21 research outputs found

    Protein content and quality of seeds in central mexican maize (Zea mays) accessions

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    Mexico is the center of the origin, domestication and diversity of maize. This cereal is the main constituent of the Mexican diet, especially in low-income families. In this research, 10 maize accessions derived from a large landrace collection, with the 'INIFAP-QPM' accession and a 'regional landrace' as controls, were studied to identify the accessions with the best biochemical and physiological characteristics showing good adaptation to 'El Bajío' (regional center in Mexico) conditions. The accessions were statistically superior to the two controls in the germination and accelerated aging tests. In the assessment of variable plumule length, variability was observed among the accessions, but the controls showed the lowest values. Protein contents in different fractions (albumins, globulins, prolamins and glutelins) showed variability as did oil and fiber contents. The 'HRH2015' accession showed high contents of albumins and globulins and low contents of prolamins and glutelins. The 'regional landrace' accession exhibited the highest contents of glutelins and prolamins but the lowests content of globulins and albumins. The total percentage of proteins showed variability among the accessions, but the values were within those reported in the literature. The 'RQ2015' accession presented the highest oil content (5.25%). The electrophoretic patterns of prolamins were obtained, and some differences were observed between them. The 'regional landrace' presented the lowest protein content, which was significantly different from those of the other accessions evaluated. This research demonstrates biochemical, germination and vigor variability among the studied maize accessions. Highlights The protein fraction content showed highly significant differences between the accessions, the accession 'HRH2015' presented the highest total soluble protein content. The 'HRH2015' accession contained high percentages of the albumin, globulin and prolamin fractions, but a lower percentage of the glutelin fraction, which is a suitable material for breeding. The accessions 'A2015', 'POL2015' and 'FVR12015' were superior in seed quality, these accessions could be used in a future breeding program.Mexico is the center of the origin, domestication and diversity of maize. This cereal is the main constituent of the Mexican diet, especially in low-income families. In this research, 10 maize accessions derived from a large landrace collection, with the 'INIFAP-QPM' accession and a 'regional landrace' as controls, were studied to identify the accessions with the best biochemical and physiological characteristics showing good adaptation to 'El Bajío' (regional center in Mexico) conditions. The accessions were statistically superior to the two controls in the germination and accelerated aging tests. In the assessment of variable plumule length, variability was observed among the accessions, but the controls showed the lowest values. Protein contents in different fractions (albumins, globulins, prolamins and glutelins) showed variability as did oil and fiber contents. The 'HRH2015' accession showed high contents of albumins and globulins and low contents of prolamins and glutelins. The 'regional landrace' accession exhibited the highest contents of glutelins and prolamins but the lowests content of globulins and albumins. The total percentage of proteins showed variability among the accessions, but the values were within those reported in the literature. The 'RQ2015' accession presented the highest oil content (5.25%). The electrophoretic patterns of prolamins were obtained, and some differences were observed between them. The 'regional landrace' presented the lowest protein content, which was significantly different from those of the other accessions evaluated. This research demonstrates biochemical, germination and vigor variability among the studied maize accessions. Highlights The protein fraction content showed highly significant differences between the accessions, the accession 'HRH2015' presented the highest total soluble protein content. The 'HRH2015' accession contained high percentages of the albumin, globulin and prolamin fractions, but a lower percentage of the glutelin fraction, which is a suitable material for breeding. The accessions 'A2015', 'POL2015' and 'FVR12015' were superior in seed quality, these accessions could be used in a future breeding program

    El papel del silicio en los organismos y ecosistemas

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    For a long time silicon has been forgotten about its involvement in the biosphere, however, this chemical element is very important for some organisms such as plants and animals. Silicon is dragged into the sea by rivers, where is absorbed by diatoms, which settle when they die, leaving less bioavailable silicon for other organisms. Settled silicon returns to the biosphere with subduction and mountain building. Other organisms that require silicon in metabolism are sponges and radiolarians, also it is a component of the blood and bones of animals. In plants silicon plays a protective role against biotic and abiotic stresses and in some countries silicon is used in the fertilization of some crops. The aim of this work is to raise awareness of the importance of silicon and the scopes of its study and application.Durante mucho tiempo se olvidó u obvió la participación del silicio en la biósfera; sin embargo, este elemento químico es de gran importancia para algunos organismos como plantas y animales. Es arrastrado al mar por los ríos, donde es absorbido por las diatomeas, que al morir se sedimentan, quedando menos silicio biodisponible para otros organismos. El silicio sedimentado retorna a la biósfera con la subducción y formación de montañas. Otros organismos que requieren silicio en su metabolismo son las esponjas y los radiolarios; también forma parte de los componentes de la sangre y de los huesos de los animales. En las plantas juega un papel protector contra estrés biótico y abiótico y en algunos países lo emplean en la fertilización de algunos cultivos. El presente trabajo es con la finalidad de dar a conocer la importancia del silicio y los alcances que puede tener su estudio y aplicación

