in this paper. This species is characterized by the reduction of his M3 and M3 and his intermediate size between H. waldreni REUMER and H. Morpheus BATE. Some considerations about his filogenetic position, as well as about the origin of Hypnomys, are made

    La asociación de Hispanomys y Cricetodon (Rodentia, Mamalia) en el Mioceno Superior del Vallès-Penedès (Cataluña, España)

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    La asociación de Cricetodon lavocati Freud, 1966 e Hispanomys dispectus n. sp. se encuentra en el Astaraciense superior de Hostalets de Pierola, en el Vallès-Penedès. C. lavocati forma parte del nuevo subgénero Pararuscinomys, que representa el último superviviente de la línea de Cricetodon de gran talla, pero con ectolofos bien desarrollados. Esta especie aparece también en Can Feliu (Astaraciense), St. Quirze (Astaraciense) y Hostalets de Pierola (Vallesiense).Hispanomys dispectus es una especie intermedia entre H. aguirrei (SESE) e H. thaleri (HART.). Se la encuentra también en Can Feliu, Castell de Barberá (Astaraciense), Hostalets de Pierola (Vallesiense) y La Bisbal II (Vallesiense, en la cuenca del Ampurdán)

    La asociación de Hispanomys y Cricetodon (Rodentia, Mamalia) en el Mioceno Superior del Vallès-Penedès (Cataluña, España)

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    La asociación de Cricetodon lavocati Freud, 1966 e Hispanomys dispectus n. sp. se encuentra en el Astaraciense superior de Hostalets de Pierola, en el Vallès-Penedès. C. lavocati forma parte del nuevo subgénero Pararuscinomys, que representa el último superviviente de la línea de Cricetodon de gran talla, pero con ectolofos bien desarrollados. Esta especie aparece también en Can Feliu (Astaraciense), St. Quirze (Astaraciense) y Hostalets de Pierola (Vallesiense).Hispanomys dispectus es una especie intermedia entre H. aguirrei (SESE) e H. thaleri (HART.). Se la encuentra también en Can Feliu, Castell de Barberá (Astaraciense), Hostalets de Pierola (Vallesiense) y La Bisbal II (Vallesiense, en la cuenca del Ampurdán)

    Los roedores (Mammalia) del pleistoceno inferior de la cueva Victoria

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    [spa] En este trabajo se describen los Roedores de tres rellenos kársticos localizados en la Cueva Victoria, provincia de Murcia. Los tres rellenos tienen una edad similar y presentan una asociación faunística parecida: Allophaiomys chalinei, Apodemus mystacinus, Castillomys crusafonti ssp., Murinae gen. et sp. indet., Allocricetus bursae aff. balarucciensis, Eliomys quercinus ssp. Esta asociación es situada en la fase Beftia (sensu KRETZOI) del Bihariense.[eng] In this paper, the Rodent fauna from three isochronous fissure fillings in the Victoria Cave, near Cartagena (Murcia, España) is described. This fauna comprises the following elements: Allophaiomys chalinei, Apodemus mystacinus, Castillomys crusafonti ssp., Murinae gen. et sp. indet., Allocricetus bursae aff. balarucciensis, Eliomys quercinus ssp. This faunal association is though to belong to the Beftia phase (sensu KRETZOI) in the Biharian stage

    L'evolucionisme meridional de Miquel Crusafont

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    Evolution of the 'Homo' genus : new mysteries and perspectives

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    This work reviews the main questions surrounding the evolution of the genus Homo, such as its origin, the problem of variability in Homo erectus and the impact of palaeogenomics. A consensus has not yet been reached regarding which Australopithecus candidate gave rise to the first representatives assignable to Homo and this discussion even affects the recognition of the H. habilis and H. rudolfensis species. Regarding the variability of the first palaeodemes assigned to Homo, the discovery of the Dmanisi site in Georgia called into question some of the criteria used until now to distinguish between species like H. erectus or H. ergaster. Finally, the emergence of palaeogenomics has provided evidence that the flow of genetic material between old hominin populations was wider than expected