1,050 research outputs found

    A note on the existence of positive solutions of singular initial-value problem for second order differential equations

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    We are interested in the existence of positive solutions to initial-value problems for second-order nonlinear singular differential equations. Existence of solutions is proven under conditions which are directly applicable and considerably weaker than previously known conditions

    Analyzing “Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving Fourth-Order Boundary Value Problem”

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    We analyze a previous paper by S. T. Mohyud-Din and M. A. Noor (2007) and show the mistakes in it. Then, we demonstrate a more efficient method for solving fourth-order boundary value problems


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untukmengetahui pelaksanaan pelaksanaan akad pembiayaan musyarakah di BMT Beringharjo Yogyakarta.Selain itu penelitian ini juga untuk mengetahui hambatan dalam pelaksanaan akad pembiayaan musyarakah di BMT Beringharjo Yogyakarta Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Penentuan subjek penelitian menggunakan teknikPurposiveditemukan 3 subjek yaitu analis pembiayaan, Credit Remidial and Legal, serta Tim akad dan teknik snowballuntuk subjek penelitian yaitu mitra BMT. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara dan dokumentasi. Teknik pemeriksaaan keabsahan data menggunakan chross check. Analisis data menggunakan teknik analisis induktif, dengan menggunakantehnik analisis data melalaui tahapan reduksi data, unitisasi dan kategorisasi, display data, pengambilan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalamakad pembiayaan pembiayaan musyarakahdibuat perjanjian baku, sehingga menyebabkan posisi tawar mitra cenderung tidak seimbang. Pada pelaksanaan akad pembiayaan musyarakah di BMT Beringharjo yaitu;(1) praktiknya terdapat beberapa mitra mengangsur sesuai proyeksi bagi hasil. Selain itu juga terdapat mitra yang tidak dapat memenuhi proyeksi bagi hasil; (2) Eksekusi benda jaminan oleh BMT Beringharjo dilakukan, ketika mitra dalam jangka waktu tertentu tidak dapat mengangsur ke BMT Beringharjo Yogyakarta; (3)BMT Beringharjo Yogyakarta memberikan kelonggaran waktu kepada mitra; (4)BMT Beringharjo menuntut mitra membayar biaya penagihan karena mitra lalai dalam mengangsuran. BMT Beringharjo mengeluarkan surat peringatan untuk memberitahu kepada mitra agar membayar pinjaman di BMT Beringharjo Yogyakarta; (5)Jika sampai terjadi perselisihan biasanya pihak BMT Beringharjo dan mitra bermusyawarah terlebih dahulu, akan tetapi jika kedua belah pihak tidak dapat menyelesaikan perselisihan, pihak BMT Beringharjo dan mitra menyelesaikan melalui jalur hukum;(6) Pemantauan terhadap mitra hanya dilakukan yang statusnya diragukan dan macet. Sementara itu BMT Beringharjo kurang memantau mitra yang statusnya diperhatikan atau kurang lancar. Hambatan dalam pelaksanaan akad pembiayaan musyarakah antara lain (1) pembiayaan bermasalah; (2) pembiayaan yang digunakan untuk keperluan lain; (3) mitra yang memanipulasi data; dan (4) pengikat jaminan yang lemah

    Numerical Investigations of parabolic trough collectors using different nanofluids

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    A Singular Initial-Value Problem for Second-Order Differential Equations

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    We are interested in the existence of solutions to initial-value problems for second-order nonlinear singular differential equations. We show that the existence of a solution can be explained in terms of a more simple initial-value problem. Local existence and uniqueness of solutions are proven under conditions which are considerably weaker than previously known conditions

    Sustainable nuclear energy dilemma

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    Sustainable energy development implies the need for the emerging potential energy sources which are not producing adverse effect to the environment. In this respect nuclear energy has gained the complimentary favor to be considered as the potential energy source without degradation of the environment. The sustainability evaluation of the nuclear energy systems has required the special attention to the criteria for the assessment of nuclear energy system before we can make firm justification of the sustainability of nuclear energy systems. In order to demonstrate the sustainability assessment of nuclear energy system this exercise has been devoted to the potential options of nuclear energy development, namely: short term option, medium term option, long term option and classical thermal system option. Criteria with following indicators are introduced in this analysis: nuclear indicator, economic indicator, environment indicator, social indicator... The Sustainability Index is used as the merit for the priority assessment among options under consideration

    Multi-criteria evaluation of hydrogen and natural gas fuelled power plant technologies

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    This paper evaluates nine types of electrical energy generation options with regard to seven criteria. The options use natural gas or hydrogen as a fuel. The Analytic Hierarchy Process was used to perform the evaluation, which allows decision-making when single or multiple criteria are considered. The options that were evaluated are the hydrogen combustion turbine, the hydrogen internal combustion engine, the hydrogen fuelled phosphoric acid fuel cell, the hydrogen fuelled solid oxide fuel cell, the natural gas fuelled phosphoric acid fuel cell, the natural gas fuelled solid oxide fuel cell, the natural gas turbine, the natural gas combined cycle and the natural gas internal combustion engine. The criteria used for the evaluation are CO2 emissions, NOX emissions, efficiency, capital cost, operation and maintenance costs, service life and produced electricity cost. A total of 19 scenarios were studied. In 15 of these scenarios, the hydrogen turbine ranked first and proved to be the most preferred electricity production technology. However since the hydrogen combustion turbine is still under research, the most preferred power generation technology which is available nowadays proved to be the natural gas combined cycle which ranked first in five scenarios and second in eight. The last in ranking electricity production technology proved to be the natural gas fuelled phosphoric acid fuel cell, which ranked in the last position in 13 scenarios
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