69 research outputs found

    Application of the artificial neural networks to the real estate market analysis.

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    Celem referatu jest zastosowanie sztucznych sieci neuronowych do analizy zjawisk zachodzących na rynku nieruchomości. Szczególnie istotnym zagadnieniem związanym z tym rynkiem jest proces wyceny nieruchomości, dlatego podjęto próbę zastosowania sieci neuronowych do przewidywania cen nieruchomości. Problem ten został potraktowany jako zagadnienie klasyfikacji nieruchomości do jednej z grup cenowych. Badania zostały przeprowadzone na podstawie danych empirycznych pochodzących z lokalnego rynku mieszkaniowego. Do klasyfikacji obiektów zastosowano jednokierunkowe sieci wielowarstwowe.The aim of the paper is the application of the artificial neural networks to analysis the economic phenomena which take place in the real estate market. One of the most important issue related to the market is the estimation of real estate price. That is the reason why it was decided to attempt of neural networks in order to foresee real estate prices. The investigation is provided on the basis of the empirical data from local apartment market. The apartments were classified to one of the price groups. For classification of objects feedforwards networks were used

    Instytucjonalne bariery w realizacji polityki publicznej

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    The main obstacles in the implementation of public policies emerge at the earlier stages of the agenda-setting and the formulation of goals due to institutional constraints. They comprise the ambiguities about the governing center and thus about the real actors of the public policy process. The government fully controls the legislation, although this results from a functional unity of the executive and the legislative powers rather than from formal regulations. The parliament gets deprived of its influence on public policy. The government, however, is not able to fulfill its functions, either. The evidence shows that the main actor in programming public policy is the administration, and the decision-taking process is dispersed among separate ministries without any real coordination and oversight. The law is an instrument of communicating decisions taken at the pre-legislative stage. The use of objective data and public consultations is occasional, although theyBariery w realizacji polityki publicznej pojawiają się na długo przed przystąpieniem do jej wdrażania. Wadliwe instytucje utrudniają właściwą identyfikację problemów i formułowanie polityki. Głównym problemem jest brak określenia centrum decyzyjnego, będącego głównym podmiotem odpowiedzialnym za tworzenie polityki publicznej. Funkcjonalne splecenie władzy ustawodawczej i wykonawczej pozbawia parlament wpływu na kształt polityki publicznej. Również rząd nie pełni przypisanej mu funkcji prowadzenia polityki. Dane z badań świadczą o przejęciu tej funkcji przez resorty i braku koordynacji działań legislacyjnych. Prawo jest instrumentem komunikowania wcześniej podjętych decyzji. Nie wykorzystuje się obiektywnej wiedzy ani konsultacji społecznych, które mogłyby równoważyć malejącą rolę parlamentu. Utrudnia to dobranie właściwych instrumentów realizacji polityki

    Opposition behaviour against the third wave of autocratisation: Hungary and Poland compared

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    Hungary and Poland are often placed in the same analytical framework from the period of their ‘negotiated revolutions’ to their autocratic turn. This article aims to look behind this apparent similarity focusing on opposition behaviour. The analysis demonstrates that the executive–parliament power structure, the vigour of the extraparliamentary actors, and the opposition party frame have the strongest infuence on opposition behaviour, and they provide the sources of diference between the two country cases: in Hungary an enforced power game and in Poland a political game constrain opposition opportunities and opposition strategic behaviour

    Opposition Discourse About National Recovery and Resilience Plans. Poland and Hungary Compared

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    Although the governments of Poland and Hungary seem to similarly contest the conditionality mechanism that requires one to respect the rule of law when using EU funds, there are differences between these countries. They become visible in the framing of political communication as regards the opposition parties. This article seeks to identify the grounds of the competition from parliamentary opposition of the governments in relation to the EU Recovery and Resilience Fund. An analysis of 2021’s parliamentary debates on national recovery and resilience plans revealed three communication frameworks: the financial frame (the policy dimension), the quality of governance frame (the politics dimension), and the European integration frame which shaped domestic political rivalry (the polity dimension). Differences within these framings between the narrative of the Polish and Hungarian opposition resulted from different institutional and structural contexts. The study confirms the importance of national opposition parties for the analysis of the process of European integration. The existence of a liberal opposition may promote the salience of the topic of European integration in domestic political debate


