103 research outputs found


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    Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) is a clonal bone marrow stem cell disorder associated with a characteristic chromosomal translocation called the Philadelphia chromosome which caused a proliferation of mature granulocytes (neutrophils, eosinophils and basophils) and their precursors, increasing unregulated growth of predominantly myeloid cells in the bone marrow and its accumulation in the blood. As myeloproliferative disease, Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia or CML is a malignancy of the sixth-highest, reaching 15% of all blood malignancies in adults with an incidence of 1.1 per 100,000 population (Ugroseno, 2012). The CML diagnosis is made based on a presence of Philadelphia chromosome due to the existence of a reciprocal translocation of chromosomes 9 and chromosome 22 t (9.22), and raises the fusion of Break Cluster Region (BCR) gene of chromosome 22 on band q11 by Abelson Murine Leukemia (ABL). The fused BCR-ABL gene has BCR sequences of different length, so it produces a protein that has a different molecular weight. Despite having different length of BCR sequences, however, the length of fuses ABL gene sequence is constant. Associated with this different BCR sequence length are the three variations of the BCR-ABL gene fusion. The first variation is a Major Break Cluster (M-BCR), the BCR gene break is found in exon 2 in e13-E14 region. This type of CML is the fusion of BCR exon b2 or b3 to ABL exon a2, forming two major transcripts of the b2a2 or b3a2, which has a protein product with 210 kD weight or referred to as p210. The second variation is Minor BCR (m-BCR), which has e1a2 fusion. CML with BCR-ABL gene fusion of this type has a protein product with a molecular weight of 190 kDa or called p190. The third variation is micro-BCR (m-BCR), with BCR gene break between exons E19 and e20b that form mRNA transcripts e19a2, with BCR-ABL protein P230. This fused gene can be detected with qualitative multiplex PCR. Key words: CML, Philadelphia Chromosome, translocation t(9,22), fuse gene BCR ABL, Qualitative Multiplex PC

    Analisis Stabilitas Hasil Ubi 27 Genotipe Bengkuang (Pachyrhizus Erosus L. Urban) Di Jatinangor Jawa Barat Berdasarkan Model AMMI

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    Research aimed at estimating yield stability of 27 yam bean (Pachyrhizus erosus L. Urban) genotypes in Jatinangor was conducted at dry and rain seasons at the experimental station of Faculty of Agriculture Unpad, Jatinangor. Field trials at dry season was started from February to August 2006 and at rain season started from November 2006 to May 2007. Field plot consisted of four sets arranged in Randomized Block Design with 27 genotypes collected from various Indonesia regions and its ancestor from Central and South America as treatment and replicated twice. The four field trial sets were differed based on season and reproductive pruning treatment and considered as four different environment. Character observed was tuber weight per plant (g). Data was analysed with AMMI (additive main effect and multiplicative interaction). Result indicated that B-23/EC040 was highest yielding genotype, but less stable. In contrast, B-33/J, B-26/NS, B-10/EC550, and B-94/ENT were moderate yielded but had higher level of stability. Environment IV (rain season; pruning) was good environment where genotypic variation seemed more consistent with B-23/EC040 as best genotype. Best genotype in discriminating environment (I) was B-55/CJ, and in environment II was B-80/ENT. Whereas in Less discriminating environment III, B-15/EC104 was the best genotyp

    Respons Tanaman Bengkuang Budidaya (Pachyrrhizus Erosus L. Urban) terhadap Pemangkasan Reproduktif untuk Karakter Hasil dan Kualitas Ubi

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    Percobaan yang bertujuan mengevaluasi respons dari 27 genotip bengkuang (Pachyrrhizus erosus L. Urban) terhadap pemangkasan sink reproduktif telah dilakukan di musim kemarau di Kebun Percobaan Fakultas Pertanian Unpad, Jatinangor. Percobaan lapang dilakukan mulai Februari hingga Agustus 2006. Percobaan terdiri dari dua set yang masing-masing set disusun dalam rancangan acak kelompok dengan 27 genotip bengkuang yang dikoleksi dari berbagai wilayah Indonesia and genotip leluhurnya dari Amerika Tengah dan selatan sebagai perlakuan dan diulang dua kali. Dua set percobaan tersebut dibedakan dengan perlakuan pemangkasan sink reproduktif. Karakter yang diamati adalah bobot ubi (g), bahan kering ubi (%), kadar pati ubi (%) dan kadar protein ubi (%). Data dianalisis dengan ANOVA dilanjutkan dengan uji gugus Scott-Knott, dan uji t-student. Hasil menunjukkan, bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan antara 27 genotip bengkuang untuk semua karakter yang diamati pada populasi tanpa pemangkasan reproduktif. Sedangkan perbedaan respons 27 genotip pada populasi dengan pemangkasan hanya terlihat pada karakter bobot ubi. Perlakuan pemangkasan reproduktif hanya berpengaruh nyata terhadap bobot ubi