    La domesticación de plantas en México: comparación de la forma cultivada y silvestre de Byrsonima crassifolia (Malpighiaceae)

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    Domesticated plants show characteristics known as domestication syndrome, which enables better utilization of the plants by humans. Plant domestication has been studied mainly in herbaceous annuals. In this work, samples of Byrsonima crassifolia trees-changunga, the wild form, and nanche, the cultivated form-were taken from the region of Uruapan, Mexico. The objective of this work was to identify genetic differences by AFLP molecular markers between these two forms. Analysis showed that both wild and cultivated forms of B. crassifolia are genetically very close to each other. Fruit characteristics of human-interest were compared, and some differences were found between the two forms, e.g., in pH, sweetness, mineral content and size. The AFLP analysis groups together the two forms of the tree with a high degree of similarity. The fruits are distinguished phenotypically from one another, but not at the molecular level. Selection pressure to supply the market may threaten the diversity present in these populations of plants, which could be a model for the screening of genes involved in traits such as sweetness and fruit size in addition to the process of domestication itself. It is recommended that collections be made for germoplasm gene banks and also that in situ conservation be promoted.Las plantas domesticadas presentan una serie de características conocidas como síndrome de domesticación. Esto permite un mejor aprovechamiento de las mismas por parte de los humanos y ha sido estudiada principalmente en plantas anuales herbáceas. En este trabajo se hizo un muestreo de árboles silvestres (changunga) y cultivados (nanche) de Byrsonima crassifolia en la región de Uruapan, México. El objetivo fue buscar diferencias genéticas mediante marcadores moleculares por medio de la técnica de AFLP entre las dos formas de la especie, encontrándose que tanto los silvestres como los cultivados están genéticamente muy cercanos entre sí. También se compararon características de los frutos como pH, dulzor de los frutos, tamaño y contenido mineral encontrándose diferencias en las tres primeras. El análisis de AFLP's agrupa juntos a las dos formas del árbol con alto grado de similitud. Fenotípicamente los frutos se distinguen entre sí, pero no a nivel molecular. La presión de selección para surtir al mercado puede poner en riesgo la diversidad presente en estas poblaciones que se propone podrían ser un modelo para la búsqueda de genes que intervienen en características como dulzor y tamaño de fruto además del proceso de domesticación en sí mismo. Se recomienda hacer colectas para los bancos de germoplasma además de tratar de promover la conservación in situ

    Efecto del fraccionamiento de la fertilización nitrogenada aplicada al trigo sobre la calidad de su semilla