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    The ongoing climate changes result in numerous negative effects on the human living environment. For cities it is especially challenging to address the problem of rising air temperatures that lead to stronger and more frequent heat waves. In order to readjust city space to new climate conditions, it is of key importance to research and implement adaptation strategies like nature based solutions (NBS) – actions inspired by nature which are sustainable and effective from the ecological, social and economic perspective. In this article, vines implemented on building walls are presented as an example of a nature based solution that ensures lower air temperature and higher thermal comfort. Studies conducted in a housing area in Warsaw – Bemowo district indicate that there is potential space for implementing the proposed idea and the majority of residents are supportive of it. Postępujące zmiany klimatyczne negatywnie wpływają na środowisko życiowe człowieka. W przestrzeniach miejskich szczególnie uciążliwy jest wzrost temperatury powietrza, który prowadzi do coraz częstszych i intensywniejszych fal upałów. W celu dostosowania przestrzeni miejskich do nowych warunków klimatycznych konieczne jest badanie oraz realizacja działań o charakterze adaptacyjnym, takich jak rozwiązania oparte na przyrodzie (NBS – nature based solutions) – inspirowane naturą, zrównoważone oraz wydajne ekologicznie, społecznie i finansowo. W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono zastosowanie pnączy na ścianach budynków jako przykład rozwiązania opartego na przyrodzie, które prowadzi do obniżenia emperatury powietrza oraz wzrostu komfortu termicznego. Przeprowadzone badania dowodzą, że dla analizowanej przestrzeni osiedlowej w dzielnicy Warszawa-Bemowo istnieje możliwość wprowadzenia proponowanego rozwiązania oraz że jest ono akceptowane przez większość mieszkańców

    Gestational diabetes mellitus — literature review on selected cytokines and hormones of confirmed or possible role in its pathogenesis

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    The incidence of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) increases globally, including Poland. Considering serious consequences of gestational diabetes for both mother and fetus, screening for this disorder is an obligatory element of managing pregnant woman. The pathogenesis of gestational diabetes is not yet thoroughly explained. However, it is insulin resistance and chronic subclinical inflammatory process which are considered to be major factors responsible for the development of GDM. These two states are triggered mainly by secretion of proinflammatory cytokines and by abnormal function of adipose tissue. The study reviews the literature on selected hormones and cytokines whose role in the GDM pathogenesis has been already confirmed as well as on those proteins whose role is either not yet fully understood or which may possibly participate in GDM development. Owing to the fact that underlying mechanisms of GDM are, in general, similar to the mechanisms responsible for metabolic disorders such as diabetes mellitus type 2 or obesity, in this review we focus first on the role these molecules play in pathogenesis of metabolic disorders and then present current state of knowledge on their action in gestational diabetes development. The review presents: TNF alpha, adipokines — adiponectin and leptin and relatively newly discovered proteins: fetuin A, periostin, angiopoietin-like protein 8 or high mobility group box

    Przełom katecholaminowy jako pierwsza manifestacja rodzinnego obustronnego guza chromochłonnego w przebiegu mutacji protoonkogenu RET w kodonie C 634R

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      Introduction: Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 (MEN 2) is a genetic disorder caused by mutation in the RET proto-oncogene. MEN 2A includes medullary carcinoma of the thyroid, pheochromocytoma, and primary hyperparathyroidism. The authors present a case study of three family members with bilateral pheochromocytoma in the course of MEN 2A, a catecholamine crisis being the first manifestation of the syndrome in one of them. Case 1: A 30-year-old man without a history of hypertension or any other chronic medical problems was admitted to the Emergency Department because of a hypertensive crisis that was followed by cardiac arrest. A later diagnosis revealed bilateral pheochromocytoma and RET proto-oncogene mutation in codon 634. The patient underwent bilateral adrenalectomy and total thyroidectomy; the latter confirmed the presence of medullary carcinoma. Case 2: The patient underwent right adrenalectomy with the removal of a pheochromocytoma at the age of sixteen. Ten years later, a suspicion of pheochromocytoma in the remaining left adrenal was raised. Mutation in the RET proto-oncogene was confirmed as well. The patient first underwent left adrenalectomy and then she had total thyroidectomy. Postoperative histopathological examinations revealed pheochromocytoma and medullary carcinoma. Case 3: Radiological and biochemical examination confirmed pheochromocytoma. Therefore, the two adrenals were removed. As mutation in codon 634 was detected, the patient underwent total thyroidectomy as well. The presence of medullary carcinoma was confirmed. Conclusions: Pheochromocytoma is a rare and potentially lethal disease if a catecholamine crisis develops. Its recognition requires further investigation towards genetic syndromes, particularly MEN 2A. (Endokrynol Pol 2015; 66 (5): 462–468)    Wstęp: Zespół mnogich nowotworów gruczołów dokrewnych typu 2 (MEN 2, multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2) jest dziedzicznym zespołem spowodowanym mutacją protoonkkogenu RET. Do MEN 2 zalicza się zespoły: MEN 2A, MEN 2B oraz rodzinnego raka rdzeniastego tarczycy (FMTC, familial medullary thyroid carcinoma). W skład zespołu MEN 2A wchodzą: rak rdzeniasty tarczycy, guz chromochłonny oraz pierwotna nadczynność przytarczyc. Autorzy przedstawiają historię 3 członków rodziny z obustronnym guzem chromochłonnym w przebiegu MEN 2A oraz przełom katecholaminowy będący pierwszą manifestację zespołu u jednego z nich. Przypadek 1: 30-letni mężczyzna dotychczas zdrowy, zgłosił się do Szpitalnego Oddziału Ratunkowego z powodu przełomu nadciśnieniowego, po którym doszło do zatrzymania krążenia. Przeprowadzona diagnostyka ujawniła obustronny guz chromochłonny oraz mutację protoonkogenu RET w kodonie 634. Pacjenta poddano obustronnej adrenalektomii oraz całkowitej tyreidektomii. Pooperacyjne badanie histopatologiczne tarczycy potwierdziło ogniska raka rdzeniastego. Przypadek 2: Chora przeszła prawostronną adrenalektomię z powodu pheochromocytoma. Dziesięć lat później wysunięto podejrzenie pheo w pozostałym nadnerczu. Stwierdzono mutację protoonkogenu RET. Chorą poddano lewostronnej adrenalektomii, a następnie całkowitej tyreidektomii. Pooperacyjne badania histopatologiczne potwierdziły wstępne podejrzenia pheo i raka rdzeniastego. Przypadek 3: Zarówno badania obrazowe, jak i badania laboratoryjne budziły podejrzenie pheochromocytoma. W związku z tym, dwa nadnercza usunięto. Badanie histopatologiczne potwierdziło wstępne rozpoznanie. Po stwierdzeniu mutacji w kodonie 634 pacjent przeszedł ponadto całkowitą tyreidektomię. Stwierdzono ogniska raka rdzeniastego w materiale pooperacyjnym. Wnioski: Pheochromocytoma jest rzadką, a ponadto potencjalnie śmiertelną chorobą, gdy wystąpi przełom katecholaminowy. Rozpoznanie pheochromocytoma nakazuje dalszą diagnostykę w kierunku zespołów genetycznych, w tym MEN 2A. (Endokrynol Pol 2015; 66 (5): 462–468)