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    Buku ini diterbitkan dengan maksud untuk memberikan pemahaman pada mahasiswa S1 Kedokteran dan Kedokteran Gigi terkait dengan mata kuliah ilmu Forensik, di mana analisis Molekuler Forensik termasuk di dalamnya sebagai materi tambahan di mata kuliah Ilmu Forensik. Sebagai penunjang pemehaman terhadap mata kuliah tersebut, buku ini dibuat sesederhana mungkin sesuai untuk mahasiswa S1 dalam memahami ilmu biologi molekuler di bidang forensik ini, meski tidak menutup kemungkinan untuk digunakan oleh mahasiswa s2 sebagai materi pengenalan di bidang forensik molekuler


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    Research aimed to know the responses of 12 winged bean accessions to reproductive pruning in rainy season, was conducted in experimental station ofagricultural faculty, Padjadjaran University started from November 2008 until May 2009. Experiment was arranged in randomized block design with split-plot pattern and replicated twice. Main plot was reproductive pruning consisted of two levels namely with (p) and without pruning (np). Whereas, sub plot was 12 winged bean accessions. Variables observed were tuber length (cm), tuber diameter (cm), tuber volume (ml), tuber weight per plant (g), number of tuber per plant, and tuber weight per plot (kg). Data were analysed using analysis of variance, if there was significant source of variance, analysis was continued with Scott Knott Cluster Analysis for genotype simple effect and LSD for pruning simple effect, with 5% level respectively. Results showed that there were different responses of each accession to reproductive pruning, especially on characters of tuber diameter, number of tuber per plant, and tuber weight per plant. Eventhough singly, pruning didn’t show significant effect on all characters observed, for tuber diameter, number of tuber per plant, andtuber weight per plot, effectiveness of pruning was seen on several accessions. Single effect of accessions was seen on tuber volume and tuber weight per plant. For tuber length, pruning, accessions and interaction of both, seemed to have no effect on it. Accessions of 8.20, 8.16, 8.29, 8.10, and 8.6 were potential genotypes for tuber production for they had tuber diameter over 2 cm


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    Research aimed to know the responses of 12 winged bean accessions to reproductive pruning in rainy season, was conducted in experimental station ofagricultural faculty, Padjadjaran University started from November 2008 until May 2009. Experiment was arranged in randomized block design with split-plot pattern and replicated twice. Main plot was reproductive pruning consisted of two levels namely with (p) and without pruning (np). Whereas, sub plot was 12 winged bean accessions. Variables observed were tuber length (cm), tuber diameter (cm), tuber volume (ml), tuber weight per plant (g), number of tuber per plant, and tuber weight per plot (kg). Data were analysed using analysis of variance, if there was significant source of variance, analysis was continued with Scott Knott Cluster Analysis for genotype simple effect and LSD for pruning simple effect, with 5% level respectively. Results showed that there were different responses of each accession to reproductive pruning, especially on characters of tuber diameter, number of tuber per plant, and tuber weight per plant. Eventhough singly, pruning didn’t show significant effect on all characters observed, for tuber diameter, number of tuber per plant, andtuber weight per plot, effectiveness of pruning was seen on several accessions. Single effect of accessions was seen on tuber volume and tuber weight per plant. For tuber length, pruning, accessions and interaction of both, seemed to have no effect on it. Accessions of 8.20, 8.16, 8.29, 8.10, and 8.6 were potential genotypes for tuber production for they had tuber diameter over 2 cm