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    Seeds are an indispensable element in agricultural production and represent one of the means to improve crop yield and fertilization is essential for the production of high quality seeds. In the present work, the quality of the wheat seed was evaluated when the fertilizer-N is divided into different percentages. The varieties used were Gema C2004, Nana F2007 and Urbina S2007. The recommended N-P-K fertilization dose in the TheBajioregion is 240-60-00. The fertilization-N divisions (FFN) were at planting, 45 days after sowing (dds) and 75 ddsin the following percentages: 1) 00-00-00, 2) 100-00-00, 3) 00-100-00, 4) 50-50-00, 5) 00-50-50, 6) 70-30-00, 7) 30-70-00, 8) 00-30-70, 9) 00-70-30 and 10) 33-33-33. In the field the yield was evaluated, in the laboratory the physiological quality of the seed and in the greenhouse the vigor of the seedling in a sand bed. By fractionating the fertilizer-N at 30-70-00 and 33-33-33 the amount of m2seeds increased, observing higher yields in wheat production compared to the recommended fertilization-N of 50-50-00 that currently used. The best emergency percentages were presented in the subdivisions 33-33-33, 30-70-00 and 70-30-00. Regarding vigor indexes IV-I and IV-II, the treatment that showed the highest values was 30-70-00. The FFN in which the best results were observed in the variables of yield, physiological seed quality and seedling vigor was 30-70-00. Keywords:physiological quality, nitrogen, seedling vigor.Las semillas son un elemento indispensable en la producción agrícola y representan uno de los medios para mejorarel rendimiento en los cultivos y la fertilización es indispensable para la producción de semillas de alta calidad. En el presente trabajo se evaluó la calidad de la semilla de trigo cuando el fertilizante-N se fracciona en diferentes porcentajes. Las variedades utilizadas fueronGema C2004, Nana F2007 y Urbina S2007. La dosis de fertilización N-P-K recomendada en la región de El Bajío es de 240-60-00. Los fraccionamientos de la fertilización-N(FFN) fueron a la siembra, 45 días después de la siembra (dds) y 75 dds en los siguientes porcentajes: 1) 00-00-00, 2) 100-00-00, 3) 00-100-00, 4) 50-50-00, 5) 00-50-50, 6) 70-30-00, 7) 30-70-00, 8) 00-30-70, 9) 00-70-30 y 10) 33-33-33. En campo se evaluó el rendimiento, en laboratorio la calidad fisiológica de semilla y en invernadero el vigor de plántula en cama de arena. Al fraccionar el fertilizante-N en 30-70-00 y 33-33-33 se incrementó la cantidad de semillas m2, observando mayores rendimientos en la producción de trigo en comparación con la fertilización-N recomendada de 50-50-00 que actualmentese utiliza. Los mejores porcentajes de emergencia se presentaron en los fraccionamientos 33-33-33, 30-70-00 y 70-30-00. Con relación a los índices de vigor IV-I y IV-II, el tratamiento que mostro los valores mayores fue 30-70-00. El FFN en el que se observaron los mejores resultados tanto en las variables de rendimiento, calidad fisiológica de semilla y vigor de plántula fue 30-70-00. Palabras clave: calidad fisiológica, nitrógeno, vigor de plántul

    Caracterización de las proteínas de reserva y composición mineral de la semilla de capulín (Prunus serotina)

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    Black cherry kernels is greatly appreciated and consumed in central Mexico. This seed represents a valuable resource from the economic point of view and nutrition as it has a good content of protein and oil. Despite being known for the amygdalin production of these seeds, people of the region consume it without any problems of intoxication. Storage proteins characterization indicates that it has a high content of albumin. Protein solubility is better shown at pH values 6, 7 and 12. The elemental composition presents levels similar to other seed components such as sulfur (0.11%), phosphorus (0.17%), calcium (0.07%), magnesium (0.13%), potassium (0.68%) and sodium (0.10%); the almond shown a high lipid content (almonds from Mexico city 38%, from Uruapan 45%, from Tarascan Plateau 41.5%) and also shows 28% in protein content. Preliminary studies show differences between the seeds are consumed (central Mexico) and where they are not exploited (Uruapan, Tarascan upland). A further characterization could enable wider use and use in regions where there is now wasted.La almendra de capulín es muy apreciada y consumida en el centro de México. Esta semilla representa un recurso muy valioso desde el punto de vista económico y nutricional, pues tiene un buen contenido de proteína y aceite. Pese a ser conocida la producción de amigdalina por estas semillas, las personas de la región la consumen en buenas cantidades sin que haya problemas de intoxicación. La caracterización de sus proteínas de reserva indica que tiene un alto contenido en albúminas. A valores de pH 6, 7 y 12 se observa la mayor solubilidad de la proteína. En cuanto a la composición elemental, el contenido es: azufre (0.11%), fósforo (0.17%), calcio (0.07%), magnesio (0.13%), potasio (0.68%) y sodio (0.10%); tiene valores similares al de los componentes de otras semillas (cuadro 1), la almendra presentó un elevado contenido de lípidos (la almendra de la ciudad de México 38%, y el de Uruapan 45%, el de la Meseta Tarasca 41.5%) y un contenido de proteína del 28%. Los datos muestran diferencias entre las semillas donde se consumen éstas (centro de México) y donde no son aprovechadas (Uruapan, Meseta Tarasca). El estudio de las propiedades alimenticias, nutracéuticas y funcionales podría permitir un uso más amplio y el aprovechamiento allí en las regiones donde ahora se desaprovecha

    Caracterización de proteínas y contenido mineral de dos variedades nativas de frijol de México

