50 research outputs found

    Study pengaruh penambahan photovoltaic untuk aplikasi sepeda motor listrik

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    Di makalah ini dibahas permasalahan praktis pemanfaatan energi surya, sebagai sumber energi hybrid pada sepeda motor listrik. Baterai disuplai dari dua sumber yaitu PLN dan energi surya secara bergantian. Energi surya yang fluktuatif distabilkan melalui DC-DC konverter, digunakan untuk charging baterai 24 Vdc. Variasi tegangan output dari photovoltaic yang disurvei antara jam 07.00 – 17.00 adalah 0,936 - 21,75 Vdc, sehingga digunakan boost converter untuk menaikkan tegangan ke level 27 Vdc. Hasil dari penilitian ini adalah jika sepeda motor listrik dijalankan hanya dengan baterai adalah selama 100 menit. Jika sepeda motor listrik dijalankan dengan baterai dan photovoltaic adalah 125 menit. Kata kunci: energi hybrid, sepeda motor listrik, DC-DC converter, boost converter, photovoltaic

    The Relationship between the Role of Buddhist College Workers and Their Participation as Members of the Buddhi Employee Cooperative in Tangerang

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    The purpose of the research is to obtain the value of the relationship between the roles of female Buddhist college employees on participation as members of the Buddhist college employees employee cooperative in Tangerang. As for the background of this research is the enormous role of cooperatives, especially in Indonesia in advancing the family economy. In addition, the condition of women working in Indonesia is increasingly having a very helpful role for the family economy. The data in this study are the result data from questionnaires conducted by the research team. This research uses descriptive analysis method where the results of this study provide an overview of the phenomenon of the object of research. This study uses relationship analysis and t test and r test in data processing. The respondents who were studied from the age side, most were in the productive age between 20 - 45 years old or as much as 86.50%. Of the educational structure 73% of respondents have education with a bachelor to doctoral level. The calculation result of simple correlation (r) shows the correlation value of 0.326. This shows the correlation between the role of female employees with the role of members of the Buddhist college employees cooperative in Tangerang does not have a correlation even though the degree of relationship shown shows a positive number. Hypothesis testing in this study shows a significance value> 0.05 then Ho is accepted, meaning that no significant correlation is described between the role of female employees with the roles or functions of members of the Buddhist college employees cooperative in Tangerang. The conclusion from this study is that there is no relationship between the role of female college employees and their participation as members of the Buddhist employee cooperative in Tangerang

    Analisa Penggunaan Metode Pembelajaran E-Learning terhadap Motivasi Belajar Mahasiswa

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    Penggunaan pembelajaran secara online (daring) atau yang kerap disebut sebagai E-Learning telah membuat perubahan yang sangat besar terhadap pola pengajaran yang dilakukan dalam penyampaian materi kepada siswa. Dan berdasarkan perkembangan yang terjadi dimana angka pasien yang terjangkit akibat pandemi masih tinggi mengakibatkan belum dapat terlaksananya pembelajaran secara offline atau tatap muka langsung. Dan tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui sejauh mana metode pembelajaran yang selama ini dilakukan apakah tetap dapat tetap memotivasi siswa untuk tetap belajar atau tidak.    Metode penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif yang berbentuk studi literatur yaitu metode mengumpulkan dan mengkaji penelitian terdahulu serta artikel yang membahas mengenai dampak pembelajaran online (daring) atau e-learning terhadap motivasi mahasiswa. Dan berdasarkan dari hasil observasi dan studi literature yang dilakukan maka hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa perkuliahan e-learning yang dilakukan sudah memotivasi mahasiswa, dan pembelajaran bisa lebih memotivasi jika metode pembelajaran e-learning dapat berlaku dua arah atau dengan metode diskusi antara dosen dan mahasisw

    Impact of Work from Home Policy Implementation on Work Effectiveness and Productivity in Tangerang City