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    Endogamy continues to occur among the Madurese people in rural areas of the island of Madura, especially those areas of the smallest islands around the mainland of Madura. Endogamy as seen from a genetic standpoint will increase the frequency of homozygote genotypes. With regard to genetic variations, STRs of nuclear DNA and polymorphisms in mtDNA are frequently examined. Genetic variations in human undergo an evolutionary process through the accumulation of changes in DNA sequence, i.e. through the process of nucleotide substitutions that evolves in number with the directional development of lineage. So far, the genetic variations among the populations in Madura Island have not been known. The present study was an observational analytical research with the purpose of determining the genetic variations in STR CODIS in the populations of Madura Island. Results indicated that, based on loci alelle: CSF1PO, THOI, TPOX, and vWA, there was homozygote genotypes. The allele variations is not specific for Madurese ethnic but this variations may represent married model in Madurese ethnic. According to Mustama (2007), a gene pool is not only a collection of genes but a dynamic system organized and containing the past history of a population. Any genetic information has certain historical, anthropological and statistical aspects necessitating an interdisciplinary coordination and collaboration

    Properties of tilapia collagen as a biomaterial for tissue engineering: A review

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    Collagen is one of the common biopolymers used as a biomaterial in tissue engineering applications due to its biocompatibility and biodegradability properties. Collagen derived from various sources and mostly found in porcine and bovine skin. However, due to religious concerns and the dangers of animal-borne diseases possesses by these mammalian derived collagens, marine collagens are extensively investigated as an alternative to substitute mammalian collagens in tissue engineering applications. Among those marine collagens, tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) collagens are known to have a great potential to be used as biomaterials for tissue engineering application due to its higher thermal stability compared to other marine sources. Therefore, this study aims to review chemical and biological properties of tilapia collagen as a biomaterial for tissue engineering applications. The contents are mainly focused on the extraction yield, amino acid composition, thermal stability, cross-linking, biocompatibility, biodegradability, immunogenicity and hemostasis of tilapia collagen

    The use of Displacement Loop mtDNA in Halal Forensic Investigation in Indonesia

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    Background: Indonesia, home to the largest Muslim population in the world, is a major potential market for halal products, yet one which is subject to frequent adulteration of imported food items. The application of halal forensic scientific methods to detect adulteration is essential in determining the halal quality of food content. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the DNA content of molecular-based food products presumed to having been mixed in order to determine their halal quality. Materials and Methods: The research was descriptional in character using the D-Loop region for the primary design relating to six species, namely Gallus gallus (chicken), Sus sacrofa (pork), Boss Taurus (bovine), Capra hircus (goat), Equus caballus (horse), Rattus novergicus (rat) and the optimization of the cytochrom b primer as a comparative control of primary D-Loop success. Result: The study showed that the D-loop region can potentially be employed for investigative purposes within the halal forensic field as the primary cytochrom b mitochondrial DNA used for comparison. Conclusion: Primer that designed from displacement loop region and cytochrome b in mitochondria from six species can be used for determination in halal forensic as sensitive DNA amplification using PCR

    Kinship Analysis on Paternity Test Through Str Codis Locus [CSF1PO, THOI, TPOX & vWA] From Maduranese Siblings in Surabaya

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    Introduction: Paternity test is a DNA examination to determine whether a man is a biological father of a child through DNA pattern comparison between the child and the suspected father to verify DNA inheritance proof. Methods: This study was conducted through analysis of kinship analysis application on paternity test through STR CODIS examination in siblings using peripheral bloods samples of forty samples Madurese 3 generations. The examined locuses were CSF1PO, TH01, TPOX, vWA. Results: DNA samples isolates found that the mean level of DNA was 595.35 ± 4.15ng/µl, whereas the range of purity was 1.17 – 1.29. From this study, alleles from maduranese family population in Surabaya was variable, the highest percentage was CSF1PO locus allele 9 [33.75%], THO1 allele 8 [26.25%], TPOX allele 9 [32.5%] and vWA allele 17 [21.25%]. This study also revealed shared alleles on one sibling allele, the highest was 2 shared alleles on CSF1PO [70%], THO1 [100%], TPOX [70%] and vWA locus [90%]. Conclusion: THOI locus had 100% 2 shared alleles so that it was recommend using STR locus to identify kinship on Madurese in Surabaya