    The level of knowledge about first aid rules among high school students

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    First aid is defined as a group of activities directed at a person in a sudden health or life threatening state which is performed by somebody who is present at the site of the incident. First aid skills are taught in high school during the Education for Safety and it is an extension of the subject introduced in junior high school. The aim of the study is to evaluate the level of knowledge of high school students on first aid rules. Material and methods: The studying group consisted of 304 students of I, II and III High School in Zamość (F-60,2%, n=183, M-39,8%, n=121). The survey used self-reported proprietary questionnaire. Results: 94,4% (n=287) of the respondents knew correct chest compression to breathing ratio in cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR). This answer was given significantly more commonly by the students from rural areas than the teenagers living in town (97,2%, n=174 vs 90,4%, n=113 respectively, p=0,01). Respondents living in rural areas also more often were able to describe correct procedure both in case of foreign body embedded in the wound (92,1%, n=163 vs 81,6%, n=102, p=0,01) as well as how to dress the wound (73,7%, n=132 vs 60,8%, n=76, p=0,01). Less than a half of studying group knew appropriate management in case of collapse (29,9%) and in case of first grade burn (49,3%). 46,7% of the respondents knew how to differentiate venous from arterial hemorrhage, and in that area male students were giving the correct answer more often than women (58,7%, n=71 vs 39,2%, n=71 respectively,

    Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumours in patients with von Hippel-Lindau disease

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    Von Hippel-Lindau disease is a highly penetrant autosomal genetic disorder caused by a germline mutation in the tumour suppressor gene, manifesting with the formation of various tumours, including neuroendocrine tumours of the pancreas. The incidence of the latter is not very high, varying from 5% to 18%. To compare, haemangioblastomas and clear cell renal carcinoma are present in 70% of von Hippel-Lindau patients and are considered the main prognostic factors, with renal cancer being the most common cause of death. However, pancreatic neuroendocrine tumours should not be neglected, considering their malignant potential (different to sporadic cases), natural history, and treatment protocol. This paper aims to review the literature on the epidemiology, natural history, treatment, and surveillance of individuals affected by pancreatic neuroendocrine tumours in von Hippel-Lindau disease

    Risk Factors in Normal-Tension Glaucoma and High-Tension Glaucoma in relation to Polymorphisms of Endothelin-1 Gene and Endothelin-1 Receptor Type A Gene

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    The aim of the research is to analyse the influence of polymorphisms of endothelin-1 gene and endothelin-1 receptor type A gene on the clinical condition of patients with primary open angle glaucoma. Methods. 285 Polish patients took part in the research (160 normal-tension glaucoma and 125 high-tension glaucoma). DNA was isolated by standard methods and genotype distributions of four polymorphisms in genes encoding endothelin-1 (K198N) and endothelin-1 receptor type A polymorphisms (C1222T, C70G, and G231A) were determined. Genotype distributions were compared between NTG and HTG groups. The clinical condition of participants was examined for association with polymorphisms. Results. A similar frequency of occurrence of the polymorphic varieties of the studied genes was observed in patients with NTG and HTG. There is no relation between NTG risk factors and examined polymorphisms. NTG patients with TT genotype of K198N polymorphism presented with the lowest intraocular pressure in comparison to GG + GT genotype (p=0.03). In NTG patients with CC genotype of C1222T polymorphism (p=0.028) and GG of C70G polymorphism (p=0.03) the lowest values of mean blood pressure were observed. Conclusions. The studied polymorphic varieties (K198N, C1222T) do have an influence on intraocular pressure as well as arterial blood pressure in NTG patients