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    This research was conducted based on the desire of the researchers to find out how much influence the Work from Home policy has on the effectiveness and productivity of work, especially for workers in the Tangerang area The dependent factor studied was the Work from Home policy as the independent variable (Y), while the independent factors were effectiveness (X1) and work productivity (X2). The resulting t value for the work effectiveness variable is 0.647 with sig 0.519. The results of this significance analysis are greater than 0.05, so it means that individually the work effectiveness variable does not have an impact due to the WFH policy. The resulting t value for work productivity variable is 6.103 with sig 0.000. The results of this significant analysis are smaller than 0.05, meaning that individually the work productivity variable has a significant impact on the implementation of WFH policies. The results obtained in this study are based on the SPSS calculation, the F count is 19.504 with F sig. 0,000 where F sig. 0.000 is smaller than 0.05, so Ho is rejected. It can be interpreted that simultaneously work effectiveness (X1) and work productivity (X2) have a significant impact on the implementation of WFH policy (Y). This calculation also forms the equation Y = 9,112 + 0.108 X1 + 0.681 X2 + e. The R square value obtained from the SPSS calculation of 0.236 (23.6%) can be interpreted that work effectiveness (X1) and work productivity (X2) explain the impact of variations in the variable implementation of WFH policy (Y) by 23.6% and the rest is influenced other independent variables amounted to 76.4%

    Vijeo Citect SCADA sebagai HMI Berbasis TCP/IP Multivendor Networking PLC

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    Equipments distribution control system is become solution for system complexity. In academic especially EEPIS-ITS is required output of human resource with technological domination in the form of operation of distributed system. From here is designed a distribution control systems miniature which is "weight feeder". Planning and scheme of this system applied with integrating 2 PLC different to control a plant which in the form of operation a "weight feeder" by using controller system and monitoring built by using Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) that based on PLC as a mean to facilitates user in process of monitoring and control so it can be a Human Machine Interface (HMI) between operator (human) and PLC in long distance/remote, otherwise for Human Machine Interface (HMI) between operator (human) and PLC in short distance/local use Magelis Touch Screen. To do communications between systems applying LAN as communications because in delivery of data can amount so many and quickly. A control systems miniature can support academic activity in EEPIS-ITS and also application in industrial world. Some of the biggest challenges is programming PLC, does integration between PLC and SCADA Visual Interface. Keyword : PLC, SCADA, HMI, LAN, Weight Feede

    Rancang Bangun Modul Portable Power Analyzer Untuk Menganalisa Power Factor

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    The ideal power system, voltage waveforms delivered to the customer equipment and the resulting current waveform is pure sinus wave. Power Factor occurred due to the high percentage of current harmonic content (THD) on the power system. This causes the decrease in power quality and a very significant losses, especially on an industrial scale power system. Thus, creation of DESIGN OF PORTABLE POWER ANALYZER MODULE FOR ANALYZING THE POWER FACTOR for this final project, expected to evaluate the effects of distortion of voltage and current waveform non-sinusoidal loads caused by non-linear in the electric power system. This can be done through measurement of harmonics contained in the wave. By using ATMega 32 as controller and as an internal ADC analog signals to digital converter, the system becomes more simple. Digital signals are processed in the Microcontroller based on harmonic components using the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT). Results of the evaluation process is displayed on the LCD graphic G12864C the value of Vrms, IRMS, Power, Power Factor and graph voltage and current. From testing the system as a whole, shows that the system works well, as evidenced when tested with resistive loads, inductive and capacitive devices can display the value of the above information. Keyword : THD, DFT, ADC, power facto

    Multi-Distance Veins Projection Based on Single Axis Camera and Projector System

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    Every person has different location of veins, some veins are easily detected because it is visible due to thin tissue, and the other are invisible. This different location of veins causes intravenous access procedures and the procreas of intravenous therapy become longer. Multi-distance vein projections aim to simplify the measurement process where the device and object do not have to be at a certain distance. Some research that has been done especially for real-time vein projection does not conduct how the characteristics of projection at different distances. In this paper, we propose a method for performing multi-distance real-time back-projection by using the intersection between camera and projector. This method equiped with an ultrasonic distance sensor to identify the projection characteristic in any distance. In its implementation, this method is able to project at a distance of 20-40 cm with a maximum projection error of 0.6 mm. The measurement angle tolerance between the object and the device is ±5 degrees with a maximum error of 0.7 mm


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    At the current state of resource savings in everyday life is something that must be done by any person after the issue of global warming. For that needed a new idea to solve energy problems for our grandchildren lives of future generations. Therefore, in this final project using a prototype of the idea of standard home designs by utilizing LED lighting that given the source of the photovoltaic (solar cell). This solar cell is one of the components that make use of sunlight. Photovoltaic (solar cell) to produce the necessary fluctuate power so that functioned as a switching regulator. By adjusting the PWM switching regulator is used as a DC-DC converter to charge battery. The regulator also may reduce stress Photovoltaic (solar cell) changing (fluctuate voltage). Once fully charged battery can be used from the LED lighting. From the method used can produce a good process so that the system can be applied in real life. Effisiensi level system up to 85,69%. But the charging process is conducted not in accordance with the specified time and get error 20%, because there are components that do not fit in the system. So it is required in the counting process again only those components that are not appropriate. Overall, the system can be run according to a description and preliminary planning. Keywords: Photovoltaic, LED, switching regulators, chargin

    Pengukuran Nilai Densitas pada Minyak Pelumas Sepeda Motor dengan Gelombang Ultrasonik

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    Density is a measure of the mass of each unit volume of an object, the higher the density of an object, the greater the mass of each volume. The density value can be used to distinguish the characteristics of lubricating oils that are prone to contamination with solid or liquid particles. The density value is also affected by changes in temperature, the higher the temperature of the lubricating oil, the smaller the density value. The regulations in force in Indonesia with the ASTM D1298-12b standard density test method state that the measurement uses a temperature of 15℃. In this study, the density measurement value was obtained at a temperature of 28℃ so it required a value conversion using the ASTM 53B table about the density correction factor. The technique of testing the material without damaging the test object using an ultrasonic sensor is used to measure the density value of motorcycle lubricating oil. Measurements are made by transmitting a 3 MHz ultrasonic trigger signal that can penetrate each medium with different characteristics. The received echo signal produces information about the distance between the medium, the speed of sound, and the acoustic impedance. The results of the measurement of 11 samples of motorcycle lubricating oil both in new and used conditions using the acoustic impedance method resulted in an accuracy of 93,6% or 0,058 kg/dm3 when compared to the value measured using a pycnometer. The MPX-2-C sample measurement showed the lowest error of 0,41% or 0,004 kg/dm3

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Multipoint Transmitter – Receiver untuk Inspeksi Bawah Air Berbasis Ultrasonik Frekuensi Rendah

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    Non-destructive testing and evaluation are testing techniques that test and evaluate the properties of a material, component, or system without causing any damage caused by the testing and evaluation process. Ultrasonic sensors are devices with minimal risk in their use and are quite often used in non-destructive testing and evaluation processes. Low frequency ultrasonic (200kHz) has been used in the testing and evaluation process in several scientific fields. Improving the test capability of low-frequency ultrasonic measurement instruments while remaining efficient and affordable is the core of this research. Increasing test capability and efficiency by adding five test points to a low-frequency ultrasonic measurement instrument for underwater inspections have been carried out by engineering a trigger signal generator that transmits 35kHz signals at 50V voltage proven to improve the quality of the echo signal received when compared to using trigger signal sourced directly from the wave generator device, the use of a pre-amplifier module on the receiver side of the echo signal is proven to be able to increase the voltage level of the echo signal and improve the reading value of the received echo signal, as well as the signal coupling mechanism built in this study, proved to be adequate to increase efficiency multipoint testing using one ultrasonicbased testing instrument