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    The objective of this work was to characterize, at the biochemical level, two Mexican native landraces Bayo Berrendo and Patzcuareño of common bean. Storage protein from seeds was extracted from two common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) varieties (Bayo Berrendo and Patzcuareño), and their respective electrophoretic patterns were compared. Total soluble protein was 16,47% for Bayo Berrendo, and 14,53% for Patzcuareño. Differences were also detected in the albumin fraction. Moreover their flour showed high inhibitory activity against trypsin mainly in the phaseolin fraction, which corresponded to 355 units in the Bayo Berrendo and 507 units in the Patzcuareño variety. The elemental composition of the flour was also determined and showed differences. The Bayo Berrendo seed flour has a composition of 0,15% Ca, 5,53% K and 0,60% Mg. While values for the Patzcuareño flour were 0,17%, 3,52 and 0,67% respectively. Interestingly the Bayo variety contained 18,8 ppm iron, while Patzcuareño contains only 3,63 ppm. Other variables related to food usage were analyzed such as water absorption capacity, which showed values near 100% for both landraces, and cooking time which took less than 110 minutes. Phenotypically, the two landraces are different in both size and color. The weight for 100 seeds of the Bayo Berrendo variety was 14,6 g and for Patzcuareño 32,6 g.El objetivo de este trabajo fue caracterizar a nivel bioquímico la semilla de dos variedades mexicanas de frijol, Bayo Berrendo y Patzcuareño. En el año 2011, en Celaya, México, se extrajeron proteínas de reserva de las dos variedades criollas de frijol (Phaseolus vulgaris), con el fin de obtener sus perfiles electroforéticos. El contenido de proteína soluble en el caso de Bayo Berrendo fue de 16,47% y 14,53% para el Patzcuareño. Se detectaron diferencias en el patrón electroforético, sobre todo en la fracción de albúminas, que permitió diferenciar las variedades. La harina presentó alta actividad inhibitoria contra tripsina, principalmente en la fracción de faseolinas, 355 unidades en el Bayo Berrendo y 507 unidades en el Patzcuareño. Se determinó la composición elemental de la harina observándose diferencias en cuanto al contenido mineral. El Bayo Berrendo tiene un contenido de 0,15% de Ca, 5,53% de K y 0,60% de Mg. Los valores respectivos para el Patzcuareño fueron: 0,17%, 3,52% y 0,67%. El Bayo posee 18,8 ppm de Fe y el Patzcuareño 3,63 ppm. Se midieron otras variables relacionadas con su utilización con fines alimenticios, como capacidad de absorción de agua, con valores cercanos al 100% y tiempos de cocción menores a 110 min. Fenotípicamente las dos variedades se distinguen fácilmente, tanto en tamaño de semilla como en color. El peso de 100 semillas del Bayo Berrendo fue de 14,6 g y del Patzcuareño 32,6 g


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    Cucurbita maxima x Cucurbita moschata rootstock are used to prevent infection with Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. niveum in watermelon production; however, this rootstock is not effective against nematode attack. Because of their vigor, the grafted plants can be planted at lower plant densities than the non-grafted plants. The tolerance to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. niveum and Meloidogyne incognita was assessed in watermelon plants grafted onto a hybrid of Citrullus lanatus cv Robusta or the Cucurbita maxima x Cucurbita moschata cv Super Shintoza rootstocks. The densities of plants were 2083 and 4166 plants ha-1. Non-grafted watermelons were the controls. The Crunchy Red and Sangría watermelon cultivars were used as the scions, it the latter as a pollinator. The experiments were performed for two production cycles in soils infested with Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. niveum and Meloidogyne incognita. The incidence of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. niveum was significantly greater in the non-grafted than in the grafted plants. The grafted plants presented similar resistance to Fusarium regardless of the rootstock. The root-knot galling index for Meloidogyne incognita was significantly lower in plants grafted onto Citrullus lanatus cv Robusta than onto the other rootstock. The yields of plants grafted onto Citrullus lanatus cv Robusta grown at both plant densities were significantly higher than in the other treatments

    The Effect of an Edible Coating with Tomato Oily Extract on the Physicochemical and Antioxidant Properties of Garambullo (<i>Myrtillocactus geometrizans</i>) Fruits

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    The Myrtillocactus geometrizans (Mart. ex. Pfeiff.) fruit, locally called garambullo, is an important source of bioactive compounds, mainly betalains, polyphenols, and ascorbic acid. However, information on the application of post-harvest technologies that prolong the shelf life of the fruits is still insufficient. The objective of the present research was to evaluate the effect of a gelatin coating incorporating 0%, 1%, or 3% tomato oily extract (TOE), compared to a control (without coating), on the physicochemical and antioxidant properties of garambullo fruits stored for 15 days at 5 &#176;C. The gelatin coatings with TOE significantly (p &#8804; 0.05) delayed changes in weight loss, brix degrees, titratable acidity and pH, compared to the control during storage. Fruits coated with TOE-gelatin had a higher content of betalains, ascorbic acid, total phenols, and flavonoids. The results showed that a higher concentration of phytochemicals increased antioxidant activity in vitro; the maximum values found for Trolox equivalents per kg of fresh weight were 10.46 and 17.65 mM for the 2,2&#8242;-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and Trolox Equivalent Antioxidant Capacity Method (TEAC) tests, respectively. The gelatin coating with TOE-3% (COTE-3%) reduced water loss by 1.66 times, compared to the control. In addition, the fruits covered with COTE-3% showed the highest concentration of bioactive compounds during storage

    Caracterización de proteínas y contenido mineral de dos variedades nativas de frijol de México.

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    The objective of this work was to characterize, at the biochemical level, two Mexican native landraces Bayo Berrendo and Patzcuareño of common bean. Storage protein from seeds was extracted from two common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) varieties (Bayo Berrendo and Patzcuareño), and their respective electrophoretic patterns were compared. Total soluble protein was 16,47% for Bayo Berrendo, and 14,53% for Patzcuareño. Differences were also detected in the albumin fraction. Moreover their flour showed high inhibitory activity against trypsin mainly in the phaseolin fraction, which corresponded to 355 units in the Bayo Berrendo and 507 units in the Patzcuareño variety. The elemental composition of the flour was also determined and showed differences. The Bayo Berrendo seed flour has a composition of 0,15% Ca, 5,53% K and 0,60% Mg. While values for the Patzcuareño flour were 0,17%, 3,52 and 0,67% respectively. Interestingly the Bayo variety contained 18,8 ppm iron, while Patzcuareño contains only 3,63 ppm. Other variables related to food usage were analyzed such as water absorption capacity, which showed values near 100% for both landraces, and cooking time which took less than 110 minutes. Phenotypically, the two landraces are different in both size and color. The weight for 100 seeds of the Bayo Berrendo variety was 14,6 g and for Patzcuareño 32,6 g.El objetivo de este trabajo fue caracterizar a nivel bioquímico la semilla de dos variedades mexicanas de frijol, Bayo Berrendo y Patzcuareño. En el año 2011, en Celaya, México, se extrajeron proteínas de reserva de las dos variedades criollas de frijol (Phaseolus vulgaris), con el fin de obtener sus perfiles electroforéticos. El contenido de proteína soluble en el caso de Bayo Berrendo fue de 16,47% y 14,53% para el Patzcuareño. Se detectaron diferencias en el patrón electroforético, sobre todo en la fracción de albúminas, que permitió diferenciar las variedades. La harina presentó alta actividad inhibitoria contra tripsina, principalmente en la fracción de faseolinas, 355 unidades en el Bayo Berrendo y 507 unidades en el Patzcuareño. Se determinó la composición elemental de la harina observándose diferencias en cuanto al contenido mineral. El Bayo Berrendo tiene un contenido de 0,15% de Ca, 5,53% de K y 0,60% de Mg. Los valores respectivos para el Patzcuareño fueron: 0,17%, 3,52% y 0,67%. El Bayo posee 18,8 ppm de Fe y el Patzcuareño 3,63 ppm. Se midieron otras variables relacionadas con su utilización con fines alimenticios, como capacidad de absorción de agua, con valores cercanos al 100% y tiempos de cocción menores a 110 min. Fenotípicamente las dos variedades se distinguen fácilmente, tanto en tamaño de semilla como en color. El peso de 100 semillas del Bayo Berrendo fue de 14,6 g y del Patzcuareño 32,6 g

    Physicochemical and antioxidant properties of gelatin-based films containing oily tomato extract (Solanum lycopersicum L.)

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    The aim of this work was to evaluate the effects of oily tomato extract (OTE) at concentrations of 0, 1, 3 and 5% on the physicochemical and antioxidant properties of gelatin-based films. Characterization of the extract showed lycopene and β-carotene concentrations of 159.15 and 20.38 μg/mL, respectively. The results showed that the addition of OTE was associated with a decrease in moisture content, a lower solubility, a lower water vapor permeability, and a lower Young’s modulus, while the elongation percentage showed a significant increase. The addition of OTE improved the barrier properties of the films against UV and visible light. The higher the OTE concentration was, the greater the amounts of lycopene and β-carotene within the films, and therefore, the higher the antioxidant activity was (2.49 μM Trolox equivalents per g of film). The results suggest that the addition of OTE to gelatin-based films can improve their mechanical properties and increase their antioxidant